Openshift Origin error: Insufficient cpu - openshift-origin

I am using OpenShift Origin starter package for a node.js application. For the last 5 days no pod is starting up saying the following error in events:
No nodes are available that match all of the following predicates::
Insufficient cpu (173), MatchNodeSelector (5).
I tried to fix the error but failing to fix that, I deleted the entire application and tried to build again but still shows the same error. How can I fix this?


AWS Appstream - cannot create managed image updates

I'm trying to install Windows Updates on my AWS Appstream image using "Managed Image Updates". No matter if I do it from Console or CLI I received the follwing error:
"Error. Image is already up to date for account . Try again later."
from CLI
aws appstream create-updated-image --existing-image-name --new-image-name --new-image-display-name
"An error occurred (OperationNotPermittedException) when calling the CreateUpdatedImage operation: Image is already up to date for account. Try again later."
I'm looking for the reason of failure. I know that this image is missing at least patches for the last two months.
Very appreciate any help ;)

WSLTTY/MINTTY Fails on Launch

After a machine restart last night my WSLTTY/MINTTY terminal crashes when I attempt to launch it. It displays an error message briefly before it crashes that reads:
note: backend error output: Assertion failed: connectRet == 0 (nix-sock.c: nix_local_connect: 67)
I'm on Windows 10, using WSL1, not WSL 2. I uninstalled WSLTTY and re-installed the most recent version, 3.5.1. The issue remained. I then uninstalled Ubuntu and re-installed the most recent version, 20.04.03 LTS. The issue still remains. I also tried installing an older version of WSLTTY/MINTTY (1.7.9) and received a slightly different error:
/bin/wslbridge: Exit 1 wslbridge error: failed to start backend process note: backend error output: int{anonymous}:: connectsocket(int const string &): Assertion 'connectRet==0' failed
So it seems the issue may have something to do with something called the wslbridge? Looks like there is an original version and a second version. wslbridge2.exe and wslbridge2-backend both live in wsltty/bin/ (with the newest version of WSLTTY/MINTTY).
I had WSLTTY/MINTTY configured pretty heavily and really enjoyed the way I had it set up. I'm really hoping I can get it working again and don't have to switch to a different terminal emulator or use the Windows one. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Airflow 2 on k8s S3 logging is not working

I'm using the latest helm chart to install Airflow 2.1.1 on k8s. I have a problem with s3 logging - I'm keep getting the error message:
*** Falling back to local log
*** Log file does not exist: /opt/airflow/logs/test_connection/send_slack_message/2021-07-16T08:48:27.337421+00:00/2.log
*** Fetching from: http://airflow2-worker-1.airflow2-worker.airflow2.svc.cluster.local:8793/log/test_connection/send_slack_message/2021-07-16T08:48:27.337421+00:00/2.log
in the task logs.
this is the relevant part from the chart values:
AIRFLOW__LOGGING__REMOTE_BASE_LOG_FOLDER: "s3://.../temp/airflow_logs/stg"
The s3_logs connection is defined like this:
What am I missing?
Technical details:
chart - airflow-8.4.0
app version - 2.1.1
eks version - 1.17
So it seems that the S3 target folder should exist before writing the first log and that solves the issue. I hope that it will help someone in the future!

Raspberry Pi - Audio Fails After Adding RTC

I have a Raspberry Pi that I'm trying to hook-up to walkie-talkies to announce the current time every half hour plus different status updates automatically.
I had a CRON job running mpg123 that was announcing the time over the walkies perfectly, but then when I installed the drivers for this RasClock module as specified here (, all audio stopped working.
speaker-test says:
speaker-test 1.0.25
Playback device is default
Stream parameters are 48000Hz, S16_LE, 1 channels
Using 16 octaves of pink noise
Playback open error: -1,Operation not permitted
and mpg123 says:
[module.c:142] error: Failed to open module jack: file not found
[module.c:142] error: Failed to open module portaudio: file not found
[pulse.c:84] error: Failed to open pulse audio output: Connection refused
[nas.c:220] error: could not open default NAS server
[module.c:142] error: Failed to open module openal: file not found
[audio.c:180] error: Unable to find a working output module in this list: alsa,oss,jack,portaudio,pulse,nas,openal
[audio.c:532] error: Failed to open audio output module
[mpg123.c:897] error: Failed to initialize output, goodbye.
Now, the machine tends to freeze up a lot, too. When I tried suggestions I found online, such as adding "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/mpg123" or "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:/usr/lib/mpg123" before the command, it made no difference.
What little hair I have left thanks you in advance for helping me through this.
I had the same error message with mpg123.
Before this message, I installed all these packages: mysql-server, build-essential, libmysqlclient-dev, libapache2-mod-wsgi.
I also changed group:
# usermod -G anothergroup pi
One of these two manipulations have caused my problem.
The solution in my case ?
Go in the /etc/group file and modify the line beginning with "audio" from this...
to that...
N.B.: NN is the GID. pi is the Raspberry Pi's default username.
To achieve the same result, there is also this command :
# usermod -a -G audio pi
Log out from your session and log in again.
P.S.: Could somebody add the mpg123 tag because I spent a lot of time without finding this topic, as I have exactly the same problem with mpg123 ?
I had the same issue run this command should fix it modprobe snd_bcm2835

Server compilation error on some pages apache mono

We have a .net web application running in fedora 6 under Apache & mono 1.1.18 version. So long it was working good. Suddenly I'm getting the following Server Error in some of the pages,
Server Error in '/' Application
Compilation Error
Description: Error compiling a resource required to service this request. Review your source file and modify it to fix this error.
Error message:
(0,0) : error CS0006: Cannot find assembly `/tmp/apache-temp-aspnet-0/383ed40f/shadow-J7sRQf'
But please note, rest of the pages are loading properly. I know it has something to do with JIT compilation, but why it is happening on some specific pages. Also the error 'Cannot find assembly -----/shadow-J7sRQf' is something suspicious. The same error is displayed across all the browsers all the time.
I have not restarted apache or rebooted the system, as I'm not sure whether this error will occur again and i want to root cause it instead of just ignoring it. i didn't find anything on the httpd log also. I tried to Google it, but was unlucky to find anything specific. Can anyone help me on this? thanks in advance.
Wow, mono 1.1.18 is really old!
If I were you, I would try to stop apache and clean everything in the temporary compilation directory /tmp/apache-temp-aspnet-0/
This should force mono to re-generate everything in this directory.
Then, restart apache and see if it helps.