which compression technique works better when using tools like datameer,presto and spark - gzip

We are working on choosing a better compression technique. We tried with bzip2 but its taking more time for compression.

I think there will be no direct answer to your question. What will be better or right will depend on your infrastructure, requirements and data flow.
You may have a look into "Performance comparison of different file formats and storage engines in the Hadoop ecosystem" or "Hadoop Compression. Choosing compression codec.".
Just from the perspective of speed, Snappy might be a good try.


What makes RecordIO attractive

I have been reading about RecordIO here and there and checking different implementations on github here, and there.
I'm simply trying to wrap my head around the pros of such a file format.
The pros I see are the following:
Block compression. It will be faster if you need to read only a few records because less to decompress.
Because of the somehow indexed structure you could lookup a specific record in acceptable time (assuming keys are sorted). This can be useful to quickly locate a record in an adhoc fashion.
I can also imagine that with such a file format you can have finer sharding strategies. Instead of sharding per file you can shard per block.
But I fail to see how such a file format is faster for reading over some plain protobuf with compression.
Essentially I fail to see a big pro in this format.

what are the guidelines to improve flume performance

I have a use case where i have to transfer one million or more files in HDFS. File size can be vary from 10kb to 50kb.
I am using spool dir source and HDFS sink and file channel.
I am also using BLOB deserilizer as i do not want to break my source data.it should get transfer complete file as an event that i am able to achieve.
So far my flume agent design looks like this - my flume agent design
Still i am not able to get good performance.
I also want to understand is hadoop cluster configuration can be helpful to improve the performance?
AFAIK, there is no silver bullet for performance tuning. As usual, you will need to experiment and learn based on your data and infrastructure. The following articles discuss the various knobs (and general guidance) available to fine tune Flume performance:
Cloudera - Flume Performance Tuning, DZone - Flume Performance Tuning

Storing large objects in Couchbase - best practice?

In my system, a user can upload very large files, which I need to store in Couchbase. I don't need such very large objects to persist in memory, but I want them to be always read/written from/to disk. These files are read-only (never modified). The user can upload them, delete them, download them, but never update them. For some technical constraints, my system cannot store those files in the file system, so they have to be stored into the database.
I've done some research and found an article[1] saying that storing large objects in a database is generally a bad idea, especially with Couchbase, but at the same time provides some advice: create a secondary bucket with a low RAM quota, tune up the value/full eviction policy. My concern is the limit of 20Mb mentioned by the author. My files would be much larger than that.
What's the best approach to follow to store large files into Couchbase without having them persist in memory? Is it possible to raise the limit of 20Mb in case? Shall I create a secondary bucket with a very low RAM quota and a full eviction policy?
Generally, Couchbase engineers recommend that you not store large files in Couchbase. Instead, you can store the files on some file server (like AWS or Azure Blob or something) and instead store the meta-data about the files in Couchbase.
There's a couchbase blog posting that gives a pretty detailed breakdown of how to do what you want to do in Couchbase.
This is Java API specific but the general approach can work with any of the Couchbase SDKs, I'm actually in the midst of doing something pretty similar right now with the node SDK.
I can't speak for what couchbase engineers recommend but they've posted this blog entry detailing how to do it.
For large files, you'll certainly want to split into chunks. Do not attempt to store a big file all in one document. The approach I'm looking at is to chunk the data, and insert it under the file sha1 hash. So file "Foo.docx" would get split into say 4 chunks, which would be "sha1|0", "sha1|1" and so on, where sha1 is the hash of the document. This would also enable a setup where you can store the same file under many different names.
Tradeoffs -- if integration with Amazon S3 is an option for you, you might be better off with that. In general chunking data in a DB like what I describe is going to be more complicated to implement, and much slower, than using something like Amazon S3. But that has to be traded off other requirements, like whether or not you can keep sensitive files in S3, or whether you want to deal with maintaining a filesystem and the associated scaling of that.
So it depends on what your requirements are. If you want speed/performance, don't put your files in Couchbase -- but can you do it? Sure. I've done it myself, and the blog post above describes a separate way to do it.
There are all kinds of interesting extensions you might wish to implement, depending on your needs. For example, if you commonly store many different files with similar content, you might implement a blocking strategy that would allow single-store of many common segments, to save space. Other solutions like S3 will happily store copies of copies of copies of copies, and gleefully charge you huge amounts of money to do so.
EDIT as a follow-up, there's this other Couchbase post talking about why storing in the DB might not be a good idea. Reasonable things to consider - but again it depends on your application-specific requirements. "Use S3" I think would be generally good advice, but won't work for everyone.
MongoDB has an option to do this sort of thing, and it's supported in almost all drivers: GridFS. You could do something like GridFS in Couchbase, which is to make a metadata collection (bucket) and a chunk collection with fixed size blobs. GridFS allows you to change the blob size per file, but all blobs must be the same size. The filesize is stored in the metadata. A typical chunk size is 2048, and are restricted to powers of 2.
You don't need memory cache for files, you can queue up the chunks for download in your app server. You may want to try GridFS on Mongo first, and then see if you can adapt it to Couchbase, but there is always this: https://github.com/couchbaselabs/cbfs
This is the best practice: do not take couchbase database as the main database consider it as sync database because no matter how you chunk data into small pieces it will go above 20MB size which will hit you in long run, so having a strong database like MySQL in a middle will help to save those large data then use couchbase for realtime and sync only.

