Splitting up tensor - tensorflow

Let T be a tensor of shape [n,f], which represents a batch. Now I want to slice T into m tensors along axis=0. The value of m depends on the current batch. I have another tensor I of shape [m,2] which stores pairs of indices which indicate where the slices should occur.
I am not really sure how to "iterate" over the indices to apply tf.slice. Any ideas?
Can this somehow be achieved using tf.scan?

I suppose you are looking for the split function.


Simple question about slicing a Numpy Tensor

I have a Numpy Tensor,
X = np.arange(64).reshape((4,4,4))
I wish to grab the 2,3,4 entries of the first dimension of this tensor, which you can do with,
Y = X[[1,2,3],:,:]
Is this a simpler way of writing this instead of explicitly writing out the indices [1,2,3]? I tried something like [1,:], which gave me an error.
Context: for my real application, the shape of the tensor is something like (30000,100,100). I would like to grab the last (10000, 100,100) to (30000,100,100) of this tensor.
The simplest way in your case is to use X[1:4]. This is the same as X[[1,2,3]], but notice that with X[1:4] you only need one pair of brackets because 1:4 already represent a range of values.
For an N dimensional array in NumPy if you specify indexes for less than N dimensions you get all elements of the remaining dimensions. That is, for N equal to 3, X[1:4] is the same as X[1:4, :, :] or X[1:4, :]. Only if you want to index some dimension while getting all elements in a dimension that comes before it is that you actually need to pass :. Such as X[:, 2:4], for instance.
If you wish to select from some row to the end of array, simply use python slicing notation as below:
This will select all rows from 10000 to the end of array and all columns and depths for them.

Tensorflow/Keras find two most similar filters

I have a tensorflow/keras CNN. It has layers and some are Conv2D. In a given layer I want to efficiently find the two filters in the Conv2D that are most similar.
The layer.weights is a list of shape (height, width, depth) filter_count long.
I want to compare by the difference or maybe the sqrt(diff^2) between each element in (height,width,depth) then sum so the difference is a single float value.
If T1 is thelayer.weights[idx1] and T2 is thelayer.weights[idx2]
then the comparison is tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.squared_difference(T1, T2)))
I want to compare every filter to every other filter and take the 3 lowest differences. (The first one will always be zero where it T1 and T2 are the same tensor, self)
Obviously I can do nested loops but that is not functional and nifty.
Is there some built in tensorflow or keras function to do this fast and possibly in the GPU?
Its not quite clear from your description, but I assume the shape of weights is [filter_count, height,width,depth]. If filter_count is along a different axis the arguments to "reduce_sum" will have to be modified accordingly.
You can use broadcasting to parallelize this process.
differences = tf.sqrt(
This will result in a tensor of shape [filter_count, filter_count] where element differences[i, j] measure differences between filter weights i and j.
You can then filter to find the desired elements.

tf.nn.embedding_lookup - row or column?

This is a very simple question. I'm learning tensorflow and converting my numpy-written code using Tensorflow.
I have word embedding matrix defined U = [embedding_size, vocab_size] therefore each column is the embedding vector of each word.
I converted U into TF like below:
U = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([embedding_size, vocab_size], -0.1, 0.1))
So far, so good.
Now I need to look up each word's embedding for training. I assume it would be
tf.nn.embedding_lookup(U, word_index)
My question is because my embedding is a column vector, I need to look up like this U[:,x[t]] in numpy.
How does TF figure out it needs to return the row OR column by word_index?
What's the default? Row or column?
If it's a row vector, then do I need to transpose my embedding matrix?
doesn't mention this. If anyone could point me to right resource, I'd appreciate it.
If params is a single tensor, the tf.nn.embedding_lookup(params, ids) operation treats ids as the indices of rows in params. If params is a list of tensors or a partitioned variable, then ids still correspond to rows in those tensors, but the partition_strategy (either "div" or "mod") determines how the ids map to a particular row.
As Aaron suggests, it will probably be easiest to define your embedding U as having shape [vocab_size, embedding_size], so that you can use tf.nn.embedding_lookup() and related functions.
Alternatively, you can use the axis argument to tf.gather() to select columns from U:
embedding = tf.gather(U, word_index, axis=1)
U should be vocab_size x embedding_size, the transpose of what you have now.

