Using 2 public/private key pairs at the "same" time - ssh

So I have 2 public/private key pairs (id_rsa and - one of them is sitting in a "key_backup" folder I made currently), one for GitHub and one for passwordless SSH'ing into a cluster. I looked around Google and could only find guides on how to use two public keys at the same time.. does the same hold for private keys?
How can I maintain authentication w/ GitHub while also being able to maintain passwordless login with my cluster?

You can use multiple private keys at the same time by making sure that your ssh key agent knows about both keys: ssh-add id_rsa1 id_rsa2 on Mac OS or Linux, or add both to Pageant on Windows.
The other option would be to create separate Host entries in ~/.ssh/config that points each of your two keys at their intended uses.


How to SSH between 2 Google Cloud Debian Instances

I have installed ansible in on of my GCE Debian VM Instance(1). Now I want to connect to another GCE Debian VM instance(2).
I have generated the public key on Instance 1 and copied the .pub key manually to the the authorized key of instance 2.
But, when I try to do the ssh from 1 to 2 it gives permission denied.
Is there any other way round? I am a little new to this, trying to learn.
is there any step by step guide available? and also what is the exact ip address to do ssh on? will it be the internal IP or the External IP taken by GCE when the Instance is started.
I'm an Ansible user too and I manage a set of compute engine servers. My scenario is pretty close to yours so hopefully this will work for you as well. To get this to work smoothly, you just need to realise that ssh public keys are metadata and can be used to tell GCE to create user accounts on instance creation.
SSH public keys are project-wide metadata
To get what you want the ssh public key should be added to the Metadata section under Compute Engine. My keys look like this:
ssh-rsa AAAAB3<long key sequence shortened>Uxh bob
Every time I get GCE to create an instance, it creates /home/bob and puts the key into the .ssh/authorized_keys section with all of the correct permissions set. This means I can ssh into that server if I have the private key. In my scenario I keep the Private Key only in two places, LastPass and my .ssh directory on my work computer. While I don't recommend it, you could also copy that private key to the .ssh directory on each server that you want to ssh from but I really recommend getting to grips with ssh-agent
Getting it to work with Ansible
The core of this is to tell Ansible not to validate host checking and to connect as the user specified in the key (bob in this example). To do that you need to set some ssh options when calling ansible
ansible-playbook -ssh-common-args='-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -u bob
Now Ansible will connect to the servers mentioned in your playbook and try to use the local private key to negotiate the ssh connection which should work as GCE will have set things up for you when the VM is created. Also, since hostname checking is off, you can rebuild the VM as often as you like.
Saying it again
I really recommend that you run ansible from a small number of secure computers and not put your private key onto cloud servers. If you really need to ssh between servers, look into how ssh-agent passes identity around. A good place to start is this article.
Where did you say the metadata was?
I kind of glossed over that bit but here's an image to get you started.
From there you just follow the options for adding a public key. Don't forget that this works because the third part of the key is the username that you want GCE and Ansible to use when running plays.
It's quite simple if you have two instances in google cloud platform, automatically you have the guest environment installed (gcloud command line), with it you can ssh through all you ssh inside your project:
Just run the following command line for inside your instance A to reach the Instance B
[user#Instance(1)]$ gcloud compute ssh Instance(2) --zone [zone]
That it, if it's not working let me know, and verify if your firewall rule let internal traffic.

Multiple SSH Keys for same user on same host

I want to access a host with a specific user, but I want this user to have multiple SSH keys.
Why? This is the user for deployment on the server and there are multiple developers who have to deploy. I'd like to use a different key for each developer.
(Yes, I could create multiple deployment users, but that's quite costly on this managed server)
bob#bobs-workstation$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.bob
alice#alices-workstation$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.alice
Is this even possible?
In similar questions it's always about different users or different hosts and multiple SSH keys, but in this case it's about the same user and the same host with multiple SSH keys.
Turns out I found no questions about that because it's the most trivial case there is:
Yes, it's possible for a single user to accept multiple public SSH keys.
The text of the key files all have to be copied into /home/deploy/.ssh/authorized_keys (deploy was the user in the above example).
This is what the content of authorized_keys could look like:
ssh-rsa *bobsunintellegiblepublickeyformultiplelines*
ssh-rsa *alicesunintellegiblepublickeyformultiplelines*

How does the GitHub authentification work?

If you follow the GitHub HowTo "Generating SSH Keys", you get three files in your ~/.ssh directory: known_hosts, id_rsa, and
The file known_hosts is used for the server authentication, id_rsa is used for the client authentification (here is an article, that explains the difference).
Why should I create / why GitHub does need both -- a host and a user authentification files? How does the GitHub authentification work?
This is just plain old SSH authentication; nothing about it is specific to GitHub.
id_rsa and are the two halves of your key: the private key and the public key. Effectively, the public key is the lock for the private key. You put the lock (public key) on whatever servers you want easy access to, without too much worry that someone else will see it, because it's just a lock. You keep the (private) key on your machine, and use it to log into those servers; they see you have a key fitting the lock, and let you in.
(Not to say that you should put your public key on completely untrustworthy machines; there are malicious tricks that can take advantage of shortcuts like ssh -A.)
known_hosts doesn't actually have much to do with this; it's just where ssh stores the fingerprints of all the servers you've connected to, so it can throw up a big scary warning if the fingerprint changes. (That would mean it's not the same machine: either something has changed radically on the server side, or your connection has been hijacked.)
So, anyway, one of the protocols Git itself understands is SSH. When you use as a repository URL, Git is just connecting over SSH. Of course, GitHub doesn't want you mucking around on their machines, so they only let you do Git things, not get a full shell.
As usual, the Arch wiki has a whole lot more words on this.
known_hosts stores the server's identity the first time you connect, so that you know the next time that you're connecting to the same server. This prevents someone from pretending to be the server the next time you connect (but sadly not the first time)
id_rsa is your secret key that proves that you are really you. Never give this away. is the public key, its purpose for authentication is basically just to prove that you have the secret key without giving it out. This key you can give to anyone what needs it since there's nothing secret about it.
When you connect to the server, SSH first checks that the server has the correct key (ie it should match the one in known hosts. If the client is comfortable that the server is genuine, it uses its private key to sign the following data and sends it to the server;
string session identifier
string user name
string service name
string "publickey"
boolean TRUE
string public key algorithm name
string public key to be used for authentication
The server verifies the signature using the public key (which you earlier uploaded to Github), and if it is correct, the client is authenticated.
The known_hosts file is used by ssh whenever you actually connect to a host via SSH. It stores a signed key of sorts for the server. Then, if it changes, you will know.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C is used to generate the SSH key in which you will give the to github. Then, when you connect to github you have the private key id_rsa in your ~/.ssh folder which is then used to validate your information with github.
This is a very low-level explanation, but the private key (non .pub) file is your end, the .pub is for github and the known_hosts is for your box to know what is what.
You can also generate a config file in ~/.ssh for use to specify which key goes to which host..
authorized_keys and known_hosts are entirely different..
Your SSH server (sshd, ie) uses authorized_keys, or whatever file is defined within your /etc/ssh/sshd_config/ for knowing the public side of another key. So when a user connects to your server, they pass their private key, your SSH server verifies against the public key it has within authorized_keys and if it doesn't match, it doesn't work.
Github maintains an authorized_keys so-to-speak on their users. Your public key goes into your authorized_keys on your account and then when you connect via ssh to clone,push,etc, it checks your private key you send over with your public key they already know.

ssh-keys generation issue for dynamic-ip changing workstations for Gitolite usage

I want to use Gitolite for Git access control.
My question is on ssh keygen for dynamic IP changing workstations. So, do I need to generate ssh keys every time whenever my IP changes. This going to be tedious work for all developers as they use laptops and they need to generate keys and push to Gitolite repo.
Is there any workaround or some other solutions for this ssh public keys generation problem for Gitolite use?
Key generation has nothing to do with IP address from the client perspective.
When you generate an SSH key-pair, for lack of a better analogy, you're generating some files which contain really long numbers which can be used to encrypt or decrypt things. The private key is stored in .ssh/id_rsa (for an RSA key) and the public key is stored in .ssh/
You can move that key pair to any machine you wish. You should make sure that the private key is always well protected. The public key, you can give to anyone or copy it wherever you like. It's public. You can also have multiple keys on a machine, with different keys used for different hosts. This is controlled by a .ssh/config file. However, most users don't need that, and stick with a single key pair.
Specifically in the case of gitolite, you'll be storing the public keys of your users in the gitolite-admin/keys directory.
In any case, the fact that your laptop's IP address is changing will have no effect on your keys.

Sharing SSH keys

I use a private SSH key and passwordless entry for a number of user accounts on a server that hosts a number of websites.
I use the same private key for each user account. (because I'm lazy? or is that the "right" way).
I now want to authorise another trusted computer in a different part of the country. If I copy the contents of my ~/.ssh onto that machine will that work without any other set up?
Will both machines be able to maintain a connection at the same time?
Update: as an additional security recommendation, you should generate a new set of keys for a new machine and send your new public key out to the various hosts you use it on, rather than copying your private keys. If you're just moving everything to a new computer however, you can take your keys with you, but remember to destroy them securely on the old computer.
The correct answer is to copy your .ssh directory from the old machine to the new. This part is easy (scp -r .ssh user#newmachinehost:~ will do fine—or you can type the keys in character-by-character, up to you).
BUT—I think the missing link to answer this question is what you have to do after you copy your private keys to the new machine.
I had to run the following for each key (I have 3 separate keys for various organizations)
ssh-add .ssh/[key-filename]
If the filename argument is omitted, id_rsa is assumed.
Once you do this to each key (and enter they key's passphrase if required; it will prompt you), ssh will be able to use those keys to authenticate.
Otherwise, no amount of copying will do much. SSH will ignore the keys in .ssh until they are explicitly used (via ssh -i [keyfilename] ...).
This should work, and both machines should be able to maintain a connection at the same time - I've had to copy my ~/.ssh directory a few times before when hard drives have crashed.
Copying ~/.ssh between systems is fine so long as it's limited to just files like authorized_keys, config, and known_hosts. If you want two hosts to be able to access each other, each host needs its own private SSH key, which must then be added to the other host's authorized_keys file.
It is not a good idea to copy private keys across systems!
Think of real world secrets. Each person who learns the secret increases the chance of it being revealed.
Every time you copy your private key to a new system, you increase your risk of exposure because copied private keys are less secure than the weakest system they live on (because the other systems aren't invulnerable either).
If your laptop gets stolen, you need to revoke all private keys (and saved passwords) that were stored there. This becomes problematic when the only way to log into servers is with that very key. You'd better remember to generate a new key on your desktop and install it on each system you revoke the old key from!
Now consider your desktop gets hacked and somebody steals your private key without your knowledge. Perhaps you had shared this key between your work laptop and your personal desktop, but your desktop doesn't really need access to your work system (because you have good work/life balance). That attacker can now access your work system even without having compromised your laptop. The infosec team at work forces you to hand over your laptop so they can audit it, but after a week of analysis, they find nothing. Not so fun.
These may seem far-fetched and unlikely, especially if you're not a prime target (e.g. an executive or sysadmin), but it's just a good practice, especially given how easy it is to create new keys for each system and install their public keys on each appropriate server. (Consider one of the myriads of config/dotfile propagation systems if this seems daunting.)
Additionally, it means you'll upgrade the security of each key to meet the standards as they improve. As you retire old systems and remove their keys, you rotate out their weaker keys. (And if some trash picker finds your old laptop and undeletes your keys, they won't grant any access.)
This is secure so long as you don't share you private key. Just place the public key in the remote machine's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file for passwordless entry. Don't share the private key though.
The keys are just for authentication. You can log on as many times as you wish with the same key, so long as you can log on with that private key once.