I have this dataframe:
df = pd.DataFrame({"c1":["[\"text\",\"text2\"]","[\"bla\",\"bla\",\"bla\"]"]})
and I'm removind [] and "" :
df["c2"] = df["c1"].apply(lambda x:re.sub('[\["\]]', "", x))
then I want to add df['c2'] to a list:
list = df['c2'].to_list()
Then I get this: ['text,text2', 'bla,bla,bla']
So far so good. But then I want a list with only unique values, what I could to using set(list).
The proble is that Instead of ['text,text2', 'bla,bla,bla'] I needed to get ['text','text2', 'bla','bla','bla'] so when I apply `set(list) I would get what I am expecting:
First, don't use list as a variable. Second, once you get ['text,text2',...] you can use str.split. So your set would be
{y for x in df['c2'].str.split(',') for y in x}
{'bla', 'text', 'text2'}
Note: You can use regex directly to extract all patterns between the \":
Try this:
new = []
for l in list:
new.extend(l.split(',') )
new = list(set(new))
which results in new to be
['text2', 'text', 'bla']
I would like to save all my variables and dual variables of my finished lp-optimization in an efficient manner. My current solution works, but is neither elegant nor suited for larger optimization programs with many variables and constraints because I define and push! every single variable into DataFrames separately. Is there a way to iterate through the variables using all_variables() and all_constraints() for the duals? While iterating, I would like to push the results into DataFrames with the variable index name as columns and save the DataFrame in a Dict().
A conceptual example would be for variables:
Result_vars = Dict()
for vari in all_variables(Model)
Resul_vars["vari"] = DataFrame(data=[indexval(vari),value(vari)],columns=[index(vari),"Value"])
An example of the appearance of the declared variable in JuMP and DataFrame:
#variable(Model, p[t=s_time,n=s_n,m=s_m], lower_bound=0,base_name="Expected production")
And Result_vars[p] shall approximately look like:
Presumably, you could go something like:
x = all_variables(model)
name = variable_name.(x),
Value = value.(x),
If you want some structure more complicated, you need to write custom code.
T, N, M, primal_solution = [], [], [], []
for t in s_time, n in s_n, m in s_m
push!(T, t)
push!(N, n)
push!(M, m)
push!(primal_solution, value(p[t, n, m]))
DataFrame(t = T, n = N, m = M, Value = primal_solution)
See here for constraints: https://jump.dev/JuMP.jl/stable/constraints/#Accessing-constraints-from-a-model-1. You want something like:
for (F, S) in list_of_constraint_types(model)
for con in all_constraints(model, F, S)
#show dual(con)
Thanks to Oscar, I have built a solution that could help to automatize the extraction of results.
The solution is build around a naming convention using base_name in the variable definition. One can copy paste the variable definition into base_name followed by :. E.g.:
#variable(Model, p[t=s_time,n=s_n,m=s_m], lower_bound=0,base_name="p[t=s_time,n=s_n,m=s_m]:")
The naming convention and syntax can be changed, comments can e.g. be added, or one can just not define a base_name. The following function divides the base_name into variable name, sets (if needed) and index:
function var_info(vars::VariableRef)
split_conv = [":","]","[",","]
x_str = name(vars)
if occursin(":",x_str)
x_str = replace(x_str, " " => "") #Deletes all spaces
x_name,x_index = split(x_str,split_conv[1]) #splits raw variable name+ sets and index
x_name = replace(x_name, split_conv[2] => "")
x_name,s_set = split(x_name,split_conv[3])#splits raw variable name and sets
x_set = split(s_set,split_conv[4])
x_index = replace(x_index, split_conv[2] => "")
x_index = replace(x_index, split_conv[3] => "")
x_index = split(x_index,split_conv[4])
return (x_name,x_set,x_index)
println("Var base_name not properly defined. Special Syntax required in form var[s=set]: ")
The next functions create the columns and the index values plus columns for the primal solution ("Value").
