How to connect two models - tensorflow

I have model A (autoencoder) which takes as input a batch of images A_in (original images), and outputs a batch of images A_out (reconstructed images). Then I have model B (binary classifier) which takes as input a batch of images B_in, which is a mixture of A_in and A_out.
I want B to distinguish between A_in and A_out, to see if A is doing a good job reconstructing images. B_out is a probability that a given image is A_in.
B trains in parallel with A to classify the two kinds of images. B_loss = (B_out - label). Labels are 0 or 1 (original or reconstructed). When we optimize B_loss we only update B parameters.
I want to train model A so that it optimizes a combined loss function: Combined_Loss = reconstruction error (A_out - A_in) - classification error (B_out - label), so that it tries to reconstruct the images and fool B at the same time. Here I want to only update A parameters (we don't want to help B here).
Now, my question is about constructing that mixture of A_in and A_out, and feeding it to B so that the graphs A and B are connected.
Right now it's like this:
A_out = autoencoder(A_in: orig_images)
B_out = classifier(B_in: numpy(mix(A_in, A_out))
How do I define it like this:
A_out = autoencoder(A_in: orig_images)
B_out = classifier(mix(A_out, A_in))
So that when I train A and B at the same time:[autoencoder_train_op, classifier_train_op], feed_dict=
{A_in: orig_images, B_in: classifier_images, labels: classifier_labels})
I wouldn't need B_in placeholder (the graphs would be connected)?
Here's my Numpy code that constructs classifier_images (mix(A_in, A_out)):
reconstr_images =, feed_dict={A_in: orig_images})
half_and_half_images = np.concatenate((reconstr_images[:batch_size/2], orig_images[batch_size/2:]))
half_and_half_labels = np.zeros(labels.shape)
half_and_half_labels[batch_size/2:] = 1
random_indices = np.random.permutation(batch_size)
classifier_images = half_and_half_images[random_indices]
classifier_labels = half_and_half_labels[random_indices]
How do I convert it into TensorFlow node?

You can connect your models directly. In other words, you don't use placeholder for B's inputs, but use your mixture of A_in and A_out. If you just want to run B, you can still feed your inputs into the tensors that are coming from A. Feeding only placeholders is common, but TensorFlow supports feeding a value into any tensor. If it makes it easier to think about, you can pass the A's outputs through tf.identity so that you have something like a placeholder.
Another approach is what is usually done in GANs (where the generator output is fed into discriminator). You can create two "towers" of operations that share the variables. One tower will be just B and you can feed your inputs into B's placeholders to run just B. Another tower can be B on top of A, which you can use to run/train A and B together. The Bs in these two towers will have the same structure and share variables, but have separate ops. This approach is likely the cleanest and most flexible.


How to see the indices of the split on the data that GridSearchCV used when it made the split?

When using GridSearchCV() to perform a k-fold cross validation analysis on some data is there a way to know which data was used for each split?
For example, assumed the goal is to build a binary classifier of your choosing, named 'model'. There are 100 data points (rows) with 5 features each and an associated 1 or 0 target. 20 of the 100 data points are held out for testing after training and hyperparameter tuning, GridSearchCV will never see those 20 data points. The other 80 data rows are put into the estimator as X and Y, so GridSearchCV will only see 80 rows of data. Various hyper parameters are tuned and laid out in the param_grid variable. For this case the cross validation parameter of cv is assigned a value of 3, as shown:
grid = GridSearchCV(estimator=model, param_grid=param_grid, cv=3) grid_result =, Y)
Is there a way to see which data was used as the training data and as the cross validation data for each fold? Maybe seeing which indices were used for the split?

How to batch an object detection dataset?

I am working on implementing a face detection model on the wider face dataset. I learned it was built into Tensorflow datasets and I am using it.
However, I am facing an issue while batching the data. Since, an Image can have multiple faces, therefore the number of bounding boxes output are different for each Image. For example, an Image with 2 faces will have 2 bounding box, whereas one with 4 will have 4 and so on.
But the problem is, these unequal number of bounding boxes is causing each of the Dataset object tensors to be of different shapes. And in TensorFlow afaik we cannot batch tensors of unequal shapes ( source - Tensorflow Datasets: Make batches with different shaped data). So I am unable to batch the dataset.
So after loading the following code and batching -
ds,info = tfds.load('wider_face', split='train', shuffle_files=True, with_info= True)
ds1 = ds.batch(12)
for step, (x,y,z) in enumerate(ds1) :
I am getting this kind of error on run Link to Error Image
In general any help on how can I batch the Tensorflow object detection datasets will be very helpfull.
It might be a bit late but I thought I should post this anyways. The padded_batch feature ought to do the trick here. It kind of goes around the issue by matching dimension via padding zeros
ds,info = tfds.load('wider_face', split='train', shuffle_files=True, with_info= True)
ds1 = ds.padded_batch(12)
for step, (x,y,z) in enumerate(ds1) :
Another solution would be to process not use batch and process with custom buffers with for loops but that kind of defeats the purpose. Just for posterity I'll add the sample code here as an example of a simple workaround.
ds,info = tfds.load('wider_face', split='train', shuffle_files=True, with_info= True)
batch_size = 12
image_annotations_pair = [x['image'], x['faces']['bbox'] for n, x in enumerate(ds) if n < batch_size]
Then use a train_step modified for this.
For details one may refer to -

After quantisation in neural network, will the output need to be scaled with the inverse of the weight scaling

I'm currently writing a script to quantise a Keras model down to 8 bits. I'm doing a fairly basic linear scaling on the weights, by assuming a normal distribution of weights and biases, and then interpolating all the values within 2 standard deviations of the mean, to the range [-128, 127].
This all works, and I run the model through inference, but my image out is crazy bad. I know there will be a small performance hit, but I'm seeing roughly 10x performance degradation.
My question is, after this scaling of the weights, do I need to do the inverse scaling operation to my output? None of the papers I've been reading seem to mention this, but I'm unsure why else my results would be so bad.
The network is for image demosaicing. It takes in a RAW image, and is meant to output an image with very low noise, and no demosaicing artefacts. My full precision model is very good, with image PSNRs of around 40-43dB, but after quantisation, I'm getting 4-8dB, and incredibly bad looking images.
Code for anyone who's bothered to read it
for i in layer_index:
count = count+1
layer = model.get_layer(index = i);
weights = layer.get_weights();
weights_act = weights[0];
bias_act = weights[1];
std = np.std(weights_act)
if (std > max_std):
max_std = std
mean = np.mean(weights_act)
mean_of_mean = mean_of_mean + mean
mean_of_mean = mean_of_mean / count
max_bound = mean_of_mean + 2*max_std
min_bound = mean_of_mean - 2*max_std
print(max_bound, min_bound)
for i in layer_index:
layer = model.get_layer(index = i);
weights = layer.get_weights();
weights_act = weights[0];
bias_act = weights[1];
weights_shape = weights_act.shape;
bias_shape = bias_act.shape;
new_weights = np.empty(weights_shape, dtype = np.int8)
new_biass = np.empty(bias_shape, dtype = np.int8)
for a in range(weights_shape[0]):
for b in range(weights_shape[1]):
for c in range(weights_shape[2]):
for d in range(weights_shape[3]):
new_weight = (((weights_act[a,b,c,d] - min_bound) * (127 - (-128)) / (max_bound - min_bound)) + (-128))
new_weights[a,b,c,d] = np.int8(new_weight)
#print(new_weights[a,b,c,d], weights_act[a,b,c,d])
for e in range(bias_shape[0]):
new_bias = (((bias_act[e] - min_bound) * (127 - (-128)) / (max_bound - min_bound)) + (-128))
new_biass[e] = np.int8(new_bias)
new_weight_layer = (new_weights, new_biass)
You dont do what you think you are doing, I'll explain.
If you wish to take pre-trained model and quantize it you have to add scales after each operation that involves weights, lets take for example the convolution operation.
As we know convolution operation is linear in my explantion i will ignore the bias for the sake of simplicity (adding him is relatively easy), Let's assume X is our input Y is our output and W is the weights, convolution can be written as:
where '*' represent the convolution operation, what you are basically doing is taking the weights and multiple them by some scalar (lets call it 'a') and shift them by some other scalar (let's call it 'b') so in your model you use W' where: W'= Wa+b
So if we return to the convolution operation we get that in your quantized network you basically do the next operation: Y' = W'*X = (Wa+b)*X
Because convolution is linear we get: Y' = a(W*X) + b*X'
Don't forget that in your network you want to receive Y not Y' at the output of the convolution therefore you must do shift + re scale to get the correct answer.
So after that explanation (which i hope was clear enough) i hope you can understand what is the problem in your network, you do this scale and shift to all of weights and you never compensate for it, I think your confusion is because your read papers that trained models in quantized mode from the beginning and didn't take pretrained model quantized it.
For you problem i think tensorflow graph transform tool might help, take a look at:
If you wish to read more about quantizing pre trained model you can find more information in (for more academic info just go to

