Prestashop 1.7.1 - Register a new hook - prestashop

I am trying to display a top banner in my theme (which is not the default classic one).
Specifically I modify header.tpl to include this (as in classic theme):
{block name='header_banner'}
<div class="header-banner">
{hook h='displayBanner'}
But displayBanner does not appear as a valid hook to attach modules to it.
Do I have to register the hook somewhere else? If so, which would be the code?
This question further elaborates this one.

Registering hooks happens in a modules install method.
You can do the following for example in your module:
public function install()
$installed = (parent::install() && $this->registerHook('displayBanner'));
if ( $installed ) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
then uninstall and reinstall your module.

You need to add your new hook into a theme.yml and set up the module on it, and after that just reset your theme to default Design->Theme & Logo->Reset to defaults.
- your_module_name
Caveat: after resetting your theme will look like it is set up in the theme.yml file. If you have done any changes in the theme appearance from admin panel and didn't include it in theme.yml they gonna be lost.


Cannot map custom js to my custom template in bigcommerce shopica theme with stencil

I 've added custom page and js for it in stencil bigcommerce.
It works fine locally but when I push it on bigcommerce, it does not work well.
I have added custom template template/pages/custom/page/custom-layout.html and I've added custom js for it in assets/js/custom/custom.js.
I've configured some loading settings in assets/js/app.js as follows:
const customClasses = {
'pages\\custom\\page\\custom-layout': () => import('./custom/custom')
It works locally; but, on a server, it does not at all.
Your customClasses object should use forward slashes like so:
"pages/custom/page/custom-layout": () => import("./custom/custom")
You should also make sure that your custom.js file is extending the PageManager class like so:
import PageManager from "../page-manager";
export default class CustomClass extends PageManager {
constructor(context) {
// other constructor code here
onReady() {
// your code for the onReady event here
// ... any other code
If this is done properly your custom JS class will be injected to the page. However, once you bundle and upload your theme, you must also make sure to apply your custom template to the page, as the config.stencil.json file is not packaged with your theme. This can be done from within the BigCommerce control panel by going to Storefront > Web Pages > [Your page] and changing the Template Layout File accordingly.

How to properly load Bootstrap5's Masonry into Nuxt?

I am trying to use the Masonry plugin with Bootstrap5 and NuxtJS. When I follow the example here and incorporate it into my own codesandbox, I notice that my demo is not in the correct masonry format. See the gaps? My sandbox
My example:
Bootstrap's example:
What do I need to do to get my demo into format shown on the Bootstrap Masonry example page?
I checked how to load the script from a CDN either globally or locally. It was working but at one condition: you needed to NOT start on the masonry page.
Meaning that if you loaded the app on a specific page, then moved to the one with the masonry it was working. But not if you started on this specific page. So, a pretty subpar solution.
This article was really helpful to understand how to wait until the CDN script is fully loaded:
Then I realized that we are far better installing it directly as an NPM dependency. Therefore, I proceeded to the masonry repo. Found a great message on how to setup the whole thing in Nuxt.
And after a removal of some useless stuff and some modern dynamic import, here we are
<h1>Bootstrap and Masonry</h1>
<div class="row" id="masonry">
<!-- ... -->
export default {
async mounted() {
if (process.browser) {
let { default: Masonry } = await import('masonry-layout')
new Masonry('#masonry', { percentPosition: true })
The final solution is looking pretty well and there is not a lot of code. On top of that, the code is properly loaded. And you can load it on a click or any other event.

How to insert content inside tinymce editor using vue js?