function create_columns(x)
col_ind=[String(var_info(x)[2][col]) for col in 1:size(var_info(x)[2])[1]]
cols = append!(["Value"],col_ind)
return cols
function create_index(x)
col_ind=[String(var_info(x)[3][ind]) for ind in 1:size(var_info(x)[3])[1]]
index = append!([string(value(x))],col_ind)
return index
function create_sol_matrix(varss,model)
nested_sol_array=[create_index(xx) for xx in all_variables(model) if varss[1]==var_info(xx)[1]]
return sol_array
Finally, the last function creates the Dict which holds all results of the variables in DataFrames in the previously mentioned style:
function create_var_dict(model)
=>create_sol_matrix(vars,model)[cols,:] for cols in 1:size(vars[2][1])[1]))
for vars in unique([[String(var_info(x)[1]),[create_columns(x)]] for x in all_variables(model)]))
return Variable_dict
When those functions are added to your script, you can simply retrieve all the solutions of the variables after the optimization by calling create_var_dict():
var_dict = create_var_dict(model)
Be aware: they are nested functions. When you change the naming convention, you might have to update the other functions as well. If you add more comments you have to avoid using [, ], and ,.
This solution is obviously far from optimal. I believe there could be a more efficient solution falling back to MOI.
I passing data into a line series but I cannot dynamically add anything to series.name I just get the string rather that teh variable.
I tried using .dataFields.name but this is teh incorrect syntax.
Please advise?
var series = chart.series.push(new am4charts.LineSeries());
series.dataFields.valueY = "value"+ seriesId;
series.dataFields.dateX = "date";
series.name = "BrandNM"+ seriesId;
series.strokeWidth = 2;
I am having some issue with sql... Below have a working and not working example. I hard coded them so its easier to see.
$deleteData = $con->prepare("DELETE FROM markers WHERE sid=? AND user_id=? AND lat=? AND lng=?");
$deleteData->bind_param("iidd", $sid, $user_id,$lat,$lng);
$sid= '239';
$user_id = '2';
$lat = '39.724869';
$lng = '-91.400116';
$deleteData -> execute();
Some reason when I attempt to delete using type double in bind_param just doesn't work. Any suggestions? I changed it with or without '' around the lat lng, still doesn't work.
If I change it to below, it deletes just fine.
$deleteData = $con->prepare("DELETE FROM markers WHERE sid=? AND user_id=?);
$deleteData->bind_param("ii", $sid, $user_id);
$sid= '239';
$user_id = '2';
$deleteData -> execute();
First of all you have a syntax error in the second example (missing character ").
Also you did not assigned $sid variable.
Then I have a little bit stupid question. Are you aware, that assign of variables $blog_id, $user_id ... etc. must be before call of method $deleteData->bind_param()?
And also, don't forget that when you are comparing 2 real values, then you should also add some tolerance, so try instead:
$deleteData = $con->prepare("DELETE FROM markers WHERE sid=? AND user_id=? AND ABS(lat - ?) < 0.0000001 AND ABS(lng - ?) < 0.0000001");
Replace $blog_id = '239';with $sid = '239'; since that's the variable name you use in the bind_param() statement.
Im trying to get all the data rows that contain a certain set of data.
In my database i have some values, including start and length.
I have an array that contains integers called startTimes and another called endTimes.
I need a where clause that would return the records that have a start value contained in startTimes, OR start+length contained in endTimes.
Is there any way to do this?
IQueryable<request> proposedRequest = db.requests.Include(r => r.rooms);
proposedRequest = proposedRequest.Where(r=>r.booked.Equals(1));
proposedRequest = proposedRequest.Where(r=>r.roundID.Equals(roundID))8;
proposedRequest = proposedRequest.Where(r=>r.day.Equals(day));
int[] startTimes;
int[] endTimes;
for(var q=0;q<time;q++){
startTimes[startTimes.Length] = time + q;
endTimes[endTimes.Length] = time + q + 1;
proposedRequest = proposedRequest.Where(//what goes in here);
i have an array startTime=[1,3,4] and an array endTime=[2,4,5] lets
say. I need to see if any of those values match my records? I dont
think the above would do the job
To check if you have value in Array of int, Use the Contains Method:
proposedRequest = proposedRequest.Where(s => startTimes.Contains(s.INT_ID)
|| endTimes.Contains(s.INT_ID));
Syntax: ARRAY.Contains(ID_TO_SEARCH)
it returns a boolean:
var list = new List<int> {1,2,3,4,5};
var intVar = 4;
var exists = list.Contains(intVar);
will something like this suffice?
var data = collection.Where(
t => startTimes.Contains(t.theTime) ||
endTimes.Contains(t.theTime + theLength));
proposedRequest.Where(pr => startTimesArray.Contains(pr.start) || endTimesArray.Contains(pr.start + pr.length));