TF DATA API: How to produce tensorflow input to object set recognition

Consider this problem: select a random number of samples from a random subject in an image dataset (like ImageNet) as an input element for Tensorflow graph which functions as an object set recognizer. For each batch, each class has a same number of samples to facilitate computation. But a different batch would have a different number of images for one class, i.e. batch_0:num_imgs_per_cls=2; batch_1000:num_imgs_per_cls=3.
If there is existing functionality in Tensorflow, explanation for the whole process from scratch (like from directories of images) will be really appreciated.
There is a very similar answer by #mrry here.
Sampling balanced batches
In face recognition we often use triplet loss (or similar losses) to train the model. The usual way to sample triplets to compute the loss is to create a balanced batch of images where we have for instance 10 different classes (i.e. 10 different people) with 5 images each. This gives a total batch size of 50 in this example.
More generally the problem is to sample num_classes_per_batch (10 in the example) classes, and then sample num_images_per_class (5 in the example) images for each class. The total batch size is:
batch_size = num_classes_per_batch * num_images_per_class
Have one dataset for each class
The easiest way to deal with a lot of different classes (100,000 in MS-Celeb) is to create one dataset for each class.
For instance you can have one tfrecord for each class and create the datasets like this:
# Build one dataset per class.
filenames = ["class_0.tfrecords", "class_1.tfrecords"...]
per_class_datasets = [ for f in filenames]
Sample from the datasets
Now we would like to be able to sample from these datasets. For instance we want the following labels in our batch:
1 1 1 3 3 3 9 9 9 4 4 4
This corresponds to num_classes_per_batch=4 and num_images_per_class=3.
To do this we will need to use features that will be released in r1.9. The function should be called (see here for a discussion on this).
It should look like:
def choose_from_datasets(datasets, selector):
"""Chooses elements with indices from selector among the datasets in `datasets`."""
So we create this selector which will output 1 1 1 3 3 3 9 9 9 4 4 4 and combine it with datasets to obtain our final dataset that will output balanced batches:
def generator(_):
# Sample `num_classes_per_batch` classes for the batch
sampled = tf.random_shuffle(tf.range(num_classes))[:num_classes_per_batch]
# Repeat each element `num_images_per_class` times
batch_labels = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(sampled, -1), [1, num_images_per_class])
return tf.to_int64(tf.reshape(batch_labels, [-1]))
selector =
selector = selector.apply(
dataset =, selector)
# Batch
batch_size = num_classes_per_batch * num_images_per_class
dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size)
You can test this with the nightly TensorFlow build and by using DirectedInterleaveDataset as a workaround:
# The working option right now is
from import DirectedInterleaveDataset
dataset = DirectedInterleaveDataset(selector, datasets)
I also wrote about this workaround here.

Training data in two steps with same accuracy?

I am trying to implement active learning machine(an experiment for a project) algorithm, where I want to train separately, please check my code below.
clf = BernoulliNB()[0:40], y_train[0:40])[40:], y_train[40:])
The above usually done like this
clf = BernoulliNB(), y_train)
Both have different accuracy score. I want to add training data to existing model itself since its computationally expensive - I don't want my model to do one more time computation.
Any way I can ?
You should use partial_fit to train your model in batches.
clf = BernoulliNB()
clf.partial_fit(X_train[0:40], y_train[0:40])
clf.partial_fit(X_train[40:], y_train[40:])
Please check this to know more about the function.
Hope this helps:)
This is called online training or Incremental learning used for large data. Please see this page for strategies.
Essentially, in scikit-learn, you need partial_fit() with all the labels in y known in advance.
partial_fit(X, y, classes=None, sample_weight=None)
classes : array-like, shape = [n_classes] (default=None)
List of all the classes that can possibly appear in the y vector. Must be provided at the first call to partial_fit, can be omitted in subsequent calls.
If you simply do this:
clf.partial_fit(X_train[0:40], y_train[0:40])
clf.partial_fit(X_train[40:], y_train[40:])
Then there is a possibility that that if any class which is not present in the first 40 samples, and comes in next iterations of partial_fit(), then it will throw an error.
So ideally you should be doing this:
# First call
clf.partial_fit(X_train[0:40], y_train[0:40], classes = np.unique(y_train))
# subsequent calls
clf.partial_fit(X_train[40:80], y_train[40:80])
clf.partial_fit(X_train[80:], y_train[80:])
and so on..