Macro Deleting All Items - vba

I have the below code that I'm trying to ONLY delete a single picture, however it's deleting all my items on the sheet (Checkboxes, TextBoxes, Buttons etc.).
I should also mention there are two images on the sheet, however I want it to only delete the second picture.
Private Sub DeletePictures()
Dim shape As Excel.shape
For Each shape In ActiveSheet.Shapes
End Sub

You'll need to find the name of your shape.
In Excel 2010:
Select your picture and click the "Format" ribbon.
In the "Arrange" section click the "Selection Pane" icon. The names of all the shapes on the sheet should appear on the right of the sheet with your selection highlighted.
Next update your code to only work on the named shape:
Private Sub DeletePictures()
Dim shape As Excel.shape
For Each shape In ActiveSheet.Shapes
If shape.Name = "Picture 1" Then
End If
End Sub
If you want to delete all pictures you can check the shape type:
If shape.Type = 13 Then or If shape.Type = msoPicture Then
A full list of shape types:
Had a moment there.... obviously once you know the name of the shape there's no need to loop through all the shapes on the sheet (Thanks #CallumDA for pointing the obvious out in your comment). :)
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Picture 1").Delete - is all the code you need.


How to check if all TextBoxes in a PowerPoint document are filled in

I have a PowerPoint document where users can input text into several TextBoxes, over 6 slides in total.
On the last slide, I want to check if the user has filled in every TextBox in the presentation.
I tried using lots of code snippets on the internet and modifying them, however I am a complete VBA noob and, surprisingly, it did not work out. :')
I would greatly appreciate your help with this task.
It would be even better if it is possible to check whether the user has input AT LEAST 4 characters in each textbox. However I have no idea how to start programming this...
Here is my code, it does not show errors however nothing happens when clicking the CheckBox at the end.
Public Sub CheckTextBox()
Dim fTextBox As Object
For Each Slide In ActivePresentation.Slides
For Each fTextBox In ActivePresentation.Slides
If TypeName(fTextBox) = "TextBox" Then
If fTextBox.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please make sure to fill out all fields!"
End If
End If
End Sub
'When ticking this CheckBox, the MsgBox should show up
Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()
End Sub
Thank you guys so much for your help.
Your inner For-loop is wrong, you need to loop over all Shapes of the slide, instead, you start another loop over all slides.
Basically, all objects that you place on a slide are Shapes. If you use TypeName, you will get Shape. To distinguish the single shape-types, use the property type of the shape-object. A list of types can be found at - a textbox has a type msoTextBox (17).
To get the text of a shape, use the property TextFrame.TextRange.Text of the shape.
Try the following code (it checks already for a length of at least 4 characters). It will stop at the first textbox that has less than 4 chars in it (else, you would get one MsgBox for every textbox) and select it.
Public Sub CheckTextBox()
Dim sh As Shape, slide As slide
For Each slide In ActivePresentation.Slides
For Each sh In slide.Shapes
Debug.Print TypeName(sh)
If sh.Type = msoTextBox Then
If Len(sh.TextFrame.TextRange.Text) < 4 Then
MsgBox "Please make sure to fill out all fields!"
Exit For
End If
End If
End Sub
The code above didn't take into account the shapes within groups. The following code loops over all shapes of all slides and calls the function checkShape that will check
a) If the shape is a textBox (msoTextBox, 17) - if yes, the length of the text is checked and if too short, that shape is returned.
b) If the shape is a group (msoGroup, 6), it calls (recursively) the function for all child shapes and returns the first child textbox found.
The main routine (CheckAllTextBoxes) checks if any textBox was found, and, if yes, will select it and issue the message.
Public Sub CheckAllTextBoxes()
Dim slide As slide, sh As Shape
For Each slide In ActivePresentation.Slides
For Each sh In slide.Shapes
Dim textBox As Shape
Set textBox = CheckShape(sh, 4)
If Not textBox Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Please make sure to fill out all fields!"
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Function CheckShape(sh As Shape, minLen As Integer) As Shape
' Check if shape is a Textbox and then text is not long enough
If sh.Type = msoTextBox Then
If Len(sh.TextFrame.TextRange.Text) < minLen Then
Set CheckShape = sh
Exit Function
End If
End If
' For a group, check all it's child shapes
If sh.Type = msoGroup Then
Dim child As Shape
For Each child In sh.GroupItems
Dim textBox As Shape
Set textBox = CheckShape(child, minLen)
If Not textBox Is Nothing Then
' Found a Textbox within the group, return it
Set CheckShape = textBox
Exit Function
End If
Next child
End If
End Function
For those looking for c# code to list all text boxes in a presentation:
using Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint;
using MsoShapeType = Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoShapeType;
public static IEnumerable<Shape> AllTextBoxes (Presentation presentation) =>
from slide in presentation.Slides.Cast<Slide>()
from shape in slide.Shapes.Cast<Shape>()
from textBox in AllTextBoxes(shape)
select textBox;
public static IEnumerable<Shape> AllTextBoxes (Shape sh)
IEnumerable<Shape> _() { if (sh.Type == MsoShapeType.msoTextBox) yield return sh; }
return sh.Type == MsoShapeType.msoGroup ? sh.GroupItems.Cast<Shape>().SelectMany(AllTextBoxes) : _();

