Httpd docker stops after a number of days - apache

I'm trying to run a small personal web server in docker using the httpd image in the docker store (
However, it works ok in the beginning, but tends to simply stop a number of days later, and needs to be restarted using "docker start", and I've not found what is wrong. There are some advice on the net for a CentOS build, but I've not found any for the Docker Store image as-is.
Docker file is:
FROM httpd:2.4
LABEL maintainer ""
COPY ./content/ /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/
COPY ./config/httpd.conf /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
COPY ./config/httpd-vhosts.conf /usr/local/apache2/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
Docker "build" cmd I used:
docker build -t matsohrman/web .
Docker "run" cmd I used:
docker run -dit --name web -p 80:80 matsohrman/web


I need to run standalone-chrome-debug in offline mode

I have a linux server, with no connectivity to github (it's blocked in our office), and need to run standalone-chrome-debug docker image.
So in my side, i clone the repo and transfer it to the linux machine, but when i run the docker command:
docker run -d -p 4444:4444 -p 0:5900 -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm -e VNC_NO_PASSWORD=1 selenium/standalone-chrome-debug
i got a lot of error, such as not found, and different similar issues of missing files, so my question is:
how can i make this docker run successfully , if i have the repository locally, and have no access to github, can you assist me with this issue ?

Docker container cannot share data with host

I am running an automated test on a docker container that downloads a file as part of the test. The file ends up in the home/seluser/Download folder of the docker container. But I want to be ale to access it locally on my mac os x.
However, when I run the following command:
docker run -v /Users/MyUsername/Downloads/MappedFolder:/home/seluser/Downloads -d -P -p 4444:4444 selenium/standalone-chrome:3.7.1-beryllium
The downloaded files don't appear in either the docker container or the host.
As soon as I remove
-v /Users/MyUsername/Downloads/MappedFolder:/home/seluser/Downloads
and end up with
docker run -d -P -p 4444:4444 selenium/standalone-chrome:3.7.1-beryllium
the downloaded file shows up in the docker container
I can't seem to find a way to share that data with my host, so I can access the downloaded file in /Users/MyUsername/Downloads/MappedFolder
you are mounting /Users/MyUsername/Downloads/MappedFolder into docker container.
so it will overwrite the inside volume of docker container, so you can't see any files in the /home/seluser/Downloads directory, you can able to see data exst in host directory.
after running docker container.. you can able see all files whichever you download into /home/seluser/Downloads or in host directory

docker file to run automation test in JS files

I am trying to create a docker file to run selenium tests for a java script based project. Below is my docker file so far:
#base image
FROM selenium/standalone-chrome
#access to the project within docker container - Bundle app source
COPY ./seleniumTest/project /app
# Install Node.js
RUN sudo apt-get update
RUN sudo apt-get install --yes curl
RUN curl --silent --location | sudo bash -
#Define runtime
ENTRYPOINT /app/login.test.js
while running with $ docker run -p 4000:80 lamgadekamal/dockertest
returns: Unable to find image 'lamkam/dockertest:latest' locally docker: Error response from daemon: manifest for lamkam/dockertest:latest not found. Could not figure out why am I getting this?
I suspect that you need to build your image first, since the image cannot be found.
Run this command from the same directory where your Dockerfile is located. This will build the image.
docker build -t lamgadekamal/dockertest .
You can then verify that the image exists by running docker images
EDIT: After looking at this again, it appears that you are trying to run the wrong image. You are trying to run lamgadekamal/dockertest, but you built the image with the tag lamkam/dockertest? Seems like you have a typo. I would suggest running docker images to see exactly what is there, but in all likelihood, you need to run lamkam/dockertest.
docker run -p 4000:80 lamkam/dockertest

