Forgot Apache OFBIZ admin password - apache

I've forgotten my password for the apache of biz admin account , I've asked for an email to be sent however I don't know which account is associated with the ofbiz server so I can't view the email which changed the password , does anyone have any tips?

if you can access database, you can make the change directly on the UserLogin table.
Otherwise if you have a remote access to the server, you can use the ant or gradle target - depending of your OFBiz revision - to create another admin acount :
gradlew loadAdminUserLogin -PuserLoginId=myadmin
ant create-admin-user-login

Also a possible solution in such case is to use the (eg) lmtadmin if you have access to it. This is what I do on the demo when someone screws the main admin pwd


Gitlab block user for a mistake in ldap dn for case sensitive diferences

Im trying to conect gitlab with ldap to centralize my authentication.
Im having a problem when i try to log in because gitlab blocks the users.
The base_dn where the users are is ou=People,dc=dominio,dc=com
When i try to log in all works fine until Gitlab make a sync and block the user because on the gitlab database the base_dn is saved in lowcase.
LDAP account "uid=user1,ou=people,dc=dominio,dc=com" does not exist anymore, blocking GitLab user "Usuario" (
Gitlab is able to read all the info from the user in theLDAP and also create the user on the gitlab system(full name, email, etc).
User "Usuario" ( was created
But later block the user and im not able to log in, every time i unblock manually, the gitlab block again.
Here all the process:
User "Usuario" ( was created
(LDAP) saving user from login with admin => false, extern_uid => uid=user1,ou=people,dc=dominio,dc=com
LDAP account "uid=user1,ou=people,dc=dominio,dc=com" does not exist anymore, blocking GitLab user "Usuario" (
When i check in the user profile they show this info:
LDAP uid: uid=user1,ou=people,dc=dominio,dc=com
In the LDAP the real path is:
Some idea how i said to gitlab rescpect the upercase or not be case sensitive?
LDAP itself is case-insensitive, so in queries against LDAP it doesn't matter. GitLab tries to normalize all DNs to lowercase before comparing values on its side since GitLab itself is case-sensitive.
With that in mind, I'm not clear where you're running into problems. It sounds like it's probably a bug if it really is related to the case. It's also possible there's another issue causing the user sync to block your user(s).
If you have clear reproduction steps the best bet is probably to create an issue at Tag the issue with ~ldap and ping me (#dblessing). Happy to try to reproduce.
Finally i found the solution.
the user_filter: i used have some issue, dont support omniauth-ldap's custom filter syntax.
I was using
user_filter: '(&(objectclass=*)(memberof=cn=gitlab,ou=Groups,dc=dominio,dc=com)(uid=%{username}))'
But i change for somnething simple as:
user_filter: '(memberof=cn=infra_gitlab,ou=Groups,dc=dominio,dc=com)'
And start to works...

error 1069 the service did not start due to a logon failure while starting sqlserver service

I have found the answer of this issue;
the answer is to right click on the service / properties and logon tab then you should change the password;
but when I change the password and click apply my password does not work and it changes automatically to old one;
what you think I can do now?
This is the wrong forum to ask this question, but your issue is either you're putting in the wrong password for the service account.
The user account you are using with the service does not have correct SQL permissions.
You should read up on SQL Permissions:
If you tried to update the password the SQL service uses via Windows Services, try instead via SQL Server Configuration Manager. Doing it via Windows Services will not work correctly.
And if you are not 100% sure you are typing the correct password, you may need to update the logon account's password first.

Sonar with ldap plugin does not use LDAP without domain prefix

I'm using sonar 5.6 LTS with LDAP plugin 2.1.0.
The basic LDAP configuation is working fine. Sonar can connect to LDAP (in my case active directory). sonar.log:
Test LDAP connection on ldaps://ldap.mycompany:636: OK
My user mapping is
When I try to login with mycompany\tobi sonar logs:
DEBUG web[o.s.p.l.LdapUsersProvider] Requesting details for user mycompany\tobi
DEBUG web[o.s.p.l.LdapUsersProvider] User mycompany\tobi not found in <default>
This makes sense as sAMAccountName contains the value tobi and not mycompany\tobi. But when using just tobi as login, sonarqube does not connect to LDAP for authentication. I just get "Authentication failed" and the log file contains only
DEBUG web[http] POST /sonar/sessions/login | time=235ms
Any ideas why sonarqube does not always use LDAP? Thanks, Tobi
Thanks to Godin, I've finally found the answer:
The root cause is that I had a local account with the same login credentials before using LDAP. When removing users using the web interface, they are not removed permanently from the database. Instead, they are just deactivated.
I connected to the (postgresql) database and in the users table there were still all old local accounts. So I just changed the login column of all deprecated local accounts with
UPDATE users SET login='username_local' WHERE login='username'
As those accounts are deactivated, they cannot be used to login into sonarqube but should not be removed as some other tables might still have references to them.

Operations error : while querying ldap_search_ext_s in Objective-C

I am using ldap for user authentication as mentioned in this link.
Here I am getting "Operations error" while ldap_search_ext_s call. Can anyone tell me what changes I need to do in order to get the user information from Active Directory.
Note : I don't want to enter the dc name and password while binding. Since machines will be running under normal users account (domain users) which do not have admin credentials in domain.Please let me know how to do binding in this case also.
My machine details :
Mac Lion, 64 Bit.
I am trying to connect to Windows Active Directory.
You need to bind with a valid username and password when connecting to a Windows Active Directory server in most cases.
When you're performing your ldap_simple_bind_s(), the two NULL parameters need to be replaced - the first with the DN of the user that is performing the bind, the second with the password for that DN.
There's more link detail in this answer

how to create workspace in oracle XE

how to create workspace in oracle XE
Try to login at http://localhost:8080/apex/apex_admin , put your credentials there and you will be able to access the web page to create a workspace.
Take into account that the default username is ADMIN, and the password is the one you entered when you installed the software. The system will ask you to change it again.