What is the purpose of integration tests? - orm

Let's suppose we designed data access layer as repository pattern with nhibernate support.
What I wonder is; while testing a repository what are we really testing??
Are we testing Orm does it's job right or the database can run queries as expected?
If I have a repository like; OrderRepository, why should i test Save,Update,FindbyId methods?
I think the only thing needs to be tested is Orm mappings the other things don't make sense to me.
Because Orms like Nhibernate,Entity Framework are mature frameworks so; why would I have to worry about that "context.Add()" or "session.Save()" working or not if mappings done right?

It is indeed possible that there may be no (or very little) return on that investment. Testing is like that sometimes.
It depends on how you define the value of the testing. For some, there's inherent value in chasing that elusive 100% coverage. If there's time to build those tests, great. 100% coverage is a nice warm fuzzy to have. But, as you imply, not all of the tests which brought one there are truly meaningful. Often the primary value in that case is the bragging rights of the 100% coverage metric. (Perhaps a picky client wants to see that number on a report somewhere, for example.)
Or perhaps the integration tests stand as a valuable tool outside the context of the ORM or whatever other tools may be used to build the DAL. If you consider the DAL as a black box from the perspective of a technical-but-non-developer resource, they may want a tool which can test any implementation of the DAL interface and ensure, end to end, that the implementation works in a live environment when properly configured.
Perhaps the entire integration test is really not testing the code per se, but from their perspective is testing that the database and application are mutually properly configured and talking to each other. That person doesn't care about ORMs or mappings, they care that a couple of separate system components on a UML diagram are working together to the extent of the system's specifications. Whether that component uses an ORM, uses manual SQL, or uses magical pixie dust makes no difference to that test.
It really comes down to which role on the team wants the test and what they're actually trying to test/validate.


How to unit test non-public logic

In some cases unit testing can be really difficult. Normally people say to only test your public API. But in some cases this is just not possible. If your public API depends on files or databases you can't unit test properly. So what do you do?
Because it's my first time TDD-ing, I'm trying to find "my style" for unit testing, since it seems there is just not the one way to do so. I found two approaches on this problem, that aren't flawless at all. On the one hand, you could try to friend your assemblies and test the features that are internal. On the other hand, you could implement interfaces (only for the purpose of unit testing) and create fake objects within your unit tests. This approach looks quite nice first but becomes more ugly as you try to transport data using these fakes.
Is there any "good" solution to this problem? Which of those is less flawed? Or is there even a third approach?
I made a couple of false starts in TDD, grappling with this exact same problem. For me the breakthrough came when I realized what my mentor meant when he said : "We don't want to test the framework." (In our case that was the .Net framework).
In your case it sounds as if you have some business logic that interfaces to files and databases. What I would do is to abstract the file and database logic in the thinnest layers possible. You can then use Mock (of fakes or stubs) to simulate the file and database layers. This will allow you to test scenarios like if-my-database-returns-this-kind-of-information-does-my-business-logic-handle-it-correctly? Likewise for file access you can test the code that figures out which file in which path to open and you can test that your logic would be able to pull apart the contents of any given file correctly and able to use it correctly.
If for example your file access layer consists of a single function that takes a path name and a file name and returns the contents of the file in a long string then you don't really need to test it because essentially you are making a single call to the framework/OS and there is not a lot that can go wrong there.
At the moment I am working on a system that wraps our database as a bunch of functions that return lists of POCO's. Easy to understand for the business layer and easy to simulate via mocks.
Working this way takes some getting used to but it is absolutely byoo-ti-full once it clicks in your mind.
Finally, from your question I guess that you are working with legacy code and trying to do TDD for a new component. This is quite a bit harder than doing TDD on a completely new development. If it is at all possible, try to do your first TDD attempts on new (or well isolated) systems. Once you have learnt the mechanics it would be a lot easier to introduce partially TDD'd bits to legacy systems.
If your public API depends on files or databases you can't unit test properly. So what do you do?
There is an abstraction level that can be used.
IFileSystem/ IFileStorage (for files)
IRepository/ IDataStorage (for databases)
Since this level is very thin its integration tests will be easy to write and maintain. All other code will be unit-test friendly because it is easy to mock interaction with filesystem and database.
On the one hand, you could try to friend your assemblies and test the features that are internal.
People face this problem when their classes violates single responsibility principle (SRP) and dependency injection (DI) is not used.
There is a good rule that classes should be tested via their public methods/properties only. If internal methods are used by others then it is acceptable to test them. Private or protected methods should not be made internal because of testing.
On the other hand, you could implement interfaces (only for the purpose of unit testing) and create fake objects within your unit tests.
Yes, interfaces are easy to mock because of limitations of mocking frameworks.
If you can create an instance (fake/stub) of a type then your dependency should not implement an interface.
Sometimes people use interfaces for their domain entities but I do not support them.
To simplify working with fakes there are two patterns used:
Object Mother
Test Data Builder
When I started writing unit tests I started with 'Object Mother'. Now I am using 'Test Data Builder's.
There are a lot of good ideas that can help you in the book Working Effectively with Legacy Code by Michael Feathers.
Don't let the hard stuff get in your way... If it's inherently hard to test due to db or file integration, just ignore it for the moment. Most likely you can refactor that hard to test stuff into easier to test stuff using mocks with Dependency Injection etc... Until then, test the easy stuff and get a good unit test suite built up... when you do the refactoring of the hard to test stuff, you will have a much higher confidence interval that it's not breaking anything else... And refactoring to make something more easily testable IS a good reason to refactor...