Run macro and hyperlink in one mouse click

I need a button in a PowerPoint slide that when I click it, it will, 1) run a macro and 2) hyperlink to another slide within the same presentation.
I can only see a way to do one or the other, not both at the same time.
My macro code is:
Sub question1_real()
Dim oSh As Shape
Dim oSl As Slide
Dim lScore As Long
' By doing it this way it's easy to change to a different slide if you
' need to later for some reason:
Set oSl = ActivePresentation.Slides(18)
' Change this if your shape is named something else:
Set oSh = oSl.Shapes("TextBox 2")
With oSh
' Make sure it's not blank to start with:
If Len(.TextFrame.TextRange.Text) = 0 Then
.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "1"
End If
lScore = CLng(.TextFrame.TextRange.Text)
lScore = lScore + 1
.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = CStr(lScore)
End With
End Sub
My VBA skills are zero. The above code is borrowed from someone. I used the Insert Action option in PowerPoint to get it to work.
Assuming that you've given a shape a Run Macro action setting and chosen the subroutine you've posted above, you can add this function to the VBA project:
Sub JumpTo(lSlideIndex As Long)
SlideShowWindows(1).View.GoToSlide (lSlideIndex)
End Sub
Then wherever you want to jump to another slide, call it like so:
Call JumpTo(42) ' or whatever slide you want to jump to
or just
JumpTo 42
It's more convenient to have this in a Function if you need to use it more than once in the presentation. If it's strictly a one-shot, you can just paste this into your existing code:
SlideShowWindows(1).View.GoToSlide (42)

How to refer to shapes in a module

I have created different shapes in excel and have assigned a macro to it which functions as activating another sheet. I want to put all these under one macro and then assign it to different shapes with different linking property. But this code doesn't work because obviously I am doing something stupid. Can someone please help?
Dim shp As ShapeRange, ws As Sheets, i As Integer
Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Array("Introduction", "S1 Fuel Consumption", "S1 Fugitive", "S2 Electricity Consumption"))
Set shp = ws(2).Shapes.Range(Array("Chevron1", "Chevron2"))
Select Case shp(i)
Case shp(1)
Case shp(2)
End Select
End Sub
There is a much easier way to do "buttons" in VBA (I assume this is what your trying to achieve)
First off, in a module, create the "Open Worksheet" code:
Sub Open_Sheet2
Sheets("Sheet2").visible = True
End Sub
Then right click your shape, choose Assign Macro and assign Open_Sheet2 to that shape. Now when it is clicked, it will open Sheet2

Starting with a TextRange, how do I find the enclosing Shape?

Suppose I have a TextRange object, and I need to find the Shape that contains that TextRange.
Normally, I can use the Parent property of the TextRange to get the TextFrame that contains it, and then use the Parent property again to get the Shape.
However, if the text is within a table cell, the Parent property of the TextRange is Nothing. (I think this is a "feature" of PowerPoint 2010). EDIT: this is not true except when accessing the TextRange via Selection.TextRange.
Is there any other way I can identify the shape (which in this case would be the table cell)?
UPDATE: thanks to KazJaw, I have looked at this again, and it turns out I can navigate up the Parent chain unless the TextRange I'm starting from was obtained from Selection.TextRange. For my purposes, this is less of a problem.
Based on further discussion in comments below question it seems that the real problem refers to selection object. If one select any text within the table then some test made in Immediate have the following results:
? Typename(ActiveWindow.Selection.TextRange)
? Typename(ActiveWindow.Selection.TextRange.Parent)
? Typename(ActiveWindow.Selection.TextRange.Parent.Parent)
Additional information also for other programmers. The following I've found a bit confusing making some test to answer the question. (For simple presentation with one slide, one table in it and some cells filled with text)
Sub Test_To_SO()
Dim SL As Slide
Set SL = ActivePresentation.Slides(1)
Debug.Print TypeName(SL.Shapes(1).Table.Cell(1, 1).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Parent)
'result >> TextFrame
Debug.Print TypeName(SL.Shapes(1).Table.Cell(1, 1).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Parent.Parent)
'result >> Shape
Debug.Print TypeName(SL.Shapes(1).Table.Cell(1, 1).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Parent.Parent.Parent)
'result >> Slide !!
End Sub
It's not so much that you can't get there via the selection, it's sometimes a matter of what you've selected. The object model's broken for text in table cells. As noted, ActiveWindow.Selection.TextRange.Parent returns nothing for selected table cell text.
Other text:
Sub GetParentShape()
Dim oSh As Shape
With ActiveWindow.Selection
'Type might be None, Slides or one of the following:
If .Type = ppSelectionShapes Then
Set oSh = ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1)
End If
If .Type = ppSelectionText Then
Set oSh = ActiveWindow.Selection.TextRange.Parent.Parent
End If
Debug.Print oSh.Name
End With
End Sub

(Excel VBA) If Cell Value equals "" Then Show/Hide Images

I am working on a Excel Spreadsheet that when a dropdown box value is selected an image will pop up, and if another value is selected it will hide the current image and pop up the image related to the selection. I have found a few methods that are just too time consuming using just the sheet and positioning of the image using coordinates; that's not exactly the route I would like to go.I have done a quite a bit of research before using StackOverflow, and nothing seemed to work thus far. Below is what I am trying to achieve. I am trying to keep all the images within the spreadsheet which adds another level of challenge, but I believe there is a way to do this because excel assigns the image a number when inserted EX. Picture 9.
Sub Main()
If Range(G11).Value = "anything" Then
Picture1 show
Picture2 hide
End If
End Sub
Any Help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
Rather than hiding/moving/reducing the size of the unwanted pic, why not simply delete it?
Save all your images in a temp sheet. When ever a relevant picture is supposed to be shown, get it from the temp sheet and delete the previous.
Here is an example.
Sub Sample()
Select Case Range("G11").Value
Case "Picture 1": ShowPicture ("Picture 1")
Case "Picture 2": ShowPicture ("Picture 2")
Case "Picture 3": ShowPicture ("Picture 3")
Case "Picture 4": ShowPicture ("Picture 4")
End Select
End Sub
Sub ShowPicture(picname As String)
'~~> The reason why I am using OERN is because it is much simpler
'~~> than looping all shapes and then deleting them. There could be
'~~> charts, command buttons and other shapes. I will have to write
'~~> extra validation code so that those shapes are not deleted.
On Error Resume Next
Sheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Picture 1").Delete
Sheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Picture 2").Delete
Sheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Picture 3").Delete
Sheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Picture 4").Delete
On Error GoTo 0
'<~~ Alternative to the below line. You may re-position the image
'<~~ after you paste as per your requirement
End Sub
Snapshot of temp sheet
Here is a solution using the Visible property of the object.
I used this to show a picture based on a value in a field.
The field had a formula that resulted in either "good" or "bad".
If its value was "good", I wanted to show one picture; for "bad", another picture should show; and they should never show at the same time.
The field needed to update its value whenever a user refreshed a pivot table, so I put the code in that method of the worksheet where the pivot table and picture were to appear.
Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target As PivotTable)
'hide both pictures by loopng through all the shapes on the sheet
Dim s As Shape
For Each s In ActiveSheet.Shapes
'hide the shape if it is a picture, leave other shapes on the page visible.
If s.Type = msoPicture Then s.Visible = msoFalse
Dim judgement As String
'The field whose value tells what picture to use is a one-cell named range called "judgement"
judgement = Range("judgement")
'you need to know which picture is which.
If judgement = "Good" Then ActiveSheet.Shapes("Picture 8").Visible = True
If judgement = "Bad" Then ActiveSheet.Shapes("Picture 1").Visible = True
End Sub
Sub hidePicture(myImage)
Selection.ShapeRange.Height = 0
Selection.ShapeRange.Width = 0
End Sub
Sub showPicture(myImage)
Selection.ShapeRange.Height = 200
Selection.ShapeRange.Width = 300
End Sub
Handy tip: record macro and look at the code it generates!
Might be better just to move your pictures "off screen", particularly if they're of different sizes.
Sub Tester()
ShowPicture "Picture 3"
End Sub
Sub ShowPicture(PicName As String)
Dim s As Shape
For Each s In ActiveSheet.Shapes
With s
.Top = IIf(.Name = PicName, 100, 100)
.Left = IIf(.Name = PicName, 100, 1000)
End With
Next s
End Sub