Generate custom documentation (based on SQL table) [closed] - sql

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm currently using a software with its own command-line interface, accepting its own commands with parameters, but these commands are documented in several places and files, so I can't simply run doxygen on it, and its not possible to add documentation to these files now.
Dumping everything in one text document seems a bit annoying to use, so my first idea is to generate a table, SQL for example, and add the documentation there, with several columns, such as command and its description, arguments and description of them, example command, execution time, etc., and add some kind of GUI to easily display the commands.
Are there already solutions for this, especially easy to maintenance ones?
Or is it better to have a different approach for this, such as html based Helpfiles?

you could build one yourself or use some third party tools like REDGATE SQLdoc..
below is one example of how documentation is generated for one sample table as HTML,PDF as well


Diffing Sql Schema [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I need to move some changes from database a to database b, and some from b to a. Every comparison tool I've used requires you to pick a direction first and if you want to go the other direction, well then you get to wait for it to completely re-compare all over again.
Also the tools I've used don't allow you to make changes on the fly. If I see something I need to update, I've got to go update it using SSMS and then come back to the tool and re-compare all over again.
What I really want is a tool that works just like a text diffing application (BeyondCompare, WinMerge, etc.).
I've thought about trying to write my own app to do this so many times but it's a big undertaking so I always say "nah, it's not worth it". Well I've finally decided to give it a shot but I just want a final word on 2 issues:
1) Have I overlooked some amazing product that already does this? I've searched but haven't found anything. Would hate to waste a lot of time if someone has already done it though.
2) What Diffing api would be best suited for this type of application?
The best tool for doing this action is from redgate called sql compare.

Best way to capture websites in batch? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a list of URLs and I would like to capture the related sites as they would display in a standard view port for a given resolution (say 1024x768).
Does anyone know of a tool/web service/script that does just that?
Any standard PHP methods or libraries I could build on alternatively?
To give you an idea what I intend to use these images for: they should feed into a website, my own little place to collect domain names going to waste.
Web service: Browshot with the PHP library.
Tools: PhantomJS
I was wasting most of the day searching for a simple solution and finally found one. Ann Smarty wrote this article ( about the free Firefox plugin Grab Them All, which makes it immensely easy to batch-generate snapshots to a specified size from a text file list of source URLs. Easy peasy, no coding necessary, other than maybe to change saved filenames. (There's a setting that uses a safe version of the supplied URL string, with unsafe characters changed to the underscore character.)

MSBuild ReadLinesFromFile Task Output attributes [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to learn how to use MSBuild ReadLinesFromFile Task
I observe Output tag in MSDN example.
In my project I also have Output/#PropertyName attribute.
I don't have an idea which other attributes Output tag can accept.
Where can I find description of them?
I suppose I should see some inherited tasks or something like this.
Where it is? (I followed the links in the MSDN page, but it seems I missed something)
I don't know MSBuild in depth and I don't think I need it for my purposes, just want to find clear description of ReadLinesFromFile Task.
Maybe only stating the obvious, the task only accepts (well by documentation anyway) the Lines output parameter, as documented, and shown in an example, on the page you have linked in your question.
The "most clear" description you will find about the task is indeed the MSDN page.
BTW, looking inside Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0.dll, the ReadLinesFromFile task indeed only accepts the Lines output parameter.

clojure.lang, etc. api [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Are the JavaDocs for clojure.lang, etc. available online? Do I need to build it myself from the Clojure source?
if you want descriptions for functions and even examples, visit ClojureDocs
you can even contribute ;)
Javadocs don't exist, per se. If you look at the Java source code, it's very sparsely documented. Certainly you could generate a skeleton yourself, but it probably wouldn't be all that useful anyway as much of the language is self-implemented (in clojure), using Java mostly for bootstrapping the core functionality. I don't think clojure.lang package is really intended to be used directly.
To learn about Clojure functions you can:
Use (doc) and (find-doc) from a repl
Use the API reference at
See ClojureDocs, per #Belun's answer

Does (vehicle marketplace) offer an API for posting vehicles? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Does anybody know if offers an API or something that would help with mass postings of vehicles?
Or does anybody have any idea of what to use to create something like this? I was thinking of maybe a mouse location and click over a browser window type of thing.
AutoTrader provides a bulk upload feature through a file feed process. The file runs through a set of processes to associate it with the proper listing tier (Premium, Feature or Standard) and in addition normalizes the information across vehicle make and models. This process runs several times daily and is being migrated to a near real-time solution for quicker add or updates.
I can find no documentation on it but I've come across this link which seems to provide a json response.