Act on base or subclass without RTTI or base class modification - oop

I asked a similar question yesterday that was specific to a technology, but now I find myself wondering about the topic in the broad sense.
For simplicity's sake, we have two classes, A and B, where B is derived from A. B truly "is a" A, and all of the routines defined in A have the same meaning in B.
Let's say we want to display a list of As, some of which are actually Bs. As we traverse our list of As, if the current object is actually a B, we want to display some of Bs additional properties....or maybe we just want to color the Bs differently, but neither A nor B have any notion of "color" or "display stuff".
Make the A class semi-aware of B by basically including a method called isB() in A that returns false. B will override the method and return true. Display code would have a check like: if (currentA.isB()) B b = currentA;
Provide a display() method in A that B can override.... but then we start merging the UI and the model. I won't consider this unless there is some cool trick I'm not seeing.
Use instanceof to check if the current A object to be displayed is really a B.
Just add all the junk from B to A, even though it doesn't apply to A. Basically just contain a B (that does not inherit from A) in A and set it to null until it applies. This is somewhat attractive. This is similar to #1 I guess w/ composition over inheritance.
It seems like this particular problem should come up from time to time and have an obvious solution.
So I guess the question maybe really boils down to:
If I have a subclass that extends a base class by adding additional functionality (not just changing the existing behavior of the base class), am I doing something tragically wrong? It all seems to instantly fall apart as soon as we try to act on a collection of objects that may be A or B.

A variant of option 2 (or hybrid of 1 and 2) may make sense: after all, polymorphism is the standard solution to "Bs are As but need to behave differently in situation X." Agreed, a display() method would probably tie the model to the UI too closely, but presumably the different renderings you want at the UI level reflect semantic or behavioural differences at the model level. Could those be captured in a method? For example, instead of an outright getDisplayColour() method, could it be a getPriority() (for example) method, to which A and B return different values but it is still up to the UI to decide how to translate that into a colour?
Given your more general question, however, of "how can we handle additional behaviour that we can't or won't allow to be accessed polymorphically via the base class," for example if the base class isn't under our control, your options are probably option 3, the Visitor pattern or a helper class. In both cases you are effectively farming out the polymorphism to an external entity -- in option 3, the UI (e.g. the presenter or controller), which performs an instanceOf check and does different things depending on whether it's a B or not; in Visitor or the helper case, the new class. Given your example, Visitor is probably overkill (also, if you were not able/willing to change the base class to accommodate it, it wouldn't be possible to implement it I think), so I'd suggest a simple class called something like "renderer":
public abstract class Renderer {
public static Renderer Create(A obj) {
if (obj instanceOf B)
return new BRenderer();
return new ARenderer();
public abstract Color getColor();
// implementations of ARenderer and BRenderer per your UI logic
This encapsulates the run-time type checking and bundles the code up into reasonably well-defined classes with clear responsibilities, without the conceptual overhead of Visitor. (Per GrizzlyNyo's answer, though, if your hierarchy or function set is more complex than what you've shown here, Visitor could well be more appropriate, but many people find Visitor hard to get their heads around and I would tend to avoid it for simple situations -- but your mileage may vary.)

The answer given by itowlson covers pretty well most part of the question. I will now deal with the very last paragraph as simply as I can.
Inheritance should be implemented for reuse, for your derived class to be reused in old code, not for your class reusing parts of the base class (you can use aggregation for that).
From that standpoint, if you have a class that is to be used on new code with some new functionality, but should be used transparently as a former class, then inheritance is your solution. New code can use the new functionality and old code will seamlessly use your new objects.
While this is the general intention, there are some common pitfals, the line here is subtle and your question is about precisely that line. If you have a collection of objects of type base, that should be because those objects are meant to be used only with base's methods. They are 'bases', behave like bases.
Using techniques as 'instanceof' or downcasts (dynamic_cast<>() in C++) to detect the real runtime type is something that I would flag in a code review and only accept after having the programmer explain to great detail why any other option is worse than that solution. I would accept it, for example, in itowlson's answer under the premises that the information is not available with the given operations in base. That is, the base type does not have any method that would offer enough information for the caller to determine the color. And if it does not make sense to include such operation: besides the prepresentation color, are you going to perform any operation on the objects based on that same information? If logic depends on the real type, then the operation should be in base class to be overriden in derived classes. If that is not possible (the operation is new and only for some given subtypes) there should at least be an operation in the base to allow the caller to determine that a downcast will not fail. And then again, I would really require a sound reason for the caller code to require knowledge of the real type. Why does the user want to see it in different colors? Will the user perform different operations on each one of the types?
If you endup requiring to use code to bypass the type system, your design has a strange smell to it. Of course, never say never, but you can surely say: avoid depending on instanceof or downcasts for logic.

This looks like text book case for the Visitor design pattern (also known as "Double Dispatch").
See this answer for link to a thorough explanation on the Visitor and Composite patterns.


Method requires specific subtype but collection is of base abstract type. What is wrong?

Recently I have fallen in a situation like this. I'm generalizing the problem because I think it relates more to the structural design than the specific problem.
General problem
There is a hierarchy of classes: an abstract base class Base and some concretions D1, D2, D3 that inherit from it. The class A contains an object's collection of type Base. A requires a computation from some service-class B but B.process() method accepts only a collection of type D1. Let's say that is important because if the input collection contains any other type the value returned is just wrong.
A have an interface that allows clients to add elements to the internal collection, which is not exposed in any other way. The classes in the hierarchy can be constructed for the same clients and pass the new values to A; A have not enough context to construct them itself.
Attempts, questions and thoughts
The major concern for me was the need to determine at runtime the type of each element in the A collection, so can filter the right ones and pass to B.process(). Even if it is possible (it is in my particular problem, more later on) it just seems wrong! I think the object who contains references to the abstract base class shouldn't have to know the concrete instances it holds.
I try to:
Change the parameter type to B.process(c: Base[]) so A doesn't have to downcast the type, but it doesn't solve anything: A still needs to filter the elements or the computation will be wrong.
Pass the complete collection Base[] to B.process() but just defer the problem of selection/downcasting to B.
Put a process() method in Base so D1 can override the behavior (well known polymorphism). The problem here is that a process() returning a SomeValue type just have sense for D1.
Separate the interface that add elements so a more specific A.addD1Element(e: D1) method could allow put D1 objects in a different collection and pass that to B. It should work but also looks... don't know, weird. If method overload based on parameter type is possible at least the process won't be so cumbersome for clients of the class.
Just separate the D1 class of the hierarchy. This is a more aggressive variation of the previous one. The issue is that D1 seems related to the whole hierarchy except for the specific requirements of B.
Those were some of my thoughts on the problem.
For instance, the language used have support to check the type of an object at runtime (instanceof) and it is easy to filter the collection based on that check. But as I say my question is more related to the paradigm. What about a language, say for instance C++, where is less handy to make a check like that?
So what could be a solution to this kind of problem? What kind of refactoring or design pattern could be applied so the problem is easy to treat with or simply fades away?
This question looks related, but I believe this is more general (although I provide a more specific context). The most upvoted answer suggest to split in different collections. This is also a think i'm considering, but that forces to change A implementation every time a new type is added.
Context (problem in action)
I'm asking in a general way because it really intrigues me on that way, but I know most of the time a design can be analyzed only with the context of the particular problem it tries to solve.
The problem at hand is similar to this:
A is a class (some kind of entity, like a DDD entity) that models a sort of agreement or debt a customer incurs for a service. It has different costs including a monthly pay. Base and related classes are Payments of different types. They share a lot in common, although most of it is data (date, amount, interests, etc); but there is at least one type of payment that have different, additional information: the monthly payment (D1). Those payments need to be analyzed carefully so a different class (B) is responsible for that, using more contextual information and all the payments of that type at once. The service needs the additional data that is specific to those payments so cannot receive an abstract Payment type (at least not in that design). Other payments doesn't have the specific information MonthlyPayment does and so they cannot generates the values that business requires and B is generating (doesn't have sense in other payment types).
All payments are stored in the same collection so other methods of the class can process all payments in a generic way.
This is mostly the context. I think the design is not the best, but I fail to see a better one.
Maybe separating only MonthlyPayment (D1) in a different collection as described earlier? But it is not the only payment that requires additional processing (it is the most complex, though), so I could end with different collections for every payment type and no hierarchy at all. Right now there are four payments types and two of them requires additional, specific analysis, but more types can be added later and the issue of need to modify the implementation every time a new type is added persists.
Is this, more discrete approach of different collections by type, a better one here? The abstract base class Payment can still be used for payments that can be manipulated trough the common interface. Also I can use a layer super type or something like that to allow reutilization of common functionality (the language allows a kind of mixing as well) and stop using the base class as root from a hierarchy.
Uf. I am sorry for the length of the text. I hope it is at least readable and clear. Thank you very much in advance.

Why are helperclasses anti pattern

A recent question here made me rethink this whole helper classes are anti pattern thing.
asawyer pointed out a few links in the comments to that question:
Helper classes is an anti-pattern.
While those links go into detail how helperclasses collide with the well known principles of oop some things are still unclear to me.
For example "Do not repeat yourself". How can you acchieve this without creating some sort of helper?
I thought you could derive a certain type and provide some features for it.
But I bellieve that isnt practical all the time.
Lets take a look at the following example,
please keep in mind I tried not to use any higher language features nor "languagespecific" stuff. So this might been ugly nested and not optimal...
//Check if the string is full of whitepsaces
bool allWhiteSpace = true;
if(input == null || input.Length == 0)
allWhiteSpace = false;
foreach(char c in input)
if( c != ' ')
allWhiteSpace = false;
Lets create a bad helper class called StringHelper, the code becomes shorter:
bool isAllWhiteSpace = StringHelper.IsAllWhiteSpace(input);
So since this isnt the only time we need to check this, i guess "Do not repeat yourself" is fullfilled here.
How do we acchieve this without a helper ? Considering that this piece of Code isn't bound to a single class?
Do we need to inherit string and call it BetterString ?
bool allWhiteSpace = better.IsAllWhiteSpace;
or do we create a class? StringChecker
StringChecker checker = new StringChecker();
bool allWhiteSpace = checker.IsAllwhiteSpace(input);
So how do we acchieve this?
Some languages (e.g. C#) allow the use of ExtensionMethods. Do they count as helperclasses aswell? I tend to prefer those over helperclasses.
Helper classes may be bad (there are always exceptions) because a well-designed OO system will have clearly understood responsibilities for each class. For example, a List is responsible for managing an ordered list of items. Some people new to OOD who discover that a class has methods to do stuff with its data sometimes ask "why doesn't List have a dispayOnGUI method (or similar such thing)?". The answer is that it is not the responsibility of List to be concerned with the GUI.
If you call a class a "Helper" it really doesn't say anything about what that class is supposed to do.
A typical scenario is that there will be some class and someone decides it is getting too big and carves it up into two smaller classes, one of which is a helper. It often isn't really clear what methods should go in the helper and what methods should stay in the original class: the responsibility of the helper is not defined.
It is hard to explain unless you are experienced with OOD, but let me show by an analogy. By the way, I find this analogy extremely powerful:
Imagine you have a large team in which there are members with different job designations: e.g, front-end developers, back-end developers, testers, analysts, project managers, support engineers, integration specialists, etc. (as you like).
Each role you can think of as a class: it has certain responsibilities and the people fulfilling those responsibilities hopefully have the necessary knowledge to execute them. These roles will interact in a similar way to classes interacting.
Now imagine it is discovered that the back-end developers find their job too complicated. You can hire more if it is simply a throughput problem, but perhaps the problem is that the task requires too much knowledge across too many domains. It is decided to split up the back-end developer role by creating a new role, and maybe hire new people to fill it.
How helpful would it be if that new job description was "Back-end developer helper"? Not very ... the applicants are likely to be given a haphazard set of tasks, they may get confused about what they are supposed to do, their co-workers may not understand what they are supposed to do.
More seriously, the knowledge of the helpers may have to be exactly the same as the original developers as we haven't really narrowed down the actual responsibilities.
So "Helper" isn't really saying anything in terms of defining what the responsibilities of the new role are. Instead, it would be better to split-off, for example, the database part of the role, so "Back-end developer" is split into "Back-end developer" and "Database layer developer".
Calling a class a helper has the same problem and the solution is the same solution. You should think more about what the responsibilities of the new class should be. Ideally, it should not just shave-off some methods, but should also take some data with it that it is responsible for managing and thereby create a solution that is genuinely simpler to understand piece by piece than the original large class, rather than simply placing the same complicated logic in two different places.
I have found in some cases that a helper class is well designed, but all it lacks is a good name. In this case, calling it "Builder" or "Formatter" or "Context" instead of "Helper" immediately makes the solution far easier to understand.
Disclaimer: the following answer is based on my own experience and I'm not making a point of right and wrong.
IMHO, Helper classes are neither good nor bad, it all depends on your business/domain logic and your software architecture.
Here's Why:
lets say that we need to implement the idea of white spaces you proposed, so first I will ask my self.
When would I need to check against white spaces?
Hence, imagine the following scenario: a blogging system with Users, Posts, Comments. Thus, I would have three Classes:
Class User{}
Class Post{}
Class Comment{}
each class would have some field that is a string type. Anyway, I would need to validate these fields so I would create something like:
Class UserValidator{}
Class PostValidator{}
Class CommentValidator{}
and I would place my validation policies in those three classes. But WAIT! all of the aforementioned classes needs a check against null or all whitespaces? Ummmm....
the best solution is to take it higher in the tree and put it in some Father class called Validator:
Class Validator{
//some code
bool function is_all_whitespaces(){}
so, if you need the function is_all_whitespaces(){} to be abstract ( with class validator being abstract too) or turn it into an interface that would be another issue and it depends on your way of thinking mostly.
back to the point in this case I would have my classes ( for the sake of giving an example ) look like:
Class UserValidator inherits Validator{}
Class PostValidator inherits Validator{}
Class CommentValidator inherits Validator{}
in this case I really don't need the helper at all. but lets say that you have a function called multiD_array_group_by_key
and you are using it in different positions, but you don't like to have it in some OOP structured place you can have in some ArrayHelper but by that you are a step behind from being fully object oriented.

"Visitor" a lot of different type of object

in one application I have a lot of dirrerent object, let´s say : square, circle, etc ... a lot of different shape ---> I´m sorry for the trivial example.
With all this object I want to create a doc of different type : xml, txt, html, etc.. (e.g.: I want to scan all the object (shapes) tree and produce the xml file.
The natural approach I thought is visitor pattern, I tried and it works :-)
- all the objects have one visit method accepting the IVisitor interface.
- I have one concrete visitor for every kind of do I want to create : (XmlVisitor, TxtVisitor, etc). Every visitor has one method "visit" for every kind of object.
My doubt is ... it doesn´t seems scaling well if I have a lot of object ...
from the logic point of view it´s ok, i have just to add the new shape and the method in the concrete Visitor, that´s all.
What do you think ? is an althernative possible ?
I think that you have correctly implemented a visitor pattern and as a result you also have implemented a double dispatching mechanism. If you consider the "not scaling well" as a need to add a bunch of methods in case of adding a new shape and/or visitor, then it is just a side effect of the pattern. Some people consider this "method explosion" as harmful and opt for a different implementation, such as having a "decision matrix" object. For this example in particular I think that the DD approach is the way to go and that actually it does scale well, since you add new methods as you add new requirements (i.e. you add new visit* methods as new shapes are added or you add a new visitor class as new document types are needed).
It seems to me that what worries you the most is that you are matching against many different kinds of objects, and worry that as more and more object types are added, the performance will suffer. I don't think you need to worry about that, though: The performance of the visitor pattern is not really affected by the potential number of objects or visitors, since it is based on virtual table lookup - the passed object will contain a link to (a link to) the method which should be called.
So the visitor pattern, though relatively expensive in indirect accesses, is scalable in this regard.
I believe you have :
A class hierarchy (Shapes in your example) and
Operations on the class hierarchy (exportXML, exportToHTML etc in your example)
You have to consider what is more likely to change -
You should choose Visitor pattern if the class hierarchy is more or less fixed but you would like to add more operations in future. Visitor pattern will allow you to add more operations (e.g. JSON export) without touching the existing class hierarchy.
OTOH if the operations are more or less fixed, but more Shape objects can be added, then you should use regular inheritance. Define a ShapeExport interface which has methods like exportToXML, exportToHTML etc. Let all Shapes implement that interface. Now you can add new Shape which implements the same interface without touching existing code.

Design question: pass the fields you use or pass the object?

I often see two conflicting strategies for method interfaces, loosely summarized as follows:
// Form 1: Pass in an object.
double calculateTaxesOwed(TaxForm f) { ... }
// Form 2: Pass in the fields you'll use.
double calculateTaxesOwed(double taxRate, double income) { ... }
// use of form 1:
TaxForm f = ...
double payment = calculateTaxesOwed(f);
// use of form 2:
TaxForm f = ...
double payment = calculateTaxesOwed(f.getTaxRate(), f.getIncome());
I've seen advocates for the second form, particularly in dynamic languages where it may be harder to evaluate what fields are being used.
However, I much prefer the first form: it's shorter, there is less room for error, and if the definition of the object changes later you won't necessarily need to update method signatures, perhaps just change how you work with the object inside the method.
Is there a compelling general case for either form? Are there clear examples of when you should use the second form over the first? Are there SOLID or other OOP principles I can point to to justify my decision to use one form over the other? Do any of the above answers change if you're using a dynamic language?
In all honesty it depends on the method in question.
If the method makes sense without the object, then the second form is easier to re-use and removes a coupling between the two classes.
If the method relies on the object then fair enough pass the object.
There is probably a good argument for a third form where you pass an interface designed to work with that method. Gives you the clarity of the first form with the flexibility of the second.
It depends on the intention of your method.
If the method is designed to work specifically with that object and only that object, pass the object. It makes for a nice encapsulation.
But, if the method is more general purpose, you will probably want to pass the parameters individually. That way, the method is more likely to be reused when the information is coming from another source (i.e. different types of objects or other derived data).
I strongly recommend the second solution - calculateTaxesOwed() calculates some data, hence needs some numerical input. The method has absolutly nothing to do with the user interface and should in turn not consum a form as input, because you want your business logic separated from your user interface.
The method performing the calculation should (usualy) not even belong to the same modul as the user interface. In this case you get a circular dependency because the user interface requires the business logic and the business logic requires the user interface form - a very strong indication that something is wrong (but could be still solved using interface based programming).
If the tax form is not a user interface form, things change a bit. In this case I suggest to expose the value using a instance method GetOwedTaxes() or instance property OwedTaxes of the TaxForm class but I would not use a static method. If the calculation can be reused elsewhere, one could still create a static helper method consuming the values, not the form, and call this helper method from within the instance method or property.
I don't think it really matters. You open yourself to side effects if you pass in the Object as it might be mutated. This might however be what you want. To mitigate this (and to aid testing) you are probably better passing the interface rather than the concrete type. The benefit is that you don't need to change the method signature if you want to access another field of the Object.
Passing all the parameters makes it clearer what the type needs, and might make it easier to test (though if you use the interface this is less of a benefit). But you will have more refactoring.
Judge each situation on its merits and pick the least painful.
Passing just the arguments can be easier to unit test, as you don't need to mock up entire objects full of data just to test functionality that is essentially just static calculation. If there are just two fields being used, of the object's many, I'd lean towards just passing those fields, all else being equal.
That said, when you end up with six, seven or more fields, it's time to consider passing either the whole object or a subset of the fields in a "payload" class (or struct/dictionary, depending on the language's style). Long method signatures are usually confusing.
The other option is to make it a class method, so you don't have to pass anything. It's less convenient to test, but worth considering when your method is only ever used on a TaxForm object's data.
I realize that this is largely an artifact of the example used and so it may not apply in many real-world cases, but, if the function is tied so strongly to a specific class, then shouldn't it be:
double payment = f.calculateTaxesOwed;
It seems more appropriate to me that a tax document would carry the responsibility itself for calculating the relevant taxes rather than having that responsibility fall onto a utility function, particularly given that different tax forms tend to use different tax tables or calculation methods.
One advantage of the first form is
Abstraction - programming to an interface rather than implementation. It makes the maintainance of your code easier in the long run becuase you may change the implementation of TaxForm without affecting the client code as long as the interface of TaxForm does not change.
This is the same as the "Introduce Parameter Object" from Martin Fowler's book on refactoring. Fowler suggests that you perform this refactoring if there are a group of parameters that tend to be passed together.
If you believe in the Law of Demeter, then you would favor passing exactly what is needed:
Separation of UI and Data to be manipulated
In your case, you are missing an intermediate class, say, TaxInfo, representing the entity to be taxed. The reason is that UI (the form) and business logic (how tax rate is calculated) are on two different "change tracks", one changes with presentation technology ("the web", "The web 2.0", "WPF", ...), the other changes with legalese. Define a clear interface between them.
General discussion, using an example:
Consider a function to create a bitmap for a business card. Is the purpose of the function
(1) // Formats a business card title from first name and last name
(2) // Formats a businnes card title from a Person record
The first option is more generic, with a weaker coupling, which is generally preferrable. However, In many cases less robust against change requests - e.g. consider "case 2017: add persons Initial to business card".
Changing the implementation (adding person.Initial) is usually easier and faster than changing the interface.
The choice is ultimately what type of changes you expect: is it more likely that more information from a Personrecord is required, or is it more likely that you want to create business card titles for other data structures than Person?
If that is "undecided", anfd you can't opf for purpose (1) or (2) I'd rather go with (2), for syntactic cleanliness.
If I was made to choose one of the two, I'd always go with the second one - what if you find that you (for whatever reason) need to caculate the taxes owed, but you dont have an instance of TaxForm?
This is a fairly trivial example, however I've seen cases where a method doing a relatively simple task had complex inputs which were difficult to create, making the method far more difficult to use than it should have been. (The author simply hadn't considered that other people might want to use that method!)
Personally, to make the code more readable, I would probbaly have both:
double calculateTaxesOwed(TaxForm f)
return calculateTaxesOwed(f.getTaxRate(), f.getIncome());
double calculateTaxesOwed(double taxRate, double income) { ... }
My rule of thumb is to wherever possible have a method that takes exactly the input it needs - its very easy to write wrapper methods.
Personally, I'll go with #2 since it's much more clear of what it is that the method need. Passing the TaxForm (if it is what I think it is, like a Windows Form) is sort of smelly and make me cringe a little (>_<).
I'd use the first variation only if you are passing a DTO specific to the calculation, like IncomeTaxCalculationInfo object which will contain the TaxRate and Income and whatever else needed to calculate the final result in the method, but never something like a Windows / Web Form.

What do you call a method of an object that changes its class?

Let's say you have a Person object and it has a method on it, promote(), that transforms it into a Captain object. What do you call this type of method/interaction?
It also feels like an inversion of:
myCaptain = new Captain(myPerson);
Edit: Thanks to all the replies. The reason I'm coming across this pattern (in Perl, but relevant anywhere) is purely for convenience. Without knowing any implementation deals, you could say the Captain class "has a" Person (I realize this may not be the best example, but be assured it isn't a subclass).
Implementation I assumed:
// this definition only matches example A
Person.promote() {
return new Captain(this)
personable = new Person;
// A. this is what i'm actually coding
myCaptain = personable.promote();
// B. this is what my original post was implying
personable.promote(); // is magically now a captain?
So, literally, it's just a convenience method for the construction of a Captain. I was merely wondering if this pattern has been seen in the wild and if it had a name. And I guess yeah, it doesn't really change the class so much as it returns a different one. But it theoretically could, since I don't really care about the original.
Ken++, I like how you point out a use case. Sometimes it really would be awesome to change something in place, in say, a memory sensitive environment.
A method of an object shouldn't change its class. You should either have a member which returns a new instance:
myCaptain = myPerson->ToCaptain();
Or use a constructor, as in your example:
myCaptain = new Captain(myPerson);
I would call it a conversion, or even a cast, depending on how you use the object. If you have a value object:
Person person;
You can use the constructor method to implicitly cast:
Captain captain = person;
(This is assuming C++.)
A simpler solution might be making rank a property of person. I don't know your data structure or requirements, but if you need to something that is trying to break the basics of a language its likely that there is a better way to do it.
You might want to consider the "State Pattern", also sometimes called the "Objects for States" pattern. It is defined in the book Design Patterns, but you could easily find a lot about it on Google.
A characteristic of the pattern is that "the object will appear to change its class."
Here are some links:
Objects for States
Pattern: State
Everybody seems to be assuming a C++/Java-like object system, possibly because of the syntax used in the question, but it is quite possible to change the class of an instance at runtime in other languages.
Lisp's CLOS allows changing the class of an instance at any time, and it's a well-defined and efficient transformation. (The terminology and structure is slightly different: methods don't "belong" to classes in CLOS.)
I've never heard a name for this specific type of transformation, though. The function which does this is simply called change-class.
Richard Gabriel seems to call it the "change-class protocol", after Kiczales' AMOP, which formalized as "protocols" many of the internals of CLOS for metaprogramming.
People wonder why you'd want to do this; I see two big advantages over simply creating a new instance:
faster: changing class can be as simple as updating a pointer, and updating any slots that differ; if the classes are very similar, this can be done with no new memory allocations
simpler: if a dozen places already have a reference to the old object, creating a new instance won't change what they point to; if you need to update each one yourself, that could add a lot of complexity for what should be a simple operation (2 words, in Lisp)
That's not to say it's always the right answer, but it's nice to have the ability to do this when you want it. "Change an instance's class" and "make a new instance that's similar to that one" are very different operations, and I like being able to say exactly what I mean.
The first interesting part would be to know: why do you want/need an object changes its class at runtime?
There are various options:
You want it to respond differently to some methods for a given state of the application.
You might want it to have new functionality that the original class don't have.
Statically typed languages such as Java and C# don't allow this to happen, because the type of the object should be know at compile time.
Other programming languages such as Python and Ruby may allow this ( I don't know for sure, but I know they can add methods at runtime )
For the first option, the answer given by Charlie Flowers is correct, using the state patterns would allow a class behave differently but the object will have the same interface.
For the second option, you would need to change the object type anyway and assign it to a new reference with the extra functionality. So you will need to create another distinct object and you'll end up with two different objects.