Apache Tomcat 8 not starting within a docker container

I am experimenting with Docker and am very new to it. I am struck at a point for a long time and am not getting a way through and hence came up with this question here...
Problem Statement:
I am trying to create an image from a docker file containing Apache and lynx installation. Once done I am trying to access tomcat on 8080 of the container which is in turn forwarded to the 8082 of the host. But when running the image I never get tomcat started in the container.
The Docker file
FROM ubuntu:16.10
#Install Lynx
Run apt-get update
Run apt-get install -y lynx
#Install Curl
Run apt-get install -y curl
#Install tools: jdk
Run apt-get update
Run apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jdk wget
#Install apache tomcat
Run groupadd tomcat
Run useradd -s /bin/false -g tomcat -d /opt/tomcat tomcat
Run cd /tmp
Run curl -O 8/v8.5.12/bin/apache-tomcat-8.5.12.tar.gz
Run mkdir /opt/tomcat
Run tar xzvf apache-tomcat-8*tar.gz -C /opt/tomcat --strip-components=1
Run cd /opt/tomcat
Run chgrp -R tomcat /opt/tomcat
Run chmod -R g+r /opt/tomcat/conf
Run chmod g+x /opt/tomcat/conf
Run chown -R tomcat /opt/tomcat/webapps /opt/tomcat/work /opt/tomcat/temp opt/tomcat/logs
Run cd /opt/tomcat/bin
Expose 8080
CMD /opt/tomcat/bin/ run && tail -f /opt/tomcat/logs/catalina.out
When the image is built I tried running the container by the two below methods
docker run -d -p 8082:8080 imageid tail -f /dev/null
While using the above, container is running but tomcat is not started inside the container and hence not accessible from localhost:8082. Also I do not see anything if I perform docker logs longcontainerid
docker run -d -p 8082:8080 imageid /path/to/ start tail -f /dev/null
I see tomcat started when I do docker logs longconatainrid
While using the above the container is started and stopped immediately and is not running as I can see from docker ps and hence again not accessible from localhost:8082.
Can anyone please tell me where I am going wrong?
P.s. I searched a lot on the internet but could not get the thing right. Might be there is some concept that i am not getting clearly.
Looking at the docker run command documentation, the doc states that any command passed to the run will override the original CMD in your Dockerfile:
As the operator (the person running a container from the image), you can override that CMD instruction just by specifying a new COMMAND
1/ Then when you run:
docker run -d -p 8082:8080 imageid tail -f /dev/null
The container is run with COMMAND tail -f /dev/null, the original command starting tomcat is overridden.
To resolve your problem, try to run:
docker run -d -p 8082:8080 imageid
docker log -f containerId
To see if tomcat is correctly started.
2/ You should not use the start argument with Have a look at this official tomcat Dokerfile, the team uses :
CMD ["", "run"]
to start tomcat (when you use start, docker ends container at the end of the shell script and tomcat will start but not maintain a running process).
3/ Finally, why don't you use tomcat official image to build your container? You could just use the :
FROM tomcat:latest
directive at the beginning of your Dockerfile, and add you required elements (new files, webapps war, settings) to the docker image.

Reflecting code changes in docker containers

I have a basic hello world Node application written on express. I have just dockerised this application by creating a basic dockerfile in the applications root directory. I created a docker image, and then ran that image to run it in a running container
# Dockerfile
FROM node:0.10-onbuild
RUN npm install
CMD ["node", "./bin/www"]
sudo docker build -t docker-express
sudo docker run --name test-container -d -p 80:3000 docker-express
I can access the web application. My question is.. When I made code changes to my application, eg change 'hello world' to 'hello bob', my changes are not reflected within the running container.
What is a good development workflow to update changes in the container? Surely I shouldn't have to delete and rebuild the images after each change?
Thank you :)
Check out the section on Sharing Volumes. You should be able to share your host volume with the docker container and then any time you need a change you can just restart the server (or have something restart it for you!).
Your command would look something like: sudo docker run -v /src/webapp:/webapp --name test-container -d -p 80:3000 docker-express
Which mounts /src/webapp (on the host) to /webapp (in the container).