Tensorflow batching without extra None dimension? - tensorflow

Is it possible to do batching in tensorflow without expanding the placeholder size by an extra dimension of None? Specifically I'd just like to feed multiple samples via the placeholders through feed_dict. The code base I'm working on would require a large amount of change to the code to account for adding an extra dimension for the batch size.
sess.run(feed_dict={var1:val1values, var2: val2values, ...})
Where val1values would represent a batch of size X instead of just one training sample.

The shape information including the number of dimensions is available to Python code to do arbitrary things with, and does affect the ops added to the graph (like which matmul kernel is used), so there's no general safe way to automatically add a batch dimension. Something like labeled_tensor may make code slightly less confusing to refactor.


How to build a neural network that infers a set of values for the most important feature?

My task here is to find a way to get a suggested value of the most important feature or features. By changing into the suggested values of the features, I want the classification result to change as well.
Snapshot of dataset
The following is the procedures that I have tried so far:
Import dataset (shape: 1162 by 22)
Build a simple neural network (2 hidden layers)
Since the dependent variable is simply either 0 or 1 (classification problem), I onehot-encoded the variable. So it's either [0, 1] or [1,0]
After splitting into train & test data, I train my NN model and got accuracy of 77.8%
To know which feature (out of 21) is the most important one in the determination of either 0 or 1, I trained the data using Random Forest classifier (scikit-learn) and also got 77.8% accuracy and then used the 'feature_importances_' offered by the random forest classifier.
As a result, I found out that a feature named 'a_L4' ranks the highest in terms of relative feature importance.
The feature 'a_L4' is allowed to have a value from 0 to 360 since it means an angle. In the original dataset, 'a_L4' comprises of only 12 values that are [5, 50, 95, 120, 140, 160, 185, 230, 235, 275, 320, 345].
I augmented the original dataset by directly adding all the possible 12 values for each cases giving a new dataset of shape (1162x12 by 22).
I imported the augmented dataset and tested it on the previously trained NN model. The result was a FAILURE. There hardly was any change in the classification meaning almost no '1's switched to '0's.
My conclusion was that changing the values of 'a_L4' was not enough to bring a change in the classification. So I additionally did the same procedure again for the 2nd most important feature which in this case was 'b_L7_p1'.
So writing all the possible values that the two most important features can have, now the new dataset becomes the shape of (1162x12x6 by 22). 'b_L7_p1' is allowed to have 6 different values only, thus the multiplication by 6.
Again the result was a FAILURE.
So, my question is what might have I done wrong in the procedure described above? Do I need to keep searching for more important features and augment the data with all the possible values they can have? But since this is a tedious task with multiple procedures to be done manually and leads to a dataset with a huge size, I wish there was a way to construct an inference-based NN model that can directly give out the suggested values of a certain feature or features.
I am relatively new to this field of research, so could anyone please tell me some key words that I should search for? I cannot find any work or papers regarding this issue on Google.
Thanks in advance.
In this case I would approach the problem in the following way:
Normalize the whole dataset. As you can see from the dataset your features have different scales. It is utterly important that you make all features to have the same scale. Have a look at: https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler.html
The second this that I would do now is train and evaluate a model (It can be whatever you want) to get a so called baseline model.
Then, I would try PCA to see whether all features are needed. Maybe you are including unnecessary sparsity to the model. See: https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.decomposition.PCA.html
For example if you set the n_components in PCA to be 0.99 then you are reducing the number of features while retaining as 0.99 explained variance.
Then I would train the model to see whether there is any improvement. Please note that only by adding the normalization itself there should be an improvement.
If I want to see by the dataset itself which features are important I would do: https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.feature_selection.SelectKBest.html This would select a specified number of features based on some statistical test lets say: https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.feature_selection.chi2.html
Train a model and evaluate it again to see whether there is some improvement.
Also, you should be aware that the NNs can perform feature engineering by themselves, so computing feature importance is redundant in a way.
Let me know whether you will see any improvements.

Properly concatenate feature maps in Tensorflow

I am attempting to reproduce a Convolution Neural Network from a research paper using Tensorflow.
There are many times in the diagram where the results of convolutions are concatenated. Currently I am using tf.concat(https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/concat) along the last axis (representing channels) to concatenate these feature maps. I originally believed that I would want to concatenate along all axes, but this does not seem to be an option in tensorflow. Now I am facing the problem where the paper indicates that tensors(feature maps) of different sizes should be concatenated. tf.concat does not support concatenations of different sizes, so I am wondering if this was the correct command to use in the first place. In summary, what is the correct way to concatenate feature maps(sometimes of different sizes) in tensorflow?
Thank you.
It's impossible and meaningless to concatenate features maps with different sizes.
If you want to concatenate 2 tensors, every dimension except the concatenation one must be equal.
From the image you posted, in fact, you can see that every feature map that gets concatenated, has the same spatial extent (but different depth) of the other one.
If you can't concatenate in that way, probabily that's something wrong in your code, and probably the problem is the lack of padding = valid in the convolution operation.
The problem that you encounter for inception network may be resolved by using padding in convolutional layers to keep the size same. For inception blocks, instead of using "VALID" padding, change it to "SAME" one. So, without requiring any resizing, you can concatenate the outputs.
Alternatively, you can append padding to the feature maps that are going to be concatenated. You can do that by using tf.pad().
If you don't prefer to do this one, you can use tf.image.resize_images function to resize them to same values. However, this is a dirty and computationally expensive approach.
Tensors can only be concatenated along one axis. If you need to concatenate feature maps of different sizes, you must somehow manipulate the sizes of the original tensors.

