Multiple SSH Keys for same user on same host - ssh

I want to access a host with a specific user, but I want this user to have multiple SSH keys.
Why? This is the user for deployment on the server and there are multiple developers who have to deploy. I'd like to use a different key for each developer.
(Yes, I could create multiple deployment users, but that's quite costly on this managed server)
bob#bobs-workstation$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.bob
alice#alices-workstation$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.alice
Is this even possible?
In similar questions it's always about different users or different hosts and multiple SSH keys, but in this case it's about the same user and the same host with multiple SSH keys.

Turns out I found no questions about that because it's the most trivial case there is:
Yes, it's possible for a single user to accept multiple public SSH keys.
The text of the key files all have to be copied into /home/deploy/.ssh/authorized_keys (deploy was the user in the above example).
This is what the content of authorized_keys could look like:
ssh-rsa *bobsunintellegiblepublickeyformultiplelines*
ssh-rsa *alicesunintellegiblepublickeyformultiplelines*


How is GitLab/GitHub authentication separated from an ordinary SSH-session?

I read the question: How does the GitHub authentification work? and Which is exactly what I am wondering. I am still missing a better answer.
When I test my SSH-key-pair I connect to user My stored Public key has a fingerprint of base64. When the SSH Client(me) want to connect to the server(My gitlab/github account server) it sends its ID(fingerprint), the server checks it ".ssh/authorised_keys" and loops through the Fingerprints after the correct public key to encrypt the challenge.
On Github/Gitlab there are several thousand of users, they all use the same username ("git") to initiate a web (SaaS)session. So how is this separated on the server? I don't get root access on gitlab/github, of course. I only get access to my account though the generic user-session But how is this implemented?
When I use SSH in other situations I have a specific username which I use to [my-username]
If I would set up my own GitLab on a local NAS/Server. How can I create an account ( but the access rights are limited to the Fingerprint of the differents users SSH-key-pairs?
User: ID:001
User: ID:002
User: ID:003
Somehow I need to limit the access for ID:001 when he/she initiate a ssh-session with my server on account "User".
I can't speak for GitLab, but for GitHub, there is a dedicated service that terminates these connections, contacts the authentication service with the key in question, and then receives the response about whether the user is allowed to access that repo, and if so, contacts the servers storing the data.
GitHub has more than 65 million users, many users have multiple SSH keys, and there are also deploy keys for servers, so using the command directive with an OpenSSH authorized_keys file would be extremely slow, since it would involved parsing and reading probably gigabytes of data each time a connection was made.
If you need this yourself for a small set of users, the command directive in authorized_keys is a viable approach. If you need something more scalable, you can create a custom server with something like libssh and perform authentication yourself, either in that process, or in a separate process.
I found this question+answer: Which highlights that you can put restrictions on authorised_keys. Don't know if that provides precise answer for my question, but it looks like it.
command="/usr/local/bin/restricted-app",from="",no-agent-forwarding,no-port-forwarding,no-x11-forwarding ssh-rsa AAAA…
I guess there is several thousand of those lines at gitlabs/githubs servers in .ssh/authorized_keys where every single line points out access to only that gitlab/hub account.
Please comment if you don't agree.

SSH to other servers in cluster

I had an user account set up by my collegue weeks ago, to access our server(rhel). Now Im asked to copy my key so I can login to other servers in the cluster.
My first approach was to copy my /home/user/.ssh folder from the (already set-up) server to the new one. This one obviously fails, I found out with ls -a , that in my .ssh directory is only one file - known_hosts.
Im bit confused from my search results, is it necessary to create a new private-public key pair (I dont have any log about creating in before for the first server, so it was probably already setup for me), or is it sufficient to copy files from the first server and setup owners and permissions?
What you're probably looking for is file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the server. If you have your key set up, your public key should be stored there. If there is no such file, than you don't have your keys set up(do you have private keys files on your desktop?).
Please note that for usually ssh will require strict access permissions(rwx for user only) for your ~/.ssh directory and authorized_keys file.
Also you can use as many and as few keys as you wish, depending on your security needs. So using single key pair for multiple servers is possible.

