IntelliJ "No Scala version specified or detected" at new sbt project - intellij-idea

Iv'e started to learn and use sbt, so far I didn't start project directly from IntelliJ, what I did was pulling some seed project and using IntelliJ with Scala Plugin as IDE.
As long as I kept pulling seed projects and editing them everything was just fine, but when I tried to generate sbt project directly from IntelliJ I followed simple instructions and faced this error
Error while importing SBT project: Error during sbt execution: No
Scala version specified or detected Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=384M; support was removed in 8.0
The auto generated :
sbt.version = 1.0.3
The auto generated build.sbt :
name := "MyProject"
version := "0.1"
scalaVersion := "2.12.4"
And i'm getting "Cannot resolve symbol" on every property at build.sbt file..
Things Iv'e tried to solve this problem:
Uninstalling and reinstalling IntelliJ, IntelliJ Scala Plugin, sbt and scala
Adding scala under Framework Support
Trying to add scala to Facets at Project Structure (I didn't even have a scala option)
Double checking that scala SDK is configured at Global Libraries at Project Structure with the correct version
My currently environment consist of:
Windows 10
IntelliJ IDEA CE 2017.2.6
IntelliJ Scala Plugin 2017.2.13
Java 8 151
sbt 1.0.3
scala 2.12.4

In order to solve this I :
Completely uninstalled intellij, with all it's configuration
Upgraded to intellij 2017.3 CE


IntelliJ Cannot resolve symbol 'String' when using IBM JDK

The similar issue was report in this post without any solution.
My IntelliJ Version is IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1.2 (Community Edition)
For over an year, I have been working on a maven project which uses a customized ibm-jdk8 and a customized maven installation.
So I've configured global maven runner & import settings & project & module SDK settings to use this custom JDK.
All this setup had been working fine for over an year.
Yesterday, I updated IDEA to newer version, I'm not sure what was the reason but I started getting wired IDE errors.
So I invalidated the cache and restarted the IDE,
When that did not solve the issues, I manually deleted following folders
All ~/AppData/*/JetBrains folders .
.idea folder inside project root.
project-name.iml file inside project root.
After that I updated all intelliJ setting same as above, but
Since then I've been getting Cannot resolve symbol 'String'
Strangely all other JDK classes are detected, but in whole code String is not working.
It's a known issue specific to IBM JDK.
The workaround is to manually add vm.jar file from JDK_HOME\jre\bin\default\jclSC180\vm.jar to the SDK classpath tab in IntelliJ IDEA.

Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder" Grails - IntelliJUltimate

Build it via IntelliJ
enter image description here
I tried adding the dependencies slf4j-jdk12 and change the java versions!
i can start an application which i build via the CLI with no problem "grails run-app"
but in IntelliJ it throws the same problem as here
Set Project SDk to compatible Java version. Try using 11 JDK for example:
Verify that modules uses the same JDK:
Also make sure Gradle JVM uses the same JDK:

Getting failure in build for IntelliJ when compiling with Erlang plugin

I am using erlang and Kotlin in my project and getting below error
org/intellij/erlang/jps/model/JpsErlangModelSerializerExtension has
been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file
version 55.0), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class
file versions up to 52.0
It got fixed in my case by uninstalling Erlang plugin from IntelliJ
Preferences → Plugins → Uninstall Erlang
Now, recompile and it should work.

IntelliJ Gradle Kotlin Plugin [id: 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform'] was not found in any of the following sources

I have newly installed IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1.2 (community edition) and I wanted to create a native-kotlin test-app like I did on another PC where everythin worked.
I always get the gradle-error: Plugin [id: 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform'] was not found in any of the following sources
Kotlin plugin 1.5.10 is installed and I have no clue how to get my test-app compiled and the gradle-error removed. Unfortunately, I also did not found a solution in the internet during half a day searching.

IntelliJ IDEA 14.1.4 + Gradle: Cannot Compile Groovy Files

Each time I attempt to create a new IntelliJ 14.1.4 project on Windows with Gradle integration I receive the following error during the 'Make' command when I have any Groovy source files included in the project...
Error:Cannot compile Groovy files: no Groovy library is defined for module 'GradleCommandLine'
I have tried:
Creating a Gradle project through the new project wizard in IntelliJ, choosing Groovy as a an 'Additional Library'
Creating a new Gradle project outside of IntelliJ using the gradle init --type groovy-library command, then opening IntelliJ which finds the file and automatically links to the project
Converting an existing project that was working with the IvyIDEA plugin to a Gradle build
I have tried adding (made sure) my groovy-all library as a 'Global Library' within the project structure
Each of these gave me the same 'Cannot compile Groovy files' error.
What does work:
I can run the gradle war command which compiles correctly and I can deploy the build war to an application server (in my case Tomcat 7.0.47)
However in watching the Getting Started with Gradle in IntelliJ IDEA 13 (they do not have one for IntelliJ 14) demo video, they are able to just run the standard 'Make' and add the unexploded war as a build artifact.
Also had a colleague using the Mac version of IntelliJ 14.1.4 do the same 'I have tried' attempts above and he did not run into any issues. They even imported the same project I was having issues with and it was able to do the 'Make' without any changes to settings.
Pointing to local Gradle installation solved issue. There was an issue with a corporate proxy preventing the Gradle distribution from installing properly.