how to combine and saved_model.pb in tensorflow - tensorflow

I am new to tensorflow and keras.
I trained a CNN for sentence classification using keras and exported the model using following code
config = model.get_config()
weights = model.get_weights()
new_model = Sequential.from_config(config)
builder = saved_model_builder.SavedModelBuilder(export_path)
signature = predict_signature_def(
inputs={'input': new_model.inputs[0]},
outputs={'prob': new_model.outputs[0]})
with K.get_session() as sess:
clear_devices = True,
signature_constants.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY: signature}
I got and variables.index in variables folder and saved_model.pb.
I want to combine these files into one file before deploying for prediction.
In the end I want to quantize the model as variables file size is really huge and I think before using the quantize functionality from tensorflow I need to have my model frozen in a pb file.
Please help

You can use the tool to combine your files into a single file.
This will output a single GraphDef file that holds all of the weights and architecture.
You'd use it like this:
bazel build tensorflow/python/tools:freeze_graph && \
bazel-bin/tensorflow/python/tools/freeze_graph \
--input_graph=some_graph_def.pb \
--input_checkpoint=model.ckpt-8361242 \
--output_graph=/tmp/frozen_graph.pb --output_node_names=softmax
Where input_graph is your saved_model.pb file.
And where input_checkpoint are your variables in your variables folder, and they might look like this:
Note that you refer to the model checkpoint as model-chkpt-8361242 in this case, for instance.
You take the prefix of each of the files you have there when using the tool.

how are you planning to serve your model? TensorFlow Serving supports the SavedModelFormat natively - without requiring the step.
if you still want to manually combine the graph and the variables (and use, you'll likely need to use the older ExportModel format as Clarence demonstrates above.
also, you'll likely want to switch to the Estimator API at this point, as well.
here are some examples using all of the above:


Tensorflow frozen_graph to tflite for android app

I am a newbie on the TensorFlow object detection library. I have a specific data set what I have to produce myself and labeled it with thousands of jpg. I have run the file to detect the object from these images.. any way.The end of the process i have gotten frozen_graph and from it I exported model.ckpl file to inference graph folder everything goes fine, and I have tested model.ckpl model on the object_detection.ipynb file it works fine. Until this step, there is no problem.
However,Am not able to understand how could convert that model.ckpl file to model.tflite file to use on android studio app.
I have see many things like but I am no idea what is the input_tensors = [...]
output_tensors = [...]
I may already know but what it was actually...
Could you show me how could I convert it?
Use tensorboard to find out your input and output layer. For reference follow these links -
Tensorflow Convert pb file to TFLITE using python
If you don't know your inputs and outputs, use summarize_graph tool and feed it your frozen model.
See command here
If you have trained your model from scratch you must be having the .meta file. Also you need to specify the output node names using which you can create a .pb file. Please refer to below link on steps to create this file:
Tensorflow: How to convert .meta, .data and .index model files into one graph.pb file
Once this is created you can further convert your .pb to tflite as below:
import tensorflow as tf
graph_def_file = "model.pb"
input_arrays = ["model_inputs"]
output_arrays = ["model_outputs"]
converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_frozen_graph(
graph_def_file, input_arrays, output_arrays)
tflite_model = converter.convert()
open("converted_model.tflite", "wb").write(tflite_model)

