Is it possible to trigger programmatically a ember mirage request response - testing

I use Ember mirage in my tests. I need to check the state of my tested component after a request has been send but before the respond has been received.
How it is possible to configure my test to avoid the mirage server responds automatically and trigger the response programmatically?
I used to do that with sinonjs but I do not find the way to manage this use case with Ember mirage. It is possible?
You can add a handler like this inside your test:
server.get('/users/:id', function(db, request) {
console.log(request) // to debug request/response
return db.users.find(;

If I understand your question correctly, you are trying to test a situation on the page (acceptance test) when data were sent to the server but the response still did not arrive.
It is possible to access server instance in your test, so it is not that complicated to create your own method that will pause/resume responding but the simpler option (that I use as well) is just to postpone response from mirage using timing option ( Then, when you do your tests before andThen() you should be in a situation that you wish to test.

you can access the underlying pretender instance and the fact that mirage just passes the timing parameter straight through to the pretender request.
Unfortunately pretender doesn't have docs for requestReferences and requiresManualResolution(verb, path), but this helper function will process all outstanding manual requests
function resolveManualPretenderRequests(pretender) {
pretender.requestReferences.forEach((ref) => {
if (pretender.requiresManualResolution(ref.request.method, ref.request.url)) {
Then you can just use mirage to register a manual request handler
server.get('/models:id', { timing: true });
so in an example test, you can use the ember test helper waitFor() to do something like
test('button is disabled while loading', async function(assert) {
// passing true to timing tells the underlying pretender handler wait for the request to be manually processed
server.get('/models/:id', { timing: true });
// await render will wait for promises to settle, but we actually don't want that
const renderPromise = render(hbs`<MyComponent />`);
// the waitFor() helper instead will allow us to just wait for our button to render
await waitFor('button');
const button = this.element.querySelector('button');
// since the request has not resolved yet, the button is disabled
assert.strictEqual(button.disabled, true);
// then we manually resolve the request
// now we can await the render so that we get our updated button state
await renderPromise;
// with the request resolved, now the button is no longer disabled
assert.strictEqual(button.disabled, false);


Vue PWA caching routes in advance

I'm hoping someone can tell me if I'm barking up the wrong tree. I have built a basic web app using Vue CLI and included the PWA support. Everything seems to work fine, I get the install prompt etc.
What I want to do, is cache various pages (routes) that user hasn't visited before, but so that they can when offline.
The reason here is that I'm planning to build an app for an airline and part of that app will act as an in flight magazine, allowing users to read various articles, however the aircrafts do not have wifi so the users need to download the app in the boarding area and my goal is to then pre cache say the top 10 articles so they can read them during the flight.
Is this possible? and is PWA caching the right way to go about it? Has anyone does this sort of thing before?
Thanks in advance
To "convert" your website to an PWA, you just need few steps.
You need to know that the service worker is not running on the main thread and you cant access for example the DOM inside him.
First create an serviceworker.
For example, go to your root directory of your project and add a javascript file called serviceworker.js this will be your service worker.
Register the service worker.
To register the service worker, you will need to check if its even possible in this browser, and then register him:
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
navigator.serviceWorker.register('/serviceworker.js').then(function(registration) {
// Registration was successful
console.log('ServiceWorker registration successful with scope');
}, function(err) {
// registration failed :(
console.log('ServiceWorker registration failed: ', err);
In vue.js you can put this inside mounted() or created() hook.
If you would run this code it will say that the service worker is successfully registered even if we havent wrote any code inside serviceworker.js
The fetch handler
Inside of serviceworker.js its good to create a variable for example CACHE_NAME. This will be the name of your cache where the cached content will be saved at.
var CACHE_NAME = "mycache_v1";
self.addEventListener('fetch', function(event) {
event.respondWith( {
return cache.match(event.request).then(function (response) {
return response || fetch(event.request).then(function(response) {
cache.put(event.request, response.clone());
return response;
Everytime you make a network request your request runs through the service worker fetch handler here first. You need to response with event.respondWith()
Next step is you first open your cache called mycache_v1 and take a look inside if there is a match with your request.
Remember: cache.match() wont get rejected if there is no match, it just returns undefined because of that there is a || operator at the return statement.
If there is a match available return the match out of the cache, if not then fetch() the event request.
In the fetch() you save the response inside the cache AND return the response to the user.
This is called cache-first approach because you first take a look inside the cache and in case there is no match you make a fallback to the network.
Actually you could go a step further by adding a catch() at your fetch like this:
return response || fetch(event.request).then(function(response) {
cache.put(event.request, response.clone());
return response;
.catch(err => {
return fetch("/offline.html")
In case there is nothing inside the cache AND you also have no network error you could response with a offline page.
You ask yourself maybe: "Ok, no cache available and no internet, how is the user supposed to see the offline page, it requires internet connection too to see it right?"
In case of that you can pre-cache some pages.
First you create a array with routes that you want to cache:
var PRE_CACHE = ["/offline.html"];
In our case its just the offline.html page. You are able to add css and js files aswell.
Now you need the install handler:
self.addEventListener('install', function(event) {
.then(function(cache) {
return cache.addAll(PRE_CACHE);
The install is just called 1x whenever a service worker gets registered.
This just means: Open your cache, add the routes inside the cache. Now if you register you SW your offline.html is pre-cached.
I suggest to read the "Web fundamentals" from the google guys:
There are other strategies like: network-first
To be honest i dont know exactly how the routing works with SPAs because SPA is just 1 index.html file that is shipped to the client and the routing is handled by javascript you will need to check it out witch is the best strategie for your app.

