Disk space not available in RabbitMQ Management plugin - rabbitmq

I have 2 RabbitMQ nodes in the cluster.
I decided to change Disk Space Free Limit in the configuration file to be memory relative as opposed to hard-coded value.
{disk_free_limit, {mem_relative, 2.0}}
What I understand is: set a disk free limit (before alarm and block for messages being published) should be 2*RAM memory, in my case 2GB
RabbitMQ seems to work well etc.
The only strange thing is that in the RabbitMQ Management Pluggin Disk space column is showing value (not available)
Is there a problem that I might not be aware? Or maybe it's just the behavior of RabbitMQ for that configuration?
Thank you.
Some information about version:
RabbitMQ version: 3.6.0
Erlang version: 7.2.1
Operating System and version: Windows Server 2012R2 Standard

The RabbitMQ team monitors this mailing list and only sometimes answers questions on StackOverflow.
In order to diagnose an issue with RabbitMQ you must at least provide this information in addition to the description of your issue:
RabbitMQ version
Erlang version
Operating System and version
Since you haven't provided any of that information, I can only guess at what may be the cause. RabbitMQ uses the df command to query free disk space so the command must output data in an unexpected format on your platform.

Problem solved.
Few things that happened to me.
When RabbitMQ Management Plugin disable Disk Space as (not available) it won't control the disk space at all.
I think the problem was with setting mem_relative on Windows. I changed it to a hardcoded value.
How serious lack of that setting is I found out recently.
Here is the scenario:
Something happened to our Consumers, so they stopped to accept any messages. Publishers were working normally though. As the result, RabbitMQ used all the space available on the box and then failed-over, due to lack of HDD space.
Disk space low watermark supposed to block all the publishers if space on HDD is dropping below, so technically, that prevents RabbitMQ from taking all the resources.


High Memory usage by Java (TM) Platform SE binary

We are noticing that IBM MobileFirst Server is using High Memory by Java TM Platform SE binary process, after 2 3 days of server start it reach up to 6 GB which cause the server in hang status, then only restart is the solution.
in logs we found below message:
"No buffer space available (maximum connections reached?): connect"
Enviornment: IBm Worklight Server 7.1 and java version is 1.7 64 bit on windows server 2012. hybrid Mobile application running on this server.
It seems that there might be some configuration required can any one advice ?
Lots of information missing... this can be caused by any number of reasons.
Are you in a cluster? if yes, how many servers? how much memory is available to each machine?
How many adapters do you have deployed? What is the value you gave to the serverSessionTimeout property? This for example can cause connections to stay open for a longer time, meaning the server will not "clean/remove" connections... and the more you have open, the more memory you will require.
all of these and more can contribute to how much memory you may need.
See also: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21690707
It mentions DB2, but the idea is - the more connections, the more memory you will need.

ActiveMQ (MQTT) maxes CPU on first client connect

I'm running ActiveMQ (a very recent version) on LinuxMint 15 using oracle 1.7 java. I've only enabled a single transport "mqtt+nio+ssl". It boots up fine, ssl is all working, easy!
However, when I make a (mqtt) connection from the same host (different java process), the activemq process starts to consume a whole core. It keeps the core at 100% until I stop it (it stops normally). This sounds like abnormal behaviour to me, but when I turned on debug logging I got nothing that seemed to suggest massive CPU consumption.
Has anyone else seen or resolved this problem?
Can anyone suggest how I should go about analyzing this problem?
Many Thanks!
Obviously this is some sort of bug in ActiveMQ. There's been a lot of work done on the MQTT and AMQP side for the upcoming release of v5.9.0. You can download snapshots builds or the release candidate of 5.9 and test that to see if it still does this. If it still acts like this then you need to create an issue in the Jira tracker so the team can work on it, preferably with a test case to reproduce it.

