No Scheme to select in Google Fabric Configure Project - google-fabric

I'm trying to distribute a beta build of an iOS xCode/Swift app using Crashlytics/Fabric/Fastlane 2.66.0.
I get to "Distribute your project" and successfully select the project.
It then offers a dropdown under Scheme "Select scheme to build" but the dropdown doesn't open, so I have no way forward.
(Obviously I'm new to this - a refugee from Windows 10)


Installing old app versions as beta tester for migration testing

In our app we updated the database from one version to another.
Now for testing I want to jump between older versions that were officially released at some point in time.
In the Android developer console we can find the previous releases under
Production / Tab "Releases" / Section "Release history" / Dropdown "Show"
and a direct installation link for internal testers under
Blue rightarrow "Details" of the version to install / Section "App Bundles" / Blue rightarrow "Details" of the desired APK / Tab "Downloads" / Link "Copy Sharable link"
The link looks like this:<>/<release versionCode number>
Now if I open this link on my target device (where "Internal app sharing" is activated in the settings) one of two things can happen:
a) everything works fine:
Google offers me to install the old app version with the hint
This version of this app (<versionCode number>) may be old. Turn off auto-update for this app to keep it from getting updated.
b) I get the following notification:
You're an internal tester. This app may be unsecure or unstable.
In this case, the most recent version available to internal testers (typically the future version) is installed.
I have several different Google accounts for alpha testers, and all of them are listed in the same group (Email list) under Testing / Internal testing / Testers
All accounts are in "developer mode" in the Play store and have "Internal app sharing" active in the Play store settings
I typically uninstall old app versions before clicking on the APK link which I sent to my tester accounts via Email
I have several phones with various Android versions, screen sizes etc. I could not recognize a deterministic pattern for ending up in situation "b)"
How can I install the older versions when the second situation "b)" appears?

How do I update a Google Sheets Add-On

I have made changes to my (already published) Google Sheets Add-On (in the Script Editor).
I have created a new version and pressed "Publish > Deploy as Add-On" which says
You must configure the G Suite Marketplace SDK to publish an add-on.
When I click on the link G Suite Marketplace opens (and I see the currently published products catalog entry) but no way of specifying a new version.
When I click OK nothing happens.
The entire Google Sheets add-on deployment workflow is one hot mess. Do not use Publish -> Deploy as Sheets add-on... to update an already-deployed AppScript. It does not work.
Instead, first create a version of the script File -> Manage version. Then go to the G Suite Marketplace SDK page in the Google Cloud Platform console ( Under the Configuration tab, scroll down to find Editor Add-on extensions where Sheets add-on extension should already be checked (if you followed the publication directions earlier and have already successfully published the add-on).
There you will see a field for the script version number. Increment it to the latest version, and Save changes. As far as I can tell this takes effect immediately.
Google is currently migrating add-ons from the Chrome Web Store to the G Suite Marketplace, so now need to be published there rather than the legacy marketplace.
Further Information:
In order to publish an Apps Script project as an addon, as specified in your message, the G Suite Marketplace SDK must be configured. You can find an article detailing the migration process here.
You will need to enable the G Suite Marketplace SDK in your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project. You can follow the information on the Getting Started page for Google Cloud.
All add-ons now in the G Suite Marketplace
Publish to the G Suite Marketplace
Getting Started with Google Cloud
The new GSM publishing flow for Editor Add-ons as described is now available.
This means that all updates now needs to be done through GSM. Please make sure to complete all the fields in both the configuration and publish section of the marketplace SDK and click on the 'Publish' button.

Xcode 8, Multiple accounts (1 for enterprise, 1 for app store) and signing issue

I have an account that I use to do all my App Store builds. My apps main bundle id is registered in this account. I also have an app group setup for this bundle id. I have all the provisioning profiles and certificates and it works fine.
I have another account - an enterprise account that I use to distribute my app internally in my company. The bundle id for this app has an extra component (.ent) suffixed to the bundle id to distinguish it from the main app (even though most of the code is the same). This app also has an app group setup in this account with an extra component (.ent) added to the end of the app group id. The provisioning profile and certificates are all setup correctly for this too.
This setup worked fine for me until Xcode 8. I had different entitlements indicating the bundle id, group etc and I chose the provisioning profile for the enterprise build separately (for the same target) by creating a different scheme and assigning it there. All this worked fine upto Xcode 7. When I upgraded to Xcode 8 I tried to switch to "Automatically manage signing" but that did not help because there are 2 teams involved - one for the app store build and one for the enterprise build. Xcode couldn't figure that out. I switched to manually setting each provisioning profile but for the Enterprise scheme signing, Xcode now gives me this error : "Provisioning Profile (enterprise profile) doesn't support the group (main app group).
I have also set the "Development Team" setting in the "Build Settings" tab separately for app store and enterprise. I have also set the "Code Signing Entitlements" in the build settings separately for the 2 builds. I have also set the "Info.plist file" in "Build Settings" separately. Inspite of all this Xcode 8 still doesn't figure out that the app group is different and gives me this build error and eventually fails to sign the enterprise build.

Worklight Console does not show new changes to project -- seems to use original code

I am running Eclipse Luna 4.4.1 with Worklight Studio 6.2...
I have made changes to my Worklight project. For some reason, I cannot get these changes to be seen/previewed when opening in the Worklight Console...
I have made simple changes such as adding print (console.log) statements to see if these changes are making it out to the console... I have even removed design elements to see if I can get this preview to error out...
Here is what I do:
Highlight the app folder (the folder under the "apps" folder) and right-click
Select Run As > 2 Build All Environments
Once that is complete, I highlight the project folder (the topmost folder in the project) and right-click, selecting Open Worklight Console, which opens the console in Firefox
Click the Preview as Common Resources link in the Console
The "old" code/project runs -- no changes appear
I have tried Cleaning the project, closing and re-opening Eclipse, rebooting my machine, etc. but nothing seems to shake this up. Worklight seems to use the "old" code no matter what I do in Eclipse...
Is there a setting on Worklight I may be missing?
Starting Worklight 6.2 you do not need to either build or deploy your application in order to see changes made to web resources.
The following should suffice:
Create a Project and application
Run As > Run on Worklight Development Environment
Open console, view the application (keep this tab open)
In Eclipse, change some resource (image, CSS, HTML, JavaScript)
Return to the previously opened tab and refresh it
The change should be visible to you.
Something to try:
Close Eclipse
Open your TMPDIR and delete the wlBuildResources folder
Open Eclipse, try again
You can also try adding a mobile environment to your application; there are some reports this some times, show how, helps 'refreshing' the web resources used while previewing applications
You can also make sure you are using the very latest iFix; there were preview-related fixes in the past. You can get it from IBM Fix Central website (assuming you are an IBM customer/business partner; for evaluation purposes you should download the latest available version, from the Eclipse Marketplace - v6.3)
Note that Run As > Build all environment does not actually deploy your modified web resources to the server, it only generates the .wlapp for later consumption elsewhere, so I suggest to follow my steps at the very top of this answer, by using Run As > Run on Worklight Development Server, and later on simply save (ctrl/cmd-s) and then go to the console to verify the changes are there.

Unable to set up jquery mobile project with worklight 6.1

I am unable to set-up a IBM Worklight project involving jquery-mobile. Here are my environment details:
eclipse Version: Juno Service Release 2 (32-bit version since I am using jre1.6.0_41)
Worklight version:
jquery-mobile: 1.3.1
I can create a new worklight project (called MyLab1) and associate jquery-mobile CSS and JS files to it. However the problems are:
The default .html file gets created as index.html (under 'apps->MyLab1->common') while my expectation is it should be MyLab1.html (as per the training material I have from IBM Worklight)
The 'Mobile Navigation' pane is completely blank while my expectation (again as per training material) is I will see a 'page(default)' control there
Whenever I try to create a new control (under 'Mobile Navigation' pane) I get the error 'Mobile Navigation controls cannot be added to the current page. This feature is only enabled for projects which have jQuery Mobile or Dojo mobile available'
I do not see any option (under eclipse menu) to start or stop Worklight sever (that comes with Developer studio version)
I am fairly new to Mobile application development space (just started with IBM worklight set up this week) and given the above issues I believe I may be doing something fundamentally wrong.
Starting Worklight 6.1, it is very much expected for a new application filenames' to be main.js, main.css and index.html.
Additionally, while you can do the adding of jQuery Mobile by yourself, you should instead use the wizard Worklight Studio provides for you.
This way not only will the files you choose be added properly to your project, but the HTML file will be updated accordingly as well (HEAD references, initial jQuery Mobile template in the body element).
The Palette view should then also list the relevant jQuery Mobile widgets you can use in your app.
Please follow the Worklight 6.1 training modules if you intend on using Worklight 6.1.
My impression is that you are reading the Worklight 5.0.x training modules.
To start or stop the Worklight Server, you need to open the Servers view and click either the play or stop buttons.
Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+3 and write "server".
Everything works:
I found the solution after trying out a few things. It turned out that WL-6.1.x doesn't work well with JRE 6 (32 bit) and eclipse Juno (32 bit) combination. Once I switched to JRE7/Juno-64 bit; things apparently started to work (for now at least).
Thanks Idan for your helpful comments