Is it possible to restirct an ssh key to specific directories

I have an account on a server that I need to give sftp access to another person. This person however only needs access to a small subset of directories. Is it possible, without creating another user account, to restrict an ssh key to that subset of directories.
Basically the website on which these directories are located lives within the home directory of a specific user account. I would prefer not to have to create a separate user account just to lock the use down to those directories. If it is possible to lock down the access to specific directories using an ssh key that would be ideal.
It's possible, but it's sort of a hack. The much preferred, simpler way is just to only grant that user permissions to certain files and directories.
This is an answer on how to accomplish your goal using ssh rather than sftp. This has some chance of being acceptable to the OP because it still uses the ssh tool chain.
This technique is using a feature of ssh that allows ssh to run a command based on the private key presented to host machine. When the host sees that key, then it runs the associated command. For the command we will use "cat" which will dump the file.
add a line that looks like this to ~mr_user/.ssh/authorized_keys2
command="/usr/bin/cat ~/sshxfer/myfile.tar.gz.uu",no-port-forwarding ssh-dss xxxPUBLIC_KEYxxx mr_user#tgtmach
populate the file like this:
uuencode -m myfile.tar.gz /dev/stdout >~mr_user/sshxfer/myfile.tar.gz.uu
transfer the file by being on the target machine and running this:
ssh -i ~/keys/privatekey.dsa mr_user#srcmach |sed -e's/
//g' |uudecode >myfile.tar.gz
The tricky part to that command is there is a newline in the sed command to remove the newlines from the .uu file.
I did not found a way to pass in a name of a file to transfer, so I had to make a key for each file I wanted to transfer. This was okay for my use case because I only had two files I wanted to transfer.

Using 2 public/private key pairs at the "same" time

So I have 2 public/private key pairs (id_rsa and - one of them is sitting in a "key_backup" folder I made currently), one for GitHub and one for passwordless SSH'ing into a cluster. I looked around Google and could only find guides on how to use two public keys at the same time.. does the same hold for private keys?
How can I maintain authentication w/ GitHub while also being able to maintain passwordless login with my cluster?
You can use multiple private keys at the same time by making sure that your ssh key agent knows about both keys: ssh-add id_rsa1 id_rsa2 on Mac OS or Linux, or add both to Pageant on Windows.
The other option would be to create separate Host entries in ~/.ssh/config that points each of your two keys at their intended uses.

SSH basics - do you use a new key for each server you're accessing?

I couldn't find any basic info for designers (on a mac) for how SSH keys work - so thought I'd ask them here.
If I want to connect my work workstation to:
A DEV server
A LIVE server
Do I generate one ssh key on the workstation and add it to all those servers or do I generate multiple keys - one for each server?
Once I've generated a key (or keys), do I copy it into the id_rsa file in my user account on that server (I realize I may have to create the id_rsa file)?
And if I now want to access the same server but from my home laptop, do I add the laptop's ssh key to the same id_rsa file on the server or do I create a new file?
If I need to create a new file, does it matter what the file is called - laptop_rsa?
I basically want to disable root login on my servers but I don't really understand how SSH applies to multiple machines and multiple servers.
Any help or pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated.
You only need one key for the local machine that you are connecting
to all three servers.
For the DEV server and the LIVE server, you can add the contents of
your file to the
authorized_keys file on each of the target servers.
This file will be in the ~/.ssh directory. You will
need to create the file if it's not there (touch
~/.ssh/authorized_keys). Adding your public key to this file
will let you login with your passphrase rather than a password.
Place all authorized keys (i.e. your laptops in the same
authorized_keys file on the target server.
Adding your keys to authorized_keys doesn't affect root login (that is a separate setting), however, it will prevent people from attempting to brute-force your password if you then turn off password login.