Microsoft azure owner isn't owner - azure-container-service

I am owner of a storage container on microsoft azure but I cannot access the containers and is asking me to talk to the owner which is me. Also I am not able to see any of the access keys which I am linked to any help is appreciated.
Here are the screenshots showing that I am using the owner account and am still getting the following message:
Access denied
You do not have access
Looks like you don't have access to this content. To get access, please contact the owner.

Turns out our subscription was disabled.
I guess this is the default error screen on Azure if you cannot access something which is confusing if you are the listed owner of a service. Should probably inform the owner that their subscription is disabled opposed to telling them to talk to themselves.


Need admin approval unverified This app may be risky. If you trust this app, please ask your admin to grant you access

I have made a web app that using Microsoft Graph api's. when we authenticate user using their personnel account then it work perfectly but when someone use their organizational account then error display which is
"AADSTS65001: The user or administrator has not consented to use the application with ID '29eb2e50-3e2b-45a4-9488-d9b08a34b6f0' named 'testing app'.
Send an interactive authorization request for this user and resource.
Trace ID: 4a665bcf-c19e-48f8-b5c2-056e61aa2d00
Correlation ID: 1ad728bb-6fa2-4f27-ae5e-215f580d2e9e
Timestamp: 2022-09-05 10:46:49Z","error_codes":[65001],"timestamp":"2022-09-05 10:46:49Z","trace_id":"4a665bcf-c19e-48f8-b5c2-056e61aa2d00","correlation_id":"1ad728bb-6fa2-4f27-ae5e-215f580d2e9e","suberror":"consent_required"}
now kindly let me know how can we resolve it. I have done all changes in our azure app which is provided by the internet but still the same error please let me know which permission I should add or which changes are made to resolve this issue thanks.
First, you need to be the administrator of the tenant (if you are not a tenant administrator, you cannot give the administrator permission), you can set up user roles according to Assign Azure AD roles.
1.Log in to as a tenant administrator.
2.Open the registration of your application in the following location.
3.Go to settings and then the required permissions.
4.Press the grant permission button.
Check if the user or organizational account has the required permission granted as seen in the sample below.

Create User via API in Azure AD

GOAL: Create users in Azure Active Directory using our Global Admin account from an API.
PROBLEM: Every single way I try, I get "unauthorized".
I've been focusing mostly on this:
I've tried as outlined here
the "Authorization Bearer {token}" is problematic -- I can't seem to properly retrieve tokens, using any of the built URLs recommended (ie, combining ClientID & TenantID in the URL.)
I've tried the relevant portions of this, including creating the app, setting permissions on the app, trying both Web API and Native. I'm able to get a code back, but using it always comes back with Unauthorized.
As an aside, I am using Nintex to run this web service, as it is part of my workflow. Typically, web services don't give me issues. So, this sucks.
I'm missing something, here. Any thoughts or direction?
UPDATE: Removed the word "method" - bad choice of phrasing.
If you want to use Microsoft Graph explorer to create user as the global admin, you could use POST, and the required permission is:
For the details, you could read Create user.
Global admin runs as a user by default. To grant access to Active Directory, you need to elevate permissions in the portal.
I'm not convinced you have the permissions to create the user, and that's why I think you're getting the error.
Also, try and avoid using Global Admin. Create a Service Principal and provide more granular permissions.

Office 365 Starter Project - Make sure the app is configured with the correct service permissions

I am using the following project:
I set the configurations as requested in the documentation but I am receiving an error after sign in.
Cause Action
AdalException This exception is thrown when either you have a stale O365 access token that can cause authentication errors, or you attempted to access a resource that you don't have permissions to access.
Make sure the app is configured with the correct service permissions in the Services Manager menu. If any of these permissions are not configured, or configured incorrectly, some parts of the app may throw an error. For example Right click the project, select Connected Service..., and ensure the following permissions are set for this app:
(Calendar) – Have full access to users’ calendar and Read users' calendar
(Contacts) – Have full access to users’ contacts and Read users' contacts
(Mail) - Send mail as a user, Read and write access to users' mail, and Read users' mail
(Users and Groups) – Enable sign-on and read users’ profiles.
The permissions are set correctly:
How can I solve this problem?
You are missing the Send permission under the Mail API.
I fixed the problem...I was logging with the developers account without an assigned license. You have to create a new user and ensure that it has the Microsoft Office 365 Developer set as Assigned license.
If not this error would occur:
When making a request as an account that does not have a mailbox, you must specify the mailbox primary SMTP address for any distinguished folder Ids.

