Error in mediactrl_am.cpp while building wxwidgets 3.0.3 with llvm 5.0.0 target x86_64-w64-windows-gnu - wxwidgets

I'v recently compiled wxWidgets 3.0.3 with mingw-w64 7.2.0, but due some problems with exception handling now I'm trying recompile them with llvm 5.0.0 (using x86_64-w64-windows-gnu target, standard library from mingw-w64 7.2.0, 64 bit, seh, posix threads) which has not those problems.
I have not find instructions how to build current stable version (3.0.3) of wxWidgets with Clang on Windows. So I'm trying a command like
mingw32-make.exe -f makefile.gcc MONOLITHIC=1 SHARED=1 BUILD=debug CXXFLAGS=" -fexceptions -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fnon-call-exceptions -std=gnu++11 -pthread " LDFLAGS=" -fexceptions -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fnon_call_exceptions -pthread " CC="clang -target x86_64-w64-windows-gnu" CXX="clang++ -target x86_64-w64-windows-gnu" COMPILER_PREFIX="clang"
in ..\build\msw subdirectory to build one of the possible configurations.
(With mingw-w64 I used also LDFLAGS=" -Wl,--allow-multiple-definition ", possible here will be problems with multiple symbols too. I've also pathched source code as I had problems with wxPrintf)
The first error I have:
../../src/msw/mediactrl_am.cpp:2234:10: error: case value evaluates to
4294966687, which cannot be narrowed to type 'DISPID' (aka 'long')
case 0xfffffd9f: // readystatechange in IActiveMovie2 and IMediaPlayer
1 error generated.
My account on wxWidgets forum not activated yet, so I ask here.
May be somebody knows correct way how to repair this issue?

The obvious fix for this particular problem seems to be to replace this value with -609.
However I need to warn you that, to the best of my knowledge, nobody has compiled wxMSW using clang so far (even though clang can be used for compiling wxGTK and wxOSX, of course), so you may well run into other, less trivial, problems later. I'd also recommend trying to compile the latest git master instead of 3.0.3 as any non-trivial changes that might be required for clang build are unlikely to be done in the stable 3.0 branch.


CMake knows std 20, but g++9 doesn't

I have a project, which cannot be compiled by a fellow, due to an unknown call to a method from the std library.
I suspect that it's due to the fellow's g++ version (9.4.2) because the function was added in the std 20 standard. To test if that is the case I installed g++-9 (Version 9.5.0) and pointed the /usr/bin/g++ symbolic link to g++-9 and stumbled upon another issue (the question).
When I run
$ g++-9 -std=c++20
g++-9: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-std=20’; did you mean ‘-std=c2x’?
g++-9: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated.
I get an error stating, that the std standard version 20 is unknown.
But when I try to generate the build files for an cmake project with the following line in the CMakeLists.txt:
I get no error. But when replacing the 20 with a 23:
I get the error
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:74 (target_compile_features):
target_compile_features The compiler feature "cxx_std_23" is not known to
CXX compiler
version 9.5.0.
Why is the C++20 standard unknown to g++, but known, when generating build files with cmake?
This is some sort of follow up Question:
When I try to compile my project I get the error:
error: ‘std::stringstream’ {aka ‘class std::__cxx11::basic_stringstream<char>’} has no member named ‘view’
and view was added in c++20. Can it be, that view was jet not added in c++2a?
Well... if your compiler is GCC 9.5.0, the reason why CMake says it doesn't know about C++23 is because... it doesn't?
The only thing that's compiler support table says that GCC v9 "knows" about C++23 is "Narrowing contextual conversions in static_assert and constexpr if"
And the reason why you get "g++-9: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-std=20’; did you mean ‘-std=c2x’?" for GCC 9.5.0 is probably just because C++20 support wasn't fully implemented yet. Again, look at the compiler support table in There are lots of core language features and library features for C++20 that GCC didn't implement until version 10 (some even in version 9-13 Ex. "Atomic Compare-And-Exchange with padding bits")
So just do what it told you to do and take what you get, accepting that not all of the C++20 features will be available in GCC 9.5.0.
Or upgrade you compiler :P
The reason why it works with CMake's target_compile_features(... cxx_std_20) is because... CMake handles it.
See Modules/Compiler/GNU-C.cmake:
and Modules/Compiler/GNU-CXX.cmake:
The name of the option for standard C++20 up to GCC 9 is -std=c++2a. According to man gcc:
The next revision of the ISO C++ standard, planned for 2020. Support is highly experimental, and will almost certainly change in incompatible ways in future releases.
So not all features can be expected to be in there.
GCC has a tradition of providing aliases for the not yet released standards or those with incomplete support. GCC 9 only knows c++2a and that became an alias for c++20 with GCC 10.
CMake can handle this. When in doubt what CMake uses as standard (or any other option), take a look in the build directory in flags.make or (depending on which generator you're using).

Building lld on Apple Silicon

I am try to build lld from LLVM version 11 (I can't use any later or master version of LLVM for the time-being) and am currently configuring with cmake ~/Downloads/lld-11.0.0.src/ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/bin/llvm -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$HOME/bin/llvm -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G Ninja but ninja install then fails with 20 errors that I think are all standard library related (such as "unknown type name 'constexpr'" and "no template named 'underlying_type_t' in namespace 'std'; did you mean 'underlying_type'?").
The compiler cmake is using by default is Apple Clang 12 which came with my system (or was installed automatically). What other flags should I pass to cmake to get this working? Or do I need to use a different compiler? LLVM 11 configures and builds fine with the same cmake flags.
For anyone else experiencing similar issues: Building LLVM, lld and clang from the monorepo all in one go worked. I had to add -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="clang;lld" to the cmake command.

CMake idiom for overcoming libstdc++ filesystem weirdness?

If you build C++14 code with G++ and libstdc++, there's a library named libstdc++fs, which is separate from the rest of libstdc++, and contains the code for std::experimental::filesystem. If you don't link against it, you'll get undefined references.
The "trick" I'm using for overcoming this right now is:
and later:
target_link_libraries(my_target PUBLIC ${CXX_FILESYSTEM_LIBRARIES})
but - I don't like having to place this code in every project I work on. Is there a simpler or more standard idiom I could use? Some way this will all happen implicitly perhaps, with some CMake behind-the-scences magic?
tl;dr: Nothing right now, wait for a newer CMake version
As #Pedro graciously points out, this is a known problem, and there is an open issue about it at KitWare's GitLab site for CMake:
Portable linking for C++17 std::filesystem
If using CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17 and std::filesystem, GCC requires linking of an extra library: stdc++fs. ... If C++17 is enabled, would it be worth automatically linking to stdc++fs for GCC versions which require this? Likewise for any quirks in other compilers or libraries.
The KitWare issue is about C++17, for which apparently you still need the separate extra library (i.e. it's not just because of the "experimentality" in C++14). Hopefully we'll see some traction on this matter - but
Note: If you're experiencing this problem with C++17's std::filesystem, you're in luck - that code is built into libstdc++ beginning with GCC 9, so if you're using g++ 9 or later, and std::filesystem, you should no longer experience this problem.

How to make CMake use specified compiler?

I'm currently using Fedora 30.
First I've already set CMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++ and CMake output says it's using clang. However when I use make to actually build the project gcc is selected instead of clang.
In previous versions this problem can be solved by setting CCACHE_CC=clang++ but it's not working now.Can anyone help please?
OK. I figured out that it was nvcc that it uses gcc by default. nvcc default compiler can be changed by the following command.
nvcc --compiler-bindir /usr/bin/clang++
Force clearing the cmake cache to regenerate the build system.
make rebuild_cache

How do I compile objective-C in code blocks?