Spring-WS 2.0 unit testing without a running backend

I would like to be able to do some unit testing during development in order to catch potential errors when extending/changing the way a given web service (endpoint) works.
I have been looking at EasyMock, and this seems like a viable way to go - but!... I'm using maven (2.0.9) and would like to test e.g. with mvn test, but this requires that my backend is running or that I use EasyMock - which then requires that I can connect to a database (thus this needs some mocking as well). The web services I currently have all retrieve data from a backend base...
As I have 15 or so web services used by different parts of the organization in different versions I would very much like to be able to test that changes doesn't break older versions.
I cannot believe that I'm the first person to have this problem, so any hints, tips, or likewise would be much appreciated.
After comment-based talk :P, it seems that there's no problem actually. The key thing was to understand that some component's dependencies (like database) are just its real implementation dependencies and are not part of its interface. And mocking is about providing alternative implementation, to just satisfy a need for interaction.
In general, as you mentioned, all stuff you depend on in backend need to be mocked (or doubled in general) when unit testing, no matter what this stuff really is. If you depend on some external endpoint, you have to mock it. If you depend on RDBMS, you can mock it too, but probably better test double here would be fake instead of mock, so you can use some in-memory database (like HSQL or H2), assuming you're not using vendor-specific, native SQL in your code. In fact, you're still providing some own, usually simplified implementation of some interfaces, but nowadays you use mocking framework for this. Some time ago, developers write own, hand-crafted mock classes. Even today, it's sometimes really good idea to made own mock without help of mocking framework. Personally I encounter such special situation where this approach fits pretty well.
By the way, two more things. If you consider doing some integration testing as well, Spring WS since 2.0 version provides module spring-ws-test that supports this pretty well by providing really fluent API. For more info look at Spring WS docs, if you're interested. Second thing, if you're just starting with mocking in general, also consider using Mockito. In my opinion, it's really good as well. To be honest, EasyMock is my personal default choice for mocking lib, but I found Mockito similarly easy and powerful. As far as I know, it's prefered by many developers as well and nowadays it's probably more sexy :P.

