Run Script execution purpose in xcode run script - objective-c

I have a app that uses the shell script that do something during compilation, I am trying to understand what exactly that script do since I am getting compilation error and not able to run the source code.
If someone can help me and explain what below script do
p=`echo "${BUILD_ROOT}" | sed -ne 's/.*\(^\/.*\/DerivedData\).*/\1/p'`
echo "//${BUILD_ROOT}" > ${SRCROOT}/info.h
cat "${p}/../info.h" >> ${SRCROOT}/info.h
I am getting following errors during compilation
cat: /Working/XXXXXX/XXXXXXX/testTarget/DerivedData/../info.h: No such
file or directory

This script doesn't make too much sense. What are you hoping for it to do? I'll break it down per line:
Essentially this does nothing, it's storing the value of BUILD_ROOT in itself.
By default, Xcode uses ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/<YOUR_APP>-XXXXX/... for its BUILD_ROOT variable. This line of code stores the full path of that folder in variable p.
Creates a file called info.h at the base folder of your app's source code with the value of BUILD_ROOT.
This line is going to the folder above DerivedData and printing the value of info.h - which doesn't actually exist and therefore crashing the script - and appending it to the info.h created in line 3.


IntelliJ: Dynamically updated file header

By default, IntelliJ Idea will insert (something like) the following as the header of a new source file:
* Created by JohnDoe on 2016-04-27.
The corresponding template is:
* Created by ${USER} on ${DATE}.
Is it possible to update this template so that it inserts the last date of modification when the file is changed? For example:
* Created by JohnDoe on 2016-03-27.
* Last modified by JaneDoe on 2016-04-27
It is not supported out of the box. I suggest you do not include information about author and last edit/create time in file at all.
The reason is that your version control system (Git, SVN) contains the same information automatically. So the manual labelling is just duplicate of already existing info, but is only more error prone and needs to be manually updated.
Here's a working solution similar to what I'm using. Tested on mac os.
Create a bash script which will replace first occurrence of Last modified by JaneDoe on $DATE only if the exact value is not contained in the file:
DATE=`date '+%Y-%m-%d'`
PREFIX="Last modified by JaneDoe on "
if ! grep -q "$SUBSTITUTE" "$FILE"; then
sed -i '' "1,/$(echo "$STRING")/ s/$(echo "$STRING")/$(echo "$SUBSTITUTE")/" $FILE
Install File Watchers plugin.
Create a file watcher with appropriate scope (it may be this single file or any other scope, so that any change in project's source code will update modified date or version etc.) and put a path to your bash script into Program field.
Now every time the file changes the date will update. If you want to update date for each file separately, an argument $FilePath$ should be passed to the script.
This might have been just a comment to #oleg-mikhailov excellent idea, but the code snippet won't fit. Basically, I just tweaked his solution.
I needed a slightly different syntax but that's not the issue. The issue was that when the script ran automatically upon file save using the File Watchers plugin, if ran on a file which doesn't include PREFIX it would run over and over for ever.
I presume the that the issue is with the plugin itself, as it didn't happen when run from the shell, but I'm not sure why it happened.
Anyway, I ended up running the following script (as I said only a slight change with respect to the original). The new script also raises an error if the the prefix doesn't exist. For me this is a feature as Pycharm prompts me with the error, and I can fix the file.
Tested with PyCharm 2021.2.3 on macOS 11.6.
DATE=`date '+%Y-%m-%d'`
PREFIX="last_modified_date: "
if ! grep -q "$SUBSTITUTE" "$FILE"; then
if grep -q "$PREFIX" "$FILE"; then
sed -i '' "s/$(echo "$STRING")/$(echo "$SUBSTITUTE")/" $FILE
echo "Error!"
echo "'$PREFIX' doesn't appear in $FILE"
exit 1
PHPStorm has not a "hook" for launching task after detect a change in file (just for uploading in server yes). Code templating is based on the creation of file not change.
The behaviour you want (automatic change file after manual change file) can be useful for lot of things but it's circular headhache for editor. Because if you change a file it must change file (and if a file is change ? it change file ?).
However, You can, perhaps, "enable Live Templates" when you launch a "reformat code" which able to rewrite your begin template code that way rewrite date modification.
Other solution is that use a tools with as grunt but I don't know if manage php file.

