G++ 5.4.0 (Ubuntu): OpenMP atomic write fails to compile - g++

Running G++ 5.4.0 with Ubuntu 16.04.4,
#pragma omp atomic
arr[index] = number;
Fails with the following error:
invalid form of '#pragma omp atomic' before ';' token
However, this should work according to the IBM open mp documentation:
>>-#--pragma--omp atomic--+---------+--------------------------->
What is going wrong here?

You must specify either read or write to such a statement. The default for omp atomic is update, which is not applicable to your statement:
The valid expressions are listed in the OpenMP standard.
If atomic-clause is read:
v = x;
If atomic-clause is write:
x = expr;
If atomic-clause is update or not present:
x binop= expr;
x = x binop expr;
x = expr binop x;


Export COMMON block from DLL with gfortran

I am having trouble correctly accessing a variable in a Fortran DLL from a Fortran EXE when the variable is part of a COMMON block.
I have a trivial code simple.f90 which I compile into a DLL using MSYS64/MinGW-w64 gfortran 9.2 as
x86_64-w64-mingw32-gfortran simple.f90 -o simple.dll -shared
! simple.f90
module m
implicit none
integer :: a, b
!common /numbers/ a, b
end module
subroutine init_vals
use m
implicit none
a = 1
b = 2
end subroutine
This library is used from a even simpler program prog.f90, compiled as
x86_64-w64-mingw32-gfortran prog.f90 -o prog -L. -lsimple
! prog.90
program p
use m
implicit none
print *, 'Before', a, b
call init_vals
print *, 'After', a, b
end program
When the COMMON block /numbers/ is commented out, the code works and prints the expected result:
Before 0 0
After 1 2
However, when I uncomment the COMMON block, the output becomes
Before 0 0
After 0 0
as if the variables used by the program were suddenly distinct from those used in the library.
Both variants work equally well in a Linux-based OS with gfortran 9.1.
I am aware that "On some systems, procedures and global variables (module variables and COMMON blocks) need special handling to be accessible when they are in a shared library," as mentioned here: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.9.0/gfortran/GNU-Fortran-Compiler-Directives.html . However, I was not able to insert a statement of the type
anywhere in the code without being snapped at by the compiler.
As pointed out by M. Chinoune in the comment, current gfortran lacks the ability to import common blocks from DLLs. Even though there has been a patch for some time, it is not yet merged. In the end, I needed two things to make the above code work:
First, apply the following patch to GCC 9.2 and compile the compiler manually in MSYS2:
--- gcc/fortran/trans-common.c.org 2019-03-11 14:58:44.000000000 +0100
+++ gcc/fortran/trans-common.c 2019-09-26 08:31:16.243405900 +0200
## -102,6 +102,7 ##
#include "trans.h"
#include "stringpool.h"
#include "fold-const.h"
+#include "attribs.h"
#include "stor-layout.h"
#include "varasm.h"
#include "trans-types.h"
## -423,6 +424,9 ##
/* If there is no backend_decl for the common block, build it. */
if (decl == NULL_TREE)
+ unsigned id;
+ tree attribute, attributes;
if (com->is_bind_c == 1 && com->binding_label)
decl = build_decl (input_location, VAR_DECL, identifier, union_type);
## -454,6 +458,23 ##
gfc_set_decl_location (decl, &com->where);
+ /* Add extension attributes to COMMON block declaration. */
+ if (com->head)
+ {
+ attributes = NULL_TREE;
+ for (id = 0; id < EXT_ATTR_NUM; id++)
+ {
+ if (com->head->attr.ext_attr & (1 << id))
+ {
+ attribute = build_tree_list (
+ get_identifier (ext_attr_list[id].middle_end_name),
+ attributes = chainon (attributes, attribute);
+ }
+ }
+ decl_attributes (&decl, attributes, 0);
+ }
if (com->threadprivate)
set_decl_tls_model (decl, decl_default_tls_model (decl));
Second, only the line
was needed in the main program (right after implicit none), but not any exports anywhere. This is apparently a different syntactical approach then in Intel Fortran, where one imports the COMMON block rather than its constituents. I also found out that I needed to import both a and b even if I only needed b. (When only a was needed, importing a only was enough.)