Dependencies in Acceptance Testing

Me and a co-worker are having a debate. We are on a craptastic legacy project and are slowly adding acceptance tests. He believes that we should be doing the work in the gui/watin then using a low level library to query the database directly for to get an 'end to end' test as he puts it.
We are using NHibernate and I advocate using gui/watin then those nhibernate objects to do the assertions in the acceptance testing. He dislikes the dependency of NHibernate in the test. My assertion was that we have/should have integration tests against the NHibernate objects to make sure they are working with DB the way we intend at which point there is no downside in using them in the acceptance test to assert proper operation. I also think his low level sql dependence will make the tests fragile and duplicate business logic in alot of cases.
Integration testing in our shop basically means its a single component with a dependency e.g. fileRepository/FileSystem Domain-NhibernateObject/Database. Acceptance testing means coming in through the GUI. Unit means all dependencies have/can be mocked/stubbed out and you've got a pure test in memory with only the method under test actually doing any real work. Let me know if my defs are off.
Anyway any articles/docs/parchment with opinions on this subject you can point me at would be appreciated.
The only reason you'd ever automate tests is to make things easier to change. If you weren't changing them, you could get away with manual testing. Tying the tests to the database will make the database much harder to change.
Tying them to the NHibernate objects won't help very much either, I'm afraid!
The users of your system won't be using the database or NHibernate. How do they get the benefit (or provide the benefit to other stakeholders)? How will they be able to tell that it's working well? If you can capture that in the Acceptance Tests, you'll be able to change the underlying code and data while still maintaining the value of your application. If someone generates reports from the data, why not generate the same reports and check that their contents are what you expect? If the data is read by another system, can you get a copy of that system and see what it outputs to its users?
Anyway, that's my opinion - keep acceptance tests as close to the business value as possible - and here's a blog post I wrote which might help. You could also try the Behavior Driven Development group on Yahoo, who have a fair bit of experience amongst them.
Oh, and doing integration tests to check that your (N)Hibernate bindings are good is an excellent idea. Saved us on a couple of projects.

What kinds of tests are there?