Incorporating very large constants in Tensorflow

For example, the comments for the Tensorflow image captioning example model state:
NOTE: This script will consume around 100GB of disk space because each image
in the MSCOCO dataset is replicated ~5 times (once per caption) in the output.
This is done for two reasons:
1. In order to better shuffle the training data.
2. It makes it easier to perform asynchronous preprocessing of each image in
The primary goal of this question is to see if there is an alternative to this type of duplication. In my use case, storing the data in this way would require each image to be duplicated in the TFRecord files many more times, on the order of 20 - 50 times.
I should note first that I have already fed the images through VGGnet to extract 4096 dim features, and I have these stored as a mapping between filename and the vectors.
Before switching over to Tensorflow, I had been feeding batches containing filename strings and then looking up the corresponding vector on a per-batch basis. This allows me to store all of the image data in ~15GB without needing to duplicate the data on disk.
My first attempt to do this in in Tensorflow involved storing indices in the TFExample buffers and then doing a "preprocessing" step to slice into the corresponding matrix:
img_feat = pd.read_pickle("img_feats.pkl")
img_matrix = np.stack(img_feat)
preloaded_images = tf.Variable(img_matrix)
first_image = tf.slice(preloaded_images, [0,0], [1,4096])
However, in this case, Tensorflow disallows a variable larger than 2GB. So my next thought was to partition this across several variables:
img_tensors = []
for i in range(NUM_SPLITS):
with tf.Graph().as_default():
img_tensors.append(tf.Variable(img_matrices[i], name="preloaded_images_%i"%i))
first_image = tf.concat(1, [tf.slice(t, [0,0], [1,4096//NUM_SPLITS]) for t in img_tensors])
In this case, I'm forced to store each partition on a separate graph, because it seems any one graph cannot be this large either. However, now the concat fails because each tensor I am concatenating is on a separate graph.
Any advice on incorporating a large amount (~15GB) of preloaded into the Tensorflow graph.
Potentially related is this question; however in this case I'd like to override the decoding of the actual JPEG file with the preprocessed value in a tensor op.

Getting each example exactly once

For monitoring my model's performance on my evaluation dataset, I'm using tf.train.string_input_producer for the filenames queue on .tfr files, then I feed the parsed examples to the tf.train.batch function, that produces batches of a fixed size.
Assume my evaluation dataset contains exactly 761 examples (a prime number). To read all the examples exactly once, I have to have a batch size that divides 761, but there is no such, except 1 that will be too slow and 761 that will not fit in my GPU. Any standard way for reading each example exactly once?
Actually, my dataset size is not 761, but there is no number in the reasonable range of 50-300 that divides it exactly. Also I'm working with many different datasets, and finding a number that approximately divides the number of examples in each dataset can be a hassle.
Note that using the num_epochs parameter to tf.train.string_input_producer does not solve the issue.
You can use reader.read_up_to as in this example. Your last batch will be smaller, so you need to make sure your network doesn't hard-wire batch-size anywhere

How tensorflow deals with large Variables which can not be stored in one box

I want to train a DNN model by training data with more than one billion feature dimensions. So the shape of the first layer weight matrix will be (1,000,000,000, 512). this weight matrix is too large to be stored in one box.
By now, is there any solution to deal with such large variables, for example partition the large weight matrix to multiple boxes.
Thanks Olivier and Keveman. let me add more detail about my problem.
The example is very sparse and all features are binary value: 0 or 1. The parameter weight looks like tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([1 000 000 000, 512],stddev=0.1))
The solutions kaveman gave seem reasonable, and I will update results after trying.
The answer to this question depends greatly on what operations you want to perform on the weight matrix.
The typical way to handle such a large number of features is to treat the 512 vector per feature as an embedding. If each of your example in the data set has only one of the 1 billion features, then you can use the tf.nn.embedding_lookup function to lookup the embeddings for the features present in a mini-batch of examples. If each example has more than one feature, but presumably only a handful of them, then you can use the tf.nn.embedding_lookup_sparse to lookup the embeddings.
In both these cases, your weight matrix can be distributed across many machines. That is, the params argument to both of these functions is a list of tensors. You would shard your large weight matrix and locate the shards in different machines. Please look at tf.device and the primer on distributed execution to understand how data and computation can be distributed across many machines.
If you really want to do some dense operation on the weight matrix, say, multiply the matrix with another matrix, that is still conceivable, although there are no ready-made recipes in TensorFlow to handle that. You would still shard your weight matrix across machines. But then, you have to manually construct a sequence of matrix multiplies on the distributed blocks of your weight matrix, and combine the results.