Jira V6.0+ creating a project over REST API - api

I've got a problem: I'm working on an external webinterface for my company and we use Atlassians JIRA as a project issue and tracking method. I am trying to connect our webinterface over the REST API. After a short research I found out, that Atlassian never implemented the possibility to create a new JIRA Project over their REST API. Well, that isn't that true, they've implemented it in the actual version (7.0) because they migrated their other two APIs to one REST API. Now comes my problem: We are currently unable to upgrade from version 6.4.4 to version 7.0.0. After a second search I found a workaround for this problem. You can find it here:
The real problem is that this workaround isn't working or I'm doing it wrong.
I've already tried it with a GET request and the given arguments as parameters and over the normal POST method with a JSON body in it.
What's my problem?
Here some more informations: When I try it over GET, I always receive the normal response for the URL (it returns a list with all available templates). When I try it over POST with a JSON body (this is by the way the normal method for the normal functions of the REST API) I get back a HTTP-Error 415 Unsupported media type.
it would be nice if someone could test this workaround with a 6.0+ version of JIRA

So after some months I got it by myself. You have to make a POST request with the following header fields:
Content-Type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
Authorization=Basic {set your credentials as a Base64-String: "user:password"}
Once done you can set your POST-Parameters to the following:
name=Name of the Project
key=Key of the Project
lead=Leader of the Project
keyEdited=true (don't change it!)
projectTemplateWebItemKey=com.atlassian.jira-legacy-project-templates:jira-blank-item (don't change it!)
projectTemplateModuleKey=com.atlassian.jira-legacy-project-templates:jira-blank-item (don't change it!)
Hope that this helps someone, Jira is just weird in some cases :/


IT-Hit WebDAV Library: passing Access-Token from webapp through WebDAV-Client to webDAV-Server possible?

I am currently working on a POC and made quite a lot of progress thanks to IT-Hit WebDAV Library.
However, I am currently stuck at the authentication. I am using the "OnBeforeRequestSend"-Hook to add my authentication header containing my current access-token. This approach works very well for all the request coming from my webapp.
Nevertheless, the problem I am facing right now is, that I lose the authentication-token for every request from the webdav-client...
In order to tell the webdav-client apart from any other website, I thought about using the User-Agent-Header to determine what behavior the server is going to exhibit.
To be exact: I thought about only checking the token when the user-agent is not "Microsoft Office ...".
Since this solution seems very error prone, I wanted to ask If there is another way to pass the authentication-header from my webapp through the webdav-client to the webdav-server, so that i can validate/verify every request to webdav-server independently of the source (webapp or webdav-client)?
My current stack is:
WebApp written in TypeScript
WebDAV-Server written in .Net
thanks and best regards,
Look into implementing MS-OFBA, this will work as you desire.

Finding fields in new version of Postman when coming form the older version

I am just reading and following my Web API book and this is how the screenshot for Postman settings look like in the book:
But sounds like that's old and the new Postman I downloaded looks a bit different. Clicking around I found my way BUT my question is: Is this the correct place ? and do I need that "bearer" token still? Because we are picking it anyway in the dropdown.

Which Rally API is used for creating defect now?

I tried all sample and getting error - It is no longer necessary to append ".js" to WSAPI resources. Please Help with example.
That is just a warning- it's not actually preventing anything from working. Can you give us some more info on how you're accessing the api? Are you writing an app? Are you using one of the REST toolkits? Are there other errors in your response?
That warning just means you can drop the .js from all of the ref urls. The proper defect creation endpoint in wsapi version 2 is this:

Endpoint with Google Flex env

There is bit of a confusion, wondering if somebody can help me with this.
Here is an example which is a year old and uses goapp with polymer and endpoint
Here is a recent example using gcloud
Both are different as google changed its approach.
As per second example, I am able to create endpoint functions which uses json for input and output. However there are 2 problems
1st. It is throwing error if I put functions in different file under same package. It works when I run go run .go. but then I dont understand how app.yaml come into picture. I think this url /_ah/spi/. should work
2nd. I am using postman app to check the request and response from endpoint. Is there a better way? I thought google does provide a platform to test endpoint.
Is there any example which implements examples similar to 1st one with new libraries?
looking forward for your help. Thanks.

Create issue : Test link integration with jira

I've integrated Testlink with Jira using below xml
I am able to link existing jira issue in to test link.
But create issue window contains Version field which would not alow me to enter any value or not giving any suggestion as displayed in below image.
I've tried to create version in jira but it doesn't work.
What value i should enter/configure for version field ?
What is use of <issuetype>1</issuetype> ? can we provide any other value?
How to link new field on create Issue window?
4.Version is mismatched with jira field Versions.
I'm not sure which version of JIRA REST API you are using but the tutorial for the v2 says:
Just like everyone else in the real world, we're faced with time and resource constraints. Supporting two serialisation formats requires more time than just a single one. Hence, for our initial release of the JIRA REST API, we decided to provide "more stuff in JSON" rather than "less stuff in JSON and XML".
So I'm not sure about the XML support. I have no experience with Testlink, but I guess it's using some kind of serialiser at the back end.
If you check the Create issue endpoint, there is no version field. I guess it will be the versions field instead. In JIRA projects can have multiple versions. You can get a list of versions from the Get project eversions endpoint.
Issue type is an ID of issue type you want to use for your issue. You can get a list of project specific issue types from the Get issue all types
I'm not sure about this
Check the first point
This version field is empty because you have not specified any version for your project in JIRA. In my case it was Fix version in JIRA. Currently the rest API is getting an empty list of versions. You can try
curl -X GET http://example.com/rest/api/2/project/KEY/versions
-H 'authorization: Basic dtgzkisVlbyhsuYWhtYijdsdidjjsidDkw'
This will give you an empty list.
Once you set FixVersion in for your project in JIRA, this API will return the list of available versions for your project and the Version field will be populated with those versions.
PS: use your own authorization headers. You can use [Postman][1] for this purpose.