Training quantized models in TensorFlow - tensorflow

I would like to train a quantized network, i.e. use quantized weights during the forward pass to calculate the loss and then update the underlying full-precision floating point weights during the backward pass.
Note that in my case "fake quantization" is sufficient. That means that the weights can still be stored as 32-bit floating point values, as long as they represent a low bitwidth quantized value.
In a blog post from Pete Warden he states:
[...] we do have support for “fake quantization” operators. If you include these in your graphs at the points where quantization is expected to occur (for example after convolutions), then in the forward pass the float values will be rounded to the specified number of levels (typically 256) to simulate the effects of quantization.
The mentioned operators can be found in the TensorFlow API.
Can anybody point out to me how to use these functions?
If I call them after e.g. a conv layer in my model definition, why would this quantize the weights in the layer instead of the outputs (activations) of this layer?


What does `training=True` mean when calling a TensorFlow Keras model?

In TensorFlow's offcial documentations, they always pass training=True when calling a Keras model in a training loop, for example, logits = mnist_model(images, training=True).
I tried help( and it shows that
Help on function call in module
call(self, inputs, training=None, mask=None)
Calls the model on new inputs.
In this case `call` just reapplies
all ops in the graph to the new inputs
(e.g. build a new computational graph from the provided inputs).
inputs: A tensor or list of tensors.
training: Boolean or boolean scalar tensor, indicating whether to run
the `Network` in training mode or inference mode.
mask: A mask or list of masks. A mask can be
either a tensor or None (no mask).
A tensor if there is a single output, or
a list of tensors if there are more than one outputs.
It says that training is a Boolean or boolean scalar tensor, indicating whether to run the Network in training mode or inference mode. But I didn't find any information about this two modes.
In a nutshell, I don't know what is the influence of this argument. And what if I missed this argument when training?
Some neural network layers behave differently during training and inference, for example Dropout and BatchNormalization layers. For example
During training, dropout will randomly drop out units and correspondingly scale up activations of the remaining units.
During inference, it does nothing (since you usually don't want the randomness of dropping out units here).
The training argument lets the layer know which of the two "paths" it should take. If you set this incorrectly, your network might not behave as expected.
Training indicating whether the layer should behave in training mode or in inference mode.
training=True: The layer will normalize its inputs using the mean and variance of the current batch of inputs.
training=False: The layer will normalize its inputs using the mean and variance of its moving statistics, learned during training.
Usually in inference mode training=False, but in some networks such as pix2pix_cGAN‍‍‍‍‍‍ At both times of inference and training, training=True.

Keras Masking layer for LSTM input to mask features instead of timesteps

I gather that Masking layers in Keras are commonly used for handling data inputs with varying timesteps. Based on the documentation, I understand that if all of the features for a given timestep equal the mask value, then that timestep will be skipped in downstream layers.
For my problem, I am instead interested in using masking for features, where the data input shape to the network is (batch_size, num_timesteps, num_features). Essentially, I want to be able to predict a timeseries one step into the future with num_features features, but assuming that I won't always have all the features from the previous timestep to base my prediction on.
For example, one could predict RGB values one timestep into the future for a pixel in a video stream based on partial data from a previous timestep. At every timestep the output should be all RGB, but some timesteps you may get only RG, or only RB, or only BG, but you never know which partial data you'll have at each timestep to make your prediction. This is why I want to somehow be able to indicate a feature as masked during training to accommodate this kind of prediction.
It may be that Masking in Keras is not the correct mechanism to achieve this. What is the correct type of network layer that would give me this behavior?

How to use the quantized Tensorflow MobileNet v1 floating point scaling values

There are quantized MobileNet v1 models available at
I see floating point scaling values associated with the weights and biases in the model, but it isn't evident how these should be used in the operations scaling.
The GEMMLOWP quantization info describes scaling values associated with input, weight and the operation's accumulator downscale.
Should the bias scaling value be used alone for down-scaling the accumulator, or is the weight scaling value required?
In short, I'm trying to determine how the two provided scaling values should be used.

What is the equivalence of Masking() Keras function in tensorflow? And does batch norm, conv, and relu support Masking?

I am training a GRU layer where inputs doesn't have the same length. Therefore, I have padded the inputs' features with 0.0 to make all sequences of same length. On the other hand, I don't want to compute any loss at any time step, for any sample as long as the input feature vector is all zeros. Example, at time step 1000, I have a batch size of 34, but samples number 33 and 34 of this batch lack data or feature values at time step 1000.
I have found that we can use the method Masking()(inputs) in Keras as long as all subsequent layers or operations support masking. But I have implemented my model in tensorflow. So what is the equivalence of Masking() in tensorflow?
Second, how can I know whether: batch normalization, conv layer and any non linear activation function has support for the masking() function in Keras?
Your help is much appreciated!!
So I found the detailed solution in danijar blog
The masking in keras is used when having incomplete sequences. So usually, you need to pad your sequences with 0.0 in the third dimension (The feature's dimension; when the input dimension has shape = [batch_size, sequence_length, num_features]).Afterwards, the masking in keras will take a number, will output 0 for their activations.
In summary: He showed how to compute the sequence length for each sample in the batch using length() he implemented. The output vector is then fed into the dynamic_rnn which will output zero vectors for incomplete sequences (for states and outputs), which is somehow similar to what happens in Keras Masking() function. Second, we should use a mask when computing the loss function.
All the details are discussed in this blog post.
But regarding the support thingy for masking in batch_norm, conv and non linear activation function; usually, if the output of the LSTM is zeros; then in case with sigmoid activation function at the output; the derivative of the output with respect to the input of the sigmoid function is output(1 - output). Hence, when the output is 0, this derivative is zero as well. And since back propagation applies the chain rule, then the gradients of the current sample with respect to any weight parameter in the network is going to be 0 as well. Hence, there is no need to worry about the support thingy... But the problem arises when the activation is relu for example, this is when the gradients should be explicitely multiplied by zeros before doing the back propagation (I guess). Maybe doing something like this will help:
final_output = output * mask
Then derivative of the final_output with respect to output will be the mask => 0 or 1 (the any time step; for any sample). Then, back propagate this gradient from the output of the activation function to its inputs...followed by chain rule => weights wont be affected in this case.

What's the relationship between Tensorflow's dataflow graph and DNN?

As we know, a DNN is comprised of many layers which consist of many neurons applying the same function to different parts of the input. Meanwhile, if we use Tensorflow to execute a DNN task, we will get a dataflow graph generated by Tensorflow automatically and we can use Tensorboard to visualize the dataflow graph as blow. But there is no neuron in the layer. So I wonder what is the relationship between Tensorflow dataflow graph and a DNN? When a neuron of DNN's layer map into dataflow graph, how is it represented?What is the relationship of neuron in DNN and node in tensorflow(representing an operation)? I just started to learn DNN and Tensorflow, please help me arrange thoughts in order. Thanks:) enter image description here
You have to differentiate between the metaphoric representation of a DNN and it's mathematic description. The math behind a classic neuron is the sum of the weighted inputs + a bias (usually calling a activation function on this result)
So in this case you have an input vector mutplied by a weight vector (containing trainable variables) and then summed up with a bias scalar (also trainable)
If you now consider a layer of neurons instead of one, the weights will become a matrix and the bias a vector. So calculating a feed forward layer is nothing more then a matrix multiplication follow by a sum of vectors.
This is the operation you can see in your tensorflow graph.
You can actually build your Neural Network this way without any use of the so called High Level API which use the Layer abstraction. (Many have done this in the early days of tensorflow)
The actual "magic", which tensorflow does for you is calculating and executing the derivatives of this foreword pass in order to calculate the updates for the weights.