"Could not update the configuration for app" error message when adding Office365 Unified Application permissions

I want to get started with the Office365 Unified API , so I decided to register a new web app to our azure directory.
In the section: "permissions to other applications" , I select Office365 unified API(preview)
I only get set delegated permission (I don't have all admin powers in our tenant), so I choose the ones I need (user profiles, sign-in , the exact number does not matter).
When I save the configuration I get the message
Could not update the configuration for app ""
Information tells me:
Unauthorized. You do not have sufficient permissions to access this resource.
The strange is , that when I log out and return to the application in the Azure Portal, I do see those modification in the configuration ?!
Finally when I try to call the REST endpoint (with valid Accesstoken etc..) I get this message:
{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"AADSTS65001: No permission to access user information is configured for 'f1299649-ea20-4cf6-9cd6-afb69d9b5760' application, or it is expired or revoked.\r\nTrace ID: 69ab1a6c-eeda-4351-8e1e-2b774c19a5a0\r\nCorrelation ID: 968a962e-d851-48bb-ad6f-3f05ea7b8efe\r\nTimestamp: 2015-06-18 20:12:15Z","error_codes":[65001],"timestamp":"2015-06-18 20:12:15Z","trace_id":"69ab1a6c-eeda-4351-8e1e-2b774c19a5a0","correlation_id":"968a962e-d851-48bb-ad6f-3f05ea7b8efe","submit_url":null,"context":null}
So maybe the Azure Portal UI is right the first time and those permissions where never stored with the app ?
the application details in tell me this:
This app works with data in your documents. It will be able to:
Read directory data
Sign you in and read your profile
Read all users'basic profiles
Access the directory as you
Read directory data
as you and read your profile
What would be the next step to take to get this to work ?
What is your app trying to do (in terms of access to users, groups etc)?
Access the directory as you is a permission that requires admin consent. The portal unfortunately has a bug that it appears as though you have the permission, but that's not true. That's because there are 2 elements here - configuring the permissions your app needs which drives the consent experience AND the consent grant. The portal (under the covers) tries to consent the app for the permissions it requires within the developer tenant. A non-admin in this case has permissions to update the app configuration, but not to consent for those permissions in their tenant.
Hope this helps,
It is impossible to set permissions to Office 365 Unified API for your application even if you are tenant administrator due to error. I have tried it. Remember that whole Unified API is in Preview mode so there will definitely be other errors.

Domino and Xpage, ask to login to access a database, but not authorized

I opened a demo xsp page and a window popped up asking me to input the name and password to login to the domino server. Then I entered my own id and password created in domino, but it didn't work. Only the Administrator name and its password worked. Anybody knows what's the problem? I already edited the corresponding ACL entries.
In order to use a database in a browser (no matter if classic notes web development or Xpages) one needs to meet several requirements.
First of all you need access to all NSF files that are used in the process.
As mentioned by Richard you either need to be mentioned in the ACL (namely or by group membership, or by setting -Default- and/or Anonymous to a level greater than No access).
AND the ACL has to allow Web- Access by not setting the Maximum Internet Name and Password to No Access
But this is not enough.
To be able to do authentication you do not have an ID- file in the browser.
You need a username and password. This password is NOT the password of your ID- file unless the admins choose to synchronize them using a policy.
It is the password stored in your person document in the names.nsf on the server.
But still these points are not enough yet: If you have access to the server with your username and internet password (can be tested by just trying to login to http://yourServer/names.nsf?open&login), then you might still not be able to access the application if -as umeli pointed out in the comment- the signer of the Xpage- application does not have enough rights to sign the XPages (Server document - security).
You see: There is a lot stuff to check. But if all of these points are OK, then access to the database will not be a problem anymore.
I omitted one reason for not beeing able to login because of your error description: If the Session Authentication on your server is configured for Multiple Servers (SSO) then you need to use the fully qualified internet host name of the server in the URL (or at least a hostname, that contains the SSO- domain), otherwise you will be redirected to the loginpage over and over again, even after supplying the right username / password. But as you wrote about a "Window popping up" I am quite sure, that Session authentication on that server is set to "Disabled"
You could be being rejected because of the
ACL of the NSF file not having the level of access required for operations performed in the code on the Xpage. I know you said you edited the ACL, but bear in mind that access also depends on the 'Maximum Internet Name and Password' setting for the NSF.
ACL in other NSF files that are accessed in the code of the Xpage not having the level of access required for operations performed on it by the code. This also includes the 'Maximum Internet Name and Password' setting.