How to select all columns of a bigquery table - google-bigquery

I have the follow bigquery table:
| links.href | links.rel | dados.dataHora | dados.sequencia |
| | self | 2017-03-16 16:27:10 UTC | 2 |
| | | 2017-03-16 16:35:34 UTC | 1 |
| | | 2017-03-16 19:50:32 UTC | 3 |
and I want select all rows. So, I try the follow query:
SELECT * FROM [my_project:a_import.my_table] LIMIT 100
But, I have a bad (and sad) error:
Error: Cannot output multiple independently repeated fields at the same time. Found links_rel and dados_dataHora
Please, can anybody help me?


Select data from multiple existing tables dynamically

I have tables "T1" in the database that are broken down by month of the form (table_082020, table_092020, table_102020). Each contains several million records.
| id | date | value |
| 1 | 20200816 | abc |
| 2 | 20200817 | xyz |
| id | date | value |
| 1 | 20200901 | cba |
| 2 | 20200901 | zyx |
There is a second table "T2" that stores a reference to the primary key of the first one and actually to the table itself only without the word "table_".
| rec_number | period | field1 | field2 | field3 |
| 777 | 092020 | aaa | bbb | ccc |
| 987 | 102020 | eee | fff | ggg |
| 123456 | 082020 | xxx | yyy | zzz |
There is also a third table "T3", which is the ratio of the period and the table name.
| period | table_name |
| 082020 | table_082020 |
| 092020 | table_092020 |
| 102020 | table_102020 |
Tell me how you can combine 3 tables to get dynamic data for several periods. For example: from 15082020 to 04092020, where the data will be located in different tables, respectively
There really is no good reason for storing data in this format. It makes querying a nightmare.
If you cannot change the data format, then add a view each month that combines the data:
create view t as
select '202010' as YYYYMM, t.*
from table_102020
union all
select '202008' as YYYYMM, t.*
from table_092020
union all
. . .;
For a once-a-month effort, you can spend 10 minutes writing the code and do so with a calendar reminder. Or, better yet, set up a job that uses dynamic SQL to generate the code and run this as a job after the underlying tables are using.
What should you be doing? Well, 5 million rows a months isn't actually that much data. But if you are concerned about it, you can use table partitioning to store the data by month. This can be a little tricky; for instance, the primary key needs to include the partitioning key.

Audit data migration into Oracle

I am having a task to migrate data from another database to Oracle database.
And data from previous database has audit information, i.e. tracking of create/update of records with update_time and update_user. For simplicity, let's assume the previous database I am talking about is an excel file of the following format:
Key | Value | Update_Time | Update_User |
a | 1 | 23/04/2020 | user1 |
b | 2 | 21/04/2020 | user2 |
a | 3 | 20/04/2020 | user1 |
a | 4 | 19/04/2020 | user5 |
a | 5 | 18/04/2020 | user2 |
What is the best practice to move data into Oracle such that user can still query those audit info along with the new audit given that the data is now being saved to a new table in Oracle below? Does Oracle provide any native solution for this? I try Oracle Flashback, but not sure how to include those previous audit, because as I understand, we can only query Flashback for data change from now on. Ideally, I want to store only the latest data table in Oracle like this, as they are the actual active data:
Key | Value | Last_Update_Time | Last_Update_User |
a | 1 | 23/04/2020 | user1 |
b | 2 | 21/04/2020 | user2 |
Let's say user continue edit row with key b on 24/04/2020, then I want to fetch those result for UI display (currently I am using python sqlalchemy to access the db, but a solution with a sql query should be fine for the start)
Key | Value | Update_Time | Update_User |
b | 7 | 24/04/2020 | user2 | ---> this is an update on the new oracle table above
a | 1 | 23/04/2020 | user1 | ---> those rows below I want to somehow load into the oracle without explicitly create a new table for it
b | 2 | 21/04/2020 | user2 |
a | 3 | 20/04/2020 | user1 |
a | 4 | 19/04/2020 | user5 |
a | 5 | 18/04/2020 | user2 |
After the change, the main data table in Oracle should look below
Key | Value | Last_Update_Time | Last_Update_User |
a | 1 | 23/04/2020 | user1 |
b | 7 | 24/04/2020 | user2 |
YOu can use the below select query
SELECT AD.* FROM Audit_table AD,
(SELECT Key,Max(Update_time) Updated_Time,Last_updated_USer
From Audit_table
group by Key,Last_updated_USer)rec
where AD.Key=rec.Key
AND AD.Updated_Time=rec.Updated_Time
AND AD.Last_updated_USer=rec.Last_updated_USer;

How can I find the users that queried a view in Redshift?

