Wrapping comments with line breaks in PyCharm - intellij-idea

I have comments that gets balloon (PEP 8: Line too long ... > 120)
I wish there was a command that will wrap the lines with few keystrokes.
Right now, even if I type Alt+Enter and press enter on Reformat file, nothing actually changes. Is there a setting or plugin I could use to accomplish the formatting easily?

Under the Edit menu, there is a Fill Paragraph option, which does what I believe you want. You can assign a key command to this in Preferences, under Appearance & Behavior -> Keymap (search for "fill").
Personally, I choose first stroke Esc, second stroke Q, because that's what I've always used in Emacs...

Firstly, reformatting won't work, not in Python at least, where whitespace is important. PyCharm's "Wrap when typing reaches right margin" option is what you're looking for. Now this will not work when you copy and paste code, but in the places where it gives you trouble, just press enter, and it will work.

To be able to auto-reformat comments (and code, for that matter) to honor a right margin after the fact, go into Project Settings under Code Style and then further under Python. Click the Wrapping and Braces tab, and check the "Ensure right margin is not exceeded" checkbox.
Now if you select a region of lines and then run the Code/Reformat Code... command, PyCharm will do its best to wrap the comments or code appropriately.
You will probably have to do some tweaking of the results to suit your stylistic taste. For example, I wish PyCharm would do aggressive filling of text in block comments, at least optionally so.
PyCharm will not reformat code such that it becomes invalid Python, so sometimes it will still leave a line longer than the margin (120 or whatever you set under Project Settings/Code Style/General).

With recent PyCharm this now is located at "Editor -> Code Style", with the checkbox named "Wrap on typing"
The Screenshot shows PyCharm version 2016.2.1 Professional.

Updated Answer:
Use "soft wraps." You can search for it in the help bar.
View > Active Editor > Use Soft Wraps
It won't work for existing text or text that's copied in, but will for any newly typed text.


How can I enter a literal <TAB> character in IntelliJ/IDEA/PyCharm?

