Method implementation enforcement in functional programming vs OOP - oop

I'm starting to learn F# with the wonderful site
While reading about pattern matching in the entry about four key concepts that differentiate F# from a standard imperative language, I found this sentence (emphasis mine):
These kinds of choice types can be simulated somewhat in C# by using
subclasses or interfaces, but there is no built in support in the C#
type system for this kind of exhaustive matching with error checking.
That seems strange to me, because I think we can obtain an exactly equivalent result with a method definition in an interface (or with an abstract method in an abstract class) in C#: it enforces all the inheriting classes to implement that method, in the same way that in the F# code it enforces the draw method to provide an implementation for all the "inheriting" types.
The difference is that in the functional case all the implementations are in the same method, while in the object oriented case, each implementation is encapsulated in its class... but conceptually you get the same enforcement in both cases, so I don't see any benefit in the functional approach.
Am I missing something? Can somebody clarify this for me?

The key insight is that there are two ways of modeling domain (broadly speaking).
Let's take classes and interfaces. Say you declare IShape and make Circle, Rectangle, and all others implement it. Great. What methods are you going to have on IShape? Let's say Draw. So far so good.
Now imagine you implement yourself a dozen shapes. And then, a few months later, you find yourself in need of another operation. Let's call it IsEmpty. What do you do? You add IsEmpty to IShape, and then you go into each of the dozen classes and add IsEmpty to them. A bit of a hassle, but ok, you can do it.
A few months down the road you want to add another operation. Then another. And another. You get tired of this pretty quickly, but that's still fine, you grit your teeth, but you do it.
But then there's the next problem: somebody else who is using your library wants to add an operation of their own. What do they do? They can't modify the IShape interface, it's in your library. They can ask you to do it and republish the library (not very efficient, is it?). Or they can implement the operation in terms of if + is - i.e. if (shape is Circle) { ... } else if (shape is Rectangle) { ... }, and so on. But then they hit the very difficulty described in the article you linked - the compiler won't protect them from missing a shape!
On the other hand, take discriminated unions. You describe the union, and then add operations all you want, left and right. Every operation handles all cases within itself (and the compiler verifies that all cases are indeed handled), and you can even add new operations in other projects that reference your library without modifying the original code. Total nirvana!
But then, a few months down the road, you find out that you need another case - say Triangle. You can, of course, add this case to the type, but then you'd have to go and add handling for it in every single operation. Even worse: those people who are using your library - their code will break when they get the latest version, and they will have to modify their additional operations as well. Tedious!
So it seems that there are two different mutually exclusive ways:
Either you make it easy to add new cases, but hard to add new operations (aka "open world" model).
Or you make it easy to add new operations, but hard to add new cases (aka "closed world" model).
This is a well known problem in language design. So well known it has its own name - the "Expression Problem". There are actually languages that let you have your cake and eat it, too - Haskell has type classes, Clojure has protocols, Rust has traits, etc. Neither of the solutions that I've seen are elegant enough in practice, to the point of getting one to wonder whether solving the expression problem is even worth it.
F# does not solve this problem[1] - you can't have both ways at the same time. However, F# at least supports both ways separately: classes+interfaces for "open world", discriminated unions for "closed world". C#, on the other hand, supports only "open world".
More importantly, it turns out that in real programs "closed world" modeling is far more useful than "open world". Programs modeled this way turn out to be far more understandable, less buggy, more concise. "Open world" models usually come in useful when you expect your program to be extended after it's written, by somebody you don't necessarily know - aka "plugins". This situation does happen, but not that often.
[1] if you don't count shenannigans with statically resolved type parameters, which don't reliably work in all circumstances anyway

So, conceptually, we are talking about two quite different approaches for modelling a domain.
Consider the functional approach that we see described in the article:
type Shape = // define a "union" of alternative structures
| Circle of radius:int
| Rectangle of height:int * width:int
| Point of x:int * y:int
| Polygon of pointList:(int * int) list
let draw shape = // define a function "draw" with a shape param
match shape with
| Circle radius ->
printfn "The circle has a radius of %d" radius
| Rectangle (height,width) ->
printfn "The rectangle is %d high by %d wide" height width
| Polygon points ->
printfn "The polygon is made of these points %A" points
| _ -> printfn "I don't recognize this shape"
The key point here is that Shape defines that there are four possible options: Circle, Rectangle, Polygon and Point.
I cannot invent a new union case somewhere else in my program, Shape is strictly defined to be one of these options and, when pattern matching, the compiler can check I haven't missed one.
If I use a C# style model:
interface IShape {}
class Circle : IShape {}
class Rectangle : IShape {}
class Point : IShape {}
class Polygon : IShape {}
The possible types are unbounded. In one or more other files, I can simply define some more if I feel like it:
class Triangle : IShape {}
class Pentagon : IShape {}
class Hexagon : IShape {}
You can never know how many IShapes there might be in existence.
This is not true of the F# Shape we defined above. It has four options and only four.
The discriminated union model is actually very very powerful because often, when we're modelling a domain in software, the possible states in that domain are actually a relatively small and succinct set of options.
Let's take another example from the F# for Fun and Profit site of a Shopping cart:
type ShoppingCart =
| EmptyCart
| ActiveCart of unpaidItems : string list
| PaidCart of paidItems : string list * payment: float
If I model my cart in this way, I'm vastly reducing the scope for possible invalid states because my cart can be in one of these three states and no others.
Interfaces and classes will let you model exactly the same states but they will not prevent you from also creating an arbitrary number of additional states that are completely meaningless and irrelevant to your domain.


How does polymorphism make my code more flexible?

I am reading Head First Object Oriented Design to get a better understanding of OOP concepts.
Polymorphism is explained as:
Airplane plane = new Airplane();
Airplane plane = new Jet();
Airplane plane = new Rocket();
You can write code that works on the superclass, like an airplane, but will work with any of the subclasses. :- * Hmmm.. ..I got this one.*.
It further explains:
-> So how does polymorphism makes code flexible?
Well, if you need new functionality, you could write a new subclass of
AirPlane. But since your code uses the superclass, your new class will work
without any changes to the rest of your code.
Now I am not getting it. I need to create a sublass of an airplane. For example: I create a class, Randomflyer. To use it I will have to create its object. So I will use:
Airplane plane = new Randomflyer();
I am not getting it. Even I would have created an object of a subclasses directly. Still I don't see a need to change my code anywhere when I will add a new subclass. How does using a superclass save me from making extra changes to the rest of my code?
Say you have the following (simplified):
Airplane plane = new MyAirplane();
Then you do all sorts of things with it:
List<Airplane> formation = ...
// superclass is important especially if working with collections
// ...
// ... insert some other thousand lines of code that use plane
Thing is. When you suddenly decide to change your plane to
Airplane plane = new PterdodactylSuperJet();
all your other code I wrote above will just work (differently, of course) because the other code relies on the interface (read:public methods) provided by the general Airplane class, and not from the actual implementation you provide at the beginning. In this way, you can pass on different implementations without altering your other code.
If you hadn't used an Airplane superclass and just written MyAirplane and PterdodactylSuperJet in the sense that you replace
MyAriplane plane = new MyAirplane();
PterdodactylSuperJet plane = new PterdodactylSuperJet();
then you have a point: the rest of your code may still work. But that just happens to work, because you wrote the same interface (public methods) in both classes, on purpose. Should you (or some other dev) change the interface in one class, moving back and forth between airplane classes will render your code unusable.
By on purpose I mean that you specifically implement methods with the same signatures in both MyAirplane and PterodactylSuperJet in order for your code to run correctly with both. If you or someone else change the interface of one class, your flexibility is broken.
Example. Say you don't have the Airplane superclass and another unsuspecting dev modifies the method
public void flyStraight()
in MyAirplane to
public void flyStraight (int speed)
and assume your plane variable is of type MyAirplane. Then the big code would need some modifications; assume that's needed anyway. Thing is, if you move back to a PterodactylSuperJet (e.g. to test it, compare it, a plethora of reasons), your code won't run. Whygodwhy. Because you need to provide PterodactylSuperJet with the method flyStraight(int speed) you didn't write. You can do that, you can repair, that's alright.
That's an easy scenario. But what if
This problem bites you in the ass a year after the innocent modification? You might even forget why you did that in the first place.
Not one, but a ton of modificatios had occurred that you can't keep track of? Even if you can keep track, you need to get the new class up to speed. Almost never easy and definitely never pleasant.
Instead of two plane classes you have a hundred?
Any linear (or not) combination of the above?
If you had written an Airplane superclass and made each subclass override its relevant methods, then by changing flyStraight() to flyStraight(int) in Airplane you would be compelled to adapt all subclasses accordingly, thus keeping consistency. Flexibility will therefore not be altered.
End edit
That's why a superclass stays as some kind of "daddy" in the sense that if someone modifies its interface, all subclasses will follow, hence your code will be more flexible.
A very simple use-case to demonstrate the benefit of polymorphism is batch processing of a list of objects without really bothering about its type (i.e. delegating this responsibility to each concrete type). This helps performing abstract operations consistently on a collection of objects.
Let's say you want to implement a simulated flight program, where you would want to fly each and every type of plane that's present in your list. You simply call
for (AirPlane p : airPlanes) {;
Each plane knows how to fly itself and you don't need to bother about the type of the planes while making this call. This uniformity in the behaviour of the objects is what polymorphism gives you.
Other people have more fully addressed your questions about polymorphism in general, but I want to respond to one specific piece:
I am not getting it, even I would have create an object of subclasses
This is actually a big deal, and people go to a lot of effort to avoid doing this. If you crack open something like the Gang of Four, there are a bunch of patterns dedicated to avoiding just this issue.
The main approach is called the Factory pattern. That looks something like this:
AirplaneFactory factory = new AirplaneFactory();
Airplane planeOne = factory.buildAirplane();
Airplane planeTwo = factory.buildJet();
Airplane planeThree = factory.buildRocket();
This gives you more flexibility by abstracting away the instantiation of the object. You might imagine a situation like this: your company starts off primarily building Jets, so your factory has a buildDefault() method that looks like:
public Airplane buildDefault() {
return new Jet();
One day, your boss comes up to you and tells you that the business has changed. What people really want these days are Rockets -- Jets are a thing of the past.
Without the AirplaneFactory, you'd have to go through your code and replace possibly dozens of calls to new Jet() with new Rocket(). With the Factory pattern, you can just make a change like:
public Airplane buildDefault() {
return new Rocket();
and so the scope of the change is dramatically reduced. And since you've been coding to the interface Airplane rather than the concrete type Jet or Rocket, this is the only change you need to make.
Suppose you have methods in your Controller class of Planes like
parkPlane(Airplane plane)
servicePlane(Airplane plane)
implemented in your program. It will not BREAK your code.
I mean, it need not to change as long as it accepts arguments as AirPlane.
Because it will accept any Airplane despite of actual type, flyer, highflyr, fighter, etc.
Also, in a collection:
List<Airplane> plane; // Will take all your planes.
The following example will clear your understanding.
interface Airplane{
Now your have a fighter plane that implements it, so
public class Fighter implements Airplane {
public void parkPlane(){
// Specific implementations for fighter plane to park
public void servicePlane(){
// Specific implementatoins for fighter plane to service.
The same thing for HighFlyer and other clasess:
public class HighFlyer implements Airplane {
public void parkPlane(){
// Specific implementations for HighFlyer plane to park
public void servicePlane(){
// specific implementatoins for HighFlyer plane to service.
Now think your controller classes using AirPlane several times,
Suppose your Controller class is AirPort like below,
public Class AirPort{
AirPlane plane;
public AirPlane getAirPlane() {
return airPlane;
public void setAirPlane(AirPlane airPlane) {
this.airPlane = airPlane;
here magic comes as Polymorphism makes your code more flexible because,
you may make your new AirPlane type instances as many as you want and you are not changing
code of AirPort class.
you can set AirPlane instance as you like (Thats called dependency Intection too)..
JumboJetPlane // implementing AirPlane interface.
AirBus // implementing AirPlane interface.
Now think of If you create new type of plane, or you remove any type of Plane does it make difference to your AirPort?
No, Because we can say the The AirPort class refers the AirPlane polymorphically.
As far as I understand, the advantage is that, for example, in a airplane combat game, you have to update all airplanes' positions at every loop, but you have several different airplanes. Let's say you have:
Waco 10
Mitsubishi Zero
Eclipse 500
You don't want to have to update their movements and positions in separate like this:
Mig21 mig = new Mig21();
Waco waco = new Waco();
Mitsubishi mit = new Mitsubishi();
You want to have a superclass that can take any of this subclasses (Airplane) and update all in a loop:
airplaneList.append(new Mig21());
airplaneList.append(new Waco());
airplaneList.append(new Mitsubishi());
for(Airplane airplane : airplanesList)
This makes your code a lot simpler.
You are completely correct that sub-classes are only useful to those who instantiate them. This was summed up well by Rich Hickey:
...any new class is itself an island; unusable by any existing code written by anyone, anywhere. So consider throwing the baby out with the bath water.
It is still possible to use an object which has been instantiated somewhere else. As a trivial example of this, any method which accepts an argument of type "Object" will probably be given an instance of a sub-class.
There is another problem though, which is much more subtle. In general a sub-class (like Jet) will not work in place of a parent class (like Airplane). Assuming that sub-classes are interchangable with parent classes is the cause of a huge number of bugs.
This property of interchangability is known as the Liskov Substitution Principle, and was originally formulated as:
Let q(x) be a property provable about objects x of type T. Then q(y) should be provable for objects y of type S where S is a subtype of T.
In the context of your example, T is the Airplane class, S is the Jet class, x are the Airplane instances and y are the Jet instances.
The "properties" q are the the results of the instances' methods, the contents of their properties, the results of passing them to other operators or methods, etc. We can think of "provable" as meaning "observable"; ie. it doesn't matter if two objects are implemented differently, if there is no difference in their results. Likewise it doesn't matter if two objects will behave differently after an infinite loop, since that code can never be reached.
Defining Jet as a sub-class of Airplane is a trivial matter of syntax: Jet's declaration must contain the extends Airplane tokens and there mustn't be a final token in the declaration of Airplane. It is trivial for the compiler to check that objects obey the rules of sub-classing. However, this doesn't tell us whether Jet is a sub-type of Airplane; ie. whether a Jet can be used in place of an Airplane. Java will allow it, but that doesn't mean it will work.
One way we can make Jet a sub-type of Airplane is to have Jet be an empty class; all of its behaviour comes from Airplane. However, even this trivial solution is problematic: an Airplane and a trivial Jet will behave differently when passed to the instanceof operator. Hence we need to inspect all of the code which uses Airplane to make sure that there are no instanceof calls. Of course, this goes completely against the ideas of encapsulation and modularity; there's no way we can inspect code which may not even exist yet!
Normally we want to sub-class in order to do something differently to the superclass. In this case, we have to make sure that none of these differences is observable to any code using Airplane. This is even more difficult than syntactically checking for instanceof; we need to know what all of that code does.
That's impossible due to Rice's Theorem, hence there's no way to check sub-typing automatically, and hence the amount of bugs it causes.
For these reasons, many see sub-class polymorphism as an anti-pattern. There are other forms of polymorphism which don't suffer these problems though, for example "parameteric polymorphism" (referred to as "generics" in Java).
Liskov Substitution Principle
Comparison between sub-classing and sub-typing
Parameteric polymorphism
Arguments against sub-classing
Rice's theorem
One good example of when polymorphism is useful:
Let us say you have abstract class Animal, which defines methods and such common to all animals, such as makeNoise()
You then could extend it with subclasses such as Dog, Cat, Tiger.
Each of these animals overrides the methods of the abstract class, such as makeNoise(), to make these behaviors specific to their class. This is good because obiously each animal makes a different noise.
Here is one example where polymorphism is a great thing: collections.
Lets say I have an ArrayList<Animal> animals, and it is full of several different animals.
Polymorphism makes this code possible:
for(Animal a: animals)
Because we know that each subclass has a makeNoise() method, we can trust that this will cause each animal object to call their specific version of makeNoise()
(e.g. the dog barks, the cat meows, the cow moos, all without you ever even having to worry about which animal does what.)
Another advantage is apparent when working with a team on a project. Let's say another developer added several new animals without ever telling you, and you have a collection of animals which now has some of these new animal types (which you dont even know exist!). You can still call the makeNoise() method (or any other method in the animal superclass) and trust that each type of animal will know what to do.
The nice thing about this animal superclass is that you can a extend a superclass and make as many new animal types as you want, without changing ANYTHING in the superclass, or breaking any code.
Remember the golden rule of polymorphism. You can use a subclass anywhere a superclass type object is expected.
For example:
Animal animal = new Dog;
It takes a while to learn to think polymorphically, but once you learn your code will improve a lot.
Polymorphism stems from inheritance. The whole idea is that you have a general base class and more specific derived classes. You can then write code that works with the base class... and polymorphims makes your code not only work with the base class, but all derived classes.
If you decide to have your super class have a method, say getPlaneEngineType(), and you make a new child class "Jet which inherits from Plane". Plane jet = new Jet() will/can still access the superclass's getPlaneEngineType. While you could still write your own getJetEngineType() to basically override the superclass's method with a super call, This means you can write code that will work with ANY "plane", not just with Plane or Jet or BigFlyer.
I don't think that's a good example, since it appears to confuse ontology and polymorphism.
You have to ask yourself, what aspect of the behaviour of a 'Jet' is different from an 'Airplane' that would justify complicating the software to model it with a different sub-type? The book's preview cuts off after one page into the example, but there doesn't seem any rationale to the design. Always ask yourself if there is a difference in behaviour rather than just adding classes to categorise things - usually that's better done with a property value or composing strategies than with sub-classes.
An example (simplified from a major project I lead in the early noughties) would be that an Aeroplane is final but has various properties of abstract types, one of which is the engine. There are various ways of calculating the thrust and fuel use of an engine - for fast jets bi-cubic interpolation table of values of thrust and fuel rate against Mach and throttle (and pressure and humidity sometimes), for Rockets the table method but does not require compensation for stalling the air at the engine intake; for props a simpler parametrised 'bootstrap' equation can be used. So you would have three classes of AbstractAeroEngine - JetEngine, RocketEngine and BootstrapEngine which would have implementations of methods which returned thrust and fuel use rate given a throttle setting and the current Mach number. (you should almost never sub-type a non-abstract type)
Note that the differences between the types of AbstractAeroEngine, although related to the different real world engines, are entirely differences in the how the software calculates the engine's thrust and fuel use - you are not constructing an ontology of classes which describe a view of the real world, but specialising the operations performed in the software to suit specific use cases.
How does using a superclass save me from making extra changes to rest of my code?
As all your engine calculations are polymorphic, it means that when you create an aeroplane, you can bolt on whatever engine thrust calculation suits it. If you find you have to cater for another method of calculating the thrust (as we did, several times) then you can add another sub-type of AeroEngine - as long as the implementation it supplies provides the trust and fuel rate, then the rest of the system doesn't care about the internal differences - the AeroPlane class will still ask its engine for the thrust. The aeroplane only cares that it has an engine which it can use the same way as any other engine, only the creation code has to know the type of the engine to bolt onto it, and the implementation of ScramJetEngine only cares about supersonic jet calculations - the parts of AeroPlane which calculate lift and drag, and the strategy for flying it don't have to change.
Polymorphism is powerful given that when there's a need to change a behavior you can change it by overriding a method.
Your superclass inherits its properties and behaviors to your subclasses extended by it. Thus it is safe to implicitly cast an object whose type is also from its superclass. Those common methods to your subclasses make them useful to implement an API. With that, polymorphism gives you the ability to extend a functionality of your code.
Polymorphism gains properties and all behaviors and interfaces of the super class. So is the behavior of a plane really the same as a jet?

Should I make one abstract class with many derived classes or just one general class?

C++ Should I make one abstract class with many derived classes or just one general class?
Classic example is the abstract Shape object with derived classes Square and Triangle that hold specific geometry and functions.
Why don't I just make one general class called Shape that includes a more general geometry data member to hold a dynamic amount of points that could either be a square or a triangle?
Functions could take some parameter indicating what type of shape it was e.g. Shape.process("square"); instead of something like Square.process();
Is my question clear? Is this purely a stylistic choice?
You should avoid creating "god" classes that do a bunch of stuff. What if you will have to implement a lot of shapes? A class should have only one responsibility, should be open for extension and closed for modifications. Check the class design principles or the SOLID principles of design. You should avoid complicated design and big classes that have multiple responsibilities just because at a moment it will become a pain to maintain them or add extra functionality. Unit testing will also be something more easy to do with a good design.
You cannot get an answer to this type of question in general. It is going to depend on the situation and requirements for whatever problem you are attempting to solve. In some cases, it will make sense to have an interface with derived classes. In others, it will make sense to have a generalized class. Without knowing the requirements for the problem, you will get no real answer.
It really depends on what you need the Shape for. For example if you are just drawing it, then yeah a general Shape class that just draws line from point to point would be perfect (for polygons anyway). But what if you wanted to calculate the area. It would probably be easier to have a Square and Triangle class where the getArea() function uses the appropriate area formula. There is no hard and fast rule it simply depends on what you need them for

Theory behind object oriented programming

Alonzo Church's lambda calculus is the mathematical theory behind functional languages. Has object oriented programming some formal theory ?
Object Orientation comes from psychology not math.
If you think about it, it resembles more how humans work than how computers work.
We think in objects that we class-ify. For instance this table is a seating furniture.
Take Jean Piaget (1896-1980), who worked on a theory of children's cognitive development.
Wikipedia says:
Piaget also had a considerable effect in the field of computer science and artificial intelligence.
Some cognitive concepts he discovered (that imply to the Object Orientation concept):
Classification The ability to group objects together on the basis of common features.
Class Inclusion The understanding, more advanced than simple classification, that some classes or sets of objects are also sub-sets of a larger class. (E.g. there is a class of objects called dogs. There is also a class called animals. But all dogs are also animals, so the class of animals includes that of dogs)
Read more: Piaget's developmental theory
OOP is a bit of a mixed bag of features that various languages implement in slightly different ways. There is no single formal definition of OOP but a number of people have tried to describe OOP based on the common features of languages that claim to be object oriented. From Wikipedia:
Benjamin Cuire Pierce and some other researchers view as futile any attempt to distill OOP to a minimal set of features. He nonetheless identifies fundamental features that support the OOP programming style in most object-oriented languages:
Dynamic dispatch – when a method is invoked on an object, the object itself determines what code gets executed by looking up the method at run time in a table associated with the object. This feature distinguishes an object from an abstract data type (or module), which has a fixed (static) implementation of the operations for all instances. It is a programming methodology that gives modular component development while at the same time being very efficient.
Encapsulation (or multi-methods, in which case the state is kept separate)
Subtype polymorphism
object inheritance (or delegation)
Open recursion – a special variable (syntactically it may be a keyword), usually called this or self, that allows a method body to invoke another method body of the same object. This variable is late-bound; it allows a method defined in one class to invoke another method that is defined later, in some subclass thereof.
Abadi and Cardelli have written A Theory Of Objects, you might want to look into that. Another exposition is given the venerable TAPL (IIRC, they approach objects as recursive records in a typed lambda calculus). I don't really know much about this stuff.
One formal definition I've run into for strongly defining and constraining subtyping is the Liskov Substitution Principle. It is certainly not all of object-oriented programming, but yet it might serve as a link into the formal foundations in development.
I'd check out wikipedia's page on OO It's got the principles and fundamentals and history.
My understanding is that it was an evolutionary progression of features and ideas in a variety of languages that finally came together with the push in the 90's for GUI's going mainstream. But i could be horribly wrong :-D
Edit: What's even more interesting is that people still argue about "what makes an OO language OO"..i'm not sure the feature set is even generally agreed upon that defines an OO language.
The history (simplified) goes that way :
First came the spagetti code.
Then came the procedural code (Like C and Pascal).
Then came modular code (Like in modula).
Then came the object oriented code (Like in smalltalk).
Whats the porpuse of object oriented programming ?
You can only understand if you recall history.
At first code was simply a sequence of instructions given to the computer (Literally in binary representation)
Then came the macro assemblers. With mneomonics for instructions.
Then people detected that sometimes you have code that is repeated around.
So they created GOTO. But GOTO (Or branch or jump etc) cannot return back to where it was called, and cannot give direct return values, nor can accept formal parameters (You had to use global variables).
Against the first problem, people created subroutines (GOSUB-like). Groups of instructions that could be called repeatedly and return to where it was called.
Then people detected that routines would be more usefull if they had parameters and could return values.
For this they created functions, procedures and calling conventions. Those abstractions where called on top of an abstraction called the stack.
The stack allows formal parameters, return values and something called recursion (direct or indirect).
With the stack and the ability for a function to be called arbitrarely (even indirectly), came the procedural programming, solving the GOTO problem.
But then came the large projects, and the necessity to group procedures into logical entities (modules).
Thats where you will understand why object oriented programming evolved.
When you have a module, you have module local variables.
Think about this :
Module MyScreenModule;
Var X, Y : Integer;
Procedure SetX(value : Integer);
Procedure SetY(value : Integer);
End Module.
There are X and Y variables that are local to that module. In that example, X and Y holds the position of the cursor. But lets suppose your computer has more than one screen. So what can we do now ? X and Y alone arent able to hold the X and Y values of all screens you have. You need a way to INSTANTIATE that information. Thats where the jump from modular programming goes to object oriented programming.
In a non object oriented language you would usually do :
Var Screens : Array of Record X, Y : Integer End;
And then pass a index value to each module call :
Procedure SetX(ScreenID : Integer; X : Integer);
Procedure SetY(ScreenID : Integer; Y : Integer);
Here screenid refers to wich of the multiple screens that you are talking about.
Object oriented inverts the relationship. Instead of a module with multiple data instances (Effectively what screenid does here), you make the data the first class citizen and attach code to it, like this :
Class MyScreenModule;
Field X, Y : Integer;
Procedure SetX(value : Integer);
Procedure SetY(value : Integer);
End Class.
Its almost same thing as a module !
Now you instantiate it by providing a implicit pointer to a instance, like :
ScreenNumber1 := New MyScreenModule;
And then proceed to use it :
You effectively turned your modular programming into a multi-instance programming where the variable holding the module pointer itself differentiates each instance. Gotcha ?
Its an evolution of the abstraction.
So now you have multiple-instances, whats the next level ?
Polymorphism. Etc. The rest is pretty standard object oriented lessons.
Whats the point ? The point is that object oriented (like procedures, like subroutines etc) did not evolve from a theoretical standpoint but from the praxys of many coders working around decades. Its a evolution of computer programming, a continual evolution.
IMO a good example of what makes a successful OO language could be found by comparing the similarities between JAVA and C#. Both are extremely popular and very similar. Though I think the general idea of a minimum OO language can be found by looking at Simula67. I believe the general idea behind Object Oriented programming to be that it makes it seem like the computer thinks more like a human, this is supported by things like inheritance (both class "mountain bike" and "road bike" belong to parent class "bicycle", and have the same basic features). Another important idea is that objects (which can be executable lines of code) can be passed around like variables, effectively allowing the program to edit itself based on certain criteria (although this point is highly arguable, I cite the ability to change every instance of an object based on one comparison). Another point to make is modularity. As entire programs could effectively be passed around like a variable (because everything is treated as an object), it becomes easier to modify large programs, by simply modifying the class or method being called, and never having to modify the main method. Because of this, expanding the functionality of a program can become much simpler. This is why web businesses love languages like C# and JAVA (which are full fledged OO). Gaming companies like C++ because it gives them some of the control of an imperative language (like C) and some of the features of object orientation (like C# or JAVA).
Object-oriented is a bit of a misnomer and I don't really think classes or type systems have much to do with OO programming. Alan Kay's inspiration was biological and what's really going on that matters is communication. A better name would be message-oriented programming. There is plenty of theory about messaging, for example Pi calculus and the actor model both have rigorous mathematical descriptions. And that is really just the tip of the iceberg.
What about Petri nets? Object might be a place, a composition an arc, messages tokens. I have not though about it very thoroughly, so there might be some flaws I am not aware of, but you can investigate - there is a lot of theoretical works related to Petri nets.
I found this, for example:
Readable PDF:
In 2000 in my degree thesys I proposed this model; very shortly:
y + 1 = f(u, x)
x + 1 = g(u, x)
u: input
y: output
x: state
f: output function
g: state function
Formally it's very similar to finite state machine, but the difference is that U, Y, S are set not finite, but infinite (numerable) and f and g are Touring Machine (TM).
f and g togheter form a class; if we add an initial state x0 we have an object. So OOP in something more than a TM a TM is a specific case of OOP. Note that the state x is of a different level than the state "inside" the TM. Inside the TM there are not side effect, the x state count for side effect.

Act on base or subclass without RTTI or base class modification

I asked a similar question yesterday that was specific to a technology, but now I find myself wondering about the topic in the broad sense.
For simplicity's sake, we have two classes, A and B, where B is derived from A. B truly "is a" A, and all of the routines defined in A have the same meaning in B.
Let's say we want to display a list of As, some of which are actually Bs. As we traverse our list of As, if the current object is actually a B, we want to display some of Bs additional properties....or maybe we just want to color the Bs differently, but neither A nor B have any notion of "color" or "display stuff".
Make the A class semi-aware of B by basically including a method called isB() in A that returns false. B will override the method and return true. Display code would have a check like: if (currentA.isB()) B b = currentA;
Provide a display() method in A that B can override.... but then we start merging the UI and the model. I won't consider this unless there is some cool trick I'm not seeing.
Use instanceof to check if the current A object to be displayed is really a B.
Just add all the junk from B to A, even though it doesn't apply to A. Basically just contain a B (that does not inherit from A) in A and set it to null until it applies. This is somewhat attractive. This is similar to #1 I guess w/ composition over inheritance.
It seems like this particular problem should come up from time to time and have an obvious solution.
So I guess the question maybe really boils down to:
If I have a subclass that extends a base class by adding additional functionality (not just changing the existing behavior of the base class), am I doing something tragically wrong? It all seems to instantly fall apart as soon as we try to act on a collection of objects that may be A or B.
A variant of option 2 (or hybrid of 1 and 2) may make sense: after all, polymorphism is the standard solution to "Bs are As but need to behave differently in situation X." Agreed, a display() method would probably tie the model to the UI too closely, but presumably the different renderings you want at the UI level reflect semantic or behavioural differences at the model level. Could those be captured in a method? For example, instead of an outright getDisplayColour() method, could it be a getPriority() (for example) method, to which A and B return different values but it is still up to the UI to decide how to translate that into a colour?
Given your more general question, however, of "how can we handle additional behaviour that we can't or won't allow to be accessed polymorphically via the base class," for example if the base class isn't under our control, your options are probably option 3, the Visitor pattern or a helper class. In both cases you are effectively farming out the polymorphism to an external entity -- in option 3, the UI (e.g. the presenter or controller), which performs an instanceOf check and does different things depending on whether it's a B or not; in Visitor or the helper case, the new class. Given your example, Visitor is probably overkill (also, if you were not able/willing to change the base class to accommodate it, it wouldn't be possible to implement it I think), so I'd suggest a simple class called something like "renderer":
public abstract class Renderer {
public static Renderer Create(A obj) {
if (obj instanceOf B)
return new BRenderer();
return new ARenderer();
public abstract Color getColor();
// implementations of ARenderer and BRenderer per your UI logic
This encapsulates the run-time type checking and bundles the code up into reasonably well-defined classes with clear responsibilities, without the conceptual overhead of Visitor. (Per GrizzlyNyo's answer, though, if your hierarchy or function set is more complex than what you've shown here, Visitor could well be more appropriate, but many people find Visitor hard to get their heads around and I would tend to avoid it for simple situations -- but your mileage may vary.)
The answer given by itowlson covers pretty well most part of the question. I will now deal with the very last paragraph as simply as I can.
Inheritance should be implemented for reuse, for your derived class to be reused in old code, not for your class reusing parts of the base class (you can use aggregation for that).
From that standpoint, if you have a class that is to be used on new code with some new functionality, but should be used transparently as a former class, then inheritance is your solution. New code can use the new functionality and old code will seamlessly use your new objects.
While this is the general intention, there are some common pitfals, the line here is subtle and your question is about precisely that line. If you have a collection of objects of type base, that should be because those objects are meant to be used only with base's methods. They are 'bases', behave like bases.
Using techniques as 'instanceof' or downcasts (dynamic_cast<>() in C++) to detect the real runtime type is something that I would flag in a code review and only accept after having the programmer explain to great detail why any other option is worse than that solution. I would accept it, for example, in itowlson's answer under the premises that the information is not available with the given operations in base. That is, the base type does not have any method that would offer enough information for the caller to determine the color. And if it does not make sense to include such operation: besides the prepresentation color, are you going to perform any operation on the objects based on that same information? If logic depends on the real type, then the operation should be in base class to be overriden in derived classes. If that is not possible (the operation is new and only for some given subtypes) there should at least be an operation in the base to allow the caller to determine that a downcast will not fail. And then again, I would really require a sound reason for the caller code to require knowledge of the real type. Why does the user want to see it in different colors? Will the user perform different operations on each one of the types?
If you endup requiring to use code to bypass the type system, your design has a strange smell to it. Of course, never say never, but you can surely say: avoid depending on instanceof or downcasts for logic.
This looks like text book case for the Visitor design pattern (also known as "Double Dispatch").
See this answer for link to a thorough explanation on the Visitor and Composite patterns.

Is Inheritance really needed?

I must confess I'm somewhat of an OOP skeptic. Bad pedagogical and laboral experiences with object orientation didn't help. So I converted into a fervent believer in Visual Basic (the classic one!).
Then one day I found out C++ had changed and now had the STL and templates. I really liked that! Made the language useful. Then another day MS decided to apply facial surgery to VB, and I really hated the end result for the gratuitous changes (using "end while" instead of "wend" will make me into a better developer? Why not drop "next" for "end for", too? Why force the getter alongside the setter? Etc.) plus so much Java features which I found useless (inheritance, for instance, and the concept of a hierarchical framework).
And now, several years afterwards, I find myself asking this philosophical question: Is inheritance really needed?
The gang-of-four say we should favor object composition over inheritance. And after thinking of it, I cannot find something you can do with inheritance you cannot do with object aggregation plus interfaces. So I'm wondering, why do we even have it in the first place?
Any ideas? I'd love to see an example of where inheritance would be definitely needed, or where using inheritance instead of composition+interfaces can lead to a simpler and easier to modify design. In former jobs I've found if you need to change the base class, you need to modify also almost all the derived classes for they depended on the behaviour of parent. And if you make the base class' methods virtual... then not much code sharing takes place :(
Else, when I finally create my own programming language (a long unfulfilled desire I've found most developers share), I'd see no point in adding inheritance to it...
Really really short answer: No. Inheritance is not needed because only byte code is truly needed. But obviously, byte code or assemble is not a practically way to write your program. OOP is not the only paradigm for programming. But, I digress.
I went to college for computer science in the early 2000s when inheritance (is a), compositions (has a), and interfaces (does a) were taught on an equal footing. Because of this, I use very little inheritance because it is often suited better by composition. This was stressed because many of the professors had seen bad code (along with what you have described) because of abuse of inheritance.
Regardless of creating a language with or without inheritances, can you create a programming language which prevents bad habits and bad design decisions?
I think asking for situations where inheritance is really needed is missing the point a bit. You can fake inheritance by using an interface and some composition. This doesnt mean inheritance is useless. You can do anything you did in VB6 in assembly code with some extra typing, that doesn't mean VB6 was useless.
I usually just start using an interface. Sometimes I notice I actually want to inherit behaviour. That usually means I need a base class. It's that simple.
Inheritance defines an "Is-A" relationship.
class Point( object ):
# some set of features: attributes, methods, etc.
class PointWithMass( Point ):
# An additional feature: mass.
Above, I've used inheritance to formally declare that PointWithMass is a Point.
There are several ways to handle object P1 being a PointWithMass as well as Point. Here are two.
Have a reference from PointWithMass object p1 to some Point object p1-friend. The p1-friend has the Point attributes. When p1 needs to engage in Point-like behavior, it needs to delegate the work to its friend.
Rely on language inheritance to assure that all features of Point are also applicable to my PointWithMass object, p1. When p1 needs to engage in Point-like behavior, it already is a Point object and can just do what needs to be done.
I'd rather not manage the extra objects floating around to assure that all superclass features are part of a subclass object. I'd rather have inheritance to be sure that each subclass is an instance of it's own class, plus is an instance of all superclasses, too.
For statically-typed languages, there's a bonus. When I rely on the language to handle this, a PointWithMass can be used anywhere a Point was expected.
For really obscure abuse of inheritance, read about C++'s strange "composition through private inheritance" quagmire. See Any sensible examples of creating inheritance without creating subtyping relations? for some further discussion on this. It conflates inheritance and composition; it doesn't seem to add clarity or precision to the resulting code; it only applies to C++.
The GoF (and many others) recommend that you only favor composition over inheritance. If you have a class with a very large API, and you only want to add a very small number of methods to it, leaving the base implementation alone, I would find it inappropriate to use composition. You'd have to re-implement all of the public methods of the encapsulated class to just return their value. This is a waste of time (programmer and CPU) when you can just inherit all of this behavior, and spend your time concentrating on new methods.
So, to answer your question, no you don't absolutely need inheritance. There are, however, many situations where it's the right design choice.
The problem with inheritance is that it conflates the issue of sub-typing (asserting an is-a relationship) and code reuse (e.g., private inheritance is for reuse only).
So, no it's an overloaded word that we don't need. I'd prefer sub-typing (using the 'implements' keyword) and import (kinda like Ruby does it in class definitions)
Inheritance lets me push off a whole bunch of bookkeeping onto the compiler because it gives me polymorphic behavior for object hierarchies that I would otherwise have to create and maintain myself. Regardless of how good a silver bullet OOP is, there will always be instances where you want to employ a certain type of behavior because it just makes sense to do. And ultimately, that's the point of OOP: it makes a certain class of problems much easier to solve.
The downsides of composition is that it may disguise the relatedness of elements and it may be harder for others to understand. With,say, a 2D Point class and the desire to extend it to higher dimensions, you would presumably have to add (at least) Z getter/setter, modify getDistance(), and maybe add a getVolume() method. So you have the Objects 101 elements: related state and behavior.
A developer with a compositional mindset would presumably have defined a getDistance(x, y) -> double method and would now define a getDistance(x, y, z) -> double method. Or, thinking generally, they might define a getDistance(lambdaGeneratingACoordinateForEveryAxis()) -> double method. Then they would probably write createTwoDimensionalPoint() and createThreeDimensionalPoint() factory methods (or perhaps createNDimensionalPoint(n) ) that would stitch together the various state and behavior.
A developer with an OO mindset would use inheritance. Same amount of complexity in the implementation of domain characteristics, less complexity in terms of initializing the object (constructor takes care of it vs. a Factory method), but not as flexible in terms of what can be initialized.
Now think about it from a comprehensibility / readability standpoint. To understand the composition, one has a large number of functions that are composed programmatically inside another function. So there's little in terms of static code 'structure' (files and keywords and so forth) that makes the relatedness of Z and distance() jump out. In the OO world, you have a great big flashing red light telling you the hierarchy. Additionally, you have an essentially universal vocabulary to discuss structure, widely known graphical notations, a natural hierarchy (at least for single inheritance), etc.
Now, on the other hand, a well-named and constructed Factory method will often make explicit more of the sometimes-obscure relationships between state and behavior, since a compositional mindset facilitates functional code (that is, code that passes state via parameters, not via this ).
In a professional environment with experienced developers, the flexibility of composition generally trumps its more abstract nature. However, one should never discount the importance of comprehensibility, especially in teams that have varying degrees of experience and/or high levels of turnover.
Inheritance is an implementation decision. Interfaces almost always represent a better design, and should usually be used in an external API.
Why write a lot of boilerplate code forwarding method calls to a composed member object when the compiler will do it for you with inheritance?
This answer to another question summarises my thinking pretty well.
Does anyone else remember all of the OO-purists going ballistic over the COM implementation of "containment" instead of "inheritance?" It achieved essentially the same thing, but with a different kind of implementation. This reminds me of your question.
I strictly try to avoid religious wars in software development. ("vi" OR "emacs" ... when everybody knows its "vi"!) I think they are a sign of small minds. Comp Sci Professors can afford to sit around and debate these things. I'm working in the real world and could care less. All of this stuff are simply attempts at giving useful solutions to real problems. If they work, people will use them. The fact that OO languages and tools have been commercially available on a wide scale for going on 20 years is a pretty good bet that they are useful to a lot of people.
There are a lot of features in a programming language that are not really needed. But they are there for a variety of reasons that all basically boil down to reusability and maintainability.
All a business cares about is producing (quality of course) cheaply and quickly.
As a developer you help do this is by becoming more efficient and productive. So you need to make sure the code you write is easily reusable and maintainable.
And, among other things, this is what inheritance gives you - the ability to reuse without reinventing the wheel, as well as the ability to easily maintain your base object without having to perform maintenance on all similar objects.
There's lots of useful usages of inheritance, and probably just as many which are less useful. One of the useful ones is the stream class.
You have a method that should be able stream data. By using the stream base class as input to the method you ensure that your method can be used to write to many kinds of streams without change. To the file system, over the network, with compression, etc.
for me, OOP is mostly about encapsulation of state and behavior and polymorphism.
and that is. but if you want static type checking, you'll need some way to group different types, so the compiler can check while still allowing you to use new types in place of another, related type. creating a hierarchy of types lets you use the same concept (classes) for types and for groups of types, so it's the most widely used form.
but there are other ways, i think the most general would be duck typing, and closely related, prototype-based OOP (which isn't inheritance in fact, but it's usually called prototype-based inheritance).
Depends on your definition of "needed". No, there is nothing that is impossible to do without inheritance, although the alternative may require more verbose code, or a major rewrite of your application.
But there are definitely cases where inheritance is useful. As you say, composition plus interfaces together cover almost all cases, but what if I want to supply a default behavior? An interface can't do that. A base class can. Sometimes, what you want to do is really just override individual methods. Not reimplement the class from scratch (as with an interface), but just change one aspect of it. or you may not want all members of the class to be overridable. Perhaps you have only one or two member methods you want the user to override, and the rest, which calls these (and performs validation and other important tasks before and after the user-overridden methods) are specified once and for all in the base class, and can not be overridden.
Inheritance is often used as a crutch by people who are too obsessed with Java's narrow definition of (and obsession with) OOP though, and in most cases I agree, it's the wrong solution, as if the deeper your class hierarchy, the better your software.
Inheritance is a good thing when the subclass really is the same kind of object as the superclass. E.g. if you're implementing the Active Record pattern, you're attempting to map a class to a table in the database, and instances of the class to a row in the database. Consequently, it is highly likely that your Active Record classes will share a common interface and implementation of methods like: what is the primary key, whether the current instance is persisted, saving the current instance, validating the current instance, executing callbacks upon validation and/or saving, deleting the current instance, running a SQL query, returning the name of the table that the class maps to, etc.
It also seems from how you phrase your question that you're assuming that inheritance is single but not multiple. If we need multiple inheritance, then we have to use interfaces plus composition to pull off the job. To put a fine point about it, Java assumes that implementation inheritance is singular and interface inheritance can be multiple. One need not go this route. E.g. C++ and Ruby permit multiple inheritance for your implementation and your interface. That said, one should use multiple inheritance with caution (i.e. keep your abstract classes virtual and/or stateless).
That said, as you note, there are too many real-life class hierarchies where the subclasses inherit from the superclass out of convenience rather than bearing a true is-a relationship. So it's unsurprising that a change in the superclass will have side-effects on the subclasses.
Not needed, but usefull.
Each language has got its own methods to write less code. OOP sometimes gets convoluted, but I think that is the responsability of the developers, the OOP platform is usefull and sharp when it is well used.
I agree with everyone else about the necessary/useful distinction.
The reason I like OOP is because it lets me write code that's cleaner and more logically organized. One of the biggest benefits comes from the ability to "factor-up" logic that's common to a number of classes. I could give you concrete examples where OOP has seriously reduced the complexity of my code, but that would be boring for you.
Suffice it to say, I heart OOP.
Absolutely needed? no,
But think of lamps. You can create a new lamp from scratch each time you make one, or you can take properties from the original lamp and make all sorts of new styles of lamp that have the same properties as the original, each with their own style.
Or you can make a new lamp from scratch or tell people to look at it a certain way to see the light, or , or, or
Not required, but nice :)
Thanks to all for your answers. I maintain my position that, strictly speaking, inheritance isn't needed, though I believe I found a new appreciation for this feature.
Something else: In my job experience, I have found inheritance leads to simpler, clearer designs when it's brought in late in the project, after it's noticed a lot of the classes have much commonality and you create a base class. In projects where a grand-schema was created from the very beginning, with a lot of classes in an inheritance hierarchy, refactoring is usually painful and dificult.
Seeing some answers mentioning something similar makes me wonder if this might not be exactly how inheritance's supposed to be used: ex post facto. Reminds me of Stepanov's quote: "you don't start with axioms, you end up with axioms after you have a bunch of related proofs". He's a mathematician, so he ought to know something.
The biggest problem with interfaces is that they cannot be changed. Make an interface public, then change it (add a new method to it) and break million applications all around the world, because they have implemented your interface, but not the new method. The app may not even start, a VM may refuse to load it.
Use a base class (not abstract) other programmers can inherit from (and override methods as needed); then add a method to it. Every app using your class will still work, this method just won't be overridden by anyone, but since you provide a base implementation, this one will be used and it may work just fine for all subclasses of your class... it may also cause strange behavior because sometimes overriding it would have been necessary, okay, might be the case, but at least all those million apps in the world will still start up!
I rather have my Java application still running after updating the JDK from 1.6 to 1.7 with some minor bugs (that can be fixed over time) than not having it running it at all (forcing an immediate fix or it will be useless to people).
//I found this QA very useful. Many have answered this right. But i wanted to add...
1: Ability to define abstract interface - E.g., for plugin developers. Of course, you can use function pointers, but this is better and simpler.
2: Inheritance helps model types very close to their actual relationships. Sometimes a lot of errors get caught at compile time, because you have the right type hierarchy. For instance, shape <-- triangle (lets say there is a lot of code to be reused). You might want to compose triangle with a shape object, but shape is an incomplete type. Inserting dummy implementations like double getArea() {return -1;} will do, but you are opening up room for error. That return -1 can get executed some day!
3: void func(B* b); ... func(new D()); Implicit type conversion gives a great notational convenience since Derived is Base. I remember having read Straustrup saying that he wanted to make classes first class citizens just like fundamental data types (hence overloading operators etc). Implicit conversion from Derived to Base, behaves just like an implicit conversion from a data type to broader compatible one (short to int).
Inheritance and Composition have their own pros and cons.
Refer to this related SE question on pros of inheritance and cons of composition.
Prefer composition over inheritance?
Have a look at the example in this documentation link:
The example shows different use cases of overriding by using inheritance as a mean to achieve polymorphism.
In the following, inheritance is used to present a particular property for all of several specific incarnations of the same type thing. In this case, the GeneralPresenation has a properties that are relevant to all "presentation" (the data passed to an MVC view). The Master Page is the only thing using it and expects a GeneralPresentation, though the specific views expect more info, tailored to their needs.
public abstract class GeneralPresentation
public GeneralPresentation()
MenuPages = new List<Page>();
public IEnumerable<Page> MenuPages { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public class IndexPresentation : GeneralPresentation
public IndexPresentation() { IndexPage = new Page(); }
public Page IndexPage { get; set; }
public class InsertPresentation : GeneralPresentation
public InsertPresentation() {
InsertPage = new Page();
ValidationInfo = new PageValidationInfo();
public PageValidationInfo ValidationInfo { get; set; }
public Page InsertPage { get; set; }