I've always worked alone and my method of testing is usually compiling very often and making sure the changes I made work well and fix them if they don't. However, I'm starting to feel that that is not enough and I'm curious about the standard kinds of tests there are.
Can someone please tell me about the basic tests, a simple example of each, and why it is used/what it tests?
Different people have slightly different ideas about what constitutes what kind of test, but here are a few ideas of what I happen to think each term means. Note that this is heavily biased towards server-side coding, as that's what I tend to do :)
Unit test
A unit test should only test one logical unit of code - typically one class for the whole test case, and a small number of methods within each test. Unit tests are (ideally) small and cheap to run. Interactions with dependencies are usually isolated with a test double such as a mock, fake or stub.
Integration test
An integration test will test how different components work together. External services (ones not part of the project scope) may still be faked out to give more control, but all the components within the project itself should be the real thing. An integration test may test the whole system or some subset.
System test
A system test is like an integration test but with real external services as well. If this is automated, typically the system is set up into a known state, and then the test client runs independently, making requests (or whatever) like a real client would, and observing the effects. The external services may be production ones, or ones set up in just a test environment.
Probing test
This is like a system test, but using the production services for everything. These run periodically to keep track of the health of your system.
Acceptance test
This is probably the least well-defined term - at least in my mind; it can vary significantly. It will typically be fairly high level, like a system test or an integration test. Acceptance tests may be specified by an external entity (a standard specification or a customer).
Black box or white box?
Tests can also be "black box" tests, which only ever touch the public API, or "white box" tests which take advantage of some extra knowledge to make testing easier. For example, in a white box test you may know that a particular internal method is used by all the public API methods, but is easier to test. You can test lots of corner cases by calling that method directly, and then do fewer tests with the public API. Of course, if you're designing the public API you should probably design it to be easily testable to start with - but it doesn't always work out that way. Often it's nice to be able to test one small aspect in isolation of the rest of the class.
On the other hand, black box testing is generally less brittle than white box testing: by definition, if you're only testing what the API guarantees in its contracts, then the implementation can change as much as it wants without the tests changing. White box tests, on the other hand, are sensitive to implementation changes: if the internal method changes subtly - or gains an extra parameter, for example - then you'll need to change the tests to reflect that.
It all boils down to balance, in the end - the higher the level of the test, the more likely it is to be black box. Unit tests, on the other hand, may well include an element of white box testing... at least in my experience. There are plenty of people who would refuse to use white box testing at all, only ever testing the public API. That feels more dogmatic than pragmatic to me, but I can see the benefits too.
Starting out
Now, as for where you should go next - unit testing is probably the best thing to start with. You may choose to write the tests before you've designed your class (test-driven development) or at roughly the same time, or even months afterwards (not ideal, but there's a lot of code which doesn't have tests but should). You'll find that some of your code is more amenable to testing than others... the two crucial concepts which make testing feasible (IMO) are dependency injection (coding to interfaces and providing dependencies to your class rather than letting them instantiate those dependencies themselves) and test doubles (e.g. mocking frameworks which let you test interaction, or fake implementations which do everything a simple way in memory).
I would suggest reading at least book about this, since the domain is quite huge, and books tend to synthesize better such concepts.
E.g. A very good basis might be: Software Testing Testing Across the Entire Software Development Life Cycle (2007)
I think such a book might explain better everything than some out of context examples we could post here.
Hi… I would like to add on to what Jon Skeet Sir’s answer..
Based on white box testing( or structural testing) and black box testing( or functional testing) the following are the other testing techniques under each respective category:
Stress Testing
This is used to test bulk volumes of data on the system. More than what a system normally takes. If a system can stand these volumes, it can surely take normal values well.
May be you can take system overflow conditions like trying to withdraw more than available in your bank balance shouldn’t work and withdrawing up to a maximum threshold should work.
Used When
This can be mainly used we your unsure about the volumes up to your system can handle.
Execution Testing
Done in order to check how proficient is a system.
To calculate turnaround time for transactions.
Used when:
Early in the development process to see if performance criteria is met or not.
Recovery Testing
To see if a system can recover to original form after a failure.
A very common e.g. in everyday life is the System Restore present in Windows OS..
They have restore points used for recovery as one would well know.
Used when:
When a user feels an application critical to him/her at that point of time has stopped working and should continue to work, for which he performs recovery.
Other types of testing which you could find use of include:-
Operations Testing
Compliance Testing
Security Testing
FUNCTIONAL TESTING Techniques include:
Requirements Testing
Regression Testing
Error-Handling Testing
Manual-Support Testing
Intersystem testing
Control Testing
Parallel Testing
There is a very good book titled “Effective methods for Software Testing” by William Perry of Quality Assurance Institute(QAI) which I would suggest is a must read if you want to go in depth w.r.t. Software Testing.
More on the above mentioned testing types would surely be available in this book.
There are also two other very broad categories of Testing namely
Manual Testing: This is done for user interfaces.
Automated Testing: Testing which basically involves white box testing or testing done
through Software Testing tools like Load Runner, QTP etc.
Lastly I would like to mention a particular type of testing called
Exhaustive Testing
Here you try to test for every possible condition, hence the name. This is as one would note pretty much infeasible as the number of test conditions could be infinite.
Firstly there are various tests one can perform. The Question is how does one organize it. Testing is a Vast & enjoying process.
Start Testing with
1.Smoke Testing. Once passed , go ahead with Functionality Testing. This is the Backbone of Testing. If Functionality works fine then 80% of Testing is profitable.
2.Now go with User Interface testing. AS at times User Interface is something that attracts the Client more than functionality. It is the look & feel that a client gets more attracted to it.
3.Now its time to have a look on Cosmetics bugs. Generally these bugs are ignored because of time constraint. But these play a major role depending on the page it is found. A spelling mistake turns to be Major when found on Splash Screen Or Your landing page or the App name itself. Hence these can not be overlooked as well.
4.Do Conduct Compatibility Testing. i,e Testing on Various Browsers & browser Versions. May be devices & OS for Responsive applications.
Happy testing :)

BPMS or just plain programming?

What do you prefer (from your developer's point of view) when it comes to implement a business process?
A Business Process Management System (BPMS) or just your favorite IDE with the needed tools and frameworks (a reporting tool for example)?
What is from your point of view the greatest Benefit of a BPMS compared to an IDE with your personal tools and frameworks?
OK. Maybe I should be more specific... I got to know one specific BPMS which should make it easy to implement a business process by configuring rules. But for me as a developer it is hard to work with the system. I would like to work with text files which I can refactor and I would like to be able to choose the right technology or framework for the job I have to do. Instead the system forces me to configure.
There are rules where I can use java, but even then I have to stick to the systems editor without intellisense etc.
So this leads me to the answer of my own question - I would like to use the tools I am used to instead of having to learn how to work with a BPMS (at least the one I know) because it limits me more than it helps. The BPMS I know is a framework from which it is hard to escape! At this time, I would prefer a framework like Grail over any BPMS I know.
So maybe the more specific question is: do you feel the same or are there BPMSes which support you in beeing a developer and think like a developer or do most of them force you to do your job a different way?
In my experience the development environments provided by BPMS systems are third rate, unproductive, and practically force you to write hard to maintain, poorly designed code (due to their limitations). Almost all the "features" (UI, integrations, etc) provided by the BPMS system I'm familiar with (the one sold by that company named for its database) were not worth the money we paid.
If you're forced to use BPMS, as a developer, my advice would be to build as much of your application in a conventional development environment, such as Java or .Net, build as little as possible in the BPMS environment itself, and integrate the two. The only things that should go in the BPMS is the minimum to make the business process work.
Not sure what exactly you ask, but the choice BPM vs. plain programming will depend on the requirements. A "business process" is a relatively vague term in software engineering.
Here are a few criterion to evaluate your needs:
complexity of the rules - Are the decisions/rules embodied in your process simple, complicated, configurable, hard-coded?
volatility of the process - How frequently does your process change? Who should be able to make the change?
integration need - Is your process realized using multiple heterogenous services, or is all implemented in the same language?
synchronous/asynchrounous - Is your process "long-running" with the need to handle asynchronous actions?
human tasks - Does your process involves human interaction, with task being assigned/routed to people according to their roles/responsibilities?
monitoring of the process - What is the level of control you want on the existing process instances being executed? Do you need to audit the actions, etc. ?
error handling - Depending on the previous points, how do you plan to deal with errors, or retry of faulty process execution?
Depending on the answer to these questions, you may realize that your process is closer to a simple state chart with a few actions and decisions that can be executed in a sequence, or you may realize that you need something more elaborated, and that you don't want to re-implement all that yourself.
Between plain programming and a full-fledge BPM solution (e.g. Oracle BPM suite which contains BPEL, rule engine, etc.), there are intermediate solutions such as jBPM or Windows Workflow Foundation and probably a lot of others. These intermediate solution are frequently good trade-off.
I have worked with Biztalk in the past and more recently with JBPM. My opinion is biased against BPMs for the following reasons:
Steep learning curve : To make a process work, I have to understand how the system and the editor works. It is hard enough for a developer to understand the system, let alone a business user. The drag and drop and visual representation is a great demo tool. It certainly impresses managers (who ultimately pay for it), but a developer's productivity just drops.
Non developers changing the workflow : I haven't seen one BPM solution do it flawlessly. Though it doesn't look like code, right click on the box and you do have to put some code, otherwise it is not going to work. So you definitely need a developer to do it. The best part is that it is neither developer friendly nor business user friendly, just demo user friendly.
Testablity and refactoring : It is virtually impossible to test drive a BPMS. You do have 'unit test frameworks' advertised, but most of them are hacks and hard to use. Recently I tried the JBPM one; I ended up writing a lot of glue code and fake workflow handlers to make it work. The deal breaker for me though is refactoring. If the business radically changes it's mind about how a business process should look, then good luck re-arranging the boxes, because just re-arranging them won't work, all the variables bound to the boxes also need to be re-arranged. I would prefer the power of the IDE and tests to refactor my business process.
If your application has workflow, then you could try a workflow library (with or without persistent state). It will still manage your workflows without all the bloat that comes with a BPM. If a business user needs to understand the code, then let the business prepare good process flowcharts and translate them into good domain driven code. Use cucumber style acceptance tests to make bring the developers and business together. A BPM is just something that tries to do too many things and ends up doing all those things badly.
BPMS-- a lot of common business case, use case are already implemented. So you just have to know how to use it. For common workflow, you don't even need to write a single line of code, though mostly you would have to write some scripts to cover things that are not yet implemented.
Plain programming-- just use the IDE to hack out the code. The positive side: more control. The negative? A lot of times are spent on rewriting boilerplate code. And you have to maintain them.
So in a nutshell, I would prefer a Business Process Management System. One that I would recommend is ProcessMaker. It features an intuitive process designer that allows you to design workflow with drag and drop. And you can always write trigger to extend the process functionalities. It's open source as well.