Access SQL calculating date difference from dup - sql

I have a table that records the status by date
ID Date Status
101 1 N
101 2 N
101 3 P
101 4 P
101 5 R
101 6 R
101 7 R
102 1 N
102 2 N
102 3 P
102 4 N
102 5 N
102 6 N
102 7 P
103 5 N
103 6 N
103 7 P
but I've been trying to get a result where I can count the period for each status and only show the date where the status changes.
ID Date Status Period
101 1 N 2
101 3 P 2
101 5 R 2
102 1 N 2
102 3 P 1
102 4 N 3
102 7 P 1
103 5 N 2
103 7 P 1
Please help...
Thank you in advance!

I think this gets you what you're looking for:
SELECT Table.*, tA.Period
FROM Table INNER JOIN (SELECT ID, Status, MIN(Date) AS DateOfChange, COUNT(*) as Period
FROM Table
GROUP BY ID, Status) AS tA ON Table.ID = tA.ID
AND Table.Date = tA.DateOfChange


I'm having this error when compiling my code: value with SQL

Team numbers are found by dividing the employee id by four. If 4 divides the employee id evenly, then that employee is part of team 1. For the other cases, a remainder of 1 places that employee on team 2, etc.
I got this result when I run the Code
100 0
101 1
102 2
103 3
104 0
105 1
106 2
107 3
but I need to get the following result:
100 1
101 2
102 3
103 4
104 1
105 2
106 3
107 4
Trivially, you may just add one to result of the MOD function:
FROM yourTable;

Show Budget column to Position Column in sql

My Table Structure
Designation_id Budget
102 6
105 5
106 2
Need Output.
Designation_ID Position
102 1
102 2
102 3
102 4
102 5
102 6
105 1
105 2
105 3
105 4
105 5
106 1
106 2
Is this is possible.
You need a table of numbers. This can be created on the fly. Here is typical syntax:
select s.designation_id, n.n as position
from (select 1 as n union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all
select 5 union all select 6
) n join
structure s
on s.budget >= n.n;
The exact syntax for the subquery may vary, depending on the database.

return the count of row even if null sql server

I trying to do a sql query to get the count for shift for each user
I used this query :
COUNT( AS count, s.user_id
sarcuser AS u
sarcshiftpointuser AS s ON s.user_id =
sarcalllevel AS l ON = u.levelid
sarcshiftpointtable AS t ON t.shift_id = s.shift_id AND s.table_id = t.table_id
(s.shift_id + '' LIKE '2')
AND (CAST(s.xdate AS DATE) BETWEEN CAST(N'2014-01-01' AS DATE) AND CAST(N'2015-01-01' AS DATE))
AND (u.gender + '' LIKE N'%')
AND (u.levelid + '' LIKE N'%')
AND (s.point_id + '' LIKE '2')
It works very well ... but there is a logic problem :
when the user didn't appear in the shift didn't return the count and I need it to return 0
For example :
user1 user2
shift1 2 2
shift2 5 0
shift3 6 10
but actually the code returns :
user1 user2
shift1 2 2
shift2 5 10
shift3 6
and that's wrong ... how to return the count even if it zero with this condition and this inner join ?
Sample for data in table :
sarcuser :
id firstname lastname gender levelid
52 samy sammour male 1
62 ibrahim jackob male 1
71 rebeca janson female 3
sarcalllevel :
id name
1 field leader
2 leader
3 paramdic
sarcshiftpointtable :
id shift_id table_id name_of_shift point_id
1 1 1 shift1 2
2 2 1 shift2 2
3 3 1 shift3 2
4 1 2 shift1 7
5 2 2 shift2 7
6 3 2 shift3 7
sarcshiftpointuser :
id point_id shift_id table_id user_id xdate
1 2 1 1 62 2014-01-05
2 2 1 1 0 2014-01-05
3 2 1 1 71 2014-01-05
4 2 2 1 0 2014-01-05
5 2 2 1 0 2014-01-05
6 2 2 1 52 2014-01-05
7 2 3 1 52 2014-01-05
8 2 3 1 62 2014-01-05
9 2 3 1 71 2014-01-05
10 2 1 1 71 2014-01-06
11 2 1 1 52 2014-01-06
12 2 1 1 0 2014-01-06
13 2 2 1 62 2014-01-06
14 2 2 1 0 2014-01-06
15 2 2 1 52 2014-01-06
16 2 3 1 62 2014-01-06
17 2 3 1 52 2014-01-06
18 2 3 1 71 2014-01-06
if i apply this query 3 times by changing the shift should return :
52 62 71
shift1 1 2 2
shift2 2 1 0
shift3 2 2 2
in shift2 in sarcshiftpointuser the user 71 is not appear
so when I do the code it will return just to field not three ? the count 0 is not returned
52 62 71
shift2 2 1
to be more specific :
I need to export this table into excel so when the 0 is not return it give me a wrong order and wrong value (logically )
You will need to use a nested query using IFNULL
Take a look to this
Something like,
I think you are referring a crosstab query. you can use PIVOT to return your result set. Please refer below link.
Sql Server 2008 Cross Tab Query.
If you give few sample data for sarcuser , sarcshiftpointuser, sarcalllevel & sarcshiftpointtable tables, then we can give you a better answer.