Redefining operator precedence in a module for exported predicate

I would like to write a module that exports a predicate where the user should be able to access a predicate p/1 as a prefix operator. I have defined the following module:
:- module(lala, [p/1]).
:- op(500, fy, [p]).
and load it now via:
?- use_module(lala).
Unfortunately, a query fails:
?- p X.
ERROR: Syntax error: Operator expected
ERROR: ** here **
After setting the operator precedence properly, everything works:
?- op(500, fy, [p]).
?- p X.
X = comment ;
X = ca ;
X = va.
I used SWI Prolog for my output but the same problem occurs in YAP as well (GNU Prolog does not support modules). Is there a way the user does not need to set the precedence themselves?
You can export the operator with the module/2 directive.
For example:
:- module(lala, [p/1,
op(500, fy, p)]).
Since the operator is then also available in the module, you can write for example:
p comment.
p ça.
p va.
where p is used as a prefix operator.

Is there any way to enable n+k patterns in Frege?

In Haskell I have to start ghci with -XNPlusKPatterns or add {-# LANGUAGE NPlusKPatterns #-} in source file to make this work:
pred :: Int -> Int
pred 0 = 0
pred (n + 1) = n
Is n+k pattern deliberately passed over in Frege or there exists a way to enable it?
No, (n+k) patterns were already obsolete when frege was written, so they're not included.

How to enable hints and warnings in the online REPL

I figured that I can do it on the command line REPL like so:
java -jar frege-repl-1.0.3-SNAPSHOT.jar -hints -warnings
But how can I do the same in http://try.frege-lang.org
Hints and warnings are already enabled by default. For example,
frege> f x = f x
function f :: α -> β
3: application of f will diverge.
Perhaps we can make it better by explicitly saying it as warning or hint (instead of colors distinguishing them) something like:
[Warning] 3: application of f will diverge.
and providing an option to turn them on/off.
There was indeed an issue (Thanks Ingo for pointing that out!) with showing warnings that are generated in a later phase during the compilation. This issue has been fixed and the following examples now correctly display warnings in the REPL:
frege> h x = 0; h false = 42
function h :: Bool -> Int
4: equation or case alternative cannot be reached.
frege> f false = 6
function f :: Bool -> Int
5: function pattern is refutable, consider
adding a case for true

gcc transformation pass for ackermann

gcc (I tried 4.7.2 on Mac and Linux with -O3 flag) optimizes ackermann function to a single call with a big local stack. An example Ackermann code below:
int ack(int m,int n){
if(m == 0) return n+1;
if(n == 0) return ack(m-1,1);
return ack(m-1,ack(m,n-1));
When disassembled, there is only one recursive call to ack function, instead of two calls (I couldn't parse what is going on -ack is now transformed by gcc into a function with 8 arguments, and local stack of 49 int and 9 char). I tried to look up what kind of transformation passes gcc did to optimize Ackermann function to a single call, but didn't find anything of interest. I will appreciate pointers on what major transformation passes gcc performed to convert the deeply recursive Ackermann to a single recursive call. LLVM gcc (I tried v4.2 on mac) doesn't reduce it to single recursive call yet, and is 4x slower with -O3 flag. This optimization seems very interesting.
The first pass is tail-call elimination. GCC does this at most optimization levels. Essentially, all function calls in tail position are transformed into goto's, like this:
int ack(int m, int n) {
if (m == 0) return n + 1;
if (n == 0) { m -= 1; n = 1; goto begin; }
n = ack(m, n-1); m -= 1; goto begin;
Now there is only one recursive call remaining and GCC, at -O3 level only, inlines this for a couple of iterations. Resulting in the huge monster you saw.