TensorFlow: Contracting a dimension of two tensors via dot product

I have two tensors, a of rank 4 and b of rank 1. I'd like to produce aprime, of rank 3, by "contracting" the last axis of a away, by replacing it with its dot product against b. In numpy, this is as easy as np.tensordot(a, b, 1). However, I can't figure out a way to do this in Tensorflow.
How can I replace the last axis of a tensor with a value equal to that axis's dot product against another tensor (of course, of the same shape)?
I see in Wikipedia that this is called the "Tensor Inner Product" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dot_product#Tensors aka tensor contraction. It seems like this is a common operation, I'm surprised that there's no explicit support for it in Tensorflow.
I believe that this may be possible via tf.einsum; however, I have not been able to find a generalized way to do this that works for tensors of any rank (this is probably because I do not understand einsum and have been reduced to trial and error)
Aren't you just using tensor in the sense of a multidimensional array? Or in some disciplines a tensor is 3d (vector 1d, matrix 2d, etc). I haven't used tensorflow but I don't think it has much to do with tensors in that linear algebra sensor. They talk about data flow graphs. I'm not sure where the tensor part of the name comes from.
I assume you are talking about an expression like:
In [293]: A=np.tensordot(np.ones((5,4,3,2)),np.arange(2),1)
resulting in a (5,4,3) shape array. The einsum equivalent is
In [294]: B=np.einsum('ijkl,l->ijk',np.ones((5,4,3,2)),np.arange(2))
np.einsum implements Einstine Notation, as discussed here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einstein_notation. I got this link from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tensor_contraction
You seem to be talking about straight forward numpy operations, not something special in tensorflow.
I would first add 3 dimensions of size 1 to b so that it can be broadcast along the 4'th dimension of a.
b = tf.reshape(b, (1, 1, 1, -1))
Then you can multiply b and a and it will broadcast b along all of the other dimensions.
a_prime = a * b
Finally, reduce the sum along the 4'th dimension to get rid of that dimension and replace it with the dot product.
a_prime = tf.reduce_sum(a_prime, [3])
This seems like it would work (for the first tensor being of any rank):
tf.einsum('...i,i->...', x, y)

Variable length dimension in tensor

I'm trying to implement the paper "End-to-End memory networks" (http://arxiv.org/abs/1503.08895)
Each training example consists of a number of phrases, a question and then the answer. The number of sentences is variable, as is the number of words in each sentence and the question. Each word is encoded as an integer. So my input would have the form [batch size, # of sentences, # words in sentence].
Now my problem is that the second and third dimension are unknown for each mini-batch. Can I still somehow represent this input as a single tensor or do I have to use lists of tensors, so that I have a list of length batch_size, and then a sublist of length number of sentences and then for each sentence a tensor, whose size is also not known in advance, corresponding to the words encoded as integers.
Can I use this second approach or will tensorflow then not be able to backpropagate, e.g. I have an operation where I have to calculate the following sum: \sum_i tf.scalar_mul(p_i, c_i), where p_i is a scalar and c_i is an embedding vector that was previously calculated. The tensors for the p and c values are then stored in a list, so I would have to sum over the elements in the two lists in a loop. I'm assuming that tensorflow would not be able to incoorporate this loop in the computation graph, correct? I'm sceptical since theano has a special scan function that allows one to loop over input, so I'm assuming that a regular loop would cause problems in the computation graph. How does tensorflow handle this?
Moving Yaroslav's comment to an answer:
TensorFlow has tf.scan. Dimensions may also be dynamic as in Theano.