Please help me to solve this [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How can I perform this aggregate?
(1 answer)
Closed 9 years ago.
I have crated two table one is cutomer and other one is ord
select * from customers;
Customer table
1 101 jun 23 yyyy 15000
2 102 jas 24 zzzz 10000
3 103 fat 20 kkkk 20000
4 104 jini 40 llll 30000
5 105 michael 30 dddd 25000
6 106 das 25 hhhh 10000
7 107 vijay 26 mmmm 12000
8 108 thanku 31 jjjj 26000
9 109 vishnu 34 gggg 24000
10 110 vas 28 ffff 18000
select * from ord;
This is order table
1 12/11/2013 1:00:00 AM 102 2500
2 202 12/11/2013 4:14:17 AM 102 3000
3 203 12/9/2013 9:18:16 PM 103 2000
4 204 12/8/2013 12:00:00 PM 102 1000
5 205 12/24/2013 107 2000
This is tha union command that I have used
inner join ord o
then the resulting table is
1 jas 10000 1000
2 jas 10000 3000
3 jas 10000 2500
4 fat 20000 2000
5 vijay 12000 2000
I want resulting table like this
1 jas 10000 6500
2 fat 20000 2000
3 vijay 12000 2000
plz help me for solving this.
group by, c.salary with sum(salary) is what you want:
select, c.salary, sum(o.amount )
inner join ord o on
group by, c.salary;
try this if it will work.
inner join ord o
group by 1,2;
select,c.salary,SUM(o.amount )
inner join ord o
GROUP BY,c.salary
I think this will work
Use Left Join or RIGHT JOIN
left join ord o

update corresponding value from other table

I have two tables named sales and login.My table structure is given below.Some times my program update the custid instead of userid in sales table column userid, but the logid updated correctly in sales table. I have the another table tbl_log shown below. I want to update the sales table userid based on logid using the tbl_log.
sales table
Fld_id Fld_cust_id Fld_log_id Fld_amount Fld_user_id
1 S1002 101 100 d2121
2 S1003 102 121 S1003
3 S1004 103 120 d2123
4 S1005 102 130 d2122
5 S1006 102 1234 S1006
6 S1007 102 111 d2122
7 S1008 103 21 d2123
8 S1009 103 234 S1009
9 S1010 104 31 d2124
10 S1011 104 60 S1011
Log Table
Fld_log_id Fld_user_id
101 d2121
102 d2122
103 d2123
104 d2124
Exact output
Fld_id Fld_cust_id Fld_log_id Fld_amount Fld_user_id
1 S1002 101 100 d2121
2 S1003 102 121 d2122
3 S1004 103 120 d2123
4 S1005 102 130 d2122
5 S1006 102 1234 d2122
6 S1007 102 111 d2122
7 S1008 103 21 d2123
8 S1009 103 234 d2123
9 S1010 104 31 d2124
10 S1011 104 60 d2124
To update the values in sales based on the values in the log table you do:
UPDATE sales S
SET S.Fld_user_id = (SELECT l.Fld_user_id
FROM logSales l
WHERE l.Fld_log_id = s.Fld_log_id);
sqlfiddle demo