keystone without any database? - keystonejs

after I setup keystone I run it using node keystone. Here I received error that I have to set up a db. I don't wan't any thing like that. I'm going to save all my data in a multi-chain server. how can I instruct that I don't need a data base connection and run node keystone.

KeystoneJS requires MongoDB, it's a prerequisite for creating a Keystone project.
I'm unsure what you mean by "multi-chain server", but it doesn't sound like KeystoneJS is the right tool for you.


When does prisma need a shadowDatabase

when i tried npx prisma migrate, it complained about shadowDatabase not found, what i did was simply initialize a db on my local computer to use it a shadowDb for the database hosted on the internet, my question is, is the shadowDb used only for migrations? or is it used for other things? because when deploying the website on the internet, there wont be a local db on the server thats deployed in.
Thank you.

Keycloak realm/client change management

I am using KeyCloak as my user management tool, and love it.
The data of Keycloak is stored for me on a Postgres database. Over time, more clients are being registered, and other alterations to the realms may be done. My question is: How do I properly keep track of that, and propagate automatically changes between my different environments? For databases, I use liquibase for a purpose like this. I couldn't find anything similar for the Keycloak case.
So, I wanted to ask: How are you folks out there handling this? What am I missing?
It depends on how you're doing the management of those changes. There are generally two approaches:
Using the Keycloak admin console
Using the Keycloak CLI
If you're applying your changes via the admin console, then you can either rely on the database backup or setup a scheduled pipeline in your CI tool to make an export of the Keycloak realm into a file and archive it somewhere.
In case you're using the second approach, then you can have a git repository containing all the Keycloak CLI scripts that you run on your server (e.g. to add a client, to update a realm config, etc.). In that case, you can have them reviewed, versioned and then run as part of an automated pipeline. This will also allow you to run a script on different environments. But of course it comes with a price which is to write a script for every single task that you can typically do in admin console with a couple of clicks.

My Strapi (deployed on Heroku) deletes all it's data, even administrator

Im creating a vue app and Im trying to fetch data from this Strapi api to my VueJs app, but everything on Strapi gets deleted after a few hours. Does anyone have a solution to this?
So everytime Heroku cycles it's Dynos, your data will disappear. That is because Heroku doesn't allow for the file system to have changes made. However, you can use their mLab add on to use MongoDB or host your database on MongoDB Atlas (which is what I use). Then for media, you will need to use an external provider like AWS S3.
Same thing kept happening to me... I had to switch to Mongo DB. You can also use Cloudinary for media

Parse server account key

Installed Parse Server on Digital Ocean, and have been trying to use the CLI to manage cloud code. I've hit a wall, since the CLI tool will not move forward without an account key on (which no longer offers account keys). For example, if I type in "parse new", I get this:
We've changed the way the CLI works. To save time logging in, you should create an account key. Type "parse configure accountkey" to create a new account key. Read more at:
If you actually do that, it responds:
Input your account key or press ENTER to generate a new one. NOTE: on pressing ENTER we'll try to open the url: "" in the default browser:
This leads to a login page. Since I don't have an account on (nor should it be necessary for Parse Server), I'm stuck. If I click on the "I don't have an account" link, it just takes me to the front page.
I find it hard to believe that there's no way to manage/create cloud code on Parse Server. But, it is sure looking that way. Is this just a failure to update the CLI or am I missing something obvious.
Many thanks.
Parse cli is not meant to be used with parse server. At least not currently. Parse server is simply a node module which means that you will have to handle deployment etc yourself. There are many tools that will handle everything that the parse cli did, and much more, from the nodejs community however.
You said that you used digital ocean. You might want to consider heroku, aws or google cloud. Heroku for example has the heroku cli with many of the same features as the parse cli which might save you some time.
You can't use parse cli on parse-server. Parse-server and environment are both different , parse-server is just the node module so deployment can be automated using other tools.
I am using forever to restart my parse-server automatically when a file changes. So you can just copy/paste your files using filezilla and that's it.

Is is possible to do this with Subversion/SVN?

I'm using subversion to develop a website with a designer and I'm using a remote server to the Subversion database storage.
Now I need to make visible on the Apache(same machine that Subversion server) all the changes/commits that we make to the repository.
This is possible to do?
I have searched inside the repository files but nothing looks like the name of the files of the project(PHP Project).
Can someone give me a clue on how can I make visible the changes to the repository in a website? Is there a way to connect the changes that I do the the repository to the website?
Best Regards,
Assuming you can already browse the repository using HTTP, simply add something like Repos Style for a nice layout and folder/file history features.
You could shell out to svnadmin.