Apache Tomcat 6.0.35 is taking 100% CPU in prodcution

I have been using apache-tomcat-6.0.35 in production environment. Our application is hosted on Amazon EC2 using Small Instance. The problem we are facing is that the apache tomcat is using 100% CPU. We have verified it by running htop and it shows multiple threads of tomcat running.
Out application has been developed in Grails 2.0.1.
We are puzzled that why it is happening? Can any body suggest any solutions?
Probable Cause
Most likely this has been caused by the recent Leap Second and its impact on quite some unaware/unprepared IT systems, including parts of Linux, MySQL, Java and indeed Tomcat - see the Wired article about the ‘Leap Second’ Bug Wreaks Havoc Across Web for the whole story:
[...], saying it experienced the leap bug problem with the
Java-happy Tomcat web servers it uses to serve up its site. “Our web
servers running tomcat came close to zero response (we were able to
handle some requests),” read an e-mail from a site spokesman. “We were
able to connect to servers in order to reset them. Only rebooting the
servers cleared up the issue.” [emphasis mine]
Workaround / Fix
Accordingly, the solution usually boils down to turning it off and on again, i.e. restarting the server in question, though you might be able to avoid this by simply setting the date, as suggested e.g. in the context of:
Linux/Tomcat, see July 1 2012 Linux problems? High CPU/Load? Probably caused by the Leap Second!:
Apparently, simply forcing a reset of the date is enough to fix the
date -s "`date`"
MySQL, see MySQL and the Leap Second, High CPU and the Fix (also linked from the comments on wwwhizz' answer to MySQL high CPU usage, where you'll find two specific variations how to do this depending on your OS):
The fix is quite simple – simply set the date. Alternatively, you can
restart the machine, which also works. Restarting MySQL (or Java, or
whatever) does NOT fix the problem.
Background / Proposed Solutions
Please note that while the underlying issue is utterly tricky, it is all but unknown in principle, hence there have been prominent posts/users warning about and explaining this and offering suggestions on how to deal with it in principle, in particular:
An humble attempt to work around the leap second by Marco Marongiu
Time, technology and leaping seconds by Christopher Pascoe
We can't say anything for sure with the information provided. For performance issue, I would recommend a profiler, especially JProfiler, to investigate the cause of this problem. By this way you will be able to locate where the problem is.
This program has a trial license, I think that's enough for a quick look.
UPDATE: after carefully read your question, I see that you have many tomcat instance running for a website? It means that the previous tomcat instances failed to stop; they still run and hog up all the resources. This is possible. You must kill all the old tomcat process before trying to start a new one.
You can kill the processes by hand by "kill -9 " if you are on Linux, before trying to start the server again.

REDIS server requirements for BlueDomino hosting

I have a Python / REDIS service running on my desk that I want to move to my Blue-Domino-hosted site. I've got Python available on the server, but not REDIS. They don't give me root access to my Debian VM so I can't git, extract, and install myself from a Unix prompt.
Their tech support might do the install for me, but they need me to point them to server requirements, which I don't see on the REDIS download page.
I could probably FTP binaries to the site if they were available, but that's dicey.
Has anyone dealt with this?
Installing Redis is actually quite easy, from source. It doesn't have any dependencies, so just download the tarball, unzip it, and follow the install instructions. I'm always afraid of doing that sort of stuff, but with Redis it really was a breeze. If you don't dare to do it their tech support should be able to do it.
If it is Intel/AMD server, you can compile the Redis somewhere (32 bit version for example), and upload it as binary. Then start it with Python. I did this myself couples weeks ago.
For port you will need to use something over 1000. I don't recommend to use default port. Remember to change LogLevel too. Daemonize works well as non-root too.
Some servers blocks all external ports, so you will not be able to connect to Redis from outside, but this will be a problem only if you connect from different machine. For same machine should be OK, since is "internal".
However, I am unsure how hosting administrator will react when he sees the process running :) I personally will kill it immediately.
There is other option as well - check service like Redis4you.com . But their free account is small, you probably will need to spend some money for more RAM.
Is your hosting provider looking for a minimum set of system requirements for running Redis? This is indeed not listed on the Redis website. Probably because there aren't many exotic requirements. Also it depends a lot on your use case. Basically what you need to run Redis is:
Operating system: Unix like, Linux is recommended (one reason to favor Linux I've heard of is the performance of its TCP/IP stack)
Tools: GCC, make, (git).
Memory: lots (no seriously this depends on your use case, but because Redis keeps everything in-memory you need a least more RAM than the size of your dataset).
Disk: disk access for making snapshots.
The problem seems to be dealing with something non-traditional with my BlueDomino hosting. Since this project is a new venture, I think the best course for me is to rent a small Linux VM from rackspace and forget about the BD hosting.

