Excel VBA: Saving data/file to another format without macro - vba

I have this userform
It is fully fuctioning but I want to add a feature that is sending the file as .xlsx or .txt so I can remove the macro from the file.
I searched the internet for days and come up to a procedure that I need to make a 3 process to save it to another format. The process I come up is listed below:
1. .SaveCopyAs
Copy(Filename).(Same format)
Existing File
(FileName).(Any format)
And delete the SaveCopyAs file to avoid redundancy Or catch the temporary file to SaveAs another file format? Every input should be save after clicking ok button and to overwrite the existing file.
Can someone tell me if I'm making the right approach to my problem? Thanks.

I have had a similar issue, my solution involved copying the Sheets into a new workbook then renaming them accordingly and saving that workbook with a specific name:
ans = MsgBox("Would you like to export the Report?", vbYesNo)
Select Case ans
Case vbYes
FPath = "C:\...\...\... Daily Report"
FName = "Report" & ".xlsx"
Set NewBook = Workbooks.Add
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Copy Before:=NewBook.Sheets(1)
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet3").Copy Before:=NewBook.Sheets(1)
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
'NewBook.Sheets("Sheet1").Delete to delete the first empty sheet on the new workbook
If Dir(FPath & "\" & FName) <> "" Then
MsgBox "File " & FPath & "\" & FName & " already exists"
NewBook.SaveAs Filename:=FPath & "\" & FName
End If
NewBook.Close False
CurrentReport = FPath & "\" & FName
Case vbNo
Exit Sub
End Select
Or to append the data to a text file, each time the user clicks "OK":
Sub VBA_to_append_existing_text_file()
Dim strFile_Path As String
strFile_Path = "C:\temp\test.txt" ‘Change as per your test folder and exiting file path to append it.
Open strFile_Path For Append As #1
Write #1, "This is my sample text" ' add entered data here
Close #1
End Sub


How to save a macroless copy without closing the current file?

I am trying to save a copy of ThisWorkbook in xlsx while using SaveCopyAs. The problem is that SaveCopyAs saves the file as a macro enabled file, xlsb in my case which is not desired and while SaveAs does what I need, it also closes ThisWorkbook .
Is there an easier way to save in a format that does not support macros and without doing workarounds ?
Currently the best solution I found is the code snip below, but it's kinda finicky and it does not save the ContentTypeProperties that I need further on in the project, so does need to be added again.
Any ideas are appreciated, thanks!
Dim sPath as String
sPath = ThisWorkbook.FullName
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & sFileName & ".xlsx", 51
Application.Workbooks.Open (sPath)
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Exit Sub
Define your path sPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & sFileName without extension
Use ThisWorkbook.SaveCopyAs sPath & ".xlsm" to save a copy.
Open that copy with Set Wb = Application.Workbooks.Open(sPath & ".xlsm")
Save again without Wb.SaveAs sPath & ".xlsx", xlOpenXMLWorkbook
Close workbook Wb.Close SaveChanges:=False
So something like the following should work, and would keep your current code running without any re-opening side effects of the current workbook.
Dim sPath As String
sPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & sFileName 'no extension!
ThisWorkbook.SaveCopyAs sPath & ".xlsm"
Dim Wb As Workbook
Set Wb = Application.Workbooks.Open(sPath & ".xlsm")
Wb.SaveAs sPath & ".xlsx", xlOpenXMLWorkbook
Wb.Close SaveChanges:=False
And probably you want to delete the xlsm file copy
Kill sPath & ".xlsm"
You might want to make use of Application.DisplayAlerts = False and Application.ScreenUpdating = False.

Excel Macro Request: Save As Copy and Break Data Connection

I have a MASTER excel spreadsheet used as a template so I could refresh a CONNECTION ( .csv file) with a new data table that links to my pivot table.
Right now I have a macro to SAVE AS COPY to a specific path, since I want to keep the original intact.
Sub SaveCopyPath()
With ActiveWorkbook
.SaveCopyAs "C:\Users\Me\" & Format(Date, "mmddyyyy") & "-" & [A1] & ".xlsm"
End With
End Sub
I'm looking for a VBA Code that would apply only to my SAVED AS COPY with these:
BREAK the connection on the data table
Delete TAB1 and TAB2 on the saved copy only and keep the Pivot Table & "Data" intact on the saved copy.
This uses the ListObject.Unlink method to delete the data connection. The rest should be straightforward:
Sub SaveCopyPath()
Dim SavedCopy As Excel.Workbook
ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs "C:\Users\Me\" & Format(Date, "mmddyyyy") & "-" & [A1] & ".xlsm"
Workbooks.Open "C:\Users\Me\" & Format(Date, "mmddyyyy") & "-" & [A1] & ".xlsm"
Set SavedCopy = ActiveWorkbook
With SavedCopy
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
.Close True
End With
End Sub

Export As A Fixed Format Excel 2007

I have been assigned the task of developing a excel document that whole office will use. The user will click a button and the macro will export the file as a PDF to a shared folder. I wrote this code and tested this code using excel 2010. People that have excel 2007 where getting an error message saying "Run Time Error 1004 Document not saved. This document may be open, or an error may have been encountered when saving." I looked into the problem a little bit and found that excel 2007 needed an add-in update, so I installed it on their computers. I also checked to see if they have adobe on their computers and they do. They are still having the problem and I am unsure of what to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Here is my code
' Define all variables
Dim strFileName As String
Dim folder As String
Dim member As Integer
Dim member_count As Integer
Dim member_name As String
Dim show As Variant
Dim MyTime As String
'Save as new file
Worksheets("Input data").Visible = True
folder = Sheets("Input data").Range("location").Value
MyTime = Time
Sheets("Input data").Select
Range("G2").Value = MyTime
strFileName = folder & "Material Request - " & Sheets("Input data").Range("name").Value & "_" & Sheets("Input data").Range("date").Value & " " & Sheets("Input data").Range("time").Value & ".pdf"
Sheets("Material Request").Select
ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:=strFileName 'OpenAfterPublish:=True`
You should start with changing the code to remove .Select & .ActiveSheet instances.
Dim oWS as Worksheet
Set oWS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Input data")
' Worksheets("Input data").Visible = True
folder = oWS.Range("location").Value
If Right(folder,1) <> Application.PathSeparator Then folder = folder & Application.PathSeparator
MyTime = Time
' Sheets("Input data").Select
oWS.Range("G2").Value = MyTime
strFileName = folder & "Material Request - " & oWS.Range("name").Value & "_" & oWS.Range("date").Value & " " & oWS.Range("time").Value & ".pdf"
Debug.Print "strFileName: " & strFileName
'Sheets("Material Request").Select
oWS.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:=strFileName 'OpenAfterPublish:=True`
Set oWS = Nothing
Refer to this MSDN Worksheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Method, you may need fill in more parameters depending on properties of the Worksheet "Input Data".
I have added some checks and refer to Immediate window to check value of strFileName in 2007.
I had a similiar problem (Error 1004 when attempting export). After an hour of pulling my hair out, here was the source of my problem.
I was passing a cell value as part of generating the filename. I was doing this in the format of
fileName:= ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & CStr(Workbooks.Cells(i,j).Value) & ".pdf"
The text in the cell itself was formatted to be in two rows (i.e. "top row text" + (Alt+K) + "bottom row text"). While the string looks normal in Debug.print, MsgBox, or value previews, I am thinking that there is a hidden character which encodes the new line for the cell. I believe this hidden character causes the error when passed as part of the fileName argument. I'm guessing Excel doesn't pick it up but the OS's file name system does.
In any case, this fixed the issue for me.

Excel VBA Open a Folder

Using 2010 Excel VBA - I'm just trying to open a folder through a sub. What am I doing wrong here?
Sub openFolder()
Dim preFolder As String, theFolder As String, fullPath as String
theFolder = Left(Range("T12").Value, 8)
preFolder = Left(Range("T12").Value, 5) & "xxx"
fullPath = "P:\Engineering\031 Electronic Job Folders\" & preFolder & "\" & theFolder
Shell(theFolder, "P:\Engineering\031 Electronic Job Folders\" & preFolder, vbNormalFocus)
End Sub
If you want to open a windows file explorer, you should call explorer.exe
Call Shell("explorer.exe" & " " & "P:\Engineering", vbNormalFocus)
Equivalent syxntax
Shell "explorer.exe" & " " & "P:\Engineering", vbNormalFocus
I use this to open a workbook and then copy that workbook's data to the template.
Private Sub CommandButton24_Click()
Set Template = ActiveWorkbook
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
.InitialFileName = "I:\Group - Finance" ' Yu can select any folder you want
.Title = "Your Title"
If Not .Show Then
MsgBox "No file selected.": Exit Sub
End If
Workbooks.OpenText .SelectedItems(1)
'The below is to copy the file into a new sheet in the workbook and paste those values in sheet 1
Set myfile = ActiveWorkbook
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1).Copy after:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
End With

How to change the name of the document in Excel?

I have a Macro Enabled Template called TIP-PBI.xltm. When I create a document based on this template, Excel automatically names it TIP-PBI1. However, I want to give it a custom name.
I figured I could do that by modifying the .Title property of the Workbook. To that end, on startup the Workbook_Open event kicks off, and the following is executed:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim strPBI As String
strPBI = InputBox$("Enter PBI", "Enter PBI")
ThisWorkbook.Title = "TIP-PBI-" & strPBI
End Sub
However, this does nothing.
How can I change the Title of the document on startup?
the only way to change the workbook name is to save it (ref) so you could do something like
ThisWorkbook.SaveAs ThisWorkbook.Path & "" & FileName & ".xls"
if you only want to suggest a name then you could use GetSaveAsFilename or
Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogSaveAs).InitialFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "" & FileName & ".xls"
If the new workbook is created from a template then it takes the template name. Hence in instances where I wish to set the name of the new work book I copy a dummy template to the required name and then open the new workbook based upon the renamed template.
strFile = "C:\Temp\" & strnewname & ".xltx "
FileCopy "C:\Temp\Dummy.xltx", strFile
'Open template to new workbook
Workbooks.Open Filename:=strFile
Kill strFile 'delete renamed template