Cancel /Kill http api call angular 2

Sometimes http api call takes long time to load data. In this case, if we move on another component, it still keeps executing (we can see it in browser console). So, is there any way by which we can cancel or kill http api call when we move on another component?
You can "kill" it by using unsubscribe() method in OnDestroy lifecycle event, under assumption you are using subscriptions, for example:
mySubscription: any;
ngOnInit() {
this.mySubscription = this.myHttpCall().subscribe...
ngOnDestroy() {
You can use the takeWhile() function from rxjs to unsubscribe all the subscriptions: Example:

Initial authentication check in ReactJS and Redux

Background: I have an app that is showing a list of movies, but what I want to do is to show the list only for users who are authorized (by checking token stored on the local-storage).
so the flow I want to achieve is:
user enters the app main page
check if has token in local storage
if yes check if it is authorized
if authorized = show list, else don't show
so what I do right now is in my main (wrapper) component right after I create my store:
const store = configureStore();
var token = localStorage.get(authConstants.LOCAL_STORAGE_TOKEN_KEY);
checkInitialAuth actions is:
export function checkInitialAuth(token){
return dispatch => {
return fetch(authConstants.API_USER_DETAILS, {headers: { 'Authorization' : `Bearer ${token}`}})
throw Error(response.statusText);
return response.json();
localStorage.set(authConstants.LOCAL_STORAGE_TOKEN_KEY, token);
dispatch(receiveLogin(user)); // <==========
dispatch(setTopMovies()); // <==========
// TODO: handle errors
so the question is, is it the right place to invoke the initial auth check right after the creating store and right before the element creation?
and now if I have to invoke more actions only if the user is authorized do I have to invoke them in the then inside the checkInitialAuth action? is it the right place to make all the action dispatch calls?
and last one, when the auth is wrong (I changed manually the token to be wrong on the local storage) the console.log(err) is logging as expected but I have also this annoying 401 error in the console, can I somehow avoid it?
thanks a lot!
is it the right place to invoke the initial auth check right after the creating store and right before the element creation?
Yes. Usually this is where all the initialization happens before store is passed to Provider.
is it the right place to make all the action dispatch calls?
This depends a lot on your application logic. You component can check if a user is authenticated itself to display the correct content for 'topMovies'. But nothing stops you from dispatch more actions here.
but I have also this annoying 401 error in the console, can I somehow avoid it?
It is the network request error. It is the response from the server your fecth is contacting. You can hide the error by change your Chrome Dev console filter if you really want to hide them (but why?).

Qunit beforeEach, afterEach - async

Since start(), stop() will be removed in Qunit 2.0, what is the alternative for async setups and teardowns via the beforeEach, afterEach methods? For instance, if I want the beforeEach to wait for a promise to be finished?
QUnit basically wants people to stop using the global methods (not just start() and stop(), but also test(), expect(), etc). So, as of version 1.16.0, you should always use either the global namespace (QUnit) or the assert API argument passed into the test() functions. This includes the new async control:
QUnit.test( "testing async action", function( assert ) { // <-- note the `assert` argument here
var done = assert.async(); // tell QUnit we're doing async actions and
// hold onto the function it returns for later
setTimeout(function() { // do some async stuff
assert.ok( true, "This happened 100 ms later!" );
done(); // using the function returned from `assert.async()` we
// tell QUnit we're don with async actions
}, 100);
If you are familiar with the old start() and stop() way of doing things, you should see that this is extremely similar, but more compartmentalized and extensible.
Because the async() method call is on the assert argument into the test, it cannot be used in the beforeEach() function. If you have an example of how you were doing that before, please post it and we can try to figure out how to git it into the new way.
My mistake previously, the assert object is being passed into the beforeEach and afterEach callbacks on modules, so you should be able to do the same logic that you would do for a test:
QUnit.module('set of tests', {
beforeEach: function(assert) {
var done = assert.async();
doSomethingAsync(function() {
done(); // tell QUnit you're good to go.
(tested in QUnit 1.17.1)
Seeing that nobody has answered the beforeEach/afterEach part: a test suite is supposed to run as soon as the page loads. When that is not immediately possible, then resort to configuring QUnit:
QUnit.config.autostart = false;
and continue with setting up your test suite (initializing tests, feeding them to QUnit, asynchronously waiting for some components to load, be it AJAX or anything else), your site, and finally, when it's ready, just run:
QUnit's docsite has it covered.
Ember Qunit, has once exists beforeEach/setup, afterEach/teardown co-exist for a little while.
See PR:

Nuxt loading progress bar loads multiple times

I'm using default nuxt loading bar, it works well on simple pages. But when I use multiple axios requests progress bar loads every time request is sent. I want progress bar to understand all those request as a single page load. I used Promise.all and it kind of worked. But my problem is that I am using asynchronous vuex dispatch methods.
So my code is something like this, with three different asynchronous dispatch and progress bar loads three times. How can I make it so, that it loaded only once. Thanks
async fetch({ store }) {
await store.dispatch('LOAD_DATA_1')
await store.dispatch('LOAD_DATA_2')
await store.dispatch('LOAD_DATA_3')
It's loading three separate times because your requests are taking place sequentially, one after another, not all at once. To get around this, you can manually start/stop the loader.
First, you'll want to prevent the nuxt axios plugin from triggering the loading bar. See here.
this.$axios.$get('URL', { progress: false })
Then, you can manually start and stop the loading bar programatically before/after the requests are completed.
Full example:
async fetch({ store }) {
await store.dispatch('LOAD_DATA_1')
await store.dispatch('LOAD_DATA_2')
await store.dispatch('LOAD_DATA_3')
edit 1 (see comment):
To use in asyncData/fetch you can use the following. I'm not sure you should be accessing the components like this, but I don't see another way to access the $loading module within the context...
async fetch(ctx) {
// access the loading component via the access context
// example, wait 3 seconds before disabling loader
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 3000))