I want to insert content like <span class="some-class">text</span> inside tinymce editor using a button in vue js template. How could I accomplish that using the tinymce-vue wrapper?
Here's the code:
<button #click="addContent">button</button>
import Editor from '#tinymce/tinymce-vue'
export default {
components: {
tinymceEditor: Editor
methods: {
addContent () {
tinymce.activeEditor.setContent('<span class="some-class">text</span>');
I also installed tinymce using npm i tinymce --save and added the import import tinymce from 'tinymce/tinymce to the code above. Now I don't get the error 'tinymce' is not defined anymore, but the editor doesn't appear either.
If you want to use tinymce in vue with typscritt to set up your content and avoid the undefined error you need to import tinyMCE as
import { getTinymce } from '#tinymce/tinymce-vue/lib/cjs/main/ts/TinyMCE';
Then you can set your content
In your event handler for the button click, you can call TinyMCE's .setContent() method to set editor content.
Here is a demo:
Don't forget, tinymce-vue doesn't include the code for TinyMCE itself. You'll either have to use an API key (which you can get for free at or use a self-hosted installation of TinyMCE. (For more info, see Step 6, here:
I finally gave up trying to get access to tinymce in Vue 3 component. It either undefined or if it is not undefined - setContent command just do nothing - no errors but still no content inserted.
I just used recommended for "#tinymce/tinymce-vue" way of data binding using v-model
It looks like this:
plugins: 'lists link image table code help wordcount',
watch(someLocalVar, () => {
//do whatever you like with your someLocalVar
If you want to insert content into TinyMCE you should use its APIs to do so:
For example:
tinymce.activeEditor.setContent('<span class="some-class">text</span>');
tinymce.activeEditor.insertContent('<span class="some-class">text</span>');

Can't select element generated by third-party Vue plugin

I'm using Owl Carousel for Vue. It doesn't seem to work properly since all carousel items are visible in their global container, which is several screens wide (there's no overflow: hidden or any max-width to make only x items visible at a time).
Anyway I find myself forced to apply some container class to a wrapper that the plugin generates dynamically. To that end I do:
mounted () {
this.$nextTick(() => {
But, querySelector('.owl-carousel') is null although I see it in the DOM.
How can I successfully select it?
wow a jquery plugin wrapped into vue ... with like 200 lines of props ...
props start here: L23
props end here : L220
but honestly just add your class here:
<div :id="elementHandle" :class="['owl-carousel', 'owl-theme', 'your-class-here']">
fork it
customize it
npm install <git repo url>

Multiple Aurelia Instances - Aurelia Webpack Plugin - aureliaApp option - "module not found"

I am composing my web app as a number of Aurelia "feature" apps - although I'm not using Aurelia features as such. Consequently in my html markup I have two entry points pointing to different apps:
<!-- Top Navigation Bar -->
<div aurelia-app="topnav"></div>
<!-- Main App-->
<div aurelia-app="main"></div>
I am using webpack and everything works perfectly using the single "main" app. Webpack generates a JS file "main.bundle.js" which I include in the src tag.
Things are not so straightforward when I added the "topnav" app. In webpack I tell the plugin to use a different aureliaApp name:
new AureliaPlugin({ aureliaApp: "topnav"}),
and, as you can see my HTML entrypoint also calls "topnav". Webpack generates a JS file "topnav.bundle.js" which I also include. I have a file called "topnav.ts" which contains the aurelia Cionfigure function which ends:
aurelia.start().then(() => aurelia.setRoot(PLATFORM.moduleName("nav")));
And a pair of files "nav.ts", "nav.html" which constitute my viewmodel and view.
When I run the app aurelia loads and the "nav" module code executes. But I then get an error - see below.
The module which it reports that it cannot find is the one entered into the HTML markup.
Should this work? Have I missed something?
I should add, everything seems to work. I can create and update properties in the viewmodel and these are bound to the view. It's just that this error is thrown.
You are doing nothing wrong, just unsupported scenario. Per official doc-wiki:
You can have only 1 auto entry module with aureliaApp configuration. To solve this, you just need to add PLATFORM.moduleName('topnav') to your main.ts (and put it on root level)
Another way to do is to bootstrap manually:
// in your index.ts
import { bootstrap } from 'aurelia-bootstrapper';
// bootstrap top nav application, with one instance of Aurelia
bootstrap(aurelia => {
// do your configuration
.then(() => aurelia.setRoot(
// bootstrap main application, with another instance of Aurelia
bootstrap(aurelia => {
// aurelia.use.standardConfiguration();
// ...
.then(() => aurelia.setRoot(