Check whether process running linux and start with certain description

I have multiple scripts running. All the scripts have the same name but the commands they execute are doing different things.
I am trying to figure out if a certain instance of the script is running and if so I don't want it to run again. This is difficult because all of the scripts have the same name so it could be a false positive by using pgrep.
My idea was if there is any attribute or description I could attach when it is first run, then I can grep for that unique description and tell which instance is running, is there any way to do this?
Does anyone have any other ideas?
You can implement below logic to check weather script is already running or not.
if [ -f Script1.lck ];then
echo "EXITING"
touch Script1.lck
#Your Script code here.............
rm -f Script1.lck
*I used concept that every time it runs checks for Script1.lck file if file not exists than it means no instance is running. So it creates file and start executing your code.
Suppose in between you executed the script then it checks for .lck file and and .lck already exists due to previous instance.
*In last i removed the .lck file.
*By using different lck file names for different script you can check which script is running.

ActiveTCL - Unable to run a batch file from an Expect Script

I was originally trying to run an executable (tftpd32.exe) from Expect with the following command, but for some unknown reason it would hanged the entire script:
exec c:/tftpd32.351/tftpd32.exe
So, decided to call a batch file that will start the executable.
I tried to call the batch file with the following command, but get an error message stating windows cannot find the file.
exec c:/tftpd32.351/start_tftp.bat
I also tried the following, but it does not start the executable:
spwan cmd.exe /c c:/tftpd32.351/start_tftp.bat
The batch file contains this and it run ok when I double click on it:
start tftpd32.exe
Any help would be very much appreciated.
The right way to run that program from Tcl is to do:
set tftpd "c:/tftpd32.351/tftpd32.exe"
exec {*}[auto_execok start] "" [file nativename $tftpd]
Note that you should always have that extra empty argument when using start (due to the weird way that start works; it has an optional string in quotes that specifies the window title to create, but it tends to misinterpret the first quoted string as that even if that leaves it with no mandatory arguments) and you need to use the native system name of the executable to run, hence the file nativename.
If you've got an older version of Tcl inside your expect program (8.4 or before) you'd do this instead:
set tftpd "c:/tftpd32.351/tftpd32.exe"
eval exec [auto_execok start] [list "" [file nativename $tftpd]]
The list command in that weird eval exec construction adds some necessary quoting that you'd have trouble generating otherwise. Use it exactly as above or you'll get very strange errors. (Or upgrade to something where you don't need nearly as much code gymnastics; the {*} syntax was added for a good reason!)

How to force STORE (overwrite) to HDFS in Pig?

When developing Pig scripts that use the STORE command I have to delete the output directory for every run or the script stops and offers:
2012-06-19 19:22:49,680 [main] ERROR - ERROR 6000: Output Location Validation Failed for: 'hdfs://[server]/user/[user]/foo/bar More info to follow:
Output directory hdfs://[server]/user/[user]/foo/bar already exists
So I'm searching for an in-Pig solution to automatically remove the directory, also one that doesn't choke if the directory is non-existent at call time.
In the Pig Latin Reference I found the shell command invoker fs. Unfortunately the Pig script breaks whenever anything produces an error. So I can't use
fs -rmr foo/bar
(i. e. remove recursively) since it breaks if the directory doesn't exist. For a moment I thought I may use
fs -test -e foo/bar
which is a test and shouldn't break or so I thought. However, Pig again interpretes test's return code on a non-existing directory as a failure code and breaks.
There is a JIRA ticket for the Pig project addressing my problem and suggesting an optional parameter OVERWRITE or FORCE_WRITE for the STORE command. Anyway, I'm using Pig 0.8.1 out of necessity and there is no such parameter.
At last I found a solution on grokbase. Since finding the solution took too long I will reproduce it here and add to it.
Suppose you want to store your output using the statement
STORE Relation INTO 'foo/bar';
Then, in order to delete the directory, you can call at the start of the script
rmf foo/bar
No ";" or quotations required since it is a shell command.
I cannot reproduce it now but at some point in time I got an error message (something about missing files) where I can only assume that rmf interfered with map/reduce. So I recommend putting the call before any relation declaration. After SETs, REGISTERs and defaults should be fine.
SET mapred.fairscheduler.pool 'inhouse';
REGISTER /usr/lib/pig/contrib/piggybank/java/piggybank.jar;
%default name 'foobar'
rmf foo/bar
Rel = LOAD 'something.tsv';
STORE Rel INTO 'foo/bar';
Once you use the fs command, there a lot of ways to do this. For an individual file, I wound up adding this to the beginning of my scripts:
-- Delete file (won't work for output, which will be a directory
-- but will work for a file that gets copied or moved during the
-- the script.)
fs -touchz top_100
rm top_100
For a directory
-- Delete dir
fs -rm -r out

