Were there any changes in OneDrive API response? - onedrive

It seems the response of the following OneDrive API has been changed lately.
GET /v1.0/drive/items/{item-id}
* item-id: id of "root"
Previous response:
The "driveItem" resource does not include "parentReference" property.
Current response:
The "driveItem" resource includes "parenetReference" property with only "driveId" attribute.
I couldn`t find this change in the Changelog (https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/docs/concepts/changelog).
Were there any changes in OneDrive API response lately?

This change was made available some time in June, so its been a while now. But yes, we did introduce this change mid-year.


Which Rally API is used for creating defect now?

I tried all sample and getting error - It is no longer necessary to append ".js" to WSAPI resources. Please Help with example.
That is just a warning- it's not actually preventing anything from working. Can you give us some more info on how you're accessing the api? Are you writing an app? Are you using one of the REST toolkits? Are there other errors in your response?
That warning just means you can drop the .js from all of the ref urls. The proper defect creation endpoint in wsapi version 2 is this:

Salesforce ServiceM8 Integration

We had already integrated Salesforce and ServiceM8. We have been pushing a custom object into servicem8 and creating a job.
This was working well before but not for last few days. We get the below error while posting.
{"errorCode":400,"message":"Bad Request. No data received in POST"}
Can you please identify what does this mean?
NOTE: We have been sending this in JSON format. We tried with the example that ServiceM8 given in the API document. That itself didn't get posted now.
Please assist, if there is any changes in the serviceM8 api.
I am passing the content type through header. Please find the sample request and response below.
Request===System.HttpRequest[Endpoint=https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/job/0bd2a066-8ac8-4d0c-83db-2deb78973ceb.json, Method=POST]
JSON String==={"status":"Completed","purchase_order_number":null,"job_description":"","job_address":"test, test, test, test, test","customfield_strata_number":"Yes","customfield_service_sheet_url":"SS2000420","customfield_salesforce_id":"012038","customfield_purchase_order_number":null,"customfield_notes_to_service":null,"customfield_notes_from_previous_service":null,"customfield_message_to_technician":null,"customfield_booking_notes":null,"customfield_booked_with_customer":"Yes","company_uuid":"15792888-b2f4-4538-a325-c3a58defaddb","badges":"[\"64cb190d-6a08-4ce2-ab08-56d8999c8a8b\",\"2aec7e2e-7370-42d0-9ea2-f16a859a2d1b\",\"a225a59f-b21f-4ea1-bce7-5e28ff2bd89b\",\"e71de9ce-8207-4bdd-a178-f05f35c675cb\",\"62795263-6867-45d8-868f-ab8cfbcf897b\",\"08b0cfa0-2d9c-438e-b7b0-ba41a437607b\",]"}
VF_PAGE_MESSAGE|{"errorCode":400,"message":"Bad Request. No data received in POST"}

Is it possible to set the content source of a post with Tumblr's API?

I find it strange that you can set nearly every property of a given post through Tumblr's API, however, I cannot seem to find how one would go about setting the content source of a post when posting through Tumblr's API.
Any thoughts? By the way, not the source of the quote post type, but rather the content source that you would if you used their GUI.

Jira V6.0+ creating a project over REST API

I've got a problem: I'm working on an external webinterface for my company and we use Atlassians JIRA as a project issue and tracking method. I am trying to connect our webinterface over the REST API. After a short research I found out, that Atlassian never implemented the possibility to create a new JIRA Project over their REST API. Well, that isn't that true, they've implemented it in the actual version (7.0) because they migrated their other two APIs to one REST API. Now comes my problem: We are currently unable to upgrade from version 6.4.4 to version 7.0.0. After a second search I found a workaround for this problem. You can find it here:
The real problem is that this workaround isn't working or I'm doing it wrong.
I've already tried it with a GET request and the given arguments as parameters and over the normal POST method with a JSON body in it.
What's my problem?
Here some more informations: When I try it over GET, I always receive the normal response for the URL (it returns a list with all available templates). When I try it over POST with a JSON body (this is by the way the normal method for the normal functions of the REST API) I get back a HTTP-Error 415 Unsupported media type.
it would be nice if someone could test this workaround with a 6.0+ version of JIRA
So after some months I got it by myself. You have to make a POST request with the following header fields:
Content-Type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
Authorization=Basic {set your credentials as a Base64-String: "user:password"}
Once done you can set your POST-Parameters to the following:
name=Name of the Project
key=Key of the Project
lead=Leader of the Project
keyEdited=true (don't change it!)
projectTemplateWebItemKey=com.atlassian.jira-legacy-project-templates:jira-blank-item (don't change it!)
projectTemplateModuleKey=com.atlassian.jira-legacy-project-templates:jira-blank-item (don't change it!)
Hope that this helps someone, Jira is just weird in some cases :/

Google Contacts API 404 photo upload

Using the Contact API v3 I had a working implementation for uploading a photo to an existing contact.
Since a couple of weeks this fails with 404. The implementation has not been changed when the API servers started to sent back 404s and I don't see any indication what exactly changed and would result now in the 404s.
I'm using HTTP PUT + the photo URL of the contact.
One interesting observation I made was that the contact's self-URL changes which each request (the provided details are still always the same and correct).
Did anyone notice something similar ?
Edit: Link to issue: http://code.google.com/a/google.com/p/apps-api-issues/issues/detail?id=3301&q=contact&colspec=API%20ID%20Type%20Status%20Priority%20Stars%20Opened%20Summary
tried different photo formats and sizes, different content types and even photos which had been uploaded previously (when it was still working). Nothing changed the behaviour of returning 404.
w.r.t to change contact ids: the contact ID changes between API invocations. I first thought it could be related to reopened connection( no keep-alive) that contact ids change. However what speaks against this being the cause of the issue is that first retrieving a contact and then editing a contact's address is possible without any issues.
authentication does not seem to be problem as well - otherwise editing a contact's address would not work as well.
PS: I'm using the JSON output format when retrieving the contact.
PS2: s/GET/PUT in step 3 ( I tried to change PUT to GET to see if it still returns 404... which it does).
PS3: am not using any client library but implement the protocol directly (which should not be relevant for the HTTP PUT on the photo link
After hours of investigation I found out that this is particular an issue using OAuth1. Using OAuth2 the exact same photo links which had been returned when requesting a specific contact record using OAuth1 work and return the photo data on HTTP GET. I expect HTTP PUT for photo links using OAuth2 to succeed as well.
Remains open if if there's some kind of workaround for OAuth1.