Errors on IBM mobilefirst Mobile browser simulator console - ibm-mobilefirst

I created an application using IBM mobilefirst and my application is working fine, but when I look at my console in mobile first browser I find out some errors.How to resolve these errors?


Cannot connect to localhost web page from Bluestacks Android emulator

I'm troubleshooting an issue on our website which I can only reproduce using an Android phone or Android emulator, not using a browser's built-in emulator. On my environment (cloud VM), the only emulator that works is BlueStacks. I am running the website locally from Visual Studio (ASP.NET Core) on port 7086. However, I can't connect to it from the emulator. I have tried connecting to, but I get ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT. The only answers I can find on StackOverflow indicate that this should work, so I'm not sure what else to try. Thanks!

Unable to make calls to MobileFirst Platform server in preview

I'm having problems debugging/previewing my app in any browser with the command mfp app preview. I don't see any network related calls in the debugger in Chrome. CORS is enabled. Its an Ionic 2 app (cordova).
Running the app in the emulator or on a real device works perfectly fine with the same code.
I'm using MobileFirst Platform 8.0 hosted on BlueMix.
For app preview in MobileFirst 8.0 use command
mfpdev app preview
MobileFirst applications can access resources using the WLResourceRequest REST API.
I suggest that you will take a tour of the MobileFirst Resource request from JavaScript in MobileFirst Foundation 8.0.

IBM Worklight 6.0 - Busy indicator remains displayed in AppCenter client

After successfully building the AppCenter client application and launching it in an iOS device, my problem is that when I enter my Worklight Server credentials, the server URL and the port and with or without the applicationcenter context, the loading progress keeps running...
How to solve this issue?
I agree with Idan, first thing to do is to run the application center client on the iOS emulator and look at the device logs. I have seen the loading never ending when the client was not compiled correctly, note that the native folder of the application center client worklight project contains native code (a cordova plugin) that needs to be present in order for the application to run properly. If this is the problem you are facing, the cordova log will tell you that the plugin named '' is missing.

worklight apps not working on after installed device

I am developed sample worklight http adapter. it working fine then i am going to tested for worklight simulator and android simulator it's both are working fine. while i move to install the in that app on android device i am getting error for url connection is failure and connection refuse problem . then i am going customized change the ipaddress and port number on android project for then generate APK file it's working fine. this is right way to develop the application or otherwise any configuration level shall i do this? please any think let me shared information
by default WL studio will inject one of the IPs available on your machine. If you're using WL 5.x you can change worklightServerRootUrl property in application-descriptor.xml
If your on WL 6.x right-click your app and select run->build for remote server

worklight tracking

I still no able to successfully download/install an app thru IBM app center to see what a new app looks like on a mobile device.
2 simple questions :
1) If an app, let's call it myapp, was download/install successfully thru IBM app center, then would myapp simply an independent new app on the device or myapp some how "embedded" in the worklight app center app?
2) If I deployed myapp to a Samsung tablet thru other means, that is not thru IBM app center, then would worklight serve has the knowledge of myadd install in this particular Samsung device?
The application would be independent. You could, for example, uninstall it either through the Application Center mobile client, or via the usual procedure the device OS allows you to.
Assuming the applications has connectOnStartup=true, and you deployed the app to the Worklight Server, the answer would be Yes. (the Application Center is not a substitute to the Worklight Server, you must still deploy it there if you intent for your application to use features such as Worklight Adapters).