Convert a TensorFlow model in a format that can be served

I am following Tensorflow serving documentation to convert my trained model into a format that can be served in Docker container. As I'm new to Tensorflow, I am struggling to convert this trained model into a form that will be suitable for serving.
The model is already trained and I have the checkpoint file and .meta file. So, I need to get the .pb file and variables folder from the above two files. Can anyone please suggest me an approach on how to get this done for serving the models?
|-- tensorflow model
| -- 1
| |-- saved_model.pb
| -- variables
| |--
| -- variables.index
There is multiple ways of doing this, and other methods could be required for more complex models.
I am currently using the method described here, which works great for tf.keras.models.Model and tf.keras.Sequential models (not sure for tensorflow subclassing?).
Below is a minimal working example, including creating a model using python (it seems like you have already completed this by your folder structure and can ignore the first step)
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, Dense
from tensorflow.keras.models import Model
import tensorflow.keras.backend as K
inputs = Input(shape=(2,))
x = Dense(128, activation='relu')(inputs)
x = Dense(32, activation='relu')(x)
outputs = Dense(1)(x)
model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mse')
# loading existing weights, model architectural must be the same as the existing model
export_path = 'SAVE_PATH//tensorflow_model//1'
with K.get_session() as sess:
inputs={'inputs': model.input}, # for single input
#inputs={[:-5]: t for t in model.input}, # for multiple inputs
outputs={'outputs': model.output})
I suggest you use folder name "tensorflow_model" instead of "tensorflow model", to avoid possible problems with spaces.
Then we can build the docker image in terminal by (for windows, use ^ instead of \ for line brake, and use //C/ instead of C:\ in path):
docker run -p 8501:8501 --name tfserving_test \
--mount type=bind,source="SAVE_PATH/tensorflow_model",target=/models/tensorflow_model \
-e MODEL_NAME=tensorflow_model -t tensorflow/serving
Now the container should be up and running, and we can test the serving with python
import requests
import json
#import numpy as np
payload = {
"instances": [{'inputs': [1.,1.]}]
r ='http://localhost:8501/v1/models/tensorflow_model:predict', json=payload)
# {'predictions': [[0.121025]]}
The container is working with our model, giving the prediction 0.121025 for the input [1., 1.]
I hope this helps:
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib.keras import backend as K
from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib
model = tf.keras.models.load_model('my_model.h5')
export_path = './'
with K.get_session() as sess:
inputs={'input_image': model.input},
outputs={ t for t in model.outputs}
print('Converted to SavedModel!!!')
From your question, do you mean you no more have access to Model and you have only Check Point files and .meta files?
If that is the case, you can refer the below links which has the code for converting those files into '.pb' file.
Tensorflow: How to convert .meta, .data and .index model files into one graph.pb file
If you have access to the Trained Model, then I guess you are saving it currently using tf.train.Saver. Instead of that, you can Save the Model and Export it using any of the three (commonly used) functions mentioned below:
tf.saved_model.simple_save => In this case, only Predict API is supported during Serving. Example of this is mentioned by KrisR89 in his answer.
tf.saved_model.builder.SavedModelBuilder => In this case, you can define the SignatureDefs, i.e., the APIs which you want to access during Serving.
You can find example on how to use it in the below link,
Third way is shown below:
classifier = tf.estimator.DNNClassifier(config=training_config, feature_columns=feature_columns,hidden_units=[256, 32], optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-4),n_classes=NUM_CLASSES,dropout=0.1, model_dir=FLAGS.model_dir)
The Example on how to save model using Estimators can be found in the below link. This supports Predict and Classification APIs.
Let me know if this information helps or if you need any further help.

Relationship between tensorflow saver, exporter and save model

Tensorflow Saver ,Exporter, SavedModelBuilder can all be used for save models. According to, and tensor flow serving, I understand that Saver is used for saving training checkpoints and Exporter and SavedModelBuilder are used for serving.
However,I don't know the differences of their outputs. Are and variable.index files generated by SavedModelBuilder the same as cpkt-xxx.index and generated by Saver?
I still feel confused about the meaning of the model files of tensorflow. I've read and Tensorflow: how to save/restore a model? which makes me feel more confused.
There are 4 files in the model directory:
File 2 and 4 store the weights of variables. File 3 stores the graph. Then what does 1 store?
How can I convert the outputs of Saver to SavedModelBuilder. I have the checkpoints directory and want to export the model for serving. According to
it should be like this
export_dir = ...
builder = tf.saved_model.builder.SavedModelBuilder(export_dir)
with tf.Session(graph=tf.Graph()) as sess:
with tf.Session(graph=tf.Graph()) as sess:
builder.add_meta_graph(["bar-tag", "baz-tag"])
So, I first need to load the checkpoints with :
saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph('model-number.meta')
saver.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint('./'))
And then use this sess for builder.
Am I right?
SavedModel is the format used for serving, created via SavedModelBuilder. The best practice is to have your training code invoke SavedModelBuilder, and to feed the resulting output files to TF-Serving. If you do that you don't need to understand the details of what files are produced :)
The document at [1] talks about the structure of the files inside a SavedModel directory.

