Sandbox Red function - rebol

I'm planning to write an application for managing a game-server in Red. It should be extendable by using interpreted Red scripts. Now, I want to set restrictions for this scripts (I want to "sandbox" them) and remove specific functionality like I/O, and some other functions.
I know that in Rebol such things are archived using secure, but is something similar possible in Red too? I've already done some experiments with contexts, but I just don't get it.
Thank you.

Red is probably not at the point the will satisfy your needs yet. secure will be added in future versions, but right now you can change everything, if you really want to. Remember, it is still alpha version.
You can take a look at this article that describes some ways to make changing stuff harder (but not impossible) in the meantime.


Implementing a custom move in optaplanner

I'm using Optaplanner to make a schedule for a school. Every works good, except that it sometimes have gaps between the lessons, which I do not want. I have rules for punishing this but I think the search space is so big that it will take quite a while before it "fixes" this.
Is it possible to tell Optaplanner to try out some "selected/calculated" moves first and then continue with the moves it is supposed to do?
I'm using the time grain patterns with this.
It is possible to do, but not recommended. There is good literature on the subject here:
I would start first by experimenting with configuring the generic moves that are provided out-of-the-box in optaplanner, which you can do by editing the XML file included with the distribution.
If a custom move is really what you need, you can refer to the docs above, but it is much harder to avoid bugs this way and you will want to enable full assert to double-check that score corruption is not occurring after implementation.

What do i need to wrap a PL/SQL-Package in GitLab CI/CD?

I am trying to learn some more about GitLab CI/CD and wanna write a specific Stage like "wrap_packages", where a specific list of .sql-Files is given and these scripts should be wrapped to .plb, to copy&paste them into a specific folder.
Everything is working so far, but now i have to implement the wrapping. I guess i have to use an image, with Oracle Middleware, to use the wrap-command? Or is there a better way to do this? Because i cant find anything that helps me with this.
I hope you can help me with this.
The wrap utility either exists in the full OCI client installation (not instant client), or within the actual database as an API. The simplest way to wrap your code is using the database API, after it is installed, as demonstrated here: There are a variety of ways that this could be incorporated into your CI/CD pipeline.
If you're looking for a more robust commercial (licensed $$$) solution, consider PCFLObfuscate ( It has a command-line option that integrates well with CI/CD.
A question that must also be asked is why you want to obfuscate your code with "wrap"? At best obfuscation only slows down someone who wants to see your code, as it is rather easily undone (at least the wrapping part). Deeper obfuscation (as provided by PFCLObfuscate, for example) actually changes the formatting of your code, your variable names, etc. before wrapping to make it much harder to tell what is going on even after it is unwrapped.
It is important to understand that there is no level of protection available for PL/SQL that can prevent someone with access to the wrapped code from unwrapping it and seeing the actual PL/SQL.

