How to use Doxygen with Xcode? - objective-c

I'm trying to use Doxygen with Xcode. I followed the Apple tutorial. After several mistakes, I builded the project and generated the docs. I discovered that if you save the doxygen.config from Doxygen and you use space " " in the directory name you will have problem and others things.
But there is one last problem:
/Developer/usr/bin/docsetutil index com.mycompany.DoxygenExample.docset
2010-03-31 12:30:53.847 docsetutil[46338:807] Error converting XML to CoreData: Error Domain=NSXMLParserErrorDomain Code=76 UserInfo=0x1247d0 "Line 8: Opening and ending tag mismatch: Subnodes line 0 and Node
Failed to create docset indexer object
make: *** [docset] Error 1
load documentation set with path "/Users/WB/Library/Developer/Shared/Documentation/DocSets/"
I don't know what is the problem?? Any idea?
I'm using Core Data - sqlite.

The parser is telling you XML is not well formed, but that error usually shows because nothing has been generated BEFORE running docsetutil.
First thing should be to go over the many lines of console output and look for warnings, probably is there. Also look for the docset you generated and right click > Show Contents. If you don't see a lot of html files with the documentation, same thing: you failed at generating documentation and docsetutil has nothing to do. And btw, it's docsetutil who is using CoreData, doesn't matter if you use it on your project or not.
I don't get why Apple doesn't provide a doxygen-like tool more tightly integrated. Or a better code formatter than Crustify. Just take the damn tools and improve them a little bit. Argh!

There is a know bug from generation of Nodes.xml by Doxygen. It is referenced here and should be corrected in the next doxygen Version (Post V 1.8.0) :
At the end of the Nodes.xml there is an additional
the -silence option is workaround to suppress error, but this param does not allow dosetgeneration to work properly.
$DOXYGEN_PATH $TEMP_DIR/doxygen.config
make -C $TEMP_DIR/DoxygenDocs.docset/html install
Insert following code
Note : The script works in $TEMP_DIR and not in SOURCE_ROOT as AppleScript
$DOXYGEN_PATH $TEMP_DIR/doxygen.config
# make will invoke docsetutil. Take a look at the Makefile to see how this is done.
LINE=`xmllint --c14n $TEMP_DIR/DoxygenDocs.docset/html/Nodes.xml 2>&1 | awk 'NR == 1 {print $1}' | cut -d':' -f 2`
if [ $LINE -gt 0 ]
echo "XML Cleaning "
sed -i.bak $LINE'd' $TEMP_DIR/DoxygenDocs.docset/html/Nodes.xml
make -C $TEMP_DIR/DoxygenDocs.docset/html install
NB: awk and sed may certainly be combined in one line.

So the long story short is that the script creates a Doxyfile on the fly, and it does not recursively scan all subdirectories.
Take a look at this post:
There's a script included on the second post that is based on Apple's script that shouldn't have this issue.

I use an extended version of the above script but based on the same priniciples. Although everything works fine on another project this time my script fails.
The generation of the docset works fine but the make command produces the following error.
x ./search/search_r.png
2010-07-26 17:36:01.815 docsetutil[8441:903]
Error converting XML to CoreData:
Error Domain=NSXMLParserErrorDomain
"Line 8: Opening and ending tag mismatch: Subnodes line 0 and Node"
Failed to create docset indexer object
make: *** [docset] Error 1
The make command I use is: make --silent -C "$DOCSET_OUTPUT/html" install.
I added line breaks to the error message for readability.


Exception::raise(): Unimplemented Parser Node: EmptyElse

When running srb init in a Rails app I get the following:
Generating /tmp/d20220723-3779490-paqj5l/reflection.rbi with 6784 modules and 142 aliases
Printing your code's symbol table into /tmp/d20220723-3779490-paqj5l/from-source.json
/home/allan/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.1.0/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/sorbet-0.5.10206/lib/hidden-definition-finder.rb:123:in `write_constants': Your source can't be read by Sorbet. (RuntimeError)
You can try `find . -type f | xargs -L 1 -t bundle exec srb tc --no-config --isolate-error-code 1000` and hopefully the last file it is processing before it dies is the culprit.
If not, maybe the errors in this file will help: /tmp/d20220723-3779490-paqj5l/from-source.json.err
When I check that error file I find this:
Exception::raise(): Unimplemented Parser Node: EmptyElse
Is there a workaround to get past this error?
Anytime you see Exception::raise in a Sorbet error message, it means there was a bug in Sorbet. You can report Sorbet bugs at
I have created a fix for this bug here:
It will require upgrading Sorbet before you can take advantage of the fix. If you can't wait for that, you will have to hunt down the file in your codebase that uses Ruby's new case ... in syntax for pattern matching with an empty else keyword, and either delete the else keyword or change it to mention else nil instead.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
In the future, please use to report all issues—I only happened to see this by accident today, but I normally do not monitor StackOverflow for bug reports.

How to read just a single character in Makefile

In a Makefile, reading user input terminated by <ENTER> can be implemented by using (the shell function) read. On the shell (bash), reading a single character can be done with read -n 1. However, I was surprised that read -n 1 didn't seem to work with GNU Make 4.2.1. Do I miss some escaping here?
$> echo x | read -n 1 mychar; echo 'you typed '$mychar
you typed x
read -n 1 mychar; echo 'you typed '$$mychar
$> echo x | make
read -n 1 mychar; echo 'you typed '$mychar
/bin/sh: 1: read: Illegal option -n
Does make provide its own version of read ?
System: GNU Make 4.2.1, Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
PS: I am aware that user interaction is considered bad style, and it clearly should not be used in configuration workflows. However, it comes in quite handy for targets associated with pruning, resetting or deleting data (e.g., make clear). And asking for y/N confirmation gives you a chance to tell your users what it will take them to rebuild what they are going to remove.
PPS: I know that the regular read gives you almost the same functionality, except that you need to hit <ENTER>. This question about getting a better understanding for the relationship between make and its shell enviroment.
NB: This problem is different from Makefile - Why is the read command not reading the user input?. They just didn't properly escape the variable.

Run Script execution purpose in xcode run script

I have a app that uses the shell script that do something during compilation, I am trying to understand what exactly that script do since I am getting compilation error and not able to run the source code.
If someone can help me and explain what below script do
p=`echo "${BUILD_ROOT}" | sed -ne 's/.*\(^\/.*\/DerivedData\).*/\1/p'`
echo "//${BUILD_ROOT}" > ${SRCROOT}/info.h
cat "${p}/../info.h" >> ${SRCROOT}/info.h
I am getting following errors during compilation
cat: /Working/XXXXXX/XXXXXXX/testTarget/DerivedData/../info.h: No such
file or directory
This script doesn't make too much sense. What are you hoping for it to do? I'll break it down per line:
Essentially this does nothing, it's storing the value of BUILD_ROOT in itself.
By default, Xcode uses ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/<YOUR_APP>-XXXXX/... for its BUILD_ROOT variable. This line of code stores the full path of that folder in variable p.
Creates a file called info.h at the base folder of your app's source code with the value of BUILD_ROOT.
This line is going to the folder above DerivedData and printing the value of info.h - which doesn't actually exist and therefore crashing the script - and appending it to the info.h created in line 3.