How to use Doxygen with Xcode?

I'm trying to use Doxygen with Xcode. I followed the Apple tutorial. After several mistakes, I builded the project and generated the docs. I discovered that if you save the doxygen.config from Doxygen and you use space " " in the directory name you will have problem and others things.
But there is one last problem:
/Developer/usr/bin/docsetutil index com.mycompany.DoxygenExample.docset
2010-03-31 12:30:53.847 docsetutil[46338:807] Error converting XML to CoreData: Error Domain=NSXMLParserErrorDomain Code=76 UserInfo=0x1247d0 "Line 8: Opening and ending tag mismatch: Subnodes line 0 and Node
Failed to create docset indexer object
make: *** [docset] Error 1
load documentation set with path "/Users/WB/Library/Developer/Shared/Documentation/DocSets/"
I don't know what is the problem?? Any idea?
I'm using Core Data - sqlite.
The parser is telling you XML is not well formed, but that error usually shows because nothing has been generated BEFORE running docsetutil.
First thing should be to go over the many lines of console output and look for warnings, probably is there. Also look for the docset you generated and right click > Show Contents. If you don't see a lot of html files with the documentation, same thing: you failed at generating documentation and docsetutil has nothing to do. And btw, it's docsetutil who is using CoreData, doesn't matter if you use it on your project or not.
I don't get why Apple doesn't provide a doxygen-like tool more tightly integrated. Or a better code formatter than Crustify. Just take the damn tools and improve them a little bit. Argh!
There is a know bug from generation of Nodes.xml by Doxygen. It is referenced here and should be corrected in the next doxygen Version (Post V 1.8.0) :
At the end of the Nodes.xml there is an additional
the -silence option is workaround to suppress error, but this param does not allow dosetgeneration to work properly.
$DOXYGEN_PATH $TEMP_DIR/doxygen.config
make -C $TEMP_DIR/DoxygenDocs.docset/html install
Insert following code
Note : The script works in $TEMP_DIR and not in SOURCE_ROOT as AppleScript
$DOXYGEN_PATH $TEMP_DIR/doxygen.config
# make will invoke docsetutil. Take a look at the Makefile to see how this is done.
LINE=`xmllint --c14n $TEMP_DIR/DoxygenDocs.docset/html/Nodes.xml 2>&1 | awk 'NR == 1 {print $1}' | cut -d':' -f 2`
if [ $LINE -gt 0 ]
echo "XML Cleaning "
sed -i.bak $LINE'd' $TEMP_DIR/DoxygenDocs.docset/html/Nodes.xml
make -C $TEMP_DIR/DoxygenDocs.docset/html install
NB: awk and sed may certainly be combined in one line.
So the long story short is that the script creates a Doxyfile on the fly, and it does not recursively scan all subdirectories.
Take a look at this post:
There's a script included on the second post that is based on Apple's script that shouldn't have this issue.
I use an extended version of the above script but based on the same priniciples. Although everything works fine on another project this time my script fails.
The generation of the docset works fine but the make command produces the following error.
x ./search/search_r.png
2010-07-26 17:36:01.815 docsetutil[8441:903]
Error converting XML to CoreData:
Error Domain=NSXMLParserErrorDomain
"Line 8: Opening and ending tag mismatch: Subnodes line 0 and Node"
Failed to create docset indexer object
make: *** [docset] Error 1
The make command I use is: make --silent -C "$DOCSET_OUTPUT/html" install.
I added line breaks to the error message for readability.