What is the recommended compression for HDF5 for fast read/write performance (in Python/pandas)?

I have read several times that turning on compression in HDF5 can lead to better read/write performance.
I wonder what ideal settings can be to achieve good read/write performance at:
data_df.to_hdf(..., format='fixed', complib=..., complevel=..., chunksize=...)
I'm already using fixed format (i.e. h5py) as it's faster than table. I have strong processors and do not care much about disk space.
I often store DataFrames of float64 and str types in files of approx. 2500 rows x 9000 columns.
There are a couple of possible compression filters that you could use.
Since HDF5 version 1.8.11 you can easily register a 3rd party compression filters.
Regarding performance:
It probably depends on your access pattern because you probably want to define proper dimensions for your chunks so that it aligns well with your access pattern otherwise your performance will suffer a lot. For example if you know that you usually access one column and all rows you should define your chunk shape accordingly (1,9000). See here, here and here for some infos.
However AFAIK pandas usually will end up loading the entire HDF5 file into memory unless you use read_table and an iterator (see here) or do the partial IO yourself (see here) and thus doesn't really benefit that much of defining a good chunk size.
Nevertheless you might still benefit from compression because loading the compressed data to memory and decompressing it using the CPU is probably faster than loading the uncompressed data.
Regarding your original question:
I would recommend to take a look at Blosc. It is a multi-threaded meta-compressor library that supports various different compression filters:
BloscLZ: internal default compressor, heavily based on FastLZ.
LZ4: a compact, very popular and fast compressor.
LZ4HC: a tweaked version of LZ4, produces better compression ratios at the expense of speed.
Snappy: a popular compressor used in many places.
Zlib: a classic; somewhat slower than the previous ones, but achieving better compression ratios.
These have different strengths and the best thing is to try and benchmark them with your data and see which works best.

MPI-2 file format options

I am trying to speed up my file I/O using MPI-2, but there doesn't appear to be any way to read/write formatted files. Many of my I/O files are formatted for ease of pre and post-processing.
Any suggestions for an MPI-2 solution for formatted I/O?
The usual answer to using MPI-IO while generating some sort of portable, sensible file format is to use HDF5 or NetCDF4 . There's a real learning curve to both (but also lots of tutorials out there) but the result is you hve portable, self-describing files that there are a zillion tools for accessing, manipulating, etc.
If by `formatted' output you mean plain human-readable text, then as someone who does a lot of this stuff, I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't urge you enough to start moving away from that approach. We all by and large start that way, dumping plain text so we can quickly see what's going on; but it's just not a good approach for doing production runs. The files are bloated, the I/O is way slower (I routinely see 6x slowdown in using ascii as vs binary, partly because you're writing out small chunks at a time and partly because of the string conversions), and for what? If there's so little data being output that you actually can feasibly read and understand the output, you don't need parallel I/O; if there are so many numbers that you can't really plausibly flip through them all and understand what's going on, then what's the point?