Create dynamic input for variable - vba

I hope someone can help, I am new to programming, my problem is this:
40 checkboxes on a form which one by one, needs to be checked for boolean "True" or "False" (checked or unchecked by user), so that I can run individual code for each "True" case.
I am trying to include a counter "i" in the "MS Access checkbox reference" which I use for the variable, to give me the value of the given checkbox. The following code should show what I try to accomplish, can anybody point me in the right direction, without using a very advanced solution? I presume it is because it cannot execute all of this in a single step or because it only sees my input for the variable as a string and not a command to execute :
Do While Flag = True
Dim CheckboxVar As Boolean
i = i + 1
If i = 40 Then
Flag = False
End If
CheckboxVar = "Me.Checkbox" & i & ".Value"
AddWhereSQL = SQLBuilder (CheckboxVar)
(Retrieve the value of Checkbox1 and send it to SQLBuilder, retrieve Checkbox2 and send it to SQLBuilder, and so on)

Loop through your checkboxes like this:
Sub Test()
Dim ctrl As Control
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is CheckBox Then
If ctrl.Value = True Then
'do something
End If
End If
Next ctrl
End Sub
Naming your checkboxes "Checkbox1", "Checkbox2", etc. is tiresome and not the best naming practice. The code above will find every checkbox on the form but you could easily restrict it to all checkboxes with a specific tag, for example.

To loop through the controls, you can do this:
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To 40
If Me.Controls("CheckBoxControlName" & i).Value = -1 Then
'The control value is True
End If
Next i
If you code is placed in a Standard Module, change Me to Forms!YourFormName.

I think you need a "for" loop. Maybe something like:
CheckboxVar = " WHERE "
For i = 1 to 40
CheckboxVar = Me.Controls("Checkbox" & i).Value = True & " AND " & checkboxVar


Repeating legacy option buttons within a repeating section

I am currently attempting to turn a form I am working on into a more dynamic one using vba in word, but I am facing two issues with the option buttons within a repeating section:
The code is not dynamic; when I run the code it does what I need it to but doesn't dynamically recalculate as I change my choice.
The option buttons do not repeat when I add a new section, and the only way for me to include them is by readding them and creating a new module specific for the new option button group.
Below is a picture of the section I am repeating and the code I am using.
enter image description here
Private Sub Yes_Click()
Dim k(0 To 3) As String
k(0) = "Select one"
k(1) = "Pass"
k(2) = "Fail"
k(3) = "N/A"
Dim i As Long
If Yes = True Then
For i = 0 To 3
Me.Controls.AddItem k(i)
Me.Controls1.AddItem k(i)
Next i
End If
On Error Resume Next
Me.Controls = "Select one"
Me.Controls1 = "Select one"
If Yes = False Then
Me.Controls = "N/A"
Me.Controls1 = "N/A"
End If
On Error Resume Next
End Sub
Is there a way to approach either issues?
Thanks in advance.

Checking and Unchecking Checkboxes in Access

I have a form in MS Access with multiple checkboxes which I want to use to fill up one textbox. If one of the checkboxes gets unchecked, I want its value to be deleted from the textbox without deleting other values. I'm new at using Access and coding in VBA (been reading ebooks for the past 3 weeks) and although I've tried to do research online it's been difficult for me to find the right code.
This is what I have so far:
First code found
Private Sub cb_click()
If Me.cb1 = True Then
Me.txtComentarios.Value = "INACTIVO;"
Me.txtComentarios.Value = Null
End If
End Sub
Second code found
Private Sub cb2_Click()
If Me.cb2 = -1 Then
Me.[txtComentarios] = [txtComentarios] & "DISCREPANCIA"
Me.[txtComentarios] = ""
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub
Also I would like for the checkboxes to fill the textbox in the same order the chechboxes are displayed.
cb1; cb2; cb3
If, cb2 gets unchecked and its value gets deleted, I should have "cb1; cb3" but if I re-check cb2 I should get "cb1; cb2; cb3" again.
I just hope someone could guide me in. Thank you in advance.
You don't need events for each checkbox. Just create one procedure, which creates full text depending on checkboxes state and puts this text to the textbox. To call this function after each click on checkbox set After Update property of all checkboxes to =MyFunctionToUpdateTextbox instead of [Event Procedure]
Private Function MyFunctionToUpdateTextbox()
Dim strText As String
If Me.cb1 = True Then
strText = strText & "INACTIVO;"
End If
If Me.cb2 = True Then
strText = strText & "DISCREPANCIA;"
End If
If Me.cb3 = True Then
strText = strText & "Text for cb3"
End If
Me.txtComentarios = strText
End Function