Using inception-v3 checkpoint file in tensorflow

In one of my project, I used a public pre-trained inception-v3 model available here :
I only want to use last feature vector (output of pool_3/_reshape:0). By looking at script example, I can successfully pass an image throught the Deep DNN, extract the bottleneck tensor (bottleneck_tensor = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name('pool_3/_reshape:0')) and use it for further purpose.
I recently saw that there were a more recent trained inception model. Checkpoint of training is available here :
I would like to use this new pretrained instead of the old one. However file format is different. The "old model" uses a graph def in ProtocolBuffer form (classify_image_graph_def.pb) that is easily reusable. The "new one" only provides a checkpoint format, and I'm struggling to insert it into my code.
Is there an easy way to convert a checkpoint file to a ProtocolBuffer file that could be then used to create a graph?
It seems you have to use
The script converts checkpoint variables into Const ops in a standalone GraphDef file.
This script is designed to take a GraphDef proto, a SaverDef proto, and a set of variable values stored in a checkpoint file, and output a GraphDef with all of the variable ops converted into const ops containing the values of the
It's useful to do this when we need to load a single file in C++, especially in environments like mobile or embedded where we may not have access to the RestoreTensor ops and file loading calls that they rely on.
An example of command-line usage is:
bazel build tensorflow/python/tools:freeze_graph && \
bazel-bin/tensorflow/python/tools/freeze_graph \
--input_graph=some_graph_def.pb \
--input_checkpoint=model.ckpt-8361242 \
--output_graph=/tmp/frozen_graph.pb --output_node_names=softmax

Unable to save the tf.contrib.learn wide and deep model in a tensorflow session and serve it on TensorFlow Serving

I am running the tf.contrib.learn wide and deep model in TensorFlow serving and to export the trained model I am using the piece of code
with tf.Session() as sess:
init_op = tf.initialize_all_variables()
saver = tf.train.Saver() input_fn(df_train), steps=FLAGS.train_steps)
print('model successfully fit!!')
results = m.evaluate(input_fn=lambda: input_fn(df_test), steps=1)
for key in sorted(results):
print("%s: %s" % (key, results[key]))
model_exporter = exporter.Exporter(saver)
'inputs': exporter.generic_signature({'input':df_train}),
'outputs': exporter.generic_signature({'output':df_train[impressionflag]})})
model_exporter.export(export_path, tf.constant(FLAGS.export_version), sess)
print ('Done exporting!')
But while using the command saver = tf.train.Saver() the error ValueError: No variable to save is displayed
enter image description here
How can I save the model, so that a servable is created which is required while loading the exported model in tensorflow standard server? Any help is appreciated.
The graphs and sessions are contained in Estimator and not exposed or leaked. Thus by using Estimator.export() we can export the model and create a servable which can be used to run on model_servers.
Estimator.export() is now deprecated, so you need to use an Estimator.export_savedmodel().
Here I wrote a simple tutorial Exporting and Serving a TensorFlow Wide & Deep Model.
To export an estimator there are four steps:
Define features for export as a list of all features used during estimator initialization.
Create a feature config using create_feature_spec_for_parsing.
Build a serving_input_fn suitable for use in serving using input_fn_utils.build_parsing_serving_input_fn.
Export the model using export_savedmodel().
To run a client script properly you need to do three following steps:
Create and place your script somewhere in the /serving/ folder, e.g. /serving/tensorflow_serving/example/
Create or modify corresponding BUILD file by adding a py_binary.
Build and run a model server, e.g. tensorflow_model_server.
Create, build and run a client that sends a tf.Example to our tensorflow_model_server for the inference.
For more details look at the tutorial itself.
Hope it helps.
Does your graph have any variables then? If not and all the operations work with constants instead, you can specify a flag in the Saver constructor:
saver = tf.train.Saver(allow_empty=True)