I want to insert data using for example(it works in the tutorial on yt):
INSERT INTO cars (name ,price)
VALUES ('renault' , '10000')
but it doesn't work in my database and I have no idea why, instead of this I have to use:
INSERT INTO public."cars" VALUES ('renault','10000')
So my question is: What's the difference between public."cars" and just cars?
The difference between quoted and unquoted identifiers is that the former allow arbitrary characters and SQL keywords and are not folded to lower case. None of this applies in your case.
The only difference is that in one case you qualify the name with a schema, so perhaps your problem is that there is another table cars on your search_path.
It is impossible to say more, because “does not work” is too unspecific.
I have a database with lots of text that are all in capital letters and now should be converted into normal lower/upper case writing. This applies to technical stuff, for example
This should be written circuit breaker(D)480Y/277VAC,1.5A,2POL
I think the only Approach is to have a list of word with the correct spelling and then do something like a Search & Replace.
Does anybody can give me a clue to Approach this in MS SQL?
You could do one of two things -
Write a simple script (in whichever language you are comfortable - eg: php, perl, python etc.,) that reads the columns from the DB, does the case-conversion and updates the values back into the DB.
The advantage of this would be that you will have greater flexibility and control on what you want to modify and how you wish to do it.
For this solution to work, you may need to maintain a dict/hash in the script, having the mapping of upper-case to lower-case keyword mapping.
The second probable solution, if you do not wish to write a separate script, would be to create a SQL function instead, that reads the corresponding rows/columns that need to be updated, performs the case-conversion and writes/updates it back into the DB.
This might be slightly inefficient, depending on how you implement the function. But it takes away the dependency of writing another script for you.
For this solution to work, you may need to maintain another table having the mapping of upper-case to lower-case keyword mapping.
Whichever you are more comfortable with.
Create a mapping table for dictionary. It could be temporary table within a session. Load the table with values and use this temporary table for your update. If you want this to be permanant solution to handle new rows coming in, then have permanent table.
CREATE TABLE #dictionaryMap(sourceValue NVARCHAR(4000), targetValue NVARCHAR(4000));
CREATE TABLE #tableForUpdate(Term NVARCHAR(4000));
INSERT INTO #dictionaryMap
VALUES ('%BREAKER%','breaker'),('%CIRCUIT%','circuit');
INSERT INTO #tableForUpdate
Perform the UPDATE to #tableForUpdate using WhileLoop in TSQL, using #dictionaryMap.
I am currently using Informix 12.10 FC6. I have found two pieces of what seem to be contradicting documentation on the VALUES clause of an insert statement. Both documents are from IBM's Informix documentation. Can anyone explain the difference and why they do not contradict each other. The part that confuses me is one seems to say that expressions cannot be added to the VALUES clause and one does.
I am looking for some clarification on what I am missing.
Here are the links:
Link 1
Link 2
Informix SQL Tutorial – Insert rows — Possible column values — aka 'Link 1' in the question — starts off with the statement:
The VALUES clause accepts only constant values, not general SQL expressions.
Informix Guide to SQL: Syntax — INSERT statement — VALUES clause — aka 'Link 2' in the question — is covering the INSERT statement comprehensively, including its use in ESQL/C (Embedded SQL in C) code and in SPL (Stored Procedure Language) code. It lists more options for what can be used, such as host variables (marked 'ESQL/C only' and 'Informix extension'). It also lists options such as 'Expression' and 'Constant expression'.
The tutorial is over-simplifying what's allowed.
The syntax manual is more thorough and is more correct. There are still limits on what you can use in a VALUES clause, but they're more expansive than the simple description in the tutorial indicates — but it is a tutorial. When it comes down to the details, each value in the VALUES clause is a single value, possibly the result from a function evaluation or some other expression. There are severe limits on the form of SELECT statement that can be used, but they can be used:
create table x(i integer not null primary key);
insert into x values(1024);
insert into x values((select max(i)+1 from x));
The parentheses around the SELECT are needed as well as the parentheses around the VALUES clause, so the doubled parentheses are necessary.
I have a table in a SQL Server database with an address field (ex. 1 Farnham Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2XFF) which I want to search with a wildcard before and after the search string.
FROM Table
WHERE Address_Field LIKE '%nham%'
I have around 2 million records in this table and I'm finding that queries take anywhere from 5-10s, which isn't ideal. I believe this is because of the preceding wildcard.
I think I'm right in saying that any indexes won't be used for seek operations because of the preceeding wildcard.
Using full text searching and CONTAINS isn't possible because I want to search for the latter parts of words (I know that you could replace the search string for Guil* in the below query and this would return results). Certainly running the following returns no results
FROM Table
WHERE CONTAINS(Address_Field, '"nham"')
Is there any way to optimise queries with preceding wildcards?
Here is one (not really recommended) solution.
Create a table AddressSubstrings. This table would have multiple rows per address and the primary key of table.
When you insert an address into table, insert substrings starting from each position. So, if you want to insert 'abcd', then you would insert:
along with the unique id of the row in Table. (This can all be done using a trigger.)
Create an index on AddressSubstrings(AddressSubstring).
Then you can phrase your query as:
AddressSubstrings ads
ON t.table_id = ads.table_id
WHERE ads.AddressSubstring LIKE 'nham%';
Now there will be a matching row starting with nham. So, like should make use of an index (and a full text index also works).
If you are interesting in the right way to handle this problem, a reasonable place to start is the Postgres documentation. This uses a method similar to the above, but using n-grams. The only problem with n-grams for your particular problem is that they require re-writing the comparison as well as changing the storing.
I can't offer a complete solution to this difficult problem.
But if you're looking to create a suffix search capability, in which, for example, you'd be able to find the row containing HWilson with ilson and the row containing ABC123000654 with 654, here's a suggestion.
WHERE REVERSE(textcolumn) LIKE REVERSE('ilson') + '%'
Of course this isn't sargable the way I wrote it here. But many modern DBMSs, including recent versions of SQL server, allow the definition, and indexing, of computed or virtual columns.
I've deployed this technique, to the delight of end users, in a health-care system with lots of record IDs like ABC123000654.
Not without a serious preparation effort, hwilson1.
At the risk of repeating the obvious - any search path optimisation - leading to the decision whether an index is used, or which type of join operator to use, etc. (independently of which DBMS we're talking about) - works on equality (equal to) or range checking (greater-than and less-than).
With leading wildcards, you're out of luck.
The workaround is a serious preparation effort, as stated up front:
It would boil down to Vertica's text search feature, where that problem is solved. See here:
For any other database platform, including MS SQL, you'll have to do that manually.
In a nutshell: It relies on a primary key or unique identifier of the table whose text search you want to optimise.
You create an auxiliary table, whose primary key is the primary key of your base table, plus a sequence number, and a VARCHAR column that will contain a series of substrings of the base table's string you initially searched using wildcards. In an over-simplified way:
If your input table (just showing the columns that matter) is this:
id |the_search_col |other_col
42|The Restaurant at the End of the Universe|Arthur Dent
43|The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy |Ford Prefect
Your auxiliary search table could contain:
id |seq|search_token
42| 1|Restaurant
42| 2|End
42| 3|Universe
43| 1|Hitch-Hiker
43| 2|Guide
43| 3|Galaxy
Normally, you suppress typical "fillers" like articles and prepositions and apostrophe-s , and split into tokens separated by punctuation and white space. For your '%nham%' example, however, you'd probably need to talk to a linguist who has specialised in English morphology to find splitting token candidates .... :-]
You could start by the same technique that I use when I un-pivot a horizontal series of measures without the PIVOT clause, like here:
Pivot sql convert rows to columns
Then, use a combination of, probably nested, CHARINDEX() and SUBSTRING() using the index you get from the CROSS JOIN with a series of index integers as described in my post suggested above, and use that very index as the sequence for the auxiliary search table.
Lay an index on search_token and you'll have a very fast access path to a big table.
Not a stroll in the park, I agree, but promising ...
Happy playing -
Marco the Sane
We have a database where our customer has typed "Bob's" one time and "Bob’s" another time. (Note the slight difference between the single-quote and apostrophe.)
When someone searches for "Bob's" or "Bob’s", I want to find all cases regardless of what they used for the apostrophe.
The only thing I can come up with is looking at people's queries and replacing every occurrence of one or the other with (’|'') (Note the escaped single quote) and using SIMILAR TO.
SELECT * from users WHERE last_name SIMILAR TO 'O(’|'')Dell'
Is there a better way, ideally some kind of setting that allows these to be interchangeable?
You can use regexp matching
with a_table(str) as (
select *
from a_table
where str ~ 'Bob[''’]s';
(2 rows)
Personally I would replace all apostrophes in a table with one query (I had the same problem in one of my projects).
If you find that both of the cases above are valid and present the same information then you might actually consider taking care of your data before it arrives into the database for later retrieval. That means you could effectively replace one sign into another within your application code or before insert trigger.
If you have more cases like the one you've mentioned then specifying just LIKE queries would be a way to go, unfortunately.
You could also consider hints for your customer while creating another user that would fetch up records from database and return closest matches if there are any to avoid such problems.
I'm afraid there is no setting that makes two of these symbols the same in DQL of Postgres. At least I'm not familiar with one.
I got a table with 75 columns,. what is the sql statement to display only the columns with values in in ?
It's true that a similar statement doesn't exist (in a SELECT you can use condition filters only for the rows, not for the columns). But you could try to write a (bit tricky) procedure. It must check which are the columns that contains at least one not NULL/empty value, using queries. When you get this list of columns just join them in a string with a comma between each one and compose a query that you can run, returning what you wanted.
EDIT: I thought about it and I think you can do it with a procedure but under one of these conditions:
find a way to retrieve column names dynamically in the procedure, that is the metadata (I never heard about it, but I'm new with procedures)
or hardcode all column names (loosing generality)
You could collect column names inside an array, if stored procedures of your DBMS support arrays (or write the procedure in a programming language like C), and loop on them, making a SELECT each time, checking if it's an empty* column or not. If it contains at least one value concatenate it in a string where column names are comma-separated. Finally you can make your query with only not-empty columns!
Alternatively to stored procedure you could write a short program (eg in Java) where you can deal with a better flexibility.
*if you check for NULL values it will be simple, but if you check for empty values you will need to manage with each column data type... another array with data types?
I would suggest that you write a SELECT statement and define which COLUMNS you wish to display and then save that QUERY as a VIEW.
This will save you the trouble of typing in the column names every time you wish to run that query.
As marc_s pointed out in the comments, there is no select statement to hide columns of data.
You could do a pre-parse and dynamically create a statement to do this, but this would be a very inefficient thing to do from a SQL performance perspective. Would strongly advice against what you are trying to do.
A simplified version of this is to just select the relevant columns, which was what I needed personally. A quick search of what we're dealing with in a table
SELECT * FROM table1 LIMIT 10;
-> shows 20 columns where im interested in 3 of them. Limit is just to not overflow the console.
SELECT column1,column3,colum19 FROM table1 WHERE column3='valueX';
It is a bit of a manual filter but it works for what I need.