Can't load react-native app with expo app on the cellphone - react-native

I have created a React Native app with the npm package bootstrapper, then run the npm start command and everything seems to be right until then.
Now, when I go to the expo app on my cell phone and scan the QR code I always get this message "Something went wrong. Could not load exp://... . Network response timed out".
I'm on windows 10, and both the laptop and the cellphone are on the same wireless network.
I don't know what could be the problem, I followed the tutorial on this link:
I hope anyone can help me.

Try using the offline option:
exp start --offline


Metro Bundler does not start (MacOS)

I installed React Native following the requirements in the documentation ( , i got all the simulators working but i have to manually open them everytime i open the project.
If i press m after npm start the following error shows "warn No apps connected. Sending "devMenu" to all React Native apps failed."
(Btw this is my first time using React-Native so sorry if this is a rookie mistake)
Does anyone know any solution ?

Android simulator is not loading on react-native application (Expo)

After the npm start, when the android simulator is open and running with Pixel3, if I 'click' a (for Android emulator), this error appears and the app does not open on the emulator
Trying to open the project on Android...
Installing Expo on device
-Couldn't start project on Android: Error running adb: Failed to install C:\Users\Atif\.expo\android-apk-cache\Exponent-2.16.1.apk:
Expo Press ? to show a list of all available commands.
This download is taking longer than expected. You can also try downloading the clients from the website at
I also tried uninstalling and install again. Also I Tried Opening the emulator then run npm start.
Hope Someone Help me. But for whoever helped me i will appreciate their help. Thanks in Advance !!!
first, turn off AVD , then restart start the system, and open AVD and expo project. it will work mostly. If not delete the previous Pixel3 device , restart the system and take a new device and try.
This is because of access issue to open the emulator. Can you manually start a emulator device open, and check react-native run- android. Hopefully if the app is happy, it will install on the emulator.

Expo connection error | Could not load expo:// my-ip. Network response timed out

My react-native app with the expo-cli wont run on my phone. Getting a network time-out error
Today I tried to start my react-native app with the expo-cli on my phone, but when trying to connect to the app using the expo-cli I got a network time out error.
Yesterday everything was working fine and my app was able to run on my phone using the CLI.
I've also tried running my other react-native apps using expo and got the same error message. I rebooted my systeem, my phone and reinstalled the expo app on to my phone.
I've noticed that the expo app is not running on the same port as the metro bundler not sure if it's always been this way or if I just started noticing this.
I've also tried to run the apps in the explore section of the expo app and those seem to work.
I start my app in the cmd on Windows with the command expo start, but since today started getting the error Could not load expo:// my-ip. Network response time out
I changed the connection type from LAN to Funnel

Publishing React Native application using expo

I am trying to publish my application on iphone using expo client. When I send the link from my mackbook to iphone. I got an error saying "There was a problem loading the requested app. It looks like you may be using the LAN URL. make sure your device is on the same network as the server or try using a tunnel." I am on the same network. I checked the network twice. These are the steps that I followed 1) I started the application by giving the command in terminal window saying "npm start". 2) I choose the option "s" and then I was prompted to enter my iphone #. I entered the phone number and as soon as I did that, I got the text message on my phone saying "exp://10.21... . I clicked on this link and started getting the error message "There was a problem loading the requested app. It looks like you may be using the LAN URL. make sure your device is on the same network as the server or try using a tunnel." When I choose the option i. Option"i" is to run the application on emulator. I can successfully run the application on emulator, but when I send the link to my iphone, it does not work.
any help will be greatly appreciated.
I downloaded expo xde and that compiled my project and send the permanent link to my iphone and android and it worked well. Directly doing npm start does not send the right link because of some tunneling issues.I downloaed expo XDE from this link:
Expo XDE

Why Expo can not load the project in react-native app?

I'm trying to create my first react-native app.
I installed expo XDE then I create a new project in this way :
create-react-native-app firstProj
Then I open it in expo XDE and in terminal by exp firstProj
But I get this warning ; And this is what is displayed in the emulator :
Any help is appreciated.
Click the setting button in the left top, then change the "Host" to "LAN"
Restart your project
Follow the below steps to create a new expo app from command line:
create-react-native-app my-app
cd my-app/
npm start
npm run ios / npm run android
In a alternate way you can try Expo XDE interface to create a app and run in your device. Here is a official document for creating and sharing your app across your device. If you are interested with their CLI you can follow the below steps
npm install exp --global
exp init your-project-name
cd your-project-name
exp start
Please check whether you have missed any of the steps from the above, it might help you to fix the issue. You might have missed exp start command.
It helped the following in my case:
Install Genymotion with VirtualBox
SignUp at Genymotion site
Run Genymotion software and !!!SignIn
Close npm prompt program with project and start it again
npm start (in the npm promt window in the project directory)
Close and start Expo app, scan barcode
I noted that when my application runs successfully IpV addresses are identical
exp:// and
ipconfig -> IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
In My Case, I did this.
by Using Expo.
Just make sure the laptop and mobile connection with the same network.
Make sure that you are selected Lan on the expo web tab.
Stop the npm Server Running.
Close the App on Mobile Also.
Then Start npm Again.
Now Scan the QR Code if the project is not listed up in the expo recent open project app already.
Or click on the already available in recent opens project on the expo.
Note if Still not working then try same after clearing the recent open in expo app.
I knew that this answer is too late but May it help someone.