Can't delete module from VBA - vba

I have a problem updating certain modules. In some modules I can delete and import the modules, but on others what happens is that the module is imported first and the original deleted later which adds a 1 at the end of the module name and messes up the code.
Here's how I do it:
I have the following Excel file which I can track who needs or has updated to the new module version. When I update the module version I just type on the correct username column Not Updated. Once the user opens his MS Project it runs the following code and changes the value to Updated.
Then I run the following on Project.Activate in VBA - MS Project 2016 to check if the module needs to update.
Dim xlapp As Object
Dim xlbook As Object
Dim sHostName As String
Dim modulesList_loc As String
Dim projectVBA_loc As String
Dim modulesVBA_loc As String
projectVBA_loc = "\\sharedNetwork\Project\VBA\"
modulesVBA_loc = projectVBA_loc & "Modules\"
modulesList_loc = projectVBA_loc & "Modules Updates.xlsx"
' Get Host Name / Get Computer Name
sHostName = Environ$("username")
Set xlapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
SetAttr modulesList_loc, vbNormal
Set xlbook = xlapp.Workbooks.Open(modulesList_loc)
Dim rng_modules As Range
Dim rng_usernames As Range
Dim username As Range
Dim atualizado As Range
Dim module_name As Range
Dim lastcol As Long
Dim lastcol_letter As String
Dim linha As Integer
Dim len1 As Integer
Dim len2 As Integer
Dim module_name_short As String
Dim actualizar As Integer
With xlbook.Worksheets(1)
'Last Column
lastcol = .Cells(2, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
lastcol_letter = GetColumnLetter(lastcol, xlbook.Worksheets(1))
End With
'Usernames range
Set rng_usernames = xlbook.Worksheets(1).Range("E2:" & lastcol_letter & "2")
'Finds the correct username
Set username = rng_usernames.Find(sHostName)
Set rng_modules = xlbook.Worksheets(1).Range("A3") 'First module
Do While rng_modules.Value <> Empty
'Adds module if necessary
linha = rng_modules.Row
Set atualizado = username.Offset(linha - 2)
Set module_name = rng_modules.Offset(, 1)
If atualizado.Value = "Not Updated" Then
With ThisProject.VBProject
len1 = Len(module_name.Value)
len2 = len1 - 4
module_name_short = Left(module_name.Value, len2)
On Error Resume Next
.VBComponents.Remove .VBComponents(module_name_short)
.VBComponents.import modulesVBA_loc & module_name.Value
End With
atualizado.Value = "Updated"
End If
Set rng_modules = rng_modules.Offset(1)
xlbook.Close (True)
SetAttr modulesList_loc, vbReadOnly

Add DoEvents after the Remove method is called to give time for the Remove method to complete.
'On Error Resume Next
.VBComponents.Remove .VBComponents(module_name_short)
.VBComponents.import modulesVBA_loc & module_name.Value
If the Remove method is failing, there is likely an error occurring, but the On Error Resume Next line is hiding the error. Comment out the On Error... line and see what the error is and handle it rather than ignore it.


Object or With Variable Not Set

Option Explicit
Public Sub consolidateList()
DeleteTableRows (ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Master").ListObjects("MasterSheet"))
End Sub
Private Sub FillTableRows()
'set up worksheet objects
Dim wkSheet As Worksheet
Dim wkBook As Workbook
Dim wkBookPath As String
Set wkBook = ThisWorkbook
wkBookPath = wkBook.Path
Set wkSheet = wkBook.Worksheets("Master")
'set up file system objects
Dim oFile As Object
Dim oFSO As Object
Dim oFolder As Object
Dim oFiles As Object
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(wkBookPath)
Set oFiles = oFolder.Files
'set up loop
Dim checkBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim reportDict As Dictionary
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'initial coordinates
Dim startRow As Long
Dim startColumn As Long
startColumn = 3
Dim i As Long 'tracks within the row of the sheet where information is being pulled from
Dim k As Long 'tracks the row where data is output on
Dim j As Long 'tracks within the row of the sheet where the data is output on
Dim Key As Variant
j = 1
k = wkSheet.Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
Dim l As Long
'look t Set checkBook = Workbooks.Open(oFile.Path)hrough folder and then save it to temp memory
On Error GoTo debuger
For Each oFile In oFiles
startRow = 8
'is it not the master sheet? check for duplicate entries
' is the name of the file being scanned
'is it an excel file?
If Mid(oFile.Name, Len(oFile.Name) - 3, 4) = ".xls" Or Mid(oFile.Name, Len(oFile.Name) - 3, 4) = ".xlsx" Then
Set checkBook = Workbooks.Open(oFile.Path)
For l = startRow To 600
If Not (IsEmpty(Cells(startRow, startColumn))) Then
'if it is, time do some calculations
Set reportDict = New Dictionary
'add items of the payment
For i = 0 To 33
If Not IsEmpty(Cells(startRow, startColumn + i)) Then
reportDict.Add Cells(4, startColumn + i), Cells(startRow, startColumn + i)
End If
Next i
For i = startRow To 0 Step -1
If Not IsEmpty(Cells(i, startColumn - 1)) Then
reportDict.Add "Consumer Name", Cells(i, startColumn - 1)
Exit For
End If
Next i
'key is added
For Each Key In reportDict
'wkSheet.Cells(k, j) = reportDict.Item(Key)
Dim myInsert As Variant
Set myInsert = reportDict.Item(Key)
MsgBox (myInsert)
wkSheet.ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange(2, 1) = reportDict.Item(Key)
j = j + 1
Next Key
wkSheet.Cells(k, j) = wkSheet.Cells(k, 9) / 4
wkSheet.Cells(k, j + 1) = oFile.Name
k = k + 1
' Set reportDict = Nothing
j = 1
l = l + 1
End If
startRow = startRow + 1
Next l
End If
' Exit For
Next oFile
Exit Sub
MsgBox ("Error on: " & Err.Source & " in file " & oFile.Name & ", error is " & Err.Description)
End Sub
Sub DeleteTableRows(ByRef Table As ListObject)
On Error Resume Next
'~~> Clear Header Row `IF` it exists
'~~> Delete all the other rows `IF `they exist
Table.DataBodyRange.Offset(1, 0).Resize(Table.DataBodyRange.Rows.count - 1, _
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Greetings. The above code consolidates a folder of data that's held on excel spreadsheets into one master excel spreadsheet. The goal is to run a macro on Excel Spreadsheet named master on the worksheet named master which opens up other excel workbooks in the folder, takes the information, and puts it into a table in the worksheet "master". After which point, it becomes easy to see the information; so instead of it being held on hundreds of worksheets, the records are held on one worksheet.
The code uses a dictionary (reportDict) to temporarily store the information that is needed from the individual workbooks. The goal then is to take that information and place it in the master table at the bottom row, and then obviously add a new row either after a successful placement or before an attempted placement of data.
The code fails at the following line:
wkSheet.ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange(2, 1) = reportDict.Item(Key)
The failure description is "object or with variable not set" and so the issue is with the reportDict.Item(Key). My guess is that somehow VBA is not recognizing the dictionary item as stable, but I don't know how to correct this. Eventually the goal is to have code which does:
for each key in reportDict
- place the item which is mapped to the key at a unique row,column in the master table
- expand the table to accomodate necessary data
next key
Implicit default member calls are plaguing your code all over.
reportDict.Add Cells(4, startColumn + i), Cells(startRow, startColumn + i)
That's implicitly accessing Range.[_Default] off whatever worksheet is currently the ActiveSheet (did you mean that to be wkSheet.Cells?), to get the Key - since the Key parameter is a String, Range.[_Default] is implicitly coerced into one, and you have a string key. The actual dictionary item at that key though, isn't as lucky.
Here's a MCVE:
Public Sub Test()
Dim d As Dictionary
Set d = New Dictionary
d.Add "A1", Cells(1, 1)
Debug.Print IsObject(d("A1"))
End Sub
This procedure prints True to the debug pane (Ctrl+G): what you're storing in your dictionary isn't a bunch of string values, but a bunch of Range object references.
So when you do this:
Dim myInsert As Variant
Set myInsert = reportDict.Item(Key)
You might as well have declared myInsert As Range, for it is one.
This is where things get interesting:
MsgBox (myInsert)
Nevermind the superfluous parentheses that force-evaluate the object's default member and pass it ByVal to the MsgBox function - here you're implicitly converting Range.[_Default] into a String. That probably works.
So why is this failing then?
wkSheet.ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange(2, 1) = reportDict.Item(Key)
Normally, it wouldn't. VBA would happily do this:
wkSheet.ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange.Cells(2, 1).[_Default] = reportDict.Item(Key).[_Default]
And write the value in the DataBodyRange of the ListObject at the specified location.
I think that's all just red herring. Write explicit code: if you mean to store the Value of a cell, store the Value of a cell. If you mean to assign the Value of a cell, assign the Value of a cell.
I can't replicate error 91 with this setup.
This, however:
DeleteTableRows (ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Master").ListObjects("MasterSheet")) also force-evaluating a ListObject's default member - so DeleteTableRows isn't receiving a ListObject, it's getting a String that contains the name of the object you've just dereferenced... but DeleteTableRows takes a ListObject parameter, so there's no way that code can even get to run FillTableRows - it has to blow up with a type mismatch before DeleteTableRows even gets to enter. In fact, it's a compile-time error.
So this is a rather long answer that doesn't get to the reason for error 91 on that specific line (I can't reproduce it), but highlights a metric ton of serious problems with your code that very likely are related to this error you're getting. Hope it helps.
You need to iterate through the dictionary's Keys collection.
dim k as variant, myInsert As Variant
for each k in reportDict.keys
debug.print reportDict.Item(k)
next k

Read Cell properties in Visio using vb

I am trying to create a VB macro in Visio that can read the data and properties of the shape. So say I have a Rectangle Shpae in Visio with Cells Name, Description, Type, Size.... and so on.
When I try to read the cells and their values I am only getting the first cell and its value.
Here is my code . I would appreciate some help here.
Sub Testing()
Dim excelObj As Object
Dim excelFile As String
Dim sheetName As String
' Dim excelBook As Excel.Workbook
' Set excelFile = "C:\Users\hbhasin\Documents\test.xls"
'Set sheetName = "New Sheet name"
Set excelObj = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Dim pagObj As Visio.Page
Dim shpsObj As Visio.shapes
Dim shapes As Visio.shapes
Dim shpObj As Visio.Shape
Dim CellObj As Visio.Cell
Dim Storage() As String
Dim iShapeCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Set pagObj = ActivePage
Set shpsObj = pagObj.shapes
iShapeCount = shpsObj.Count
Debug.Print iShapeCount
ReDim Storage(8, iShapeCount - 1)
For i = 1 To iShapeCount - 1
Set shpObj = shpsObj(i)
Storage(1, i - 1) = shpObj.Name
If shpObj.CellExists("Prop.Name", visExistsLocally) Then
Set CellObj = shpObj.CellsU("Prop.Name")
Storage(2, i - 1) = CellObj.ResultStr("")
End If
If shpObj.CellExists("Prop.Description", visExistsLocally) Then
Debug.Print "Test the IF statement"
Set CellObj = shpObj.CellsU("Prop.Description")
Storage(3, i - 1) = CellObj.ResultStr("")
End If
For i = 0 To iShapeCount - 1
Debug.Print "Name- " & Storage(0, i)
Debug.Print "Description-" & Storage(1, i)
End Sub
In fact, I have put a debug statement within the second if clause and that does not execute which tells me the compiler is not even seeing the second cell or any cell after.
If you're not getting the Description Shape Data it maybe that it's not local, but inherited from its master. Here's a slight modification of your code (with the Excel part removed as I don't think it's relevant here):
Sub Testing()
Dim shpsObj As Visio.shapes
Set shpsObj = ActivePage.shapes
Dim iShapeCount As Integer
iShapeCount = shpsObj.Count
'Assumes you want an array of shape data
Dim Storage() As String
ReDim Storage(iShapeCount - 1, 2)
'Visio shapes are 1 based so use full count
Dim i As Integer
Dim shpObj As Visio.Shape
For i = 1 To iShapeCount
Set shpObj = shpsObj(i)
Storage(i - 1, 0) = shpObj.Name 'Do you want NameU?
'Assumes you don't care whether the cell is local or inherited
If shpObj.CellExistsU("Prop.Name", visExistsAnywhere) Then
Storage(i - 1, 1) = shpObj.CellsU("Prop.Name").ResultStr("")
End If
If shpObj.CellExistsU("Prop.Description", visExistsAnywhere) Then
Storage(i - 1, 2) = shpObj.CellsU("Prop.Description").ResultStr("")
End If
Dim j As Long
For j = LBound(Storage, 1) To UBound(Storage, 1)
Debug.Print "Shape Name- " & Storage(j, 0)
Debug.Print " Prop.Name- " & Storage(j, 1)
Debug.Print " Prop.Description- " & Storage(j, 2)
Next j
End Sub
If you're just running through all the shapes on the page, then you might want to look at For Each shp In shapes as an alternative. Check out this page for more details:
Also, you might want to try look at the CreateSelection page method to narrow down your target shapes if you're dealing with a large number

VBA: excel is closing, no error generated

I have a macro which I run on many file. The goal is to define a source and copy the value inside my file. It works fine for 30 source files but I recently have one that makes my excel crash, no error message nothing.
Here the code:
'dimensioning of the variables
'range and workbook
Dim Target_Area As Range
Dim Account_Number, Account_Description, Debit, Credit As Range
Dim General_Balance As Workbook
Dim Transform_file As Workbook
Dim Source_Range As Range
'technical var
Dim LastCell As Range
Dim LastCellNumber As Long
Dim Array_Position As Integer
Dim Worksheet_general_balance As Long
Dim Links As Variant
Dim address As String
'var used to adapt to the different trial balance
Dim startline, account_column, description_column, debit_column, credit_column As Integer
Dim column_to_test As String
Dim Target_Column(0 To 3) As Integer
'setting the variables
address = "blabla"
startline = 5
account_column = 1
description_column = 2
debit_column = 3
credit_column = 4
column_to_test = "A"
Target_Column(0) = 1
Target_Column(1) = 4
Target_Column(2) = 5
Target_Column(3) = 6
Worksheet_general_balance = 1
Set Transform_file = ActiveWorkbook
Set General_Balance = Workbooks.Open(address)
With General_Balance.Worksheets(Worksheet_general_balance)
Set LastCell = .Cells(.Rows.Count, column_to_test).End(xlUp)
LastCellNumber = LastCell.Row
End With
MsgBox "General TB sheet name: " & General_Balance.Worksheets(Worksheet_general_balance).Name
'3. save the required range from the source file
Set Account_Number = General_Balance.Worksheets(Worksheet_general_balance).Range(Cells(startline, account_column), Cells(LastCellNumber, account_column))
Set Account_Description = General_Balance.Worksheets(Worksheet_general_balance).Range(Cells(startline, description_column), Cells(LastCellNumber, description_column))
Set Debit = General_Balance.Worksheets(Worksheet_general_balance).Range(Cells(startline, debit_column), Cells(LastCellNumber, debit_column))
Set Credit = General_Balance.Worksheets(Worksheet_general_balance).Range(Cells(startline, credit_column), Cells(LastCellNumber, credit_column))
'copying the value to the file
Transform_file.Worksheets("general balance").Range(Cells(6, Target_Column(0)), Cells(LastCellNumber - startline + 6, Target_Column(0))).Value = Account_Number.Value
Transform_file.Worksheets("general balance").Range(Cells(6, Target_Column(1)), Cells(LastCellNumber - startline + 6, Target_Column(1))).Value = Account_Description.Value
'up to this point, everything works well
Transform_file.Worksheets("general balance").Range(Cells(6, Target_Column(2)), Cells(LastCellNumber - startline + 6, Target_Column(2))).Value = Debit.Value
Transform_file.Worksheets("general balance").Range(Cells(6, Target_Column(3)), Cells(LastCellNumber - startline + 6, Target_Column(3))).Value = Credit.Value
If I replace the range name Debit or Credit by Account_Number for example, the macro will finish, so i guess it's not about the destination.
I tried to put this code:
For Each cell In Debit.Cells
MsgBox cell.Value
Next cell
Before the problematic lines, and it goes through all the cells without any problems.
I can't find any reason why it's not working... any idea ?
First I think you should add some On Error to your code, including a
MsgBox Err.Description,,Err.Number.
My first guess is that you are trying to write to an already open/locked file.
Sub test()
On Error GoTo Hell
'Do lots of things
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error " & Err.Number
Resume Adios
End Sub
With the above sample, when you get the message box, press Ctrl+Break, move the yellow dot from the resume Adios to the Resume line, then press F8. Now you are on the line that caused the error.
Another way is to start your Sub in debug mode, and press F8 until it crashes (and remember where that was !).

copy paste from one file to several files

I would like to copy some cells from one file to several files. In order to do so,the macro will copy the range and open the several files in order to paste the values. I perform a loop in order to open each of the destination files (the begin of the name of each of the ouput file is the same but the extension differs from file to file : it is based on a range of cells called Name). The concatenation doesn't work well.
Thank you so much for your help!!
Sub update()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim wkbkorigin As Workbook
Dim wkbkdestination As Workbook
Dim originsheet As Worksheet
Dim destsheet As Worksheet
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim nrow As Integer
Dim ncol As Integer
Dim Pathref As String
Dim Name As String
nrow = Range("names").Rows.Count
ncol = Range("Range").Columns.Count
'this is the path to the different files, the begin is the same but the extension will be added in the loop (the extentsion is based on the value in the range Name
Pathref = Range("Pathref").Value & "[yasmine_nouri]"
For i = 1 To nrow
Name = Range("Names").Cells(i, 1).Value
Set wkbkorigin = ActiveWorkbook
'here i set my destination file, the begin is the same but the extension is based on the value in the range Name : this concatenation doesn't work.
Set wkbkdestination = Workbooks.Open([& Pathref & Name & ".xlsb"])
Set originsheet = wkbkorigin.Worksheets("Completed_DS")
Set destsheet = wkbkdestination.Worksheets("sheet1")
wkbkdestination.Close SaveChanges:=True
Next i
End Sub
As follows up from comments, OP should change
Pathref = Range("Pathref").Value & "[yasmine_nouri]"
Set wkbkdestination = Workbooks.Open([& Pathref & Name & ".xlsb"])
Pathref = Range("Pathref").Value & "yasmine_nouri"
Set wkbkdestination = Workbooks.Open(Pathref & Name & ".xlsb")

How to copy data from another workbook (excel)?

I already have a macro that creates sheets and some other stuff. After a sheet has been created do I want to call another macro that copies data from a second excel (its open) to first and active excel file.
First I want to copy to headers, but I cant get that to work - keep getting errors.
Sub CopyData(sheetName as String)
Dim File as String, SheetData as String
File = "my file.xls"
SheetData = "name of sheet where data is"
# Copy headers to sheetName in main file
Workbooks(File).Worksheets(SheetData).Range("A1").Select # fails here: Method Select for class Range failed
Workbooks(File).Worksheets(SheetData).Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
Workbooks(File).Worksheets(SheetData).Selection.Copy ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sheetName).Cells(1, 1)
End Sub
What is wrong ?
I really want to avoid having to make "my file.xls" active.
Edit: I had to give it up and copy the SheetData to target file as a new sheet, before it could work.
Find and select multiple rows
Two years later (Found this on Google, so for anyone else)... As has been mentioned above, you don't need to select anything. These three lines:
Workbooks(File).Worksheets(SheetData).Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
Workbooks(File).Worksheets(SheetData).Selection.Copy ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sheetName).Cells(1, 1)
Can be replaced with
Workbooks(File).Worksheets(SheetData).Range(Workbooks(File).Worksheets(SheetData). _
Range("A1"), Workbooks(File).Worksheets(SheetData).Range("A1").End(xlToRight)).Copy _
Destination:=ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sheetName).Cells(1, 1)
This should get around the select error.
Best practice is to open the source file (with a false visible status if you don't want to be bother) read your data and then we close it.
A working and clean code is avalaible on the link below :
Would you be happy to make "my file.xls" active if it didn't affect the screen? Turning off screen updating is the way to achieve this, it also has performance improvements (significant if you are doing looping while switching around worksheets / workbooks).
The command to do this is:
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Don't forget to turn it back to True when your macros is finished.
I don't think you need to select anything at all. I opened two blank workbooks Book1 and Book2, put the value "A" in Range("A1") of Sheet1 in Book2, and submitted the following code in the immediate window -
Workbooks(2).Worksheets(1).Range("A1").Copy Workbooks(1).Worksheets(1).Range("A1")
The Range("A1") in Sheet1 of Book1 now contains "A".
Also, given the fact that in your code you are trying to copy from the ActiveWorkbook to "myfile.xls", the order seems to be reversed as the Copy method should be applied to a range in the ActiveWorkbook, and the destination (argument to the Copy function) should be the appropriate range in "myfile.xls".
I was in need of copying the data from one workbook to another using VBA. The requirement was as mentioned below 1. On pressing an Active X button open the dialogue to select the file from which the data needs to be copied. 2. On clicking OK the value should get copied from a cell / range to currently working workbook.
I did not want to use the open function because it opens the workbook which will be annoying
Below is the code that I wrote in the VBA. Any improvement or new alternative is welcome.
Code: Here I am copying the A1:C4 content from a workbook to the A1:C4 of current workbook
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim BackUp As String
Dim cellCollection As New Collection
Dim strSourceSheetName As String
Dim strDestinationSheetName As String
strSourceSheetName = "Sheet1" 'Mention the Source Sheet Name of Source Workbook
strDestinationSheetName = "Sheet2" 'Mention the Destination Sheet Name of Destination Workbook
Set cellCollection = GetCellsFromRange("A1:C4") 'Mention the Range you want to copy data from Source Workbook
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
.AllowMultiSelect = False
'.Filters.Add "Macro Enabled Xl", "*.xlsm;", 1
For intWorkBookCount = 1 To .SelectedItems.Count
Dim strWorkBookName As String
strWorkBookName = .SelectedItems(intWorkBookCount)
For cellCount = 1 To cellCollection.Count
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
BackUp = Sheets(strDestinationSheetName).Range(cellCollection.Item(cellCount))
Sheets(strDestinationSheetName).Range(cellCollection.Item(cellCount)) = GetData(strWorkBookName, strSourceSheetName, cellCollection.Item(cellCount))
Dim strTempValue As String
strTempValue = Sheets(strDestinationSheetName).Range(cellCollection.Item(cellCount)).Value
If (strTempValue = "0") Then
strTempValue = BackUp
End If
Sheets(strDestinationSheetName).Range(cellCollection.Item(cellCount)) = strTempValue
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
Sheets(strDestinationSheetName).Range(cellCollection.Item(cellCount)) = BackUp
Exit For
End If
Next cellCount
Next intWorkBookCount
End With
End Sub
Function GetCellsFromRange(RangeInScope As String) As Collection
Dim startCell As String
Dim endCell As String
Dim intStartColumn As Integer
Dim intEndColumn As Integer
Dim intStartRow As Integer
Dim intEndRow As Integer
Dim coll As New Collection
startCell = Left(RangeInScope, InStr(RangeInScope, ":") - 1)
endCell = Right(RangeInScope, Len(RangeInScope) - InStr(RangeInScope, ":"))
intStartColumn = Range(startCell).Column
intEndColumn = Range(endCell).Column
intStartRow = Range(startCell).Row
intEndRow = Range(endCell).Row
For lngColumnCount = intStartColumn To intEndColumn
For lngRowCount = intStartRow To intEndRow
coll.Add (Cells(lngRowCount, lngColumnCount).Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False))
Next lngRowCount
Next lngColumnCount
Set GetCellsFromRange = coll
End Function
Function GetData(FileFullPath As String, SheetName As String, CellInScope As String) As String
Dim Path As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim strFinalValue As String
Dim doesSheetExist As Boolean
Path = FileFullPath
Path = StrReverse(Path)
FileName = StrReverse(Left(Path, InStr(Path, "\") - 1))
Path = StrReverse(Right(Path, Len(Path) - InStr(Path, "\") + 1))
strFinalValue = "='" & Path & "[" & FileName & "]" & SheetName & "'!" & CellInScope
GetData = strFinalValue
End Function