IntelliJ: Dynamically updated file header

By default, IntelliJ Idea will insert (something like) the following as the header of a new source file:
* Created by JohnDoe on 2016-04-27.
The corresponding template is:
* Created by ${USER} on ${DATE}.
Is it possible to update this template so that it inserts the last date of modification when the file is changed? For example:
* Created by JohnDoe on 2016-03-27.
* Last modified by JaneDoe on 2016-04-27
It is not supported out of the box. I suggest you do not include information about author and last edit/create time in file at all.
The reason is that your version control system (Git, SVN) contains the same information automatically. So the manual labelling is just duplicate of already existing info, but is only more error prone and needs to be manually updated.
Here's a working solution similar to what I'm using. Tested on mac os.
Create a bash script which will replace first occurrence of Last modified by JaneDoe on $DATE only if the exact value is not contained in the file:
DATE=`date '+%Y-%m-%d'`
PREFIX="Last modified by JaneDoe on "
if ! grep -q "$SUBSTITUTE" "$FILE"; then
sed -i '' "1,/$(echo "$STRING")/ s/$(echo "$STRING")/$(echo "$SUBSTITUTE")/" $FILE
Install File Watchers plugin.
Create a file watcher with appropriate scope (it may be this single file or any other scope, so that any change in project's source code will update modified date or version etc.) and put a path to your bash script into Program field.
Now every time the file changes the date will update. If you want to update date for each file separately, an argument $FilePath$ should be passed to the script.
This might have been just a comment to #oleg-mikhailov excellent idea, but the code snippet won't fit. Basically, I just tweaked his solution.
I needed a slightly different syntax but that's not the issue. The issue was that when the script ran automatically upon file save using the File Watchers plugin, if ran on a file which doesn't include PREFIX it would run over and over for ever.
I presume the that the issue is with the plugin itself, as it didn't happen when run from the shell, but I'm not sure why it happened.
Anyway, I ended up running the following script (as I said only a slight change with respect to the original). The new script also raises an error if the the prefix doesn't exist. For me this is a feature as Pycharm prompts me with the error, and I can fix the file.
Tested with PyCharm 2021.2.3 on macOS 11.6.
DATE=`date '+%Y-%m-%d'`
PREFIX="last_modified_date: "
if ! grep -q "$SUBSTITUTE" "$FILE"; then
if grep -q "$PREFIX" "$FILE"; then
sed -i '' "s/$(echo "$STRING")/$(echo "$SUBSTITUTE")/" $FILE
echo "Error!"
echo "'$PREFIX' doesn't appear in $FILE"
exit 1
PHPStorm has not a "hook" for launching task after detect a change in file (just for uploading in server yes). Code templating is based on the creation of file not change.
The behaviour you want (automatic change file after manual change file) can be useful for lot of things but it's circular headhache for editor. Because if you change a file it must change file (and if a file is change ? it change file ?).
However, You can, perhaps, "enable Live Templates" when you launch a "reformat code" which able to rewrite your begin template code that way rewrite date modification.
Other solution is that use a tools with as grunt but I don't know if manage php file.

Zsh trouble when using echo with color/formatting characters

I'm just switch to zsh and now adapting the alias in which was printing some text (in color) along with a command.
I have been trying to use the $fg array var, but there is a side effect, all the command is printed before being executed.
The same occur if i'm just testing a echo with a color code in the terminal:
echo $fg_bold[blue] "test"
]2;echo "test" test #the test is in the right color
Why the command print itself before to do what it's supposed to do ? (I precise this doesn't happen when just printing whithout any wariable command)
Have I to set a specific option to zsh, use echo with a special parameter to get ride of that?
Execute the command first (keep its output somewhere), and then issue echo. The easiest way I can think of doing that would be:
echo $fg[red] `ls`
Edit: Ok, so your trouble is some trash before the actual output of echo. You have some funny configuration that is causing you trouble.
What to do (other than inspecting your configuration):
start a shell with zsh -f (it will skip any configuration), and then re-try the echo command: autoload colors; colors; echo $fg_bold[red] foo (this should show you that the problem is in your configuration).
Most likely your configuration defines a precmd function that gets executed before every command (which is failing in some way). Try which precmd. If that is not defined, try echo $precmd_functions (precmd_functions is an array of functions that get executed before every command). Knowing which is the code being executed would help you search for it in your configuration (which I assume you just took from someone else).
If I had to guess, I'd say you are using oh-my-zsh without knowing exactly what you turned on (which is an endless source of troubles like this).
I don't replicate your issue, which I think indicates that it's either an option (that I've set), or it's a zsh version issue:
$ echo $fg_bold[red] test
Because I can't replicate it, I'm sure there's an option to stop it happening for you. I do not know what that option is (I'm using heavily modified oh-my-zsh, and still haven't finished learning what all the zsh options do or are).
My suggestions:
You could try using print:
$ print $fg_bold[red] test
The print builtin has many more options than echo (see man zshbuiltins).
You should also:
Check what version zsh you're using.
Check what options (setopt) are enabled.
Check your ~/.zshrc (and other loaded files) to see what, if any, options and functions are being run.
This question may suggest checking what TERM you're using, but reading your question it sounds like you're only seeing this behaviour (echoing of the command after entry) when you're using aliases...?