undefined is not an object (evaluating 'nativeVersion.major') - react-native

I got this error when I built and started a react-native app on expo.
The app was built using create-react-native-app and ran on an Android device.

Updating to the latest version of expo app fixed this for me. Expo was probably expecting a previous version of react-native library and I was using the latest one.


reanimated version problem (couldn't determine the version of the native part of Reanimated.)

I am trying to practive this video.
(The basics of PinchGestureHandler with React Native Reanimated 2)
but my app doesn't work touch.
I get this Error
[Reanimated] Couldn't determine the version of the native part of Reanimated.Did you forget to re-build the app after upgrading react-native-reanimated? If you use Expo Go, you must use the exact version which is bundled into Expo SDK.
How can I solve this problem?
first. I upgraded Expo SDK.
but I got still same error.
second. re-build the app.
but I got still same error.
third. I install reanimated again. but still be same error.
I was having the very same problem right now.
The following solved my issue:
npx expo start --clear
Hope it works for you too.

React Native and Mediapipe ios framework compatible

I created a MediaPipe ios framework
And I'm trying to integrate it into a React Native project
But the app crash in Mutex::Lock() without any information
I believe the reason is my framework and RN both use glog
How can I disable glog for one of them ? or any idea to fix it
Thanks for reading
Xcode Output
I ran into a similar situation, Mutex loc() is associated with Metro Bundler dependency. Try doing npx react-native start this will start the Metro Bundler before you do npx react-native run-ios

Cannot read property 'cache' of undefined error after upgrading React Native

Metro bundler building fails when running react-native app with the following error,
bundling failed:
Cannot read property 'cache' of undefined
How to fix this..? I'm in the middle of upgrading my react-native project to 0.61.5. (I'm really new to react-native)
I come across this issue again while upgrading my project to React Native 0.63.2. I don't remember how I resolved this last time. This time I was using react-native-draftjs-render version 2.9.0 and the issue resolved after downgrading to 2.8.3.

Expo Branch: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'RNBranch.STANDARD EVENT ADD_TO_CART')

I am using expo for my react native application.
- run expo start
Hit the error below on android studio emulator.
Working fine on real android device and IOS simulator.
I have solved the issue. The issue was with my android studio. I open the app using the genymotion emulator and it was working
Unfortunately, Branch does not officially have a wrapper SDK for Expo and the link you referenced is built by a third-party which we cannot help troubleshoot.
Can you try ejecting your build from Expo and use native packages and linking in React Native, by following this: https://docs.branch.io/apps/react-native/#integrate-branch

React-native app with expokit crash on android release build

Application is created with expo and detached to expokit. I'm using expoKit version 27.
It crashes only on first install, after refreshing app works as expected.
It's probably a late answer, but the correct workaround is here such that you have to run the Javascript packager first with the command expo start, after that you can start building with Android Studio.