Using JWT in Azure AD implicit flow to login to Azure SQL - authentication

I have a SPA that logs users in with AAD and passes the JWT to a Web Api when making HTTP calls. I am trying to use this token that I capture in the Web Api to authenticate to Azure SQL using SqlConnection.AccessToken .
I am constantly getting "Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'".
I registered the app in AAD and am using the app id when requesting the token

This is not doable because a JWT can only have a single Audience. In order for this to work, an additional Audience Id would be required for Azure SQL.


Client Credentials grant with Keycloak as an identity broker for Azure AD

I am trying to use client credentials grant for a back-end service using Keycloak as an identity broker for Azure AD. I also need to store access token from external IdP in Keycloak to retrieve group information from MS Graph API. I have this use case working for a confidential client using authorization code flow but I can't get it to work with client credentials grant.
I have created a "confidential" client in Keycloak with "Service Accounts Enabled" enabled. I have a also created an application in Azure AD with client credentials grant enabled and created a external Identity Provider in Keycloak.
I get the access token from Keycloak after authenticating using client_id and client_secret but when I try to retrieve external IdP access token from Keycloak endpoint, I get an error message that says, "User [GUID] is not associated with identity provider". I'd appreciate any suggestions or feedback.
Thank you Sventorben Posting your suggestions as answer to help other community members.
Though is grant on client credential from both side Azure AD and Keycloak it is not possible to store the access token from Azure AD in Keycloak and later retrieve it from Keycloak to make requests to Graph API.
The client credentials grant type is used by clients to obtain an access token. This is totally outside of the context of a user. Keycloak will not forward or redirect requests to AD in this case. Hence, there will never be an AD token. If you need client credentials grant issuing a token from AD, you will need to make the request to AD directly.
From the below document it seems Keyclock is broker it should never send the original access token which is receive from Azure AD to access the Graph API. Only you can read the token using enable StoredTokens Readable switch.

Xamarin forms with Azure AD B2C getting 401 Unauthorized while calling web api

i have implemented Azure B2C Attentication in Xamarin using Microsoft.Identity.Client nuget package.
after successful login it returning me a Id_Token and if I use this Id token to fetch the web api then the unAuthorid 401 error.Im using this scope
You need to create two applications in the Azure AD B2C portal, one representing the client application and the other representing the api application, then use the user to log in to the client application, and use the client application to access the api application.
First, you need to expose the api of the api application:
Next, go to the client application, add the scope exposed by the api application to the client application (you can find your exposed api permissions in My APIs), so that the client can access the api, and then grant the admin consent for the permission.
Finally, I use the ROPC user flow to obtain the token.
Parse the token:

Need an OAuth2 server that supports "client credentials" grant type

I need to get authenticated using OAuth2 client credentials as the grant type. The app would need to call the OAuth2 server with only the client id and client secret, get authenticated and receive an access token back, then the app can use the access token to obtain the application's data. There is no regular user involved and the data belongs to the app. This is the same concept as your application connects to the database with a user name and user password belong to the application. The user uses the application without any knowledge of backend database accesses.
There are so many OAuth2 servers that support "code" grant type such as Google, Facebook, Github, but I have not found anyone that supports client credentials. Google asks me to set a service account, it is not the same as client credentials. Does anyone know an OAuth2 server that I use to test my client credential grant code? Thanks.
Keycloak has support for client credentials as authentication for the token endpoint.

How would an API call another API with oauth2 if both APIs use different identity providers?

In the past, I have had 2 APIs, both secured with Azure AD. The first API would take the access token and request another access token for the second API with the following param: requested_token_use=on_behalf_of
Info source:
However, this is due to both APIs being on Azure AD. Controlled in the same directory.
If the first API was Azure AD and the second was auth0, how would the second API get an access token without the user being able to login to a authorization screen?
In that case you can use Password Grant Flow or Client Credentials Flow.
You can read more about service to service authentication on Microsoft or Google pages.
Does this give you everything you had with on behalf flow? No. With on behalf flow you had token with user's claims for both systems. This way you access service B with service A credentials and if you have fine-grained per user permissions you need to implement logic in service A.

Identity Server3 Authentication for both Mobile and Web Application

I need to implement an authentication mechanism with JWT tokens for an mvc web application and a mobile application as well. Users will be able to register to our database and authenticate by using credentials (from signup) or use facebook single sign on. Both applications will use web API for data exchange with JWT token. I am thinking of using Identity Server 3 for that using Resource Owner Flow and i have some questions on that:
1) User will login from mobile application and will get a jwt token. Mobile application will verify it's validity and will refresh when needed. In order for mobile application to have user always logged in should i store refresh_token on device??? Is it secure?
2) I cannot understand how am i going to handle facebook authentication and get jwt token from identity server. Should i first get users email from facebook profile data and then what???
Thank you
1- You can store refresh token in database( identity server provide a token stor)
also you can use third party library to store tokens in device securely.
2-To use the 3rd party logins you need to do the redirect style to the IdSvr login page. Using resource owner password flow means you miss out on all the features in the token service like SSO, 2fa and federated authentication.