I downloaded Codeblocks bundled with GCC from here
The C part is running fine
I read this wiki tutorial which says having GCC will allow me to compile objective C by just adding -lobjc to the compiler options
However, I have followed the steps mentioned in this tutorial and added the -lobjc option, but it doesn't compile
This is the build error message I get in codeblocks:
-------------- Build: Debug in test_prog_proj (compiler: GNU GCC Obj-C Compiler)---------------
mingw32-gcc.exe -Wall -g -c D:\backup\cb_files\objc_files\test_prog_proj\test_prog.m -o obj\Debug\test_prog.o
mingw32-gcc.exe: error: CreateProcess: No such file or directory
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minute(s), 2 second(s))
1 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 2 second(s))
As shown above, it does not show the -lobjc option
I have also tried manually compiling the above program in Windows cmd by going into the folder containing the .m file. I gave the following command:
mingw32-gcc.exe -Wall -g -c D:\backup\cb_files\objc_files\test_prog_proj\test_prog.m -o obj\Debug\test_prog.o -lobjc
But I get the same error in cmd
mingw32-gcc.exe: error: CreateProcess: No such file or directory
I also tried
gcc -g -fgnu-runtime -O -c some_class.m
that I got from here, but it gives me the same CreateProcess error. How do I start compiling Objective C code in Windows (preferably using GCC and Codeblocks) ?
--- EDIT 1 ---
I did as suggested in Mike Kinghan's answer below, and uninstalled my older Codeblocks instgallation, then reinstalled MinGW and codeblocks separately. The Codeblocks uninstall removed the Codeblocks folder in Program Files, but when I reinstalled Codeblocks again (version without MinGW bundled together), the "GNU GCC Obj-C" settings I made with the previous installation was still there, along with the -lobjc flag in the "linker settings" tab.
However, the problem is that it's still not working. I get the following error if I try to build from Codeblocks
Goto "Settings->Compiler...->Global compiler settings->GNU GCC Obj-C Compiler->Toolchain executables" and fix the compiler's setup.
Tried to run compiler executable 'C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW/bin/mingw32-gcc.exe', but failed!
Skipping... Nothing to be done (all items are up-to-date).
This is what Toolchains executable looks like:
If I try to compile it from cmd by going in to the folder with the .m file and issuing the command
mingw32-gcc.exe -Wall -g -c D:\backup\cb_files\objc_files\test_prog_proj\test_prog.m -o obj\Debug\test_prog.o -lobjc
it gives the error
mingw32-gcc.exe: error: CreateProcess: No such file or directory
What is the problem here?
--- EDIT 2 ---
Following the suggestion in Mike Kinghan's answer I deleted the old instance of "GNU GCC Obj-C Compiler" in the list of compiliers, and recreated with the current version of "GNU GCC Compiler"
However, the program still does not work. This is the message I get in the build log:
-------------- Build: Debug in test_prog_proj (compiler: GNU GCC Obj-C Compiler)---------------
Linking stage skipped (build target has no object files to link)
Nothing to be done (all items are up-to-date).
Cleaning the project and then building it again gives the same message. Trying to run the project anyway gives me a dialog box saying the project is not built, and clicking on Yes to build the project just pops the same "project not built yet" dialog box up again. The file icons in the Workspace tree of the Projects tab also seem to be grayed out:
This is what Toolchain Executable looks like:
I have added -lobjc in Linker Settings as mentioned here as well.
I right clicked the project icon in the Project tree, went to Build Options and added -lobjc in the Linker Settings as well:
What is the problem with this project at the moment?
--- EDIT 3 ---
I ended up completely uninstalling Codeblocks (uninstall from windows start menu, delete codeblocks folder in %APPDATA%), uninstalling MinGW (deleting the c:\MinGW folder) and reinstalling everything from scratch. I followed all the instructions in the Wiki (except the Troubleshooting section, but I think that part is irrelevant) and it still doesn't work (same problem as described in Edit 2 in this post).
How do I get Codeblocks to detect and compile obj-C code? Also, it is not showing me the compiler command line arguments when I try to build it from the Codeblocks interface. Why is this and how can I get it to show me whatever the full command line it is using?
The GCC program we loosely call the "the compiler" - [mingw32-](gcc|g++) -
is actually a compiler/linker frontend that invokes a real language
compiler and/or linker depending on what the input files and commandline options
indicate you want it to do.
Input files with an .m extension indicate they are Objective C source files
that are to be compiled with the GNU Objective C compiler, cc1obj. But you
haven't got it. Hence the failure you see.
A GCC installation will include the C compiler cc1 and, optionally, compilers
for other languages - C++, Fortran, Objective (C|C++), Go ... You say you got your MinGW GCC installation as
bundled with Code::Blocks. That bundled MinGW omits the Objective C compiler, cc1obj , because the maintainers
reckon it a niche language.
Best remove your CB installation and bundled MinGW and then install MinGW GCC independently from
one of the rival projects:-
Run the installer and ensure that you get Objective C as well as any other compilers you
After that, replace your CB installation it with the codeblocks-17.12-setup.exe installer (not codeblocks-17.12mingw-setup.exe),
from This installer includes no compilers and
will auto-detect your MinGW installation.
Then proceed as you already did to create a GNU GCC Obj-C compiler setup in the CB IDE.
Later ... still not working
Your GNU GCC Obj-C compiler-setup has persisted from your previous
CB install and has been rendered out-of-date by the fact that your
new MinGW installation is no longer part of Code::Blocks. As you see,
it still looks for the toolchain executables in C:\Program Files\Codeblocks\MinGW,
whereas your new MinGW is somewhere else.
When you reinstalled Code::Blocks you should have seen its attempt to auto-detect compilers,
and that it detected your MinGW toolchain in (say) C:\MinGW. It will have configured
a compiler setup for GNU GCC Compiler on that basis, with the correct path to
the toolchain executables. But it will not have modified any persisting compiler setups that
you created yourself, such as GNU GCC Obj-C.
First check that the auto-detected setup GNU GCC Compiler is good just
by creating a "Hello world" C console project and seeing that you can build it.
I assume you'll be able to, but if not, then go into the GNU GCC Compiler setup
yourself and manually set the Compiler's installation directory correctly.
Then, set the same Compiler's installation directory for your GNU GCC Obj-C
compiler setup.