I've been investigating CoreOS's Container Linux recently and was wondering if there's a 'nice' way to run Container Linux VMs on Container Linux, possibly with rkt.
I understand rkt has a KVM stage 1 so was wondering how easy it is to use Container Linux as the kernel for that.
I'm attempting to use my WSL2 docker containers with VS Code, though I now regret this. I attempted to follow these directions to get everything installed and configured correctly.
After installing Docker Desktop, my previous containers and images are not shown with docker ls and docker images when run from WSL2. However, there are still many GB of data under /var/lib/docker. Is there some way to attempt to recover this?
I'm looking to change a process (which currently is an elevated PowerShell script running in Windows 10, and I want to keep it close to that) I have that currently uses Paragon Linux Filesystem for Windows tool. While it does work, it doesn't work consistently. What I'd like to do instead is to use WSL on Windows 10, 1909 currently (will go to 2004 when available), to mount a VHDX which contains to partitions, /dev/sda1 for /boot, and /dev/sda2 another for an Linux LVM. The OS within this VHDX is CentOS 7.5, and the filesystem I want to modify is formatted in ext4. I need to edit some files within a logical volume within the group.
Currently, I'm running into an issue where qemu-nbd doesn't help, as there doesn't appear to be an NBD kernel mode driver provided by the Microsoft Linux kernel in Ubuntu 18.04 image from the Windows Store. I've tried guestfish (using guestmount), but it is unable to find an operating system and fails to mount any of the volumes.
Is this possible? Am I going down the wrong path, and is this not possible?
As I understand your question...
Seems to me that you want to offline access a .vhdx containing Linux
using powershell to manipulate some files...
(I think the issue here is ext4 and file rights)
1. Mount the .vhdx you want to '''work''' in a linux virtual machine as second disk
2. Install Powershell 7 in linux VM
3. Configure Powershell remote in the Linux VM (via SSH)
4. Access the Linux VM from Windows Powershell 7 and execute your scripts.
there are other ways using VMs+NBD or using WSL and mounted
drives... but this seems to be the most practical end efficient!
as you for sure know you can start/stop the VMs from Powershell
I have an OpenStack cloud system with 3 servers and two VMs on my compute node. Everything is working fine. I can reach all the nodes from the VMs and can ping internet from the VMs as well, this means, there is no connectivity issue at all. My problem is I want to run some loading balancing C codes on these VMs but I do not have C or C++ compiler. How do I install C compiler on these VMs or is there another way around this? Please note that these VMs were created using the recommended Ubuntu image and everything is working fine. Any help will be highly appreciated.
If you need a C/C++ compiler on your VM you can simply login and install it.
sudo apt install build-essential
Alternatively you can pre-install a compiler when building the standard image.
ESXi installs on a physical machine separately. I mean it's not a software which installs on an OS like a Linux machine. Am I right?
I need something like ESXi server to be installed on a CentOS 5 physical machine.
What's your suggestion?
ESXi is a Hypervisor which installs directly onto hardware. Its almost like a mini OS if you like, so you can't install that on Linux. Software which will provide virtualization on top on the OS will be the likes of KVM, Xen or VirtualBox which would be better suited for you (sounds like it anyway)
Have a look at this link
Recently I've been dabbling with vagrant and docker. These are quite interesting tools, but I haven't been able to convince myself that it's the way to go quite yet on my OS X machine. Being an old Unix hat, I have to say that I like having a consolidated and sandboxed environment for development purposes.
I've seen a lot of chatter and a number of friends have been using vagrant with just stock vim for editing. I'm not really a fan of that approach and would probably prefer to use the vm provider's sharing mechanism OR, more likely, NFS.
Personally I'd like to be able to edit directly in TextMate, SublimeText, Emacs (on OS X), or even perhaps use RubyMine and its various IDE features, etc.
Is there any way to really get the workflow down so that such an environment will be essentially like working on a local environment without having to pull a lot of additional background strings to make things work out?
I suppose a few well placed scripts could go a long way, but I've not found any solid answers on really making this a seamless environment.
What actually worked for me was to use boot2docker which makes it easy to install a lightweight virtual machine (with VirtualBox) that will host your docker deamon and images. The only thing you need in order to run docker commands is to run $(boot2docker shellinit) when you open a new Terminal.
If you need to also have your files on an OS X folder and share them with a running docker image, you need some additional setup, but once you do it, you won't have to do it again.
Have a look here for a nice walkthrough on how to do it. The steps in short are:
Get a special boot2docker image that allows you to use shared folders for VirtualBox
Configure VirtualBox to share a folder:
VBoxManage sharedfolder add boot2docker-vm -name home -hostpath /Users
This will share your /Users folder with the boot2docker image that hosts docker.
From you Mac share the folder you need with a folder in a docker image like:
docker run -it -v /Users/me/dev/my-project:/root/src:rw ubuntu /bin/bash
One small annoyance that I haven't found how to overcome is that you do not longer access your software through localhost because it actually runs on boot2docker instance. You have to run boot2docker ip and access that ip.
Hope that helps!