My configuration indents with four spaces, and I want to keep that. Occasionally (e.g. in a Makefile) I want to input a literal TAB character.
How can I force the IntelliJ-IDEs to input a tab or space, when it would not do so when I hit tab or space in that instance?
You seem to be asking two questions here:
1. How do I force IntelliJ IDE to input a tab, when it would not do so when I hit tab?
2. How do I force IntelliJ IDE to input a space, when it would not do so when I hit space?
I don't understand how the second case can arise. However, I have provided a solution to it as well.
Case 1. Insert a tab character when an IntelliJ IDE wants to replace it with spaces due to configuration
Use search and replace.
Place the cursor where you want the tab to be
Press the X key
Select the X you just typed
From the main menu, choose Edit | Find | Replace to bring up the search and replace pane
Make sure there is an X in the search field
Enter \t in the replace field
Be sure the option Regex is checked
Be sure the option In Selection is checked
Click the Replace button
Case 2. Insert a space character when an IntelliJ IDE won't just let you type one (???)
Use search and replace.
Place the cursor where you want the space to be
Press the X key
Select the X you just typed
From the main menu, choose Edit | Find | Replace to bring up the search and replace pane
Make sure there is an X in the search field
Enter a single space into the replace field
Be sure the option In Selection is checked
Click the Replace button
Install the plugin for Makefile support: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/9333-makefile-support
When I tried it today, this automatically use hard tabs in the editors for Makefile files.
Open another text editor, type a tab, and then copy and paste into the PyCharm editor. In MacOSX this worked for me using both Sublime Text 2 and TextEdit.
I can't think of any "direct" way. Probably the easiest way that I can think of is to write a Live Template to do it. See the help page on Live Templates for more information. When you write it, you may need to copy and paste a tab character in from another application.
However, when I tried it, IDEA saw it as just empty text and would not save it. So I used a variable with the "capitalize" function to capitalize a tab character.
Here's the template I created that you can paste into your templates. Now I type tab, hit the Tab key and I get a tab character. Of course you can change the abbreviation.
<template name="tab" value="$TAB$" description="Enter a tab Character" toReformat="false" toShortenFQNames="true">
<variable name="TAB" expression="capitalize(" ")" defaultValue=" " alwaysStopAt="false" />
<option name="OTHER" value="true" />
You could extend the idea to have multiple ones that enter multiple tabs. For example tab to enter 1 tab, tab2 for 2 tabs, etc.
Screenshot of it after use:
There may also be a way to hack a macro to do it. You could then assign the macro to a keyboard shortcut. I'll see if I can figure something out and update this if I do.
Use the menu option: Edit -> Convert Indents -> To Tabs.
Whenever I edit a makefile I do the "to tabs" conversion before I save the file.
UPDATE: Really sadly, I think the generated character still gets converted to spaces... Am checking...
There is an Action in JetBrains IDEs to enter a Tab character.
Here are the steps to use the Tab character action: (discovered in PyCharm 2020.3)
Double-tap the Shift key OR Help -> Find Action...
Type the 3 characters tab
Click on the action that is called Tab and shows the icon for the Tab character...
It remembers the last action you did, so if you have several tabs to add, you can get into a quick process by doing ShiftShift then Return each time.
Answer based on #Morfic's comment to the question. I think this is the cleanest and most sensible reply here so I figured it deserves a place as an answer (and needless to say, it worked for me).
If they're different types of files you could configure File -> Settings -> Editor -> Code style -> Tabs and Indents for each one to use either space or tab depending on how you want it.
One way to do this is to copy a TAB character from another text editor, then right click in your PyCharm file and use Copy / Paste Special -> Paste as Plain Text (Ctrl+Alt+Maj+V)
I guess this was not available in older PyCharm versions, because no other answer proposed it. Regular paste (Ctrl+V) doesn't work (replaced by spaces), but this one works. The function will also bypass other automatic formatting.
Inspired of Clare's suggestion,
assign the left tab key after finding 'tab' action.
At Actions tab, search by 'tab' and move your up/down arrow key and place there.
Then type Ctrl+1, you will see a popup. Select as follows and click OK.
Then, you might be asked "Do you want to remove other assignments?" if Tab key was already assigned. Click Leave because your usage won't conflict with the existing setup.

IntelliJ: Move to next typo

IntelliJ IDEA has an inspection that checks for spelling. In the analysis overview, I can see how many spelling mistakes were found, e.g. 12 typos found. In the code they are highlighted using a wavy green line.
However, I find it very hard to look manually for those wavy lines. Is there a keyboard shortcut or a search function which will automatically skip to the next highlighted typo?
F2 and Shift + F2 shortcuts will navigate you to the Next / Previous highlighted error. You need to configure the error navigation first to Go to next problem instead of default Go to high priority problems option(from the context menu of editor right side bar):
See help for details. Another option is to use double click (F4 shortcut) from the Inspection Results window to go to the source.
IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3
If you want to fix all typos from the project, you can list all of them and iterate through them using double click (or F4 to open the source):
Analyze > Run Inspection by Name...
Type "Typo"
You will be able to see a list containing all typos grouped by file:
In Settings -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> General, you can add an 'Error stripe mark' color to Typo.
With the default settings of IntelliJ I find it difficult to spot the typos. So I do the following hack to spot and correct them once in a while.
Temporarily change inspection setting to show Typos as Errors.
IntelliJ then highlights the typos as Errors, making it much easier to spot them in the editor. I correct them and then revert the inspection setting changes. The changes can be kept permanently but I don't prefer that!

