Using inception-v3 checkpoint file in tensorflow - tensorflow

In one of my project, I used a public pre-trained inception-v3 model available here :
I only want to use last feature vector (output of pool_3/_reshape:0). By looking at script example, I can successfully pass an image throught the Deep DNN, extract the bottleneck tensor (bottleneck_tensor = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name('pool_3/_reshape:0')) and use it for further purpose.
I recently saw that there were a more recent trained inception model. Checkpoint of training is available here :
I would like to use this new pretrained instead of the old one. However file format is different. The "old model" uses a graph def in ProtocolBuffer form (classify_image_graph_def.pb) that is easily reusable. The "new one" only provides a checkpoint format, and I'm struggling to insert it into my code.
Is there an easy way to convert a checkpoint file to a ProtocolBuffer file that could be then used to create a graph?

It seems you have to use
The script converts checkpoint variables into Const ops in a standalone GraphDef file.
This script is designed to take a GraphDef proto, a SaverDef proto, and a set of variable values stored in a checkpoint file, and output a GraphDef with all of the variable ops converted into const ops containing the values of the
It's useful to do this when we need to load a single file in C++, especially in environments like mobile or embedded where we may not have access to the RestoreTensor ops and file loading calls that they rely on.
An example of command-line usage is:
bazel build tensorflow/python/tools:freeze_graph && \
bazel-bin/tensorflow/python/tools/freeze_graph \
--input_graph=some_graph_def.pb \
--input_checkpoint=model.ckpt-8361242 \
--output_graph=/tmp/frozen_graph.pb --output_node_names=softmax



Here is tutorial about converting Mobilenet+SSD to tflite at some point they use, as I understand this custom script is used to support tf.image.non_max_suppression operation.
export CONFIG_FILE=gs://${YOUR_GCS_BUCKET}/data/pipeline.config
export CHECKPOINT_PATH=gs://${YOUR_GCS_BUCKET}/train/model.ckpt-2000
export OUTPUT_DIR=/tmp/tflite
python object_detection/ \
--pipeline_config_path=$CONFIG_FILE \
--trained_checkpoint_prefix=$CHECKPOINT_PATH \
--output_directory=$OUTPUT_DIR \
But I wonder what is pipeline.config and how to create it if I use custom model(for example FaceBoxes) that use tf.image.non_max_suppression operation?
The main objective of is to export the training checkpoint files into a frozen graph that you can later use for transfer learning or for straight inference (because they contain the model structure info as well as the trained weights info). In fact, all the models listed in model zoo are the frozen graph generated this way.
As for the tf.image.non_max_suppression, is not used to 'support' it but if --add_postprocessing_op is set true there will be another custom op node added to the frozen graph, this custom node will have the functionality similar to op tf.image.non_max_suppression. See reference here.
Finally the pipeline.config file directly corresponds to a config file in the you use for training (--pipeline_config_path), it is a copy of it but often with a modified score threshold (See description here about pipeline.config.), so you will have to create it before the training if you use a custom model. And to create a custom config file, here is the official tutorial.

Using model optimizer for tensorflow slim models

I am aiming to inference tensorflow slim model with Intel OpenVINO optimizer. Using open vino docs and slides for inference and tf slim docs for training model.
It's a multi-class classification problem. I have trained tf slim mobilnet_v2 model from scratch (using sript Evaluation of trained model on test set gives relatively good results to begin with (using script
However, single .ckpt file is not saved (even though at the end of run there is a message like "model.ckpt is saved to checkpoint_dir"), there are 3 files (, .ckpt-180000.index, .ckpt-180000.meta) instead.
OpenVINO model optimizer requires a single checkpoint file.
According to docs I call with following params:
python --input_model D:/model/mobilenet_v2_224.pb --input_checkpoint D:/model/model.ckpt-180000 -b 1
It gives the error (same if pass --input_checkpoint D:/model/model.ckpt):
[ ERROR ] The value for command line parameter "input_checkpoint" must be existing file/directory, but "D:/model/model.ckpt-180000" does not exist.
Error message is clear, there are not such files on disk. But as I know most tf utilities convert .ckpt-????.meta to .ckpt under the hood.
Trying to call:
python --input_model D:/model/mobilenet_v2_224.pb --input_meta_graph D:/model/model.ckpt-180000.meta -b 1
[ ERROR ] Unknown configuration of input model parameters
It doesn't matter for me in which way I will transfer graph to OpenVINO intermediate representation, just need to reach that result.
Thanks a lot.
I managed to run OpenVINO model optimizer on frozen graph of tf slim model. However I still have no idea why had my previous attempts (based on docs) failed.
you can try converting the model to frozen format (.pb) and then convert the model using OpenVINO.
.ckpt-meta has the metagraph. The computation graph structure without variable values.
the one you can observe in tensorboard.
.ckpt-data has the variable values,without the skeleton or structure. to restore a model we need both meta and data files.
.pb file saves the whole graph (meta+data)
As per the documentation of OpenVINO:
When a network is defined in Python* code, you have to create an inference graph file. Usually, graphs are built in a form that allows model training. That means that all trainable parameters are represented as variables in the graph. To use the graph with the Model Optimizer, it should be frozen.
the OpenVINO optimizes the model by converting the weighted graph passed in frozen form.

What is the use of a *.pb file in TensorFlow and how does it work?

