target_compile_definitions for multiple CMake targets? - cmake

I've been told it's bad practice to do things like seting CFLAGS directly in CMake, and that, instead, I should use the target_compile_definitions() command.
Ok, but - what if I want to use similar/identical definitions for multiple (independent) targets? I don't want to repeat myself over and over again.

I see three possible ways:
The preferred one using target_compile_definitions(... INTERFACE/PUBLIC ...) which would self-propagate the compiler definitions to targets depending on it via target_link_libraries() command.
Using the set_property(TARGET target1 target2 ... APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS ...) to set the same definitions to multiple targets.
You may still use the "old commands" of add_definitions() and remove_definitions() to modify COMPILE_DEFINITIONS directory property (which would pre-set all COMPILE_DEFINITIONS target properties in this directories scope).
Is Cmake set variable recursive?
CMake: Is there a difference between set_property(TARGET ...) and set_target_properties?

tl;dr: You can iterate the targets in a loop.
If you have a bunch of targets with some common/similar features, you may want to simply manipulate them all in a loop! Remember - CMake is not like GNU Make, it's a full-fledged scripting language (well, sort of). So you could write:
foreach(TARGET ${my_targets})
add_executable(${TARGET} "${TARGET}.cu")
target_compile_options(${TARGET} PRIVATE "--some_option=some_value")
target_link_libraries(${TARGET} PRIVATE some_lib)
# and so on
And you could also initialize an empty list of targets, then add to it here-and-there, and only finally apply your common options and settings to all of them, centrally.
Note: In this example I added PRIVATE compile options, but if you need some of them to propagate to targets using your targets, you can make them PUBLIC).

another neat solution is to define an interface library target (a fake target that does not produce any binaries) with all required properties and compiler definitions, then link the other existing targets against it
add_library(myfakelib INTERFACE)
target_compile_definitions(myfakelib INTERFACE MY_NEEDED_DEFINITION)
add_executable(actualtarget1 main1.cpp)
add_executable(actualtarget2 main2.cpp)
TARGET actualtarget1 actualtarget2


is it possible to make target shared library file name variable according to environment variable in cmake?

I'm not familar with cmake but in CMakeLists.txt we set the target shared library name like this.
add_library( mylib SHARED ${source_list} )
This generates and other settings in CMakeLists.txt are defined for mylib like
about the mylib
and also we can use shell environment variable to do some selective settings like
target_compile_definitions( mylib PRIVATE -DQQQ -D... )
Also it is possible to use shell environment variable to do some selective things.
if(defined env{MYVAR})
I would be happy if I could set the target shared library name as a variable according to the environment variable and use that selected name variable as the shared library name in all other settings. In other words, is it possible to do things like below?
if (defined ENV{FOR_QEMU})
set_name(target_name "simlib_qemu")
else ()
set_name(target_name "simlib")
endif ()
add_library(target_name SHARED ${source_list} )
target_compile_definitions( target_name PRIVATE -DQQQ -D... )
You can set the output name of a target to anything you like via:
set_target_properties(target_name PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME "whatever")
Then instead of, you'll get You would continue to refer to the target as target_name in your CMakeLists.txt.
However, since this will only work during configure time anyway, I strongly urge you to use a normal CMake variable instead. You may initialize it from the environment if it is not set, like so:
option(FOR_QEMU "Enable if building with Qemu support" "$ENV{FOR_QEMU}")
add_library(simlib SHARED ${source_list})
target_compile_definitions(simlib PRIVATE -DQQQ -D...)
set_target_properties(target_name PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME "simlib_qemu")
endif ()
This way, the CMake variable FOR_QEMU is the de-facto control and it is initialized on the first execution if the matching env-var is set. It will also appear with documentation in the cache, so other developers may query the build system directly for all its configuration points. Bear in mind: CMake is not Make and reading from the environment on every configure is a surprising behavior and generally bad practice.

How to duplicate cmake target

I am writing function in my cmake project that needs to make two targets from one, and alter slightly one of them:
option(BORG_STRIP_TEST_BINARIES OFF "Strip symbols from test binaries to reduce disk space usage" )
function(add_borg_test target)
add_test(${target} ${target} --gtest_color=yes)
# copy target, but make it optional
duplicate_target(FROM ${target} TO ${target}_debug )
set_target_properties(${target}_debug PROPERTIES EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL TRUE)
# alter
target_link_options(${target} PRIVATE -s)
So this is supposed to work like this:
I create binary target that uses gtest. Set up all target_link_libraries and everything. Example name example-utests
instead add generic add_test, I use custom add_borg_test
now example-utests links with flag -s and is included in all target.
example-utests_debug is NOT included in all target but when requested explicitly, it links without -s.
How to implement duplicate_target from above code snippet?

Remove library added with link_libraries()

How do I remove libraries added with link_libraries()?
Yes, I know I should use target_link_libraries(). I can`t because I must link a library to every future target. See this. The library is CMake built.
This should be invisible to the C++/CMake developer. He should not have to worry about this lib.
add_library(link-to-all a.cpp)
add_executable(e1 e1.cpp) # with link-to-all
add_executable(e2 e2.cpp) # with link-to-all
unlink_libraries(link-to-all) #does not exist!
add_executable(e3 e3.cpp) # without link-to-all
# all further targets link without link-to-all!
In my case link-to-all is a library with implementation for coverage checking functions. It is enabled depending on a configuration option and should be implicitly used for all coming targets. Coverage analysis may be disabled for specific targets, so I want to be able to disable it.
The coverage is enabled by prepending CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILE_OBJECT and disabled by removing the prefix. Afaik this cannot be done target specific, only global for coming targets. So unlink_libraries() would be a function that i can call symmetrically.
# alternative with loosing target information/dependency
# prepend_system_libs(<path>/libcov.a)
# reset_system_libs()
I could use CMAKE_<LANG>_STANDARD_LIBRARIES, (and also remove it there) but I would need the LOCATION of the library (generator expression: TARGET) in there. But I would also lose the interfaces of link-to-all. Also, that would probably remove the build dependencies.
While I agree with #Guillaume, I'll combine the suggestions into an answer, as the linked answer is not very clear. As #Tsyvarev confirmed in the CMake source, the link_libraries() call sets the LINK_LIBRARIES target property; the target_link_libraries() call does the same. While your executable e3 will initially be set to link with all libraries, you can remove one (or multiple) libraries from the list using a combination of get_target_property() and set_property(). Here is an example to demonstrate how:
# Library to be linked to all targets.
add_library(link-to-all a.cpp)
# Library to be linked to (almost) all targets.
add_library(link-to-almost-all b.cpp)
link_libraries(link-to-all link-to-almost-all)
# Gets our link-everywhere libraries. Oops!
add_executable(e3 test.cpp)
# Get the LINK_LIBRARIES property for this target.
get_target_property(E3_LINKED_LIBS e3 LINK_LIBRARIES)
message("Libraries linked to e3: ${E3_LINKED_LIBS}")
# Remove one item from the list, and overwrite the previous LINK_LIBRARIES property for e3.
list(REMOVE_ITEM E3_LINKED_LIBS link-to-almost-all)
# Verify only one library is now linked.
get_target_property(E3_LINKED_LIBS_NEW e3 LINK_LIBRARIES)
message("Libraries linked to e3: ${E3_LINKED_LIBS_NEW}")
The messages printed here confirm the library was removed from the LINK_LIBRARIES target property for e3:
Libraries linked to e3: link-to-all;link-to-almost-all
Libraries linked to e3: link-to-all
As an additonal answer I repeat what I commented on squarekittles answer (for future reference):
You should use the target property <LANG>_COMPILER_LAUNCHER instead of CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILE_OBJECT. It can be set on target base.

Different linker options for each executable

I would like to create two separate executable from the same source files but with different linker parameters.
With the lines above, I can generate one executable without problem:
set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} --specs=nano.specs -T libs.ld -T mem.ld -T sections.ld -L\"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/script\" -Wl,-Map,${MAP_NAME}")
target_link_libraries(${ELF_NAME} PRIVATE liba libb libc)
When I add the following two lines at the end of the code above, I can very well generate the second executable (with the same linker flags) besides the first one without problem:
add_executable(${ELF2_NAME} ${PRJ1_SOURCE_FILES} ${PRJ1_HEADER_FILES})
target_link_libraries(${ELF2_NAME} PRIVATE liba libb libc)
But my problem is that I have to generate the second executable (at the same time with the first one) with different linker parameters. I don't want to use conditional statements to generate one after another. My goal is to automate the process.
How can achieve this?
Use set_target_properties with LINK_FLAGS property. From set_target_properties manual:
set_target_properties(target1 target2 ...
PROPERTIES prop1 value1
prop2 value2 ...)
Set properties on a target.
See Properties on Targets for the list of properties known to CMake.
In the link properties on targets we can find LINK_FLAGS:
Additional flags to use when linking this target.
The LINK_FLAGS property can be used to add extra flags to the link step of a target. LINK_FLAGS_ will add to the configuration , for example, DEBUG, RELEASE, MINSIZEREL, RELWITHDEBINFO.
So use something similar to:
set_target_properties(${ELF_NAME} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS " --specs=rdimon.specs")
While Kamil answer is good for now, I believe question you're asking for is properly addressed in upcoming CMake v3.13.
target_link_options was introduced for that purpose,
"Specify link options to use when linking a given target. The named must have been created by a command such as add_executable() or add_library() and must not be an ALIAS target."

Changing CMake compiler flags for multiple source files using asterisks

I'm trying to debug a problem related to compiler optimisation (no issue with -O2 or below, segfault with -O3) and I'd like to be able to switch the compiler flags for a chunk of my source so I can try to narrow down where the segfault is coming from.
I can do this setting the global optimisation level to -O2, and altering the PROPERTIES for single files like so:
However, when I try to do this for multiple files using *.f90 for example, it seems to not work:
Is there any way to do this for multiple files without specifying every file by name?
You can glob for a list of files:
file(GLOB MyFiles *.f90)
set_property(SOURCE ${MyFiles} PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS -O3)
Alternatively, you could set the COMPILE_FLAGS target property of the respective target instead. Usually, it does not make much sense to compile certain source files with different compile flags than others within the same target. So unless you have good reason to do this on a per-file basis, you should always use the target properties instead.
Just adding to #ComicSansMS correct answer.
You could also use SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES this way:
file(GLOB MyFiles *.f90)
This code will have the same effect as
file(GLOB MyFiles *.f90)
set_property(SOURCE ${MyFiles} PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS -O3)