Converting Actionscript syntax to Objective C

I have a game I wrote in Actionscript 3 I'm looking to port to iOS. The game has about 9k LOC spread across 150 classes, most of the classes are for data models, state handling and level generation all of which should be easy to port.
However, the thought of rejiggering the syntax by hand across all these files is none too appealing. Are there tools that can help me speed up this process?
I'm not looking for a magical tool here, nor am I looking for a cross compiler, I just want some help converting my source files.
I don't know of a tool, but this is the way I'd try and attack your problem if there really is a lot of (simple) code to convert. I'm sure my suggestion is not that useful on parts of the code that are very flash-specific (all the DisplayObject stuff?) and also not that useful on lots of your logic. But it would be fun to build! :-)
Partial automatic conversion should be possible, especially if the objects are just 'data containers', watch out for bringing too much as3-idiom over to objective-c though, it might not always be a good fit.
Unless you want to create your own (semi) parser for as3 you'd need some sort of a parser, apparently FlexPMD has one (never used it), and there probably are others.
After getting your hands on a parser you have to find some way of suggesting to the system what parts could be converted automatically. You could try and add rules to the parser/generator script for the general case. For more specific cases I'd use custom metadata on the actual class/property/method, assuming a real as3 parser would correctly parse those.
Now part of your work will shift from hand-converting files to hand-annotating files, but that might be ok for you.
Have the parser parse your classes and define actions based on your metadata that will determine what kind of objective-c class to generate. If you get this working it could at least get you all your classes, their simple properties and method signatures (getting the body of the methods converted might be a bit too much to ask but you could include it as a comment so you'd have a nice reference while hand-translating).
PS: if you make this into a one way process be very sure you don't need to re-generate it later - it would be bad if you find out that you have been modifying the generated code and somehow need to re-generate all those classes -- that would mean you'll have to redo all your hard work!
I've started putting a tool together to take the edge off the menial aspects of this process.
I'm trying to figure out if there's enough interest to make it clean and stable enough to release for others to use. I may just do it anyway.
It's so far saving me a lot of time while porting one of my fairly large games from AS3 to objc.
Check out the Sparrow Framework. It's purported to be designed with Actionscript developers in mind, recreating classes that sort of emulate display list and things like that. You'll have to dive into some "rejiggering" for sure no matter what you do if you don't want to use the CS5 packager.
even if some solution exists, note that architectural logic is DIFFERENT, and many more other details.
Anyway even if posible, You will have a strange hybrid.
I am coming back from WWDC2012, and the message is (as always..) performance anf great user experience.
So You should rewrite using a different programming model.