I am using some implementation for creating a face recognition which uses this file:
What is the use of this file? I am not sure how it works.
console log :
Model filename: 20170512-110547/20170512-110547.pb
distance = 0.72212267
Github link of the actual owner of the code
pb stands for protobuf. In TensorFlow, the protbuf file contains the graph definition as well as the weights of the model. Thus, a pb file is all you need to be able to run a given trained model.
Given a pb file, you can load it as follow.
def load_pb(path_to_pb):
with tf.gfile.GFile(path_to_pb, "rb") as f:
graph_def = tf.GraphDef()
with tf.Graph().as_default() as graph:
tf.import_graph_def(graph_def, name='')
return graph
Once you have loaded the graph, you can basically do anything. For instance, you can retrieve tensors of interest with
input = graph.get_tensor_by_name('input:0')
output = graph.get_tensor_by_name('output:0')
and use regular TensorFlow routine like:, feed_dict={input: some_data})
The .pb format is the protocol buffer (protobuf) format, and in Tensorflow, this format is used to hold models. Protobufs are a general way to store data by Google that is much nicer to transport, as it compacts the data more efficiently and enforces a structure to the data. When used in TensorFlow, it's called a SavedModel protocol buffer, which is the default format when saving Keras/ Tensorflow 2.0 models. More information about this format can be found here and here.
For example, the following code (specifically,, will create a folder called my_new_model, and save in it, the saved_model.pb, an assets/ folder, and a variables/ folder.
# first download a SavedModel from, a website with models
m = tf.keras.Sequential([
])[None, 224, 224, 3]) # Batch input shape."my_new_model") # defaults to save as SavedModel in tensorflow 2
In some places, you may also see .h5 models, which was the default format for TF 1.X. source
Extra information: In TensorFlow Lite, the library for running models on mobile and IoT devices, instead of protocol buffers, flatbuffers are used. This is what the TensorFlow Lite Converter converts into (.tflite format). This is another Google format which is also very efficient: it allows access to any part of the message without deserialization (unlike json, xml). For devices with less memory (RAM), it makes more sense to load what you need from the model file, instead of loading the entire thing into memory to deserialize it.
Loading SavedModels in TensorFlow 2
I noticed BiBi's answer to show loading models was popular, and there is a shorter way to do this in TF2:
import tensorflow as tf
model_path = "/path/to/directory/inception_v1_224_quant_20181026"
model = tf.saved_model.load(model_path)
the directory (i.e. inception_v1_224_quant_20181026) has to have a saved_model.pb or saved_model.pbtxt, otherwise the code will crash. You cannot specify the .pb path, specify the directory.
you might get TypeError: 'AutoTrackable' object is not callable for older models, fix here.
If you load a TF1 model, I found that I don't get any errors, but the loaded file doesn't behave as expected. (e.g. it doesn't have any functions on it, like predict)

how to combine and saved_model.pb in tensorflow

I am new to tensorflow and keras.
I trained a CNN for sentence classification using keras and exported the model using following code
config = model.get_config()
weights = model.get_weights()
new_model = Sequential.from_config(config)
builder = saved_model_builder.SavedModelBuilder(export_path)
signature = predict_signature_def(
inputs={'input': new_model.inputs[0]},
outputs={'prob': new_model.outputs[0]})
with K.get_session() as sess:
clear_devices = True,
signature_constants.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY: signature}
I got and variables.index in variables folder and saved_model.pb.
I want to combine these files into one file before deploying for prediction.
In the end I want to quantize the model as variables file size is really huge and I think before using the quantize functionality from tensorflow I need to have my model frozen in a pb file.
Please help
You can use the tool to combine your files into a single file.
This will output a single GraphDef file that holds all of the weights and architecture.
You'd use it like this:
bazel build tensorflow/python/tools:freeze_graph && \
bazel-bin/tensorflow/python/tools/freeze_graph \
--input_graph=some_graph_def.pb \
--input_checkpoint=model.ckpt-8361242 \
--output_graph=/tmp/frozen_graph.pb --output_node_names=softmax
Where input_graph is your saved_model.pb file.
And where input_checkpoint are your variables in your variables folder, and they might look like this:
Note that you refer to the model checkpoint as model-chkpt-8361242 in this case, for instance.
You take the prefix of each of the files you have there when using the tool.
how are you planning to serve your model? TensorFlow Serving supports the SavedModelFormat natively - without requiring the step.
if you still want to manually combine the graph and the variables (and use, you'll likely need to use the older ExportModel format as Clarence demonstrates above.
also, you'll likely want to switch to the Estimator API at this point, as well.
here are some examples using all of the above:

How are weights saved in the CIFAR10 tutorial for tensorflow?

In the TensorFlow tutorial to train a network on CIFAR-10, where and how do they save the weights/parameters between running training and evaluation? I cannot see any files saved to my project directory.
Here are the links to the tutorial and the code:
It saves the logs and checkpoints to the /tmp/ folder by default.
The weights are included in the checkpoint files.
As you can see in both eval and train files, it does take a checkpoint dir as parameter.'train_dir', '/tmp/cifar10_train',
"""Directory where to write event logs """
"""and checkpoint.""")'eval_dir', '/tmp/cifar10_eval',
"""Directory where to write event logs.""")'eval_data', 'test',
"""Either 'test' or 'train_eval'.""")'checkpoint_dir', '/tmp/cifar10_train',
"""Directory where to read model checkpoints.""")
You can call those scripts with custom values for those. For my project using Inception I have to change it since the main hard drive does not have enough space for the bottlenecks created by inception.
It might be a good practice to explicitly set those values since the /tmp/ folder is not persistent and thus you might lose your training data.
The following code will save the training data into a custom folder.
python --train_dir="/home/username/train_folder"
and then, to evaluate:
python --checkpoint_dir="/home/username/train_folder"
It also applies to the other examples.
Let's assume you're running cifar10_train, saving happens on this line:
And the default location is defined in this line (it's "/tmp/cifar10_train"):
In cifar10_eval, restoring the weights happens on this line: