react-native run-android installs the wrong project on simulator - react-native

react-native run-android
The build goes well and then it tries to install one of the dependencies (react-native-vector-icons) on the simulator instead of the main app:


Apply post-install patch-package in react-native app final builds

I have a react-native projet, which we had to do some modifications in a node_module package, my modifications works fine when running my app with npx react-native run-android or expo app, but when building the binaries for android with gradle ( ./gradlew assembleRelease) i can't seem to get my patches to be applied..

Install react-native-firebase/app#15.1.1 for ios set up and pod install and run npx react-native run-ios OR build from Xcode BUILD FAILED

Following the official documentation in react native firebase/app#15.1.1 it gives me the build failed error for terminal using the npx react-native run-ios and also from xcode builed both failed to build ...Can someone Provide me the installation for react-native firebase/app along with it react-native firebase/messaging and pushnotification/ios ..i am new to react-native Please help...

react-native run-android not working on ubuntu 16.04

i have a problem with react native in ubuntu, i have installed,
java jdk 8 (both javac --version) as well as echo $JAVA_HOME gives the proper output.
I have also installed android studio and set the android environment variables as well as the tools and echo $ANDROID_HOME gives output of the sdk location.
I have also installed gradle version 4.4.
I am unable to start the android app using react-native run-android. can any one let me know if i have missed something during installation.
And react-native as well as android studio works fine as I am currently using react-native start to start the metro builder as well as the other react-native cli commands. also android studio and gradle is also able to generate debug as well as release apks with no problems.
The error i get,
Scanning folders for symlinks in /home/igate-naveed/Documents/ReactNative/mobile-app-android/node_modules (16ms)
Starting JS server...
Building and installing the app on the device (cd android && ./gradlew installDebug)...
Could not install the app on the device, read the error above for details.
Make sure you have an Android emulator running or a device connected and have
set up your Android development environment:
First of all you need to create a project like this:
react-native init myProjectName
Then, start an emulator from Android Studio... Afterwards:
npm install && npm start
in your project directory, and from another terminal, inside your project directory, run :
react-native run-android
Is this working?
Instead of using the npm install manager, I used yarn and it worked for me. In your project directory, just do:
(project-directory)$ yarn
Update the gradle version.
Create new project:
react-native init projectname
Uninstall the npm pack.
Reinstall the npm pack again.
npm start
react-native start
react-native run-android

How to open and run React-Native app?

I'm new to React and React-Native I'm trying to open a React-native app I cloned from github. I've done a npm install and I did a npm start in the command line. It says: "Running Packager on port 8081" and then a bunch of other builds beneath it. I tried going to local host 8081 and 8081/hot but I can't see the app. Does anyone know how to run and test an react-native app on the browser?
follow the below step
1) Go to project directory
after use this CLI
2) react-native run-android
it can run only either emulator or real device so we can first start the emulator after the try above command
more details see this doc
Inside your project directory for bundle js.
3) react-native start
3) react-native start --reset-cache
After installing packages,
open src folder--->open in terminal
--->$ npm start
react-native run-ios --simulator="iPhone 5s"
If you have an installation with android and ios folders, you should run yarn android or yarn ios.

React-Native Android Release build error: unknown option `--configuration'

So this isn't my first react native app but this is the first time i'm getting this error. I get the usual error when running:
react-native run-android --variant=release
Thats ok because I know it doesn't work. However, this one always use to work:
react-native run-android --configuration=release
But it is just stating: error: unknown option--configuration'`
I've had that issue before. I've done everything on the generate a signed APK web page. I can get a non-release but not the release. I even have the APK from: cd android && ./gradlew assembleRelease
Have you recently upgraded your React Native version?
Because the following only works on version 0.39.x
react-native run-android --configuration=release
Else, just use this
react-native run-android --variant=release