Agile practices to avoid deprecated code? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am converting an open source Java library to C#, which has a number of methods and classes tagged as deprecated. This project is an opportunity to start with a clean slate, so I plan to remove them entirely. However, being new to working on larger projects, I am nervous that the situation will arise again. Since much of agile development revolves around making something work now and refactoring later if needed, it seems like deprecation of APIs must be a common problem. Are there preventative measures I can take to avoid/minimize API deprecation, even if I am not entirely sure of the future direction of a project?
I'm not sure there is much you can do. Requirements change, and if you absolutely have to make sure that clients of the API are not broken by newer API version, you'll have rely on simply deprecating code until you think that no-one is using the deprecated code.
Placing [Obsolete] attributes on code causes the compiler to create warnings if there are any references to the obsolete methods. This way clients of the API, if they are diligent about fixing their compiler warnings, can gradually move to the new methods without having everything break with the new version.
Its useful if you use the ObsoleteAttribute's override which takes a string:
[Obsolete("Foo is deprecated. Use Bar instead for munging widgets.")]
Perhaps you could create a TimeBombAttribute:
[TimeBomb(new DateTime(2010,1,1), "Foo will blow up! Better use Bar, or else."]
In your code, reflect for methods with the timebomb attribute and throw KaboomException if they are called after the specified date. That'll make sure that after 1st January 2010 no-one is using the obsolete methods, and you can clean up your API nicely. :)
As Matt says, the Obsolete attribute is your friend... but whenever you apply it, provide details of how to change calling code. That way you've got a lot better chance of people actually changing. You might also want to consider specifying which version you anticipate removing the method in (probably the next major release).
Of course, you should be diligent in making sure you don't call the obsolete code - particularly in sample code.
Since much of agile development revolves around making something work now and refactoring later if needed
That's not agile. It's cowboy coding disguised under the label of agile.
The ideal is that whatever you complete, is complete, according to whatever Definition of Done you have. Usually the DoD states something along the lines of "feature impelmented, tested and related code refactored". Of course, if you are working on a throwaway prototype, you can have a more relaxed DoD.
API modifications are a difficult beast. If they are only project-internal APIs you are modifying, the best way to go is to refactor early. If you need to change the internal API, just go ahead and change all API clients at the same time. This way the refactoring debt does not grow very large and you don't have to use deprecation.
For published APIs you probably have some source and binary compatibility guarantees you have to maintain, at least until the next major release or so. Marking the old APIs deprecated works while maintaining compatibility. As with internal APIs, you should fix your internal code as soon as possible to not use the deprecated APIs.
Matt's answer is solid advice. I just wanted to mention that intially you probably want to use something along the lines of:
[Obsolete("Please use ... instead ", false)]
Once you have the code ported, change the false to true and the compiler will then treat all the calls to the method as an error.
Watch Josh Bloch's "How to Design a Good API and Why It Matters"
Most important w/r/t deprecation is knowing that "when in doubt, leave it out." Watch the video for clarification, but it has to do with having to support what you provide forever. If you are realistically expecting that API to be reused, you're effectively setting your decisions in stone.
I think API design is a much trickier thing to do in an Agile fashion because you're expecting it to be reused probably in many different ways. You have to worry about breaking others that are dependent on you, and so while it can be done, it's tough to have the right design emerge without getting a quick turnaround from other teams. Of course deprecation is going to help here, but I think YAGNI is a lot better design heuristic when it comes to APIs.
I think deprecation of code is an inevitable byproduct of Agile processes like continuous refactoring and incremental development. So if you end up with deprecated code as you work on your project, that's not necessarily a bad thing--just a fact of life. Of course, you will probably find that, rather than deprecating code, you end up keeping a lot of code but refactoring it into different methods, classes, and so on.
So, bottom line: I wouldn't worry about deprecating code during Agile development. If it served its purpose for a while, you're doing the right thing.
The rule of thumb for API design is to focus on what it does, rather than how it does it. Once you know the end goal, figure out the absolute minimum input you need and use that. Avoid passing your own objects as parameters, pass only data.
Seperate configuration from execution. For exmaple, maybe you have an image encoder/decoder.
Instead of making a call like:
Encoder.Encode( bytes, width, height, compression_type, compression_ratio, palette, etc etc);
Make it
Encoder.Encode(bytes, width, height);
That way adding or removing settings is much less likely to break existing implementations.
For deprecation, there's basically 3 types of APIs: internal, external, and public.
Internal is when its only your team working on the code. Deprecating these APIs isn't a big deal. Your team is the only one using it, so they aren't around long, there's pressure to change them, people aren't afraid to change them, and people know how to change them.
External is when its the same code base, but different teams are using it. This might be some common libraries in a large company, or a popular open source library. The point is, people can choose the version of code they compile with. The ease of deprecating an API depends on the size of the organization and how well they communicate. IMO, its the deprecator's job to update old code, rather than mark it deprecated and let warnings fly throughout the code base. Why the deprecator instead of the deprecatee? Because the depcarator is in the know; they know what changed and why.
Those two cases are pretty easy. So long as there is backwards compatibility, you can generally do whatever you'd like, update the clients yourself, or convince the maintainers to do it.
Then there are public api's. These are basically external API's that the clients don't have much control over, such as a web API. These are incredibly hard to update or deprecate. Most won't notice its broken, won't have someone to fix it, won't get notifications that its changing, and will only fix it once its broken (after they've yelled at you for breaking it, over course).
I've had to do the above a few times, and it is such a chore. I think the best you can do is purposefully break it early, wait a bit, and then restore it. You send out the usual warnings and deprecations first, of course, but - trust me - nothing will happen until something breaks.
An idea I've yet to try is to let people register simple apps that run small tests. When you want to do an API update, you run the external tests and contact the affected people.
Another approach to be popular is to have clients depend on (web) services. There are constructs out there that allow you to version your services and allow clients to perform lookups. This adds a lot more moving parts and complexity into the equation, but can be helpful if you are looking at turning over a lot of versions, and having to support multiple versions in production.
This article does a good job of explaining the problem and an approach.

Hallway usability testing: How much of the UI do you actually make functional?

When doing hallway usability tests do most of you make your apps fully or near fully functional? Or do you just make sure the links or flow chain correctly? Or do you just draw on paper and go with that?
I'm would like to test early on a prototype and am trying to find a good balance. But at the same time am worried that some non functional parts might actually not give representative results.
Usability tests, hallway or otherwise, only need the functionality that you need to test. In most usability tests, you should go in with specific design questions to answer and develop your prototype to the point where it can answer those questions. For example, if you need to test if users understand your indication of the sort order for a table, all you need is a paper picture of the table showing the sort indication (with the table contents blurred) and ask them how the table is sorted. If you need to test the IA, all you need is a bunch of web pages, empty except for a title, that are linked through the navigation menus.
You only need the pages relevant for the tasks you give your users. If you’re just testing the IA, then you only need the pages on the normative path. If you are also testing error recovery, then you need the pages off the normative path along with the full navigation controls. If you are also testing error detection, then you need content on the pages as well.
You can also simulate functionality when that’s easier to do. For example, in testing if users can figure out how to get a desired sort order, when the user clicks on a non-functioning control for sorting the table, you can say, “Okay, doing that will get you this,” and you take the mouse and select a bookmark that shows the table in the new sort order.
In hallway testing, if users breach the fidelity envelope, you can simply say, “I haven’t made that part yet. Let’s go back to A, and continue from there.” Of course, you should note that the user made a wrong turn in the task you intended for them. I haven’t had any problems with users complaining about non-functional features when I tell them up front it’s an incomplete prototype and we’re only testing the UI for features x, y, and z at the moment.
For low fidelity prototypes, I often call them “mockups” or “drawings” to users rather than “prototypes” to indicate the low functionality. You can put obvious placeholders in for missing content (e.g., “Blah, blah, blah…”, “TODO: Picture of product about here.”). If a user comments on something outside the fidelity envelope (e.g., “This symbol should be red to stand out more”), simply note it, and say that topic is under development (e.g., “Thanks. We haven’t started work on the colors yet. We’re just trying to figure out how to organize the site right now.”).
Usability testing with limited-fidelity prototypes is really necessary for iterative design to be feasible for most projects. Otherwise, you waste too much work developing things that have to be redone.
A couple things to remember:
Test early and often.
The goal of usability testing is to find problems with the UI, not Q/A your code.
Therefore, if users can see the parts of your UI you are interested in testing and interact with them in a realistic way (e.g., click on buttons and links), you should be able to collect useful data. If some links are dead-ends, that's okay, as long as there's some way for users to recover and continue on. Basically, with prototypes, the "correct" path should work, but it's okay if incorrect paths don't (as long as there's a reasonably quick way to get back on the correct path). Even static storyboards (non-functioning drawings of a UI) can provide you with some information if you ask the right questions, e.g., "What would you do on this screen if you wanted to view your shopping cart?").
I would suggest a couple rounds of usability testing. First on paper, perhaps later on screen, generally throughout the application lifecycle (take an Agile approach to it).
There is a good argument to be made for paper prototypes. When users see a screen, even limited functionality, they may be hesitant to suggest changes since it looks "done."
Make no mistake, it's not trivial to get it all down on paper, but that's where I would start. Probably start with just a section or two of the application. And make sure somebody with good people skills and/or explaining skills is there to walk the user through it. Have a second person on-hand to take notes. Try to ask open-ended questions, etc.
For a hallway test, I would test with NONE of the functionality implemented.
Test against designs done on a whiteboard or on paper. You'll be surprised at how much you find out in these minimal mockups. And they are very inexpensive to make!
Functional prototypes are for later. If you give your usability subject a functional interface, they are much less likely to question whether you've implemented the right set of features in the first place.
I would make the UI functional, so that the user can really play with it, it will be much better than a static image. People can tell you whether they feel comfortable on the UI.
I would make sure everything in the UI works, or at least takes you to a clear, unambiguous message pointing out that the feature isn't implemented yet.
Showing prototypes to clients with a disclaimer up front about how feature X doesn't work yet will usually be ignored. They'll try out the prototype, click on featuree X and indignantly reply "Feature X doesn't work! This really needs to work in the final version! Why doesn't it work?". The client is confused and unhappy about the product, and it's frustrating for yourself because it overshadows the positive feedback. Besides, you told them it didn't work, why can't they use their imagination to envision how it would work in the final version?
Make it work, be it with a rough version, dummy data, or even a simple message saying "would show results sorted alphabetically now".