Highlight lines that are too long

In vim, I can create a rule that highlights lines that are over 80 characters long. Can I do this in IntelliJ? Here's an example in vim:
I don't know if you can highlight. You might have to write a custom Code Inspection for that. But in Settings -> Code Style you can set a right margin of 80 characters and force automatic wrapping once you reach it.
Infact in Settings -> Code Style -> Java under the Wrapping and Braces Tab
there is the option Ensure right margin is not exceeded.
IntelliJ (at least v2016.2 and newer) has exactly this feature.
Under preferences go to: Editor -> Inspections -> General,
Then select: "Line is longer than allowed code style".
You can choose the severity you want, for most severities IntelliJ will underline the characters that exceed the line length limit (but you could change the style of the severity to look exactly like vim if you wanted).
(If it doesn't work, make sure "Right margin (columns):" is set under preferences Editor -> Code Style.)
You could add the JSLint Code Quality Tool.
You can set a maximum line length with that tool... if you so desire, you could disable everything else.
Then, in the Inspections part of your Project settings, enable the JSLint Inspection and set it to whatever Severity you like. This will probable highlight the whole line, but that's close enough, right? :)
I'm sure you've have already resolved this, Rose, but for other people who stumble upon this post, Raystorm's answer was correct. However, in order for the automatic line wrapping to occur, you must auto-format the code by typing Ctrl-Alt-L.

Coderush Intellassist vs Intellisense

I'm using coderush with vs 2008. coding in VB.net.
I don't see any evidence of Intellassist, all i see is the usual VS intellisense.
Is this normal? Preferred? Do most people leave the defaults or do most/some turn off vs's intellisense?
Does intellassist somehow agument intellisence?
I see CodeRush Intellassist as an extension of Visual Studio Intellisense and not its replacement or anything else. Intellassist completes the text at the editor caret position with an in-scope identifier and may include other suggestions, such as physical file path completion or enumeration elements completion (which is not actual for Visual Basic).
To use Intellassist, just write code as you normally would. When Intellassist senses one or more suggestions matching the code you've entered so far, the best suggestion will be displayed to the right of the editor caret.
Once Intellassist is active, you have several options:
Press Enter to accept the highlighted suggestion. If you have the case-sensitive option turned off, Intellassist will ensure the entire suggestion is properly cased to match the declaration.
Press Shift+Enter to accept a portion of the suggestion. Shift+Enter accepts from the caret to the character preceding the next uppercase letter in the suggestion. For example, if "AllowMultipleSelections" was the suggestion, and "al" had been typed in, pressing Shift+Enter successive times would cause the selection to shift as follows:
Shift+Enter is useful when you need to create a new variable name that is similar to a portion of an existing suggestion, or when you want to quickly access a different but similarly-named suggestion (differing only in the latter portions of the text). You can press Shift+Enter to move the selection right, and then start typing to get other suggestions.
If more than one entry is suggested you can cycle forward and backward through the suggestions by pressing the Tab and Shift+Tab.
Press the Delete key to cancel the suggestion.
Do nothing for a few moments and Intellassist will hide the suggestion.
If the text you've entered is a code template that you want to expand, just press Space or ; to expand the template normally.
Continue typing (narrowing down the suggestion list or ultimately ignoring all suggestions).
Intellassist is highly configurable. You can specify whether case-insensitive suggestions should be made, and also change a host of other options.

Rename using suggested var name with resharper

I'm Using resharper 6 nighty builds and VB.net. I've a big medium project with multiple files that don't follow the code style conventions of my company.
I've configured resharper with my own convenctions and It suggest to me the right name for each variable (perfect!).
But I can't find any automagic way to make the current name to be replaced with the suggested name.
Are there any way to do it? If not ... did you know ane fearure of coderush Xpress to achieve it?
If you've configured ReSharper with your naming conventions, then it should show a warning (blue squiggly underline) under any identifiers that don't comply. If you put the text cursor on one of those misnamed identifiers, you should see a pyramid icon appear near the left margin. Then you can press Alt+Enter (or click the pyramid icon) to drop down a quick-fix menu. There should be an option in the menu to "Rename to '_myField'". Usually it's the first item in the list, so you can just press Enter again to do the rename.
If you want to do this on everything in a source file, you can use the ReSharper > Inspect > Next Issue in File command (or its keyboard shortcut -- F12 in the IDEA keymap) to move the cursor to the next warning in the file. Then, if it's another name warning, you can use Alt+Enter, Enter again to fix it.
Unfortunately, there isn't a way to automatically fix every instance of a warning at once (though it's been requested; please feel free to vote for RSRP-126551 in their issue tracker).