VBA with if case for checkbox in excel

I am having an userform where I have 8 Checkboxes in it.
Each checkbox is assigned to an call function called autofilter.
I would like to have an vba,in such a way that more than one Checkbox is used, then it should Display the result of selected Checkbox.
How can I achieve in VBA. I am struck how i should proceed with this Problem.
Expecting an help from Forum.
This is my autofilter program
Sub autofilter()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Result")
wslr = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Set myfilt = ws.Range("A1:AFU" & wslr)
myfilt.autofilter Field:=12, Criteria1:= _
End Sub
similarly, i have them for other Locations as well till autofilter7.
Right now, i have the code working in such a way that, if check box 1 is true it calls autofilter1.
I would like to have a VBA, in such a way that, when i select 1 or more checkboxes, it should call their autofilter function together. How can i achieve this ?
[![I have userform with Checkboxes designed like the command button i have the following code,
If CheckBox1.Value = True Then
Call autofilter
End If
similarly, I have it same for other checkboxes.
Difficult to answer without all the exact details, but I think you are looking for something like:
In the command button _Click sub code, you should have this:
Edited : notice Dim i as String at the top.
Dim formControl As Control
Dim i As String
'loop through every control in the userform
For Each formControl In Me.Controls
'Test if the control is a checkbox
If LCase(TypeName(formControl)) = "checkbox" Then
If formControl.Value = True Then
'The below is very crude and you should find a better way of getting parameter from checkbox
'The below also assumes you use ONE filterFunction that takes a parameter
'You need to get the number from the checkbox, so take the number from the name of the checkbox
i = Right(formControl.Name, 1) - 1
'myFilterFunction i (Use this only if you have parameterised your function)
'change i to empty string if it was 0.
i = IIf(i = 0, "", i)
'This calls a function represented by the string
Application.Run "myFilterFunction" & i
End If
End If
Next formControl
At the moment, the away you've describe it, the code should work. Replace the name of the function with the name of your autofilter function....

Reference checkbox name/value in a subroutine

Is there a way to pass a checkbox value from a userform? I've seen it done when the checkbox is on the worksheet but I haven't been able to get it to work when it comes from my userform.
I have several repeating if statements and the only difference between them is the name of the checkbox. I'm sure there's a simple fix that I just haven't found yet. Any help is appreciated.
Edit: included code
If LockboxCheckBox.Value = True Then
If IsEmpty(wsInput.Cells(emptyRow, productCol)) Then
wsInput.Cells(emptyRow, productCol).Value = LockboxCheckBox.Caption
Else: wsInput.Cells(emptyRow, productCol).Value = wsInput.Cells(emptyRow, productCol).Value & ", " & LockboxCheckBox.Caption
End If
End If
I want to make this a small subroutine and need to pass the checkbox.value as well as the checkbox.caption to it when I call it.
The following code example demonstrates how to pass a Checkbox control on a UserForm to another procedure, get the checkbox's value and caption, and do something with them.
Note that I choose to pass the checkbox, rather than the value and caption as two parameters, as this will reduce the amount of code you need to type.
Private Sub btnOK_Click()
Dim chk As MSForms.CheckBox
Set chk = Me.CheckBox1
ProcessCheckBox chk
ProcessCheckBox Me.CheckBox2
End Sub
Sub ProcessCheckBox(chk As MSForms.CheckBox)
Dim chkVal As Boolean
Dim chkCap As String
chkVal = chk.value
chkCap = chk.Caption
If chkVal = True Then
Debug.Print chkCap & " is true"
Debug.Print chkCap & " is false"
End If
End Sub

Reading checkbox values with a loop (Microsoft Word VBA)

I'm current trying to write a macro (VBA in Word) that will compile information from a collection of documents into a single document.
I order to do this I have a list of ~20 checkboxes that will determine which documents I want to include in the compilation. My issue is that when writing the macro, I can't figure out a way of checking the state of each checkbox on my list without re-writing the same block of code 20 times, only changing the name of the checkbox. eg CB1 to CB2, CB3 CB4 etc. each time.
This is the block of code in question. It does work if I rewrite it multiple times for the changing check box number but I would prefer it in a loop so the code is more compact and robust:
If ThisDocument.CB1.Value = True Then
End If
Ideally I would like to have the check box named something like CBn, where n is a variable that I can redefine at the end of each loop.
There's no option for directly referring to a control by its name - you can wrap that up in a function though:
Sub Tester()
Dim x As Long, cb As Object
For x = 1 To 3
'find the checkbox
Set cb = ControlByName("CB" & x, ThisDocument)
'check we got something back
If Not cb Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print "CB" & x & " is " & cb.Value
End If
Next x
End Sub
Function ControlByName(sName, doc As Document) As Object
Dim obj
For Each obj In doc.InlineShapes
If obj.OLEFormat.Object.Name = sName Then
Set ControlByName = obj.OLEFormat.Object
Exit Function
End If
Next obj
End Function