Hello everyone and thank you in advanced!
I'm having trouble to find a query to get a list of users that have queried some specifics views.
A example to clarify, if I have a couple of views
user_activity_last_6_months &
I need to know who is querying those 2 views and if posible other statistics. This could be a desired output.
| userid | view_name | queryid | starttime | endtime | query_cpu_time | query_blocks_read | query_execution_time | return_row_count |
| 293 | user_activity_last_6_months | 88723456 | 2018-05-08 13:08:08.727686 | 2018-05-08 13:08:12.423532 | 4 | 1023 | 6 | 435 |
| 345 | user_compliance_last_month | 99347882 | 2018-05-10 00:00:03.049967 | 2018-05-10 00:00:09.177362 | 6 | 345 | 8 | 214 |
| 345 | user_activity_last_6_months | 99347883 | 2018-05-10 12:27:36.637483 | 2018-05-10 12:27:44.502705 | 8 | 14 | 9 | 13 |
| 293 | user_compliance_last_month | 99347884 | 2018-05-10 12:31:00.433556 | 2018-05-10 12:31:30.090183 | 30 | 67 | 35 | 7654 |
I have developed a query to get this info but for tables in the database using system tables and views, but I can't find any clue to get the same results for views.
As I've said, the first 3 columns are mandatory and the others will be nice to have. Plus, any further information is welcome!!
Thank you all!!
If you need that level of auditing for table and view access then I recommend you start by enabling Database Audit Logging for your Redshift cluster. This will generate a number of logs files in S3.
The "User Activity Log" contains the text for all queries run on the cluster, it can then either be loaded back into Redshift or added as a Spectrum table so that the query text can be parsed for table and view names.

SQL query to get most recent row use

select and get or retrieve a date from calendar control in ASP.Net to the table and select time from checkbox to the table.
output :: The most recent date and time is .....
table TEST
Date_From_Calendar | TIME |
15/12/2014 | 09.00-12.00 |
18/12/2014 | 15.00-18.00 |
18/12/2014 | 15.00-18.00 |
19/12/2014 | 15.00-18.00 |
19/12/2014 | 12.00-15.00 |
19/12/2014 | 12.00-15.00 |
19/12/2014 | 12.00-15.00 |
19/12/2014 | 09.00-12.00 |
20/12/2014 | 09.00-12.00 |
24/12/2014 | 09.00-12.00 |
SELECT Date_From_Calendar , MAX(TIME) AS TIME
FROM Table
GROUP BY Date_From_Calendar

Only Some Dates From SQL SELECT Being Set To "0" or "1969-12-31" -- UNIX_TIMESTAMP

So I have been doing pretty well on my project (Link to previous StackOverflow question), and have managed to learn quite a bit, but there is this one problem that has been really dogging me for days and I just can't seem to solve it.
It has to do with using the UNIX_TIMESTAMP call to convert dates in my SQL database to UNIX time-format, but for some reason only one set of dates in my table is giving me issues!
So these are the values I am getting -
#abridged here, see the results from the SELECT statement below to see the rest
#of the fields outputted
| firstVst | nextVst | DOB |
| 1206936000 | 1396238400 | 0 |
| 1313726400 | 1313726400 | 278395200 |
| 1318910400 | 1413604800 | 0 |
| 1319083200 | 1413777600 | 0 |
when I use this SELECT statment -
So my big question is: why in the heck are 3 out of 4 of my DOBs being set to date of 0 (IE 12/31/1969 on my PC)? Why is this not happening in my other fields?
I can see the data quite well using a more simple SELECT statement and the DOB field looks fine...?
#formatting broken to change some variable names etc.
select * FROM people;
| ref | lastName | firstName | DOB | rN | lN | firstVst | disp | repName | nextVst |
| 10001 | BlankA | NameA | 1968-04-15 | 1000000 | 4600000 | 2008-03-31 | Positive | Patrick Smith | 2014-03-31 |
| 10002 | BlankB | NameB | 1978-10-28 | 1000001 | 4600001 | 2011-08-19 | Positive | Patrick Smith | 2011-08-19 |
| 10003 | BlankC | NameC | 1941-06-08 | 1000002 | 4600002 | 2011-10-18 | Positive | Patrick Smith | 2014-10-18 |
| 10004 | BlankD | NameD | 1952-08-01 | 1000003 | 4600003 | 2011-10-20 | Positive | Patrick Smith | 2014-10-20 |
It's because those DoB's are from before 12/31/1969, and the UNIX epoch starts then, so anything prior to that would be negative.
From Wikipedia:
Unix time, or POSIX time, is a system for describing instants in time, defined as the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), Thursday, 1 January 1970, not counting leap seconds.
A bit more elaboration: Basically what you're trying to do isn't possible. Depending on what it's for, there may be a different way you can do this, but using UNIX timestamps probably isn't the best idea for dates like that.