Copy Image from one Sheet to another - vba

I've searched through out Google and on here for a proper answer and I can't seem to find one...
I have an image on "Sheet2" that I want to copy over to "Sheet1", the image's name is static and doesn't change. I've got the below code to delete the already existing image on "Sheet1" and now I need it to be replaced with the image from "Sheet2"
Sub CheckImageName()
For Each shape In ActiveSheet.Shapes
If Not Intersect(shape.TopLeftCell, Range("L77:AM97")) Is Nothing Then
End If
Next shape
End Sub
Every method I saw was using .Select and pasting into the area, however I'm really trying to avoid using the .Select and .Paste methods as I've read all over SO and other sources that it's best to avoid using .Select.

I found a response for Word that could apply for your question.
Copy shape in Word 2010 without .Select?
Sub createShape()
Set myshape = ActiveDocument.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, 100, 100, 100, 100)
Set anothershape = myshape.Duplicate
End Sub


Select multiple objects with the same name

So I have a sheet with some pictures. All of these are just a copy paste of the original picture so they all have the same name "Flower".
I want to select all of them and flip them. But it will only select the original, how do I get past this? I tried incorporating a loop as well, without luck.
Sub Test()
Selection.ShapeRange.Flip msoFlipHorizontal
End Sub
I know that I could simply rename them to Flower1, Flower2 etc. but the plan is to use this for a lot of pictures, so it would take to long to change manually. If it could all be done with a loop, that would be fine, but then I would still have the same problem as above.
You can loop thru the collection Shapes looking for the shapes with the given name. Try this.
Sub Test()
Dim Pic As Shape
For Each Pic In ActiveSheet.Shapes
If Pic.Name = "Flower" Then Pic.Flip msoFlipHorizontal
Next Pic
End Sub
In addition, you can code this without selecting it. Faster and more reliable.
There are two objects in VBA that could be useful - the shape collection named Shapes and the Shape itself. Thus, you can loop through the collection like this:
Sub Test()
Dim shShape As Shape
Dim shCollection As Shapes
Set shCollection = ActiveSheet.Shapes
For Each shShape In shCollection
shShape.Flip msoFlipHorizontal
Next shShape
End Sub

shape name changes all the time i can not find it

I have this Problem for deleting a shape in Excel with vba. Excel gives all the time different Name to These shapes, thatswhy i get error on this line:Here Activesheet is my open sheet and straight connectgor 1 is the Name of the shape, it is set as "Straight Connector 1" but when i reuse the macro it can not be found.
ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(Array("Straight Connector 1")).Select
It can not find the element if i use the macro again. What should i do for this ?
use the activtsheet.shapes collection
Sub connector_delete()
Dim s As Shape
For Each s In ActiveSheet.Shapes
If s.AutoShapeType = msoShapeMixed And s.Name Like "*Connector*" Then
End If
Next s
End Sub

Copy embedded image without using Shapes

I have a workbook with many sheets and images that have random names and arbitrary order, the only image that I need is always in the range A2:C14, I'm using the following code to copy the image:
But it only copies the cell text, not the image.
Is there a way to copy an image using Range("A2:C14)" or another way to select the cell to copy the image?
Since CopyPicture is a method of a Shape object, unless you already have a pointer to it, using the Shapes collection is unavoidable
Something like this
Sub Demo()
Dim shp As Shape
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = firstSheet.Range("A2:C14")
For Each shp In firstSheet.Shapes
If Not Intersect(rng, shp.TopLeftCell) Is Nothing Then
' Found it
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

How to refer to shapes in a module

I have created different shapes in excel and have assigned a macro to it which functions as activating another sheet. I want to put all these under one macro and then assign it to different shapes with different linking property. But this code doesn't work because obviously I am doing something stupid. Can someone please help?
Dim shp As ShapeRange, ws As Sheets, i As Integer
Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Array("Introduction", "S1 Fuel Consumption", "S1 Fugitive", "S2 Electricity Consumption"))
Set shp = ws(2).Shapes.Range(Array("Chevron1", "Chevron2"))
Select Case shp(i)
Case shp(1)
Case shp(2)
End Select
End Sub
There is a much easier way to do "buttons" in VBA (I assume this is what your trying to achieve)
First off, in a module, create the "Open Worksheet" code:
Sub Open_Sheet2
Sheets("Sheet2").visible = True
End Sub
Then right click your shape, choose Assign Macro and assign Open_Sheet2 to that shape. Now when it is clicked, it will open Sheet2

(Excel VBA) If Cell Value equals "" Then Show/Hide Images

I am working on a Excel Spreadsheet that when a dropdown box value is selected an image will pop up, and if another value is selected it will hide the current image and pop up the image related to the selection. I have found a few methods that are just too time consuming using just the sheet and positioning of the image using coordinates; that's not exactly the route I would like to go.I have done a quite a bit of research before using StackOverflow, and nothing seemed to work thus far. Below is what I am trying to achieve. I am trying to keep all the images within the spreadsheet which adds another level of challenge, but I believe there is a way to do this because excel assigns the image a number when inserted EX. Picture 9.
Sub Main()
If Range(G11).Value = "anything" Then
Picture1 show
Picture2 hide
End If
End Sub
Any Help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
Rather than hiding/moving/reducing the size of the unwanted pic, why not simply delete it?
Save all your images in a temp sheet. When ever a relevant picture is supposed to be shown, get it from the temp sheet and delete the previous.
Here is an example.
Sub Sample()
Select Case Range("G11").Value
Case "Picture 1": ShowPicture ("Picture 1")
Case "Picture 2": ShowPicture ("Picture 2")
Case "Picture 3": ShowPicture ("Picture 3")
Case "Picture 4": ShowPicture ("Picture 4")
End Select
End Sub
Sub ShowPicture(picname As String)
'~~> The reason why I am using OERN is because it is much simpler
'~~> than looping all shapes and then deleting them. There could be
'~~> charts, command buttons and other shapes. I will have to write
'~~> extra validation code so that those shapes are not deleted.
On Error Resume Next
Sheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Picture 1").Delete
Sheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Picture 2").Delete
Sheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Picture 3").Delete
Sheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Picture 4").Delete
On Error GoTo 0
'<~~ Alternative to the below line. You may re-position the image
'<~~ after you paste as per your requirement
End Sub
Snapshot of temp sheet
Here is a solution using the Visible property of the object.
I used this to show a picture based on a value in a field.
The field had a formula that resulted in either "good" or "bad".
If its value was "good", I wanted to show one picture; for "bad", another picture should show; and they should never show at the same time.
The field needed to update its value whenever a user refreshed a pivot table, so I put the code in that method of the worksheet where the pivot table and picture were to appear.
Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target As PivotTable)
'hide both pictures by loopng through all the shapes on the sheet
Dim s As Shape
For Each s In ActiveSheet.Shapes
'hide the shape if it is a picture, leave other shapes on the page visible.
If s.Type = msoPicture Then s.Visible = msoFalse
Dim judgement As String
'The field whose value tells what picture to use is a one-cell named range called "judgement"
judgement = Range("judgement")
'you need to know which picture is which.
If judgement = "Good" Then ActiveSheet.Shapes("Picture 8").Visible = True
If judgement = "Bad" Then ActiveSheet.Shapes("Picture 1").Visible = True
End Sub
Sub hidePicture(myImage)
Selection.ShapeRange.Height = 0
Selection.ShapeRange.Width = 0
End Sub
Sub showPicture(myImage)
Selection.ShapeRange.Height = 200
Selection.ShapeRange.Width = 300
End Sub
Handy tip: record macro and look at the code it generates!
Might be better just to move your pictures "off screen", particularly if they're of different sizes.
Sub Tester()
ShowPicture "Picture 3"
End Sub
Sub ShowPicture(PicName As String)
Dim s As Shape
For Each s In ActiveSheet.Shapes
With s
.Top = IIf(.Name = PicName, 100, 100)
.Left = IIf(.Name = PicName, 100, 1000)
End With
Next s
End Sub