What's the best way to monitor rabbitmq to make sure everything is running smoothly?

Many times, I get:
-Frozen, load goes to 5.0. Can't use my box.
-Just doesn't work.
Do following steps:
1.rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
2.service rabbitmq-server restart
3.browse to http://rabbitmq-server-ip:15672
4.login with
username: guest
password: guest
Dont forget to change your password later.
As sheki notes, rabbitmqctl is your first port of call for diagnostics, and for building monitoring on top of, but it's not suitable for actual monitoring directly being a manual command line.
I've found DataDog very good to monitor both the MQ details, plus the host platform in parallel. e.g. you can watch the queue levels and set alerts on queues backing-up, while also watching the CPU/memory/IO inflicted by these queue levels. It really helps to get ratios of resource usage, and the alerts are good. Having a uniform platform for both infrastructure and application level monitoring is surprisingly rare, but speeds up diagnoses of production issues hugely.
NewRelic is similar and also has a RabbitMQ plugin, although I've not used this plugin specifically, I've used NR for years and found it invaluable in diagnosing operational issues.
AppDynamics is another example. Similarly this allows you to drill down into your app from a high-level dashboard, and visually navigate from problems to causes. It's especially good with visualising the network of a distributed application across various services/servers. I've used this, for example, to find complex problems in .NET applications and SQL Server clusters using 3rd party Web Services (e.g. latency and its consequences to your app over chatty protocols). These things are very difficult to diagnose, especially for developers who are limited to checking their code. Diagnosing operational issues requires a much broader picture.
I gave up trying to even install and configure Nagios. I know it's the 'best' but it's the best of an old breed of self-configured beasts which we don't have time to manage. I didn't even get it going... and eventually turned to the more 'modern' cloud approach. Once you get over the trust factor, it's pretty liberating.
I'm using these APM platforms together* to aggregate data from:
Windows O/S level Event Logs/Services
Linux O/S level
AWS console level
App integrations / custom NR plugins I've written
Rabbit MQ
*NewRelic can feed into Datadog! So if you are already using NR you don't need to install DD on those hosts as well.
Being able to view all these levels together gives you a view on the publishers, middleware, MQ servers, workers and front-end app - all in one dashboard.
I would highly recommend an approach like this, because just looking at one server alone leads you to a lot of head-scratching. Seeing an entire stack in one customisable dashboard is just so illuminating it takes most of the guesswork out of it.
Worried about installing these things? I found New Relic to be especially light-weight and unobtrusive. AppDynamics seemed to stress the host a bit more, but mostly that's because you had to run the visualisation tools on the host! (this may have changed). DataDog seems performant, but creates a lot of control panels/icons on the target host (perhaps just a visual impression).
To a four year old question - this answer probably wasn't available in 2011, but in 2015 these once 'startup' style APM services are just tens or hundred dollars a month for an unbelievably rich enterprise-level solution.
There are bunch of RabbitMQ monitoring plugins available for different monitoring systems like Nagios, Zabbix etc.
Look at http://www.rabbitmq.com/how.html#management
Using rabbitmqctl is the most straight forward solution to check the status of the node.
$ rabbitmqctl status
This should tell you the status of the RabbitMQ node.
If you have PRTG (or any probe system with a HTTP sensor check), you can check the server status described at the following page:
In particular you have to
Enable Management Plugin
The rabbitmq-management plugin provides an HTTP-based API for management and monitoring of your RabbitMQ
server, along with a browser-based UI and a command line tool,
rabbitmqadmin. The management plugin is included in the RabbitMQ
distribution. To enable it, we need to run: rabbitmq-plugins enable
rabbitmq_management on the RabbitMQ nodes. For more details on the
Management plugin refer to RabbitMQ Documentation.
The web UI is located at: http://server-name:15672/ The HTTP API and
its documentation are both located at: http://server-name:15672/api/
Once done, you can check the overview of your server with the API:
Where you have a JSON with all details about the server, active connections, queues, etc.
This cmd will help you service rabbitmq-server status
OR try theseservice rabbitmq-server stop and service rabbitmq-server start then service rabbitmq-server status.