raw SQL to laravel query - sql

Can anybody please help me to write a DB query version of the SQL statement below.
I need a little help around the select statement and the partitioned joins.
I have managed to do this so far.
$query = DB::table(raw('SapakInAdminOrder a'))
->leftJoin(raw('currency cu'), 'a.currency', '=', 'cu.id')
->leftJoin(raw('moodboards m'), 'a.orderMoodboardID', '=', 'm.id')
->join(raw('clients b'), 'a.clientID', '=', 'b.id')
->leftJoin(raw('moodboards mc'), 'b.moodboardID', 'mc.id')
->join(raw('sapakim c'), 'b.sapakID', '=', 'c.id')
->leftJoin(raw('sapakim sm'), 'c.managerid', '=', 'sm.id')
->leftJoin(raw('products p'), 'a.productKey', '=', 'p.id')
->where(function ($query) {
$query->orWhere('a.isDeleted', '!=', 1);
But I need to achieve this.
select * from (select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY case when (indesign.status=4 or indesign.statusdate is null) then getdate()+2 else indesign.statusdate end ASC) AS RowNum,a.*
FROM sapakInAdminOrder a
left join currency cu on cu.id=a.currency
left join moodboards m on m.id=a.orderMoodboardID
inner join Clients b on a.clientID=b.id
left join moodboards mc on mc.id=b.moodboardID
inner join Sapakim c on b.sapakID=c.id
left join Sapakim sm on sm.id=c.managerid
left join products p on p.id=a.productKey
left join (select * from (select ROW_NUMBER() over(PARTITION BY orderID ORDER BY id DESC) r, * from orderCommunication ) f where r=1) chat on chat.orderId = a.id
left join (select id,[status],orderid,approveSMSDate,coverImage,statusDate from (SELECT id,[status],statusDate,approveSMSDate,coverImage,orderid,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY orderid ORDER BY id DESC) AS r FROM SapakimInAdminDesigns) f where r=1) indesign on a.id=indesign.orderid
where (a.isDeleted is null or a.isDeleted != 1) and
c.inAdminManagerID=(select id from sapakim where sapakguid='test') and
c.sapakguid='test' and
a.isFreeDesign=0 and
a.transactionID = -1 and
(a.designerPaid is null or a.designerPaid=0) and
(chat.sentToPrinter is null and chat.sentToManager is null and chat.sentToDesigner is null)
) bb where RowNum>=1 and RowNum<31
ORDER BY RowNum asc
I can do the simple ones but couldn't quite really wrap my head around the partitioned joins and the select statement.
I would really appreciate a help on this.
Thanks in advance.

Maybe you should create a database view for these partitioned queries?
Then you can join the view from database afterwards.
Technically these analytical functions are usually not supported by frameworks.

You can use the following package for this purpose.
Converts SQL Queries to Laravel Query Builder.
Assists on building queries as instructed in Laravel Documentation.
Provides options to interact with, for generating different results.
SQL to Laravel Query Builder, A Converter written in PHP

I am also stuck with this type of problem but I got a solution and its working fine for me!
use DB::unprepared() for this type of query :
$path = base_path() . "/storage/agency.sql";
$sql = file_get_contents($path);
All SQL commands in Laravel are prepared by default, but sometimes you need to execute a command in an unprepared mode, because some commands in some database cannot be ran in prepared mode.

Is this what you meant?
$result = DB::Select("select * from (select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY case when (indesign.status=4 or indesign.statusdate is null) then getdate()+2 else indesign.statusdate end ASC) AS RowNum,a.*
FROM sapakInAdminOrder a
left join currency cu on cu.id=a.currency
left join moodboards m on m.id=a.orderMoodboardID
inner join Clients b on a.clientID=b.id
left join moodboards mc on mc.id=b.moodboardID
inner join Sapakim c on b.sapakID=c.id
left join Sapakim sm on sm.id=c.managerid
left join products p on p.id=a.productKey
left join (select * from (select ROW_NUMBER() over(PARTITION BY orderID ORDER BY id DESC) r, * from orderCommunication ) f where r=1) chat on chat.orderId = a.id
left join (select id,[status],orderid,approveSMSDate,coverImage,statusDate from (SELECT id,[status],statusDate,approveSMSDate,coverImage,orderid,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY orderid ORDER BY id DESC) AS r FROM SapakimInAdminDesigns) f where r=1) indesign on a.id=indesign.orderid
where (a.isDeleted is null or a.isDeleted != 1) and
c.inAdminManagerID=(select id from sapakim where sapakguid='test') and
c.sapakguid='test' and
a.isFreeDesign=0 and
a.transactionID = -1 and
(a.designerPaid is null or a.designerPaid=0) and
(chat.sentToPrinter is null and chat.sentToManager is null and chat.sentToDesigner is null)
) bb where RowNum>=1 and RowNum<31
ORDER BY RowNum asc");

Check out this new Laravel tool called Orator. It lets you simply paste "legacy" SQL and returns Laravel's DB Query Builder syntax.
Laravel Orator News Article
Online Conversion Tool

Assuming you want to display this on the frontend use the relationships wit the eloquent model,
In the model User there is a One to One relation called identified by the method phone(), if you go to the show view which im assuming passes a $user variable do the following
<?php dd($user->phone); ?>
I might be missing the whole point of the question if you don't mean this.


SELECT statement where rows are omitted based on another table

Table with orders has another table with positions. I want the orders table to show but then only have the most up to-date position on it. Below is a picture of the 3 rows I want showing. Omit the rest.
SELECT DispatchTable.ordernumber, DispatchTable.truck,
DispatchTable.driver, DispatchTable.actualpickup,
DispatchTable.actualdropoff, orders.pickupdateandtime,
orders.dropoffdateandtime, Truck002.lastposition,
FROM DispatchTable
INNER JOIN orders ON DispatchTable.ordernumber = orders.id
INNER JOIN Truck002 ON DispatchTable.truck = Truck002.name
WHERE (orders.status = 'onRoute')
Assuming that you want the row having the latest lastdateandtime for the truck name, this should work:
SELECT DispatchTable.ordernumber,
FROM DispatchTable
INNER JOIN orders ON DispatchTable.ordernumber = orders.id
FROM Truck002 Truck1
WHERE lastdateandtime =
(SELECT MAX(lastdateandtime)
FROM Truck002 Truck2
WHERE Truck2.name = Truck1.name)) TruckLatest
ON DispatchTable.truck = TruckLatest.name
WHERE (orders.status = 'onRoute')
If I understand correctly, you can get the most recent record for a truck using ROW_NUMBER():
SELECT dt.ordernumber, dt.truck,
dt.driver, dt.actualpickup,
dt.actualdropoff, o.pickupdateandtime,
o.dropoffdateandtime, t.lastposition,
FROM DispatchTable dt INNER JOIN
orders o
ON dt.ordernumber = o.id INNER JOIN
(SELECT t.*,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY t.name ORDER BY t.lastdateandtime DESC) as seqnum
FROM Truck002 t
) t
ON dt.truck = t.name
WHERE o.status = 'onRoute' AND seqnum = 1;
Firstly, why are you using Truck002's name field rather than its id field as the link to DispacthTable? This is considered a less efficient way of doing it than using id (which is either a numerical field or a shorter string than name).
Secondly, you should mention in your Question that each Order can have many DispatchTable's and that each DispacthTable can have many Truck002's, otherwise many people will start by assuming that it is the other way round between DispatchTable and Truck002.
Thirdly, please try...
SELECT DispatchTable.ordernumber,
FROM DispatchTable
INNER JOIN orders ON DispatchTable.ordernumber = orders.id
INNER JOIN Truck002 ON DispatchTable.truck = Truck002.name
WHERE (orders.status = 'onRoute')
GROUP BY ordernumber
HAVING lastdateandtime = MAX( lastdateandtime )
If you have any questions or comments, then please feel free to post a Comment accordingly.
Further Reading
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb177906(v=office.12).aspx (on HAVING)
https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_having.asp (on HAVING)
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb177905(v=office.12).aspx (on GROUP BY)
https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_groupby.asp (on GROUP BY)

SQL not efficient enough, tuning assistance required

We have some SQL that is ok on smaller data volumes but poor once we scale up to selecting from larger volumes. Is there a faster alternative style to achieve the same output as below? The idea is to pull back a single unique row to get latest version of the data... The SQL does reference another view but this view runs very fast - so we expect the issue is here below and want to try a different approach
(SELECT (select CustomerId from PremiseProviderVersionsToday
where PremiseProviderId = b.PremiseProviderId) as CustomerId,
c.D3001_MeterId, b.CoreSPID, a.EnteredBy,
ORDER BY a.effectiveDate DESC) AS rowNumber
FROM PremiseMeterProviderVersions a, PremiseProviders b,
PremiseMeterProviders c
WHERE (a.TransactionDateTimeEnd IS NULL
AND a.PremiseMeterProviderId = c.PremiseMeterProviderId
AND b.PremiseProviderId = c.PremiseProviderId)
) data
WHERE data.rowNumber = 1
As Bilal Ayub stated above, the correlated subquery can result in performance issues. See here for more detail. Below are my suggestions:
Change all to explicit joins (ANSI standard)
Use aliases that are more descriptive than single characters (this is mostly to help readers understand what each table does)
Convert data subquery to a temp table or cte (temp tables and ctes usually perform better than subqueries)
Note: normally, you should explicitly create and insert into your temp table but I chose not to do that here as I do not know the data types of your columns.
SELECT d.CustomerId
, c.D3001_MeterId
, b.CoreSPID
, a.EnteredBy
, rowNumber = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY b.PremiseProviderId ORDER BY a.effectiveDate DESC)
INTO #tmp_RowNum
FROM PremiseMeterProviderVersions a
JOIN PremiseMeterProviders c ON c.PremiseMeterProviderId = a.PremiseMeterProviderId
JOIN PremiseProviders b ON b.PremiseProviderId = c.PremiseProviderId
JOIN PremiseProviderVersionsToday d ON d.PremiseProviderId = b.PremiseProviderId
WHERE a.TransactionDateTimeEnd IS NULL
FROM #tmp_RowNum
WHERE rowNumber = 1
You are running a correlated query that will run in loop, if size of table is small it will be faster, i would suggest to change it and try to join the table in order to get customerid.
(select CustomerId from PremiseProviderVersionsToday where PremiseProviderId = b.PremiseProviderId) as CustomerId
Consider derived tables including an aggregate query that calculates maximum EffectoveDate by PremiseProviderId and unit level query, each using explicit joins (current ANSI SQL standard) and not implicit as you currently use:
SELECT data.*
(SELECT t.CustomerId, c.D3001_MeterId, b.CoreSPID, a.EnteredBy,
b.PremiseProviderId, a.EffectiveDate
FROM PremiseMeterProviders c
INNER JOIN PremiseMeterProviderVersions a
ON a.PremiseMeterProviderId = c.PremiseMeterProviderId
AND a.TransactionDateTimeEnd IS NULL
INNER JOIN PremiseProviders b
ON b.PremiseProviderId = c.PremiseProviderId
INNER JOIN PremiseProviderVersionsToday t
ON t.PremiseProviderId = b.PremiseProviderId
) data
(SELECT b.PremiseProviderId, MAX(a.EffectiveDate) As MaxEffDate
FROM PremiseMeterProviders c
INNER JOIN PremiseMeterProviderVersions a
ON a.PremiseMeterProviderId = c.PremiseMeterProviderId
AND a.TransactionDateTimeEnd IS NULL
INNER JOIN PremiseProviders b
ON b.PremiseProviderId = c.PremiseProviderId
GROUP BY b.PremiseProviderId
) agg
ON data.PremiseProviderId = agg.PremiseProviderId
AND data.EffectiveDate = agg.MaxEffDate

SQL - select only newest record with WHERE clause

I have been trying to get some data off our database but got stuck when I needed to only get the newest file upload for each file type. I have done this before using the WHERE clause but this time there is an extra table involved that is needed to determine the file type.
My query looks like this so far and i am getting six records for this user (2x filetypeNo4 and 4x filetypeNo2).
SELECT db_file.fileID
,> db_file.dateCreated
FROM db_file
LEFT JOIN db_applicationFiles
ON db_file.fileID = db_applicationFiles.fileID
LEFT JOIN db_profile
ON db_applicationFiles.profileID = db_profile.profileID
LEFT JOIN db_applicationFileType
ON db_applicationFiles.fileTypeID = > > db_applicationFileType.fileTypeID
WHERE db_profile.profileID IN ('19456')
AND db_applicationFileType.fileTypeID IN ('2','4')
I have the WHERE clause looking like this which is not working:
(db_file.dateCreated IS NULL
OR db_file.dateCreated = (
SELECT MAX(db_file.dateCreated)
FROM db_file left join
db_applicationFiles on db_file.fileID = db_applicationFiles.fileID
WHERE db_applicationFileType.fileTypeID = db_applicationFiles.FiletypeID
Sorry I am a noob so this may be really simple, but I just learn this stuff as I go on my own..
FROM db_profile pf
SELECT TOP 1 af.fileTypeID, df.dateCreated, df.fileID
FROM db_file df
INNER JOIN db_applicationFiles af
ON df.fileID = af.fileID
WHERE af.profileID = pf.profileID
AND af.fileTypeID IN ('2','4')
ORDER BY create_date DESC
) ff
WHERE pf.profileID IN ('19456')
And it looks like all of your joins are actually INNER. Unless there may be profile without files (that's why OUTER apply instead of CROSS).
What about an obvious:
(SELECT * FROM db_file ORDER BY dateCreated DESC) AS files1
GROUP BY fileTypeID ;

Ms access get row number from a subquery not table

I have the following Ms Access query that retrieves data successfully:
SELECT stockInventory.purchaseId, stockInventory.itemId, item.itemName, stockInventory.unitId, unit.unitDesc, stockInventory.quantity, stockInventory.costPrice
FROM unit INNER JOIN (item INNER JOIN stockInventory ON item.itemId = stockInventory.itemId) ON unit.unitId = stockInventory.unitId
WHERE (((stockInventory.purchaseId)=1))
Now I want to retrieve these data with row number!
I tried the following:
SELECT A.*, ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM A WHERE A.itemId>=itemId ) as rowNo
SELECT stockInventory.purchaseId, stockInventory.itemId, item.itemName, stockInventory.unitId, unit.unitDesc, stockInventory.quantity, stockInventory.costPrice
FROM unit INNER JOIN (item INNER JOIN stockInventory ON item.itemId = stockInventory.itemId) ON unit.unitId = stockInventory.unitId
WHERE (((stockInventory.purchaseId)=1))
) AS A;
But it says: The Microsoft access database engine cannot find the input table or query 'A' as the following picture:
How can I solve this problem?
The additional SELECT part
( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM A WHERE A.itemId>=itemId ) as rowNo
is a separate query that doesn't know about A.
I think you must save your original query (= the subquery) as new named query, then you can reference it in both SELECT parts.
( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mySubquery AS B WHERE B.itemId>=A.itemId ) as rowNo
FROM mySubquery AS A
Now it also gets clearer that you need two instances of the subquery (A and B).
I hope you don't have too many records, because performance will probably be bad. But that wasn't the focus here...
Consider directly adding rowNo subquery in original query:
SELECT (SELECT Count(*) FROM stockInventory AS sub
WHERE sub.itemId <= stockInventory.itemId) AS rowNo,
stockInventory.purchaseId, stockInventory.itemId, item.itemName,
stockInventory.unitId, unit.unitDesc, stockInventory.quantity,
FROM unit
INNER JOIN stockInventory
ON item.itemId = stockInventory.itemId)
ON unit.unitId = stockInventory.unitId
WHERE (((stockInventory.purchaseId)=1))

"Simple" SQL Query

Each of my clients can have many todo items and every todo item has a due date.
What would be the query for discovering the next undone todo item by due date for each file? In the event that a client has more than one todo, the one with the lowest id is the correct one.
Assuming the following minimal schema:
clients (id, name)
todos (id, client_id, description, timestamp_due, timestamp_completed)
Thank you.
I haven't tested this yet, so you may have to tweak it:
Todos TD1
TD2.client_id = TD1.client_id AND
TD2.timestamp_completed IS NULL AND
TD2.timestamp_due < TD1.timestamp_due OR
(TD2.timestamp_due = TD1.timestamp_due AND TD2.id < TD1.id)
Instead of trying to sort and aggregate, you're basically answering the question, "Is there any other todo that would come before this one?" (based on your definition of "before"). If not, then this is the one that you want.
This should be valid on most SQL platforms.
This question is the classic pick-a-winner for each group. It gets posted about twice a day.
FROM todos t
WHERE t.timestamp_completed is null
SELECT top 1 t2.id
FROM todos t2
WHERE t.client_id = t2.client_id
and t2.timestamp_completed is null
--there is no earlier record
(t.timestamp_due > t2.timestamp_due
or (t.timestamp_due = t2.timestamp_due and t.id > t2.id)
) is null
SELECT c.name, MIN(t.id)
FROM clients c, todos t
WHERE c.id = t.client_id AND t.timestamp_complete IS NULL
HAVING t.timestamp_due <= MIN(t.timestamp_due)
Avoids a subquery, correlated or otherwise but introduces a bunch of aggregate operations which aren't much better.
Some Jet SQL, I realize it is unlikely that the questioner is using Jet, however the reader may be.
SELECT c.name, t.description, t.timestamp_due
FROM (clients c
(SELECT t.client_id, Min(t.id) AS MinOfid
FROM todos t
WHERE t.timestamp_completed Is Null
GROUP BY t.client_id) AS tm
ON c.id = tm.client_id)
INNER JOIN todos t ON tm.MinOfid = t.id
The following should get you close, first get the min time for each client, then lookup the client/todo information
MIN(timestamp_due) AS "DueDate"
FROM todos
WHERE timestamp_completed IS NULL
} AS MinValues
ON (MinValues.client_id = C.Id)
ON (MinValues.client_id = T.client_id
AND MinValues.DueDate = T.timestamp_due)
NOTE: Written assuming SQL Server