intellij - setting to replace the caret at the beginning of each line with correct indent - intellij-idea

I am looking for the setting that forces the caret to placed at the beginning of each line. Currently if I click anywhere, the caret gets positioned there. It is not the behavior I like, I would like it to be replaced, in order to prevent me to do it incorrectly. I think it is an option commonly used, and was standard in the intellij I became in some other company but I am bad at describing it.
Sorry for my approximative vocabulary and thanks for any hint.

Go to File → Settings
On the left pane, expand Editor, then select General.
Find the Virtual Space section, and uncheck "Allow placement of caret after end of line".


IntelliJ: Move to next typo

IntelliJ IDEA has an inspection that checks for spelling. In the analysis overview, I can see how many spelling mistakes were found, e.g. 12 typos found. In the code they are highlighted using a wavy green line.
However, I find it very hard to look manually for those wavy lines. Is there a keyboard shortcut or a search function which will automatically skip to the next highlighted typo?
F2 and Shift + F2 shortcuts will navigate you to the Next / Previous highlighted error. You need to configure the error navigation first to Go to next problem instead of default Go to high priority problems option(from the context menu of editor right side bar):
See help for details. Another option is to use double click (F4 shortcut) from the Inspection Results window to go to the source.
IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3
If you want to fix all typos from the project, you can list all of them and iterate through them using double click (or F4 to open the source):
Analyze > Run Inspection by Name...
Type "Typo"
You will be able to see a list containing all typos grouped by file:
In Settings -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> General, you can add an 'Error stripe mark' color to Typo.
With the default settings of IntelliJ I find it difficult to spot the typos. So I do the following hack to spot and correct them once in a while.
Temporarily change inspection setting to show Typos as Errors.
IntelliJ then highlights the typos as Errors, making it much easier to spot them in the editor. I correct them and then revert the inspection setting changes. The changes can be kept permanently but I don't prefer that!

Wrapping comments with line breaks in PyCharm

I have comments that gets balloon (PEP 8: Line too long ... > 120)
I wish there was a command that will wrap the lines with few keystrokes.
Right now, even if I type Alt+Enter and press enter on Reformat file, nothing actually changes. Is there a setting or plugin I could use to accomplish the formatting easily?
Under the Edit menu, there is a Fill Paragraph option, which does what I believe you want. You can assign a key command to this in Preferences, under Appearance & Behavior -> Keymap (search for "fill").
Personally, I choose first stroke Esc, second stroke Q, because that's what I've always used in Emacs...
Firstly, reformatting won't work, not in Python at least, where whitespace is important. PyCharm's "Wrap when typing reaches right margin" option is what you're looking for. Now this will not work when you copy and paste code, but in the places where it gives you trouble, just press enter, and it will work.
To be able to auto-reformat comments (and code, for that matter) to honor a right margin after the fact, go into Project Settings under Code Style and then further under Python. Click the Wrapping and Braces tab, and check the "Ensure right margin is not exceeded" checkbox.
Now if you select a region of lines and then run the Code/Reformat Code... command, PyCharm will do its best to wrap the comments or code appropriately.
You will probably have to do some tweaking of the results to suit your stylistic taste. For example, I wish PyCharm would do aggressive filling of text in block comments, at least optionally so.
PyCharm will not reformat code such that it becomes invalid Python, so sometimes it will still leave a line longer than the margin (120 or whatever you set under Project Settings/Code Style/General).
With recent PyCharm this now is located at "Editor -> Code Style", with the checkbox named "Wrap on typing"
The Screenshot shows PyCharm version 2016.2.1 Professional.
Updated Answer:
Use "soft wraps." You can search for it in the help bar.
View > Active Editor > Use Soft Wraps
It won't work for existing text or text that's copied in, but will for any newly typed text.

Highlight lines that are too long

In vim, I can create a rule that highlights lines that are over 80 characters long. Can I do this in IntelliJ? Here's an example in vim:
I don't know if you can highlight. You might have to write a custom Code Inspection for that. But in Settings -> Code Style you can set a right margin of 80 characters and force automatic wrapping once you reach it.
Infact in Settings -> Code Style -> Java under the Wrapping and Braces Tab
there is the option Ensure right margin is not exceeded.
IntelliJ (at least v2016.2 and newer) has exactly this feature.
Under preferences go to: Editor -> Inspections -> General,
Then select: "Line is longer than allowed code style".
You can choose the severity you want, for most severities IntelliJ will underline the characters that exceed the line length limit (but you could change the style of the severity to look exactly like vim if you wanted).
(If it doesn't work, make sure "Right margin (columns):" is set under preferences Editor -> Code Style.)
You could add the JSLint Code Quality Tool.
You can set a maximum line length with that tool... if you so desire, you could disable everything else.
Then, in the Inspections part of your Project settings, enable the JSLint Inspection and set it to whatever Severity you like. This will probable highlight the whole line, but that's close enough, right? :)
I'm sure you've have already resolved this, Rose, but for other people who stumble upon this post, Raystorm's answer was correct. However, in order for the automatic line wrapping to occur, you must auto-format the code by typing Ctrl-Alt-L.

Highlight BOTH matching braces into Gedit

Any way to highlight both braces on Gedit?, it's annoying when you have several braces joined and is not clear which one are you pointing.
Highlighting both braces would be a simple solution to know exactly what are the starting and ending ones.
Actually this feature does exist, to an extent anyway, in Gedit (2, in my case). Under preferences there is a check box in the view tab on the bottom called "Bracket Matching".
With that checked you can highlight the opposite bracket delimiter by putting your cursor over its twin. It goes both ways.
However, seeing that I use ruby, which utilizes "do/end" tags instead of curly brackets, I'm still looking for a hack for that. I'll try to remember to come back and share any more information that I find.
I have an option in my gedit 2.30 for this:
Edit -> Preferences -> Bracket Matching
At first I could't find where the preferences are located, I chose the harder option.
1. dconf-editor:
Press Ctrl + Alt + t and type dconf-editor
Go to org --> gnome --> gedit --> preferences
At bracket-matching and turn on flag
2. run in terminal:
gsettings set org.gnome.gedit.preferences.editor bracket-matching true
3. windows-way case:
In Ubuntu 18.04, Gnome 3.28 the preferences are located in the left corner near the Activities.
Preferences --> view --> Highlighting --> Highlight matching brackets
Currently (Gedit 3.14.0) it works as it has been already mentioned:
Preferences -> View thumbnail -> Highlight matching brackets
Both brackets are highlighted.
I suppose you enabled bracket matching (as in mbonnin's answer), but only one bracket is highlighted.
I made a bug report about that (see Highlight the 2 matching brackets) and it was fixed in a recent version of gedit (I think only version 3 contains this fix).

Un-indentation in Netbeans

In netbeans, if I select some text and press Tab, it works correctly and the text is indented to the right side as expected.
But if I then try to backspace behind the text, it only removes one space at a time. Very annoying.
Is there any way to change this setting, so backspacing behind a tabbed line causes the whole tab to be removed and not just 1 space?
I don't use Netbeans (anymore), but usually the shortcut for this is Shift+Tab.
Its worth mentioning that ALT+SHIFT+UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT will indent left or right and also allow you to move the line(s) up or down. Its a pretty handy feature.
Alt-Shift-F (Formatting code) also can be helpful.
Select code block which needs re-indentation and do Alt-Shift-F.