Sapui5 horizontal line - line

is there any alternative to the depricated"HorizontalDivider" in SAPUI5? Since Sap doesn´t mention any alternative, I ran over something like "" Element that draws a Horizontal line?

It is better that you use a toolbar element as it has the bottom border. When you use the html hr tag, it does not respect the theme color while the toolbar use the theme color and also its spacing policy.
<sap.m.Toolbar width="100%" height="1px"/>
It the following picture you can see what is the result of using a toolbar with 1px height.
And in the following picture the result of using html hr tag.
Or you can use any boxing elements of the UI5 and just play with its class. For example you can assign the class sapMTBStandard to your element to make a bottom border with suitable color in your theme.

Make sure you add xmlns:html="" library


How to increase the area of ​touch?

I want the touch area to be off the edge without padding. All the icons in the header. How can I do this?
I tried to add an indentation style for the icon. But it does not look beautiful. And yet there is an area without touch.
Look at here
You can increase the touchable area by using 'hitSlop', See document here

CSS to slide and squish text up?

I'm wondering if CSS alone can perform the following effect or if I need javascript? Here's a video demo of what I mean
Notice how the text slides up and has as "squish effect"? The line items at the top change from a big line-height to a small line-height faster than the lines at the bottom. Can this effect be achieved by CSS alone? Or do I need javascript or a javascript plugin?
I tried to view the source code for the demo in the video, but I couldn't identify what's causing this effect.
Anyone have ideas?
I did achieve the squishing effect via CSS only by setting a different transition-delay: for each element.

Filling in Hollow Area Only for Bootstrap Glyphicon

I'm using Bootstrap glyphicons for a web app and love the flexibility of being able to leverage them as fonts, since that's what they are, not graphics. However, I'm running into a challenge with the glyphicon-remove-sign icon, which has a colored circle surrounding an otherwise empty "x". I like the default look of the black surrounding the "x" and want to use it to close a rounded-cornered iframe. But, because that "x" is empty, it displays whatever is behind it:
Ideally, I'd want to have that hollow "x" be a different color like white, easy enough to do with background colors, except that creates a box around the otherwise vectored font and looks unsightly for my usage, which has multiple colors to contend with behind the icon:
The question is: is there a way to just fill in the empty space inside the hollow area of this glyphicon without this kludgy-looking box? I looked at using a clip-path with the background color, but that won't work with IE. I welcome any recommendations anyone may have for a fix here -- thanks in advance.
create a wrapper div of the glyphicon, give it border-radius as to imitate the circle streching it and then give that background color

Relative maximum width in XUL

I'm working on a Firefox extension, and am having problems getting relative constraints on the width of elements in the sidebar. For example, I want a description element in the sidebar that will always be as big as the sidebar when the sidebar is resized, and has text wrapping accordingly.
If I put a description in a box with a fixed maximum width, it will wrap correctly, but I can't get relative widths to work correctly using css. If is set the max-width to be 100% in css, it seems to just ignore it and the text will be on a single line and will overflow the sidebar. Any suggestions on how to put relative width constraints on a box in XUL so that text will wrap correctly?
It sounds like setting maximum width isn't what you really want. Have a look at, setting flex attribute would be the right approach to make an element fill all the available space (typically flex="1"). The corresponding CSS property would be -moz-box-flex: 1.

Chameleon site, changing site's color with the color selector

I want to learn how can i design a site which background and images color will be changeable by the user. Colors could change by only one color within 4 colors such as green, blue, white etc. in the sites such as msn, yahoo etc. But, there was no effects like drop shadow or gradient overlay in that images. However, I want to change color of images which applied effects such as drop shadow, gradient overlay. Moreover, with each color. Just like chameleon.
I can put a text link on the right of the top. A color selector like at Photoshop can open, when the user clicked this link. Color selector generates a hex code according to selected color. Color of site changes to color which the user selected.
I changed an image background color which is transparent by using JavaScript DOM. Color of transparent area in the image will be the same with the background color of div tag which contains this image. But, if the image has got effects like shadow, overlay etc., the changing color will be disable.
How can I do it, and which technology will I use, jQuery, Ajax? How I create a site which color could change.How I create a site which color will be changeable by the user.
Just like chameleon...
Hmm, well this might take a while to implement, if you're starting with little knowledge.
My suggestion, to get you started, is to have a javascript which changes the class of the body element according to a selection the user makes. So let's say I visit the page, the <body> tag has no class, and default css is used.
Then I click on the link to make things red. Using javascript, or jquery, give the body the class "red-body".
Have css in your stylesheet which only works for elements which are children of an element with this class.
Go Red
So if you have code like:
#navigation li{color:#000;}
.red-body #navigation li{color: #af000;}
This will make this possible. This means you can do it all with just one stylesheet, which I think is the best way.
There are a number of ways to store the users choice. One of the easiest ways is to set a cookie in their browser